nr.::Ai;3ViLLE, nosth Carolina tii:: LIN TIMES THE DUPLIN TIMES - Published each Friday In Kenansville, N. C. -County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, N. C. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansville, N. C. as second class matter. TELEPHONES Kenansville, 255-6 Warsaw 50-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.60 per year in Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; $3.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; and Advertising; rates furnished on request. i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational. conomic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. Carolina t ' 1J AMOCU Old Family Names Become Extinct In Duplin - Where Are They? By: LINCOLN KAN. Duplin County officials would like to know about their missing men. They discovered a poll tax record dating back to 1786 in their files i recently. I They were digging for research I material for "The Duplin Story", I commemurating the caunty's 200th i birthday. I The records were pol! tax entries of companies who's Captains were Kenan, bowilen, Olilespie. Stalling. Southerlands. Hubbard, Miller, and Whitehuist. Most of those listed are still fa miliar names In Duplin . . . but miny have disappeared. Some of the names are known in adjoining counties like Wayne. Some have clianptd their spelling. For instance, the whereabouts of Cullen Cinnelly's descendants is a mystery. Me had 616 acres of land and mi slaves. Others who's names are missing from the modern tax listings are the Gaylords, Gibbys, Gully, She hai's, Pennington":, Sluckys, Snells, Cannons, Dulaneys, Harps, p.r.d 1 (oldens. Where lid they all go? West9 Monuments Of Desien QUALITY WORKMANSHIP TRUE STONES - FINELY CUT 8ER FRANCIS OAKLEY Phone 375-6 Office Qver Mitchner's Cafe Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINORS (IK l.nWKH PRICKS ON QUALITY SKA K( iS (Next Door to A Pi Roth Wholesale and Retail Your "'';sh or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BARTLETT FREK Phone 230-1 WB 5RESS1NK WARSAW. N. C. DXLTVKB N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot of Wayncsborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C. PHONE IS32 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE M. F.ALLEN JR. General Insurance Kenansville, N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency 'Do you suffer distress frcrn r u u n-n-r r -inn "n tip IVStblts Nervous, 'A I.ighstnin2 FeeSnss? Are vtm troubled fcy'dlstnaa of fe male functional montlily dlsturb- ' wvw . ihmh nni zewt wo vervoui, cranky, reetleee, vimk, a bit moody t eueh time? Then so try Lydla B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve auch aymp. tomal Women by the thousand, reported remarkable beaeflta. Plnkham'a Compound ta what Praters call a uterine eedatlre. It int. a grand eoothlng effect on one 'i wuuwj e mini uiipurcair orfrana Taken reguUmy V Inkham'e Com Hund helpe build up resistance f alnat men d la tree. It'e mo a great imaohlo toatc I Ail drugatoraa, . :( 11 ! I V ta.j3 mn-" 1 . -4 I 7 HI-VAY CHILL WALLACE, N. C. Fried Chicken Southern Style Chops & Steaks A Specialty AT POPULAR PRICES The oldest suspension bridge in the United States will be 100 years old this year. Spanning the Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., the 1010 foot span was opened to traffic in 1849. Todays Pntter- d M i S I 1 ' ll NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministrator and administratrix of the estate of Mrs.' Leona R, Outlaw, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims. against said estate to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, or) or' be fore one year from date of first publication of this notice or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted, to faid estate will please make imme diate settlement. This the 28th day of July, 1049. Herman A. Outlaw, Rt. 2, Seven Springs, N. C., Ad ministrator; Mrs. Lucy O. dmith, KL 4, Klnston, N. C, Administratrix of Tfits. Leona R. Outlaw estate. 9-2-49-Gt. . l A'STHDA' Don't let coughing, wlicealng, recurring at- energy without try! tacks of Broach )ul Autluna ruin sleep and 'lit llENDACO. Which works thru the blood to reach bronchial ftubea and lururs. Usually helna nature oulcklv remove thick nllctty mums. Thus alleviates cougbirlfc and aids freer I reathlng and better sleep. Get MENDACO fro i I'nigKtst. Batls f action or money back euarmitefrd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION JL TAR HKEt WILDLir? SKETCHES iJfJi Coming Seasons Hunt Safelyl; ' SEift ABSTTCTvOF GAME. LAWS FOR EXCEPTIONS L BAG LIMITS OCT. I TO JAN. 2 ( CNUr " NOV. TO JAN. J I si PATTERN 9215 .-? Pattern 9215 comes In sfe i2 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34. 36. 33, 40. 42. Slxe 16 takes 4Vi yards 39 Inch. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (or this pattern to 170 News paper Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St.. New York 11, N. V. Print plainly 8IZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Just out , our Marian Martin Pall and Winter Pattern Hook! Smart, new clothes to sew home. Gift Ideas by the scoim Send Fifteen Cents tor this book. A Free Pattern is printed In )'.'. a new weskit to wear wUh .'Of. tirta n rlresF" Having ;'iis day f.ualiiicd as A ministratrix of the estate of LenarA Branch, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, tuts is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on 01 before te 11th day of June. 1950, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the lfilh day of June, 1949. Lillie Branch. Administratrix of Lcnard Branch estate. Warsaw, N. C. Roote 2. "Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo ajr Mr. M. W Lot Angtlet, Calif, Speed amazing relief from miseries of sunpie pues, wun aoouung rawi Acta to relieve pain, itching inilautlywootht inflamed tissues lubricates dry, i hard ened parts helps prevent cracking, tore. mil reduce swelling. You get real com farting help. Don't suffer needles torture from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Ask yow doctor about it. Suppository form also tubes with per. raicu pue pipe lor ea 'ram VwlmtittiHj fori I pile pipe for easy application. NOTICE OF SIMMONS' BY PUBLICATION In The Superior Coin t NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY l..K, . crtlpi Buyers Like 'Package Cost Of New Home MRS. EDITH SUTTON BEST AND HUSB AND, R. C. BEST VS -. ; HELEN BnOADHURST WELL BROCK, MRS. VINCINT BROAD HURST, BESSIE BROADHURST WHITBHURST AND HUSBAND, OSCAR J. WHITEHURST. KATH ARINE BROADHURST LAGMAY AND HUSBAND, G ASPEN LAG MAY AND MARTINA BROADHURST The defendants, above named will take . notice: That the plaintifis have com menced an action in the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, entitled as above in which they seek to remove from the title to' .their lands, a Cloud upon the same, which lands are described in a certain Deed of Gift, recorded in Book 270 at page 416, Office of the Register of Deeds, of Duplin County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made, and said record is hereby incorporated for a description of said land, and that said action is brought by the plain tiff, Edith Sutton Best, for her to )be declared the owner in fee simple of the lands describedn said deed containing thirty-seve'n and one- eighth acres- (3746) more or less conveyed to her by Deed of John Broadhurst and wife, Helen Broad hurst and recorded in the above record in the office of the Regisfft" of Deeds of Duplin County, said action being predicated upon the plaintiffs i adverse possession., of. said lands and that the said de- ii ii in in i r-: T', ? -,'. a :.' V ; M! & s. N : OCT. 15 TO ; -7 IX' P JAN. "BOAR -OCT. S, ' S f TO JAN. 122 . jS.i.. ' OPOSSUM X RAC- SQUmREU-OCT.,TO V;;: JIJO i "'Sllt- '"ABBIT - NOVrai" fendants above named are hereby renuired to appear at the office f the Cleik ol the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, at Kenansville, N. C. within twenty days after the 10th day of Septen ber, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this act'on or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This the 8th day oi August, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County. Paul B. Edmundson, Atty. for PIMntiff Goldsboro, N. C. f-2-4t. PBE the complaint filed herein or the plaintiff will apply for the relief prayed for in the complaint. This the 12th day of August, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk of General County Court. 9-9-4t. LAW NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX -'NOTICE The General County Court State of Worth Carolina, County of Duplin. NOIIWOOD DTXON VS CHRISTINE HENRY DIXON Tha "packaged mortgage," ta which equipment and appliancei are included in the selling price oi a new nome, is widely appre ciated by home buyers and il helping to keep the sale of housei at record levels, according to American Builder magazine. Advantage of ; the packaged mortgage, American Builder ex plains, is that it enables the buyer to amortize the cost of equipment as well as the cost of the nous itself over a long period of time Less ready cash is needed. - A survey made by the trad magazine shows that 89 percent oi tew houses have built-in kitchen c"!,incts, 35 percent bava gaa oi cl'.etria ranges, 28 percent havt t as or electric refrigerators, II rerrent have automatic dish--.vasher,' 20 percent have garbags c!'.-p is.'d units and 34 percent hav kit -h-ti ventilating fans. ' I'uiidera participating in thl rv y n'd they include Venetian '.lin-'.i in 42 percent of their new ' in" V.f, window shades in 30 per r3!l e'mtea in 27 percent 'ior chimes in 81 percent, clothei . : "t eUir inent In 23 percent iiot water heaters in 92 per ';tul v , ' .:; . DAGEIA3C3G For Quirk eomfortlrif help for Bactartie, Bhaumatls Patau, Getting Op Might, strong cloudy nrlM, lrrltaUng raawgu, Leg Paint, circle under tym, ana swollen ankles, due to non-organla and nonfjitemle Kidney and Bladder trouble, try Cytrex. Quick, complete aatlafactloa or money beck guaranteed, Aak yew drugglat for Crates today. . The defendant, Christine Henry Dixon will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has . been commenced in the General County Court for Duplin County for the pirpnse of obtaining an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, same being con tinuous, next preceding the bring ing of this cause of action.-And that the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court for Du plin, in Kenansville, within twenty days after the 17th day of Septem ber. 1949, and answer or demur to The undersigned having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Leslie Batts, deceased, before the Clerk of Superior Court ef Duplin County, this is to notify all per sons who have claims against said estate to present their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd d.jy of August, 1950, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Alf persons who are In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Nellie B. Batts, Admx. of the estate of Leslie Batts, Magnolia, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Atty. Kenansville, N. C. 9-9-Bt. HEP z payment to the undersigned.: This the 27th day of June, 1;49. Gerald Carr, Administra tor of the estate of Rufus , Carr, deceased, Magnolia, North Carolina. IT. E. Phillips, Attorney 0000000000004 Houses NOTICE OF APMINITTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Rufus Carr, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate AND - APARTMENTS For Rent Warsaw And Kenansville A. J. STRICKLAND V I PHONE 554 WARSAW, N. C. ) oooooooooooo :.'.3S. M. M. THIGPEN ifeulavUIe, N. C Representative For CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW. N. C : Neat Trick To tighten a cane chair seat, turn the chair upside down and place a wet towel on the underside. After half an hour remove the towel, but leave the chair, in; the same' posi tion until the cane is drv. ' : Protein is primarily a body build Ing' materials '3. j. -j,. , , t . By the middle of September tte color parade will be off to a ronr ing start, reaching an over-all color peak" In mid-October. ' A How Shaving's K ' - ' -I CNE-FIECS Telephone Business Office Will Be Closed On Saturdays' Beginning September lllli :.;.. : ,- ' i - BEGINNING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS OFFICE WILL BE -CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. THIS CHANGE . AFTER GIVING HAS BEEN DECIDED UPON FULL ; CONSIDERATION TO CUSTOM GOOD MER SERVICE AND THE WELFARE OF . OUR EMPLOYEES. r OFFICE HOURS WILL BE ,;Vv aI ' ",;'a: ;t -.-V ' '.i:-:--8:30 A; MTO 11:45 A. M. & 1:00 P. M. TO 5:00 P. M. A-i:4 A '-t ' A' ' . i -A '" MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Sr. X f.-t f,. " n.t-.- -' -V0 to t f " Life "Sava my V Mir V. V, ': :: i.' - --:--;.A A. co. 'CaaVaMj for CAS-ITASTStmV '- 1 '