t Sjj Invitations Issued "Mr. and Mrs. Everette J. Dixon r request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Brower Lucille to Mr. Warren David Strickland on Friday, the sixteenth of September nineteen hundred and forty-nine at five-thirty in the afternoon Bear Marsh Baptist Church Mount Olive, North Carolina CARD ENCLOSED: Reception Immediately following the ceremony at the Home of the Bride UDC Enfertians Sam Byrd; Others The James Kenan Chapter UDC enteretined at an informal recep tion Monday nighlft honoring Sam Byrd, director and producer of the "Duplin Story" and his daughter Pat, and officials of the Duplin County Historical Association at the home of Judge and Mrs. B. L. West. The dining table was covered with a Roman cutwork cloth upon which red, white and blue tapers burned, centered with red verbena and dementis surrounded by sou thern smilax, depicting the con federate flag. Mrs. J. W. Farrior presided at the punch bowl The buffet ornamented with whits trail ing arbutus held three U. S. flags. The living room mantle, holding red burning tapers, was centered with U. S. flags and flanked on either side by Confederate flags and magnolia leaves, suggestive of the 1860's. A silver urn holding red and white dahlias graced the living room console. Tunch and assorted cookies were served by Mesdames Stacy Britt, Charlie Reeves and L. S. Whittle. Out of town people present were: Mr. Sam Byrd and his -daughter, Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Alphin, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McGowen, Mes dames Robert Grady, Louise Mitch ell, Norwood Boney, Miss Janet Rich and Flavorful NECTAR TEA Ann Page SALAD DRESSING Ann Page with pk and BEANS Iona PEAS l A&P Natural ASPARAGUS Iona. sliced or halves PEACHES Sunnyfield S.R. FLOUR A&P's Own Veg. Shortening DEXO Marcal PAPER NAPKINS .... - aunnytield iCOIHI FLAKES Golden Maid uncolored MARGARINE 'Armourg Pure - LARD Fresh Grown C71C3AGE Fresh iff w 7- Boney of Kenansvllle; Mesdames W. D. Pollock. George Suggs, and Frances P. Grady, and Henry Grady III of Kinston; and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sawyer of Elizabeth City. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Herring of Warsaw, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Cassie Ruth Herring to Mr. Robert Frank lin Smith. The wedding will take place in the fall. Miss Herring was graduated from Warsaw High School, attended Wake Forest College and is soon to receive her diploma from the Pied mont Hospital School of Nursing in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Franklin Smith of Villa Reca, Ga. He is a recent graduate of Georgia School of Technology and is now employed by the South ern Bell Telephone Co. of Georgia. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller an nounce the birth of a daughter, Anr.e Olivia, on Sunday, August 28. Mrs. Miller is the former Miss Helen Cirbett of Turkey. A & P COFFEE Mild & Mellow 1 lb bag 8 O'clock 42c Rich & Full Bodied 1 lb bag Red Circle 46c Vigorous & Winey 1 lb bag Mar 49c Ibpkg 49c pt. jar qt. jar 25c 45c torn sauce 16 oz can 10c No. 2 can 10c J No. 2 can 40c -f s " No. 2Vi can 25c V 10 lb bag 70c 3 lb can 85c 60 ct pkg ; , 't :li 11c 12c 8 oz. pkg. J. llbpkg." i tb 77c per lb. '.05 l - . ; bunch W - MRS R, T. BLACKBURN, JR. Miss Ruby Ha: risen pf Mount Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. J, W. Harrison bf Mount Olive,' was married to R. T. Blackburn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Black burn of Warsaw, August S In Kin ston. Rotarians Meet The Rotarians held their weekly meeting Thursday evening of last week at Mitcheners Cafe with J. C. Thompson presiding. Visiting Ro tarians from the Clinton club were Teddy Boney, J. B. Stewart and Troy Honeycutt. J. F. Strickland gave a report on activities of Co. M National Guard at Ft. Jackson, John Jenkins, Jr. gave c demon stration of certain types of guns now being used by the Army. Circles Meet Methodist Circle No. 1 met in the home of Mrs. H. R. Hipp on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Hipp giving the devotional. After a sen tence prayer, Mrs. Gordon West gave the program. Circle 2 met with Mrs. Joe Sur- ratt with Mrs. J. C. Thompson pre siding. Mrs. Q. J. Sutton gave the devotional. Circle 3 met with Mrs. Milton West, who also presided. The de votional was given by Mrs. G. P. Pridgcn. The program was gives by Mrs. West. Delicious refreshments were ser ved at each of the above meetings. Baptist The .Ruby Daniels Circle met Monday evening with Mrs. D. J. Brown. The meeting was opened with song followed by pray er. Mrs. Robert Blacktrore taught the mission study. The Katie Murray Circle met with Mrs. George Hopkins. Mrs. Ttaeford Bostic and Mrs. M. B. Las ..iter were joint hostesses Mrs. L. O. Williams presided, Mrs. Doris Peeler taught the study and dls misled the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Ira Ezzell was hostess to the George Rollins Circle Monday afternoon, Mrs. Leonard Herring led the devotional and Mrs. Doris Peeler taught the mission study. te meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Myra Carlton. Delicious refreshments were ser ved at the above meetings. PresDvterian Circle No. 1 met with Misses' Sallie Nell, and Mag gie Bowden. Mrs. John Peirce jsve th uible Study. Miss Nell Bowden gave the program. Circle No. 2 met In the oarlor of the church with Mrs. E. Walker Stevens presiding, The Bible Study was given by Mrs. L. B. Huie. Mrs. David "arllon presented the pro gram, i Cinie 3 met with !rtr . J. C Page with Mrs. Bill Sheffield presiding. M.!.-. John Frederick gave -the JMr ble Study and the program was given by Mrs. Bob Buck. ""V L Refreshments were served at the above meetings. ; . ' RcKcr.:!si Mrs. J. C. Thompson has return ed from spending the summer at Carolina Beach. - "Mlfs Mae Brock shopped, in Goldsboro Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mary Lee Jones shopped in Goldsboro Tues day. "..; :.'V',':r,":,":-;.c-' 4 . .,- Misses Annie Lewis of Clinton and Maggie Lewis of Kinston were guests of Mr..' and Mrs. Robert Lewis for the week end. Mr. L. B. Herring has returned home after visiting a week with his brother In Charlotte. - Miss Sarah Gaylor shopped in Wilmington Tuesday. Clarence Brown of Winston Salem is visiting his mother Mrs. C. J. Brown, Sr. Andrew Boney of Sulfolk, Va was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Mathls. Bill Farrior is visiting at White Lake. ' Mrs. J. W. Farrior spent the week end at White Lake. Mrs. Sam Godwin is a patient j.t James Walker Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Middleton and Jack are visiting in' Beaufort Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stevens spent the week end at their lodge on New River. Mrs. John Best of Jacksonville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gar ner. Mrs. J. P. Newton and Mrs. Gra ham Burnham ow Wilmington vis ited Mrs. W. M. Bower last week. J. D. Page and F. H. Lee attend ed the American Legion National Convention in Philadelphia last week. ' - George Beat is a patient at the Goldsboro Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell Jones visit ed Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Best Monday. James Middleton has returned from James Walker Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jones and daughter.: visited in Raleigh over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Best. Jr., and Mrs. R. H. Best, Sr. attended the funeral of Mr. Simon Citizen In Kinston Sunday. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Best, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kennedy uf No folk were gueMs of Mrs. Lila Kennedy over ie week end. Mrs. C. A. Wpmack returned, on Thursday from -visiting her sister Mrs. Sam Miller In Winston-Salom. Pvt.. and Mrs. H. F. Peirce of Rocky Mt. and Pfc. D. W. Ray, Jr. of Keesler Field, Kan. and Bill Daly of Goldsboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Peicre Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Strickland for the week end. Miss Agness Turnage spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turnage of Snow Hill. Miss Haroldine Katz is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Simon Katz.. Richard Byrd is at home after attending summer school at UNC. Karl' Huie returned on Saturday from Columbus, Ohio where he at tended the Pal Gamma Delta Offi cers Training School. Mrw and Mrs. Lacy Jackson of Dun visited Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Broek on Sunday. tenaals Mr. J. D. Sandlln, with Mes- damed Aubrey Turner, L C. Tur neiik Jr and I ( Turner,. Sr. touted ; U WilUaiiisburg, Va last week and attended the pageri;. The Common Glory".. Thev return ed via Richmond.. -. , Elbert Smith and Aubrey Tur ner of Pink Hill and J. D. Sandlin By Ed MfrffcMt - fx '4: lb.. : A , ' fi . t S of LiV.tfvUIe spent several days at the EJrds Camp at Minnesott Beach last week. Mrs. Walter Holland of Micro, and Mrs." Annie , Bostic and Mr. William BosUo attended the re cent graduation exercises at CTC. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jackson and daughter of HarreUsvllle were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ad- olph Jones and Mrs. Robert Jack- Mrs. Lola Q. Parker was a dinner guest of Mrs. fsiah Vann In Clin ton on Sunday. ; t- Miss . Vena Mae Qulnn has re turned from a visit In western N. C. a'.rs. Hallle Moore of Bowden visited relatives Sunday. Misses Calesta Thigpen, Polly Brown, Rebecca Thomas and Pan sy Edwards left last week for ECTC to become students there. t Mr. Arthur Kennedy and Hallie Albertson made a business trip to Smlthfield Friday night. : MM 2cLeo Miller, who serves on the Submarine GRAMPUS spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Miller. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Norrls spent Sunday in Greenville visiting rela tives. " . .'..-.-. ! Mr. and Mr W. J. Miller, Billy and Miss Rosa Bell Miller shopped in Kinston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith andVf children were recent week end vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil liams at Fountain Town. Mr. and Mri. Clifton Qulnn of Chapel Hill visited relatives dur ing the past holiday week end, Miss Jeanuean Thigpen left on Monday for the Rocky Mt. Sana torium where she will enter the Nurse's School of Training. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll were in Richmond fos several days last week. Mrs. Paul Hunter of Warsaw visited her parents Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Kennedy on Labor Day. CpL Julian D. Smith was at home this week end with his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Julian Smith. Mrs. B. L. Parrlsh of Louisville, Ky. is a guest of Mrs. Stokley Bostic. Magnolia News Week end guests of Mrs. Bessie Rackley were her daughter ' Mrs. J. H. Johnson and three children of Wilmington. Mrs. Mattie Merritt of Wilming ton spent the week end with her daughter Mrs. Hubert Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Johnson and son of New Hope and daughter Mrs. Geo. Merritt and children of Newport News visited Mrs. John son's sisters Misses Lizzie, Cora and Almeta Edwards "Sunday eve. Mr. George Tatum of Rocky Mt. Is visiting his sister Mrs C. C. PcU-rson. Norwood Baker of Charlotte spent the week end with his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Jake Baker. Homer Wilson of Portsmouth, Va. spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson. ' Mr, and Mr. Donnell Ezzell and children of Richmond. Va. are vis iting his mother Mrs. Clyde Ezzell. Mr. and Mr. W. C, Watklns and daughter of Columbia, S. C. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Edwards. . Guest., of Mr.; and Mrs. J. A. Smith Wednesday were Mr.' and Mrs. W. F. Calloway and. son of Clinton. A marriage of interest to us was that of Wesley Woodruff and Hiss Eleanor Fussell. They were re cently married in Rose Hill,. Wes ley and his parents and sister lived here several years before moving to Fayetteville. He Is still in the Army, and they will live in Mem phis, Tenn. Her mother was a na- 0O066OOQ0006OOpAfr. c 'A ? -. '- 3 Vt J'-: ; :; i:::::icry. Dring 11 On, ....it. LiwifLw. DOSTAIL Pity The Poor Postman By TOM r0E8 your dog dislike the post-U-manT Or the cop, milkman or i Well. If na aoesnc you r fnr init khont the most pathetic appeals for help received by dog writers and trainers coma from people whose otherwise well Be haved dogs have taken a violent Slslike to some on Individual, or oerhapa to all men. in uniform. Just why dogs wUl ao often re lent a -anlfomi no ona quite knows. It can ba reasoned tnat u is jok because It la different But If the uniform happens to belong to the cop on your beat It may prodae an unfortunate situation. - . i However. It It happene to ba the milkman who comes In for tfis dog's displeasure, there may not even be the excuse of a uniform. ' About the only cure for the sltna u nm&iiv lias In all round train ing. If it Is Just uniforms that your dog doesn't like, perhaps you can Mr him by wearing unuona few days yonrseu. nowiw, u the. .dislike- la. dtreotea towvras . at v. ma nnlfWkPUl. hla ' dlfulnanlshlnat - characteristic may be that he has a different odor l yo" u"'JZ":L"rfrnln. i. be a failure. But J Tto yr homTlt this. tthThablt of obeying plus tha op toa caeTaWyour only hope wwtunlty tM SatM ! .no for an easy euro to that he may b enemy hot Instead a friendly man a dog lover and willing to take th Uka Mb masterwlll do the Job U tlme and trouble (and risk the seat tlve of Magnolia, Miss Ruth Gavin. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. C. Hunter of Florence, S. C. spent the week end with his father S. B. Hunter. Miss Clara Mae Baker of Wash ington, D. C. spent the week end With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jes se Baker. Mrs. Kate Ezzell, Mesdames Odie Casteen and Nancy Kissner went to Warsaw Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Phillips of Kenansville called on Miss Macy !mr Riindav niShl. Mrs. Robert Quinn and family of Rose Hill spent the week end with her brother Hervy Rodgers. Mrs. J. O. Andrews and daugh ters of Raleigh spent Thursday and Thursday night with their aunt Miss Macy Cox. Miss Melverna Cavenaugh of Ral eieh is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Cavenaugh. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradshaw for the week end were their son OUie and family of Ports mouth, Va. I Mr. Frank McCaffcy and brother Bob of Tuscaloosa, A)a. jpeut the week end, in the home oFIvlr. and Mrs. Claude Powell where Mrs. Frank McCaffey is spending some time with her parents. Their son-in-law Alvah Cox of Portsmouth joined them.' , Born to Rev; and Mrs. J. P. Royall, a son, James Peyton, Aug ust 27., Roseboro Hospital. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and child ren of Washington, D. Ct spent the week end hero at their home. Miss Elizabeth Qulnn of Golds boro spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Jack Weils and brothers. Mrs. Estelle Lucas joined her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sykes and family of furkey and went to Augusta, Ga. to see their son Edgar Jr. who is a pa tient in the VA Hospital. He was injured In an airplane fall in Ger many. The members of the First Free Will Baptist Church have $110.75 on the car for their pastor, Rev. K. D. Brown. It is very probaole that jfiany lrienUs of other churches will want to share the joy and add to the contribution. ,J - f cZain::9-ste::s PLECJTiM , - t i,3 III . r'A FARLEY of his pants) In getting acquainted,! nut fni nnitelv. the case . isn s v hopeless In any event For a, well trained dog can be broken of any thing you catch him doing. ., .- First of an. u youri uu . thoroughly trained to JnsUntane-(1 ous compliance to your pmm. ; work him unUI he is. Teach him -the simple commands come, go,, sit Me down, heel, and particularly "no when he does tha wrong thing but make hfm do them over and over again. Work him on leash, i-lu him whan he does well, and ; correct him when ha does poorly. Hake the tratninr penoa vent tn his every day existence. In a relatively short time, obe- dience will become almost auto matic. Then aeek out your man. Keep tha dog on leash so that yon can correct him instantly and make him go through his familiar routine In tha presence of his "enemy". If ha tries to break away, naa itTtork of tha leash and tha familiar "no".' - Success depends on two tmngs. -First -the thoroughness of tha ad" .vanea . training. Second, the co- Loperation of tha "victim". If anyone i xcitea. tne vwn wuv fsnoat caaaa. The revival to the church closed Wednesday night, and Mr.- Brown filled his regular appointment on Sunday morning and began a revl- val at Red H1U Sunday night Mrs. Cavenaugh preached for him hera Sunday night. " ' Mrs. Harold Martin and baby of Birmingham Ala. are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson. Donald Gaylor left Sunday to enter ECTC. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barden of : Winter Park spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Larmie Heath and brother Frank Barden. Miss Minnie Joyner has returned . from visiting her sisters Mesdames " H. J Weeks and Allen Skipper near Faison. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin and daughter of Fayetteville spent tha r week end with her mother Mrs: Sallie Tucker. .. MAKRIKO Mr. WiU Merritt and Mrs. Lucille Bradshaw were married In Conway? & C. Sunday. They are at home in her home. :. The flrst ell well' west drilled in MSV, ninety years age; Drilling ia ; -till going on even andea the oean; - OoeaatoaaJIy: ana of theaa well. bursta tnte fauna and "top fa smoke -go maeh of the prsflU.. Mac, th . uune thing happens 'saw many ef- f ' my aepbews and taoew allow shelf I money to barn holes la their pooh- i eta. Tear government off era a sale,,-, awe way of holding est to soma el--; that pay cheek. That Is through that ' Payroll Savings FUa for tha pw-M haaa ef V. 8. Savings Bonds. Vv-' - US. frauorr Dtprtmivi ,H1' Sell And Rr .... Ji ft..." t y per 13 4P s t -

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