CZIJAKGVILLE, HC7.111 CAROLINA Ww Blackburn-Harrison Mis Ruby Harrison of Mt. Olive and Kinston and R. T. Blackburn, Jr. of Warsaw were married in a private ceremony held on Friday afternoon, August S, in Kinston. The ceremony, witnessed by close relatives, took place at the Baptist Parsonage with Rev. Howard G. . Daw kin officiating. The couple was unattended. The bride wore a white suit with white accessories and wore an orch d corsage. Mrs. blackburn is tne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison of Mt. Olive. Mr. Blackburn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Blackburn of War saw. He attended the Warsaw Schools and is now part owner and operator of the Service Oil Co. Youth Fellowship Ice Cream Party The Youth Fellowship group led by E. 3. Peterson were entertained at an ice cream party Wednesday night at the church. Games were enjoyed led by Rev. J. M. New bold. Banana ice cream and cookies were served. WSCS Meets A general meeting of the WSof CS was held Monday night at the Methodist church. Mrs. G. P. Prid C n presided. Mrs. S. J. Powell op ened the meeting with prayer. The topic was given by Mrs. Q. J. Sut ton. There were twelve present. RESOLUTION Qn Sunday, July 31, the following resolution was passed jointly by the Elders and Deacons of the War saw Presbyterian Church. A copj of this resolution was given to each member of the congregation at the morning worship service cn Sunday, August 7th.: THAT WHEREAS, on the 19th day of March, 1922, Henry, Street Kornegay, by profession, became a member of the Warsaw Presbyter ian Church, and as such devoted hii time, energy and talents to ihe work of the Church and cause , the Lord; AND WHEREAS, by reason of his splendid and devoted services to the Church and hir. untiring ef forts in performing each and ever; task and rliMy requested or assigned to him, tiie congregation of the church realized that his service was above duty and as a reward of his faithful service, Henry Street. Kornegay was elected by the said congregation of the Warsaw Pres byterian Church on June 21, 1936. a deacon, which said office he held until his death on June 22, 1949; AND WHEREAS, Henry Street Kornegay was always enthusiastic in his work and service for the cause of the Lord, and was ready and willing at all times to give of his talents, energy and substance whenever he was called upon or whenever he thought it was necess ary, and when misfortune by the loss of two children came into his family, he and Mrs, Kornegay, as a fitting memorial to their deceased iogd ones, purchased and gave th Baptismal Fount, which now re poses and is being used near the pulpit of the auditorium; AND WHEREAS, Henry Street Kornegay was a man of high intell ect, successful in business, and ex cellent father and husband, true servant of the Lord, .and, a devoted member, attendant and officer cf oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo I,EADS' ENVELOPES (Coming Self-Seal Envelopes), rFJISRULED J0BS IIAND BILLS TICKETS, WIN DOW .POSTERS, INVOICES, WORK FOSMS, CONTBACTS, cJ?i i. SJPlS: 5CEIPT BOOKS, SALES DOOKS, LEGAL SI??tr?SKPEtt CLIPS' BUBBEB BANDS, PAMPHLETS, , UUUKLGTS, ETC., i , , - . - y . - -" BRING OR MAIL YOUR ORDER ' ; SSlW iLJ Single-Story This nouw Iuk meabedxooini and weU-pla cttvl am to oroviae pitnix w "ri r w. J.JMiail KlVnia Dion Mn. 711. Overall width of tin taw it M feet A efoot lot or a 80-foot cor- sauare feet and th cubic content Sufro square teat, figures use ful in estimating approximate oon- atmiptlnn COlt. Exterior sidewalk; would be ot wood or cinder block, painted white. The architect recommends a root o fire-resistant asphalt ihlngles, offering the owner a i.u. nf colors for enhanc ing the attractiveness of his noma. mi., luring Mim-dlnlns? room tombination forms th nucleus of the home, and tta madoni i ter race is convenient for outdoor living. The kitchen Is readily ac cessible to the utility room and the Warsaw Presbyterian Church and Sunday School, the officers of the Church feel that a resolution be passed in recognition and as a memorial of his fine fellowship and service in the Lord; NOW, THEREFORE, be it re solved that a resolution of respect be passed commending the life of Henry Street Kornegay for his val iant service to the Lord, his untir ing effort for his Church and Sun day School, for his . splendid ser vice as an officer of the Church ar-d in recognition of the fine principles by which he lived, and his great work as a father, husb.ind and friend; Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to hi; widow, a copy be spread upon the records of the Church, and a cop . be filed with the Clerk of the Ses sion. Dona at Warsaw, N. C. this 31st day of July, 1949. (Signed) E. Walker Stevens, Chairman John M. Peirce, Senior M. V. Orr Committee J. M. Newbold, Pastor . J. M. Williams, Clerk of Sessions D. E. Best, chmn Bd of Deacons Mrs. J. F. Strickland entertained her club and additional guests on Thursday afternoon, at a surprise shower honoring Mrs. Edwin Shef field, the home was beautifully decorated. Upon a stroller banked with sweetpeas and fern containing gifts for the honoree was presented to Mrs. Sheffield. Mrs. Charles Sheffield, club high winner, received a blue tea pot. Mis. Ralph Best; Jr. was given a crystal vase for visitor's high and Mrs. nick Kerr a wall plaque for '.raveling. During the came grape juice-pineapple nectar was served. GDooo WE DO Li Lj . i w House Has Plenty of Spaca 1 , - -1 - - 1 I M 1 I 1 6.R. I the garage and contains a built-in breakfast set Cupboard spaoa In the kitchen la abundant A an economy measure, ni basement is eliminated and ra diant heating is provided. How- The hostess served congealed fruit salad, krispy squares and rltz crackers to her guests. Birthday Pv.ight Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. Hopton Smith celebrated his Stli birthday Thursday afternoon with a party on the lawn. The host displayed his gifts brought by the young guests present. White birth day cake with pink and green deco rations holding five candles center ed the table from which ice cream, cake, potato chips, suckers and oranfe juice was served. City Officials Advocate Clean- Mayor W. K. Currie and city offi cials are advocating next week as Clean-lp Week for the town of Warsaw. Residents are urged to co operate by cutting down weeds, de stroying waste paper and cleaning up vacant lots. Any accumulation of trash will be picked up upon - re quest by the c'ty trash truck- War saw has its share of natural beauty but it cannot be fully appreciated for the dense growth of weeds and debris that has accumulated during the summer. Dwellers are asked to set their garbage cans on the street on certain days of each, week and it will be collected on those day In this way garbage can be collected more efficiently by the time gavel in driving in and out of each yeard. A schedule has been provided ai;d is as follows:;.'- -,j:. !:' Monday morning '- Streets -west of Railroad; Monday afternoon -East College and Bay St.; Tuesday -W- . -mm-. . - ... ;. ..f n: rnn J jj L u 'iJ': -if. k - Miuld bo btua it if desired. 4 f U M m avftiiftk man if Mh.G Piank. Hill and Holly Sts. iviniAv - East Chelly. North and Hicks Sts.; Thursday - Pine, Herring and Gum Sts. Rotary Club The Warsaw Rotary Club held its regular meeting Thursday night t tne ballpark when a barbeeue inner was served. Town and coun ty official and many other myWedl guests were 'preatim. . v., son presided. ' Announce Opening Warsaw Schools . L Warsaw Public Schools U1 open Thursday, August 25th . beginning with half day sessions for the first few days as stated by Principal J. P, Harmon. The faculty list is complete with two exceptions one sixth grade teacher and another teacher to be hired, depending upon the number of first graders enrolled. A Libra rian will be employed in the event there are enough teachers to take care of the classes. High School faculty is as fol lows: J. P. Harmon, Math.; H. J. McGee, Hist - Eng.; and basketball coach; Miss Alma Suggs, Science; Mrs. Doris Peeler, Eng. French; Allen Draughan, Math. - Book keeping, football coach; Mrs. Kath leen Snyder, Home Ec.; and Miss Nell Bruchbaus, Piano. - Grammar-School: Mrs. Mary S. Farrior and Miss Helen Brown, 8th; Mrs. Virginia Penny and Mr Es teUe Peirce, 7th; Mrs. Edna Mc Lamb, 6th; Mrs. H. J. McGee, and Mrs. L. Peterson, 8th; Miss Nora Blackmore, and Mrs. Macon Holl Ingsworth, 4th; Mrs. Elizabeth Page and Miss Lenora Womack, 3rd; Miss Nell Bowden and Mrs. Lena Carl ton, 2nd; Miss Maggie Bowden and Mrs.,V. A. Standi, 1st grade, i Mrs. Myrtle Swinson will man age the, lunch room. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Prldgen Tm gaei i (Detal ..- , - - A . -.- Id aatarfasa way s J, et detng thtor tokart to trae here in Nt Cara, the birthplace et VirfinU Dare, Ike rsl white ehlU ben m AsMrka. BzacristMe has awerel tkat aay daaieeratie prlnelale "ef thf ' peeple, ky the feJe, fat tiw eeopla," ie the ta4 si preteeUng an4 pittm- I mm penonal Kb"-'sm ac j t .Z.m. Im tbls ' r--"' " - - -Oe.- ; , y: of Fayetteville announce the birth of a daughter, Frances John, on July 87th in Highsmlth Hospital. Mrs. Prldgen is the former Miss Frances Hair of Fayettelvlle. ,, ' v'.y;' .. ,, X Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bodges of Richmond, Vs., announce the Urth af a son, Charles Christopher HI, on Wednesday. August 3, at Grace Hospital, Richmond. Mrs. is the former Mis Martha Jones, daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. R. 3. Jones. Mr. Hodges was formerly employed at Quinn-McGowen Co. Surprise Dinner On August 7, Mrs. D. L. Whitman of FayetUvUle and Mrs. Cecil West brook of B. F. Grady were honored at a surprise birthday dinner given by their parent Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Herring of Warsaw. . A delicious picnic dinner was spread. Twenty -two members of the family were present to enjoy the tempting birthday cake. The hon oree feceived.nany nice ana use- ' i.. Personals Mrs. C. A. Godbold returned on Saturday from James Walker Hos plUl where she had been a patient for ten days. ; Wilbur Clark, ; Sute Highway Commissioner and Lewis Whitfield, Chief Engineer, both of Fayette ville were luncheon guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs.( G. D. Bennett These executives attended a meet ing of the Board of County Com missioners Monday V afternoon. While in Warsaw they discussed paving possibilities, namely - high way 117 through the Pine St ex tension. . V. . V: - Miss Margery Thomas has re turned from Raleigh where she at tended the wedding of Miss Doro thy Singletary to Mack Perry, Jr. Saturday night Miss Thomas was honorary bridesmaid and was a guest at social events given for the bridal party , The Mineral Springs H. D. Club will have a barbecue chicken sup per Saturday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Silvio Pecora in Bowden, Mrs. Elvin Carter will preside Winfie'd Kornegay has returned from the Goldsboro Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Frederick cf Lexington, Ky. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick, Mrs. R. E. L. Wheeless came Fri- jjarjrisjUBg. hi Roanoke Jtap- rjQg sor some time: i Ser. and Mrs. G. Van Stephens spent Tuesday in Warsaw. Miss Anne Hule student at Pine land, spent the week end at home. Mayor W. E. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prldgen and family at tended the Adams Reunion in Rose bore Sunday. Miss Becky Mullens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mullens has returned from Dr. Sidbury's Baby Hospital and is doing nicely. Miss Maggie Chambers shopped .'n Kinston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Jones and family have returned from Buffalo, N. Y. where they spent the summer. Mrs. Francis Oakes spent Mon day and Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Elizabeth West daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. West has re turned from Gloucester where she spent the summer with her grand mother, Mrs. Laura Fuliord. Mrs. J. P. Sogers and daughter of Smlthfield spent the Week with Mrs. R. C. Prldgen. Miss Joyce Jones is attending a houseparty in Chadbourn. - Mrs. S. A. Jones has returned from visiting her sister Mrs. P. M. Mangum in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mallard left , Tuesday for Raleigh -where they will nuke their home. Miss Peggy Mitchell is attending a houseparty at White Lake, the guest of Miss Joyce Howell of Clin ton, j Mrs. N. A. Mitchell has returned from Wadesboro where sfce spent A newly developed typewriter ribbon permits easy correction ot errors with use of a special liquid made for the purpose. THE AMERICAN WAY . . . c&tt Cz Ctatf Tbfci Mrldiai tu strew the ana. awwr ma aathartty to bring stbeas) she destree enfoteeaMat s? etfM rales aai segulaueaa wnrsirg the sale el Beet; fast ae the Acl y baa set as aimacb liia aaaaa SkouwiniUe ' araoewe roles and rVMons gevewt"f is sie et s-lHy, - , aaa. ie aant. a kea asi rkkg trasspetteMMb :Tt'! Is w'f tm emunpla et s ? t it, a i "a way, 'II --ti -.ltjafa' L tt I i k . mi tiia I t a A aneear Bt aM t ...l. - ; t"' a. a- v;;;.-- I 1 MISS BKOWER LUCILLE DIXON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ever ette J. Dixon of Mount Olive, N, C. whose engagement to Warren David Strickland, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cash For The Charles K Gavin Post No. 127, of the American Legion will as sist all veterans in applying for their National Service Life Insu rance dividends. This Post in the near future will have .the necessary applications which veterans will have to make tp the VA to get their NSH divi dends. Every veteran who held his NSLI policy 90 days or more will have a refund Coming to him. The VA expects to pay out approxima tely $2,800,000,000 in these refund-. Payment per -veteran are expected to average about $175 according to the VA. On this basis North Carol ina's 400,000 veterans will receive $70,000,000 In cash refunds. ; . This Post will do everything it can to locate veterans who are elgi- ble for the NSLI refund and will help every veteran in this lo-nlity to obtain his NSUrfPf und check. See or write" the Commwder, Charles R. Gavin Tost No. 127, I Warsaw, N. C. r for Styk, Vcjr son's at the head,of the class in smart, colorful SPRIjFOOrSO for boys and youths!,KnitJplflt7macle of fine quality, f astloLyarns reinforced toes and v heelsT Fc7gcKdJcictt Worand save - damingrechoose'y6ur son t "school sox wardrobe"fromourjnW'assortmeBt of SPRINCFOOT 1 -i s mmMf&mm M. B. Strickland, Clinton, Route 1, is announced by. her parents. . The wedding will take place September 16, at Bear Marsh Baptist Church. Veterans o it 1....... 1 . . a at akavahaatf I -ft Wear & Icntxy SOX. - , - fat BMWkMfinf vs. . wMswntiy Popular lylt to : .1 Mpn, araytot, fan dot, tottdi dm i fa , ,.y I3al ac, 49t,- 'l Sre, eve ond it n : ; f. ; TIIEi DUPLIES TK3ES , II c I. v v

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