in: du.. ;,iu Tir.iES miDAY, SEPTLT.ICI?. 33th., 1S49 if lerbins ;rs, Bonnla Thomas entertained C1UU VTBUIUI WHU l" ;es in play. Fall flowers were j d for decoration. Club high it to Mrs. Belton Minshew. Mrs. - rhur Cooke received visitors high i j low score prize was1 given to Mr. E. B. Jones.Travellng. prize tent to Mrk' Yank Smith. Jridgo Hostess l Mrs. Bill1 Sheffield was bostess Thursday afternoon to her club and ideational guests. Club high went Mrs. Ed Hlnes; guest high to ifrs. Joyce Burton while Mrs. J. F. Strickland received low score prize. During the games the hostess jemd cheese apd olive spread with old drinks. At the conclusion she ierved grapefloat with nuts, mints ind cookies, fth'-i p'-'' !'; - 3ible Class l The ' Sallie ' E. Johnstone Bible "Aim met Monday evening at the lome of Mrs. S. J. Powell with Art. J. L. Carr as jolnt-hosteas. tfrs. B. C. Surratt presided. Mrs. i. P. Pridgen led the devotional nd closed with prayer. Mrs. H. R, Ilpp conducted the Bible study. In oral quiz was led by Mrs. B. C. turratt. The hostess served cocoa iut cake and punch. . Among out of town people vlslt ng friends and relatives and at tending the .- pageant were Miss Ranees Archer, Mr. and Mrs. K. C, rhompson, Chapel Rill, Miss Ana- tell Sloan, Garland and Billy Far- lor, guests -of Mrs. J. W. Farrior; 4rY and Mrs. Jlmmie Kitchln and laughter, guests of Mr. and Mrs. i. L. Cavenaugh; Hugh Carlton: ir. and Mrs. Vivian Holllngshed of ayette, guests of Mr. and Mrs. :S. Whittle; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. owelL Bock Hill, S. C, Mr, and Irs. D. B. Powell and grandson N. ;. Strickland, Rocky Mt, Mrs. Mar !aret Peine, Rooky .Mt, Mr. and Irs. Herman Sawyer, Elisabeth llty, guests of the J. A. Powell unlly; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oreen, laltls and Miss Bert IaWy. BvT. Irady, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'enny; Mrs. Nan Burt, Dillon, 8. C. nd Mrs. Eleanor McCalluni, Bol ad, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. :-3'-- tf ' 'r.'-'Y iif ! -A Mr ..t if1-' J.. "i I. i -i'..: Bennett; George Best, Johnny Jen kins; Mrs. Ethel Frazelle and dau ghter, and Mr. and Mrs. James Mld dleton of Wilmington guests of Mrs. Lek Mlddleton; Graham Phillips, Jr., Klnston;,Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomas, Sarecta and Mrs. Blanche Humphrey Abee, Tampa, Fla. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. West; Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Canton John Wright; N. Wilkesboro, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Humphrey. Rev. O. L. Powers of Wallace held services in the Baptist Church Sunday. Rev. Powers and Mr. J. A. Powers also of Wallace were dinner guests at the J. A. Powell home. Mrs. Bessie Eason has returned from touring the mountains. She wss at cpmpanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eason of Weldon. Mrs. Jim Avane of Rocky Mount Visited Mrs. Ralph Honeycutt this week. . . Mrs. Emma Chambers Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sawyer In Elizabeth City. 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell at tended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Otha Perry in Fairmont Monday afternoon. George Bennett, Jr. has been pro mote to the rank of Sergeant. This is his second year at Riverside Mili tary Academy, Gainesville, Ga. Football There a football game Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the ball park between Warsaw and Smlthfleld. Come out 'and support your team. Pie Cake Sale The Sallie E, Johnstone Bible Class will sponsor a cake and pie sale Saturday morning in Packer's store. The proceeds will go to the church. Come early and get your desserts for the weekend. With The Sick Lee Brown has returned home following a tonsllectomy at the Goldsboro Hospital Monday. Mrs. Estol Hudson is recuperat ing from a foot Infection, r Mr. Estol Hudson underwent a minor operation last week In Gar land for an abscessed hip. - Mrs. Wade Carlton, patient at Duke Is reported Improving. Sell Belter In Wilson - Buy Belter 15 V 'y flEHTY OF FL00!t SPACE ALL THIS WEEK :toh -Sell And Return HcmeSsine Day ... Y7 Warsaw Loses To LaGrange 33-19 La Grange defeated Warsaw 33 to 19 Friday at La Grange In an Esst Central Conference football game. Warsaw's end, Gene Holland and La Grange's guard, Lon Daw son and and. Jimmy Hill were out standing In the line. Card Of Thanks Mayor W. E. Currie and Chief of Police Earl Coombs wish to take this opportunity to thank the citi zens of Warsaw for the fine cooper ation shown in dealing with the new garbage disposal system. About 95 per cent of the town cooperated wholeheartedly. By placing garbage containers on the street the col lectors have been able to- do their work more efficiently thus giving them more time to attend to other duties. BTU Picnic The Intermediate Class of the BTU enjoyed a picnic at Boone't Lake Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hollingsworth and Mrs. Oscar Best were chaperones. About 25 attended. "White Cane Sale" Once each year the citizens of this State are given the privilege of sharing in the work of the N. C. State Association for the Blind. This year the "White Cane Sale" was conducted -during the week of Sept. 19-24 from 1 end of the state to the other. In addition the assoc iation conducted its membership drive. During the week the Warsaw Girl Scouts canvassed the town helping the Lions Club who sponsored the drive here. PTA Holds Meet The Warsaw PTA met in the high school auditorium Tuesday night of last week for their first meeting of the school year and enjoyed- good attendance. Principal projects for the year are - Oct. Halloween Carnival; Nov. Armistice booth; Dec. Christmas In Wilson 7 r7 .i'i i Leading the Eastern Belt Averages Average For Entire Sales, All Warehouses Combined For Ending Friday, Sept 23, 1949 r Eastern Belt Average For Same Period Of Time WILSON AVERAGE FOR SEASON THROUGH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1949 Eastern Belt Average For Same Period 01 Time '. u. S. Dept. Of Agriculture Figures Published Sept. 24, 1949 bazaar; Jan. and 'Feb. PTA play; and March, Games Tournament. Committee1 chairmen in all the several different branches of the association were named. Kindergarten A number of little folks, all of pre-school age, entered kfndergard en Monday morning at the home-of Mrs. H. Street Kornegay. She will teach and train her pupils in pre school preparation. The hours are" from nine until, twelve Mondays through Fridays. The curriculum will contain music, art, stories, oral discussions, number work 1 simple form, printing, familiarity with the alphabet and in general supervision of the group in working and playing together. Warsaw is fortunate In having one so capable and well trained to undertake such a school. Besides having had first hand experience in rearing children of her own, Mrs. Kornegay taught in the public schools for five years. She received her training at James Sprunt Insti tute, State Normal and Industrial School and attended summer school at ECTC. Football Drills The Tigers have been hit bard by graduation and by loss of five boys who though still eligible have gone off to other schools. Only 7 letter men returned from last years squad and it is around these that this year's team will be formed. They are Gene Holland, Arnold Jones, Bobby Boone, Charles Hales, linemen, and Vann BosUc, Bobby Porter, and J. B. Merritt, backs. Several newcomers who are ex pected to take up the slack are Jlm mie Dent, Charles Jones, Gerald Jones, Bill Carlton, Jean Thompson, backs; Big Bill Houston, Max Grlce, Milton Smith, Lester Brown, H. E. Register, Floyd Jones, Marion Eng lish, Bobby Ingram, Harold Jones, Fisher Carlton, Joe Kornegay, Rob ert Kornegay, Hugh Mitchell, Eddie Britt, Guy Fulkner, Buster Torrans, Ollie Cooke and Bill Hunter. Coach Draughon is hoping that the entire town and vicinity will turn dut and back their home town boys in their games this year which are scheduled as follows: Sept. 30, Smlthfleld, at home; Oct 7, Selme, home: Oct 18, Clinton; there; Oct. 21, Falson, home,' Oct 28, Jackson ville, there; Nov. 4, Burgaw, there; Nov. 11, Mt Olive, home; and Nov 18, Wallace, there. n World's Leading Bright Leaf SELLING TOBACCO Sales Monday, Sept 26, 1,797,146 Lbs. " ) X for $1,019,314.79 i&.it,i.i . Classified Ads. CLAS8D1KH It 4 I I - Two eeate per worn n.iui-. . barge of Ma. Ualem you t With OS plearr itanipa, mono nrUi with ada. Frm-! M the Times Claaalrtrd .rts tf yea have aiiythlnc t . er exchange, or want t bv we Will eeoept prodticr la aarateatV FOB BECTER PROTECTION INSURE WITH FARM BUREAU MUTITA1 Write or See W. SPICER, KKNANSVH.LE. N. C SEE ME and make appointment to do your auto body and fen der repairs, also replace ymii broken glasses with new Shatter ProQf glass. A. C. HOLLAND KENANS VII.LE. PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOTJ LIVE FROM 'YOUR PCSTOFFICF. HEATER WELL COMPANY, INC RALEIGH. N. C. First 'Class Plumbing ai HEATING. All Work Guaranteed GEORGE P. PRIDGEN, J Phone 226-1 Warsa v, N. f U. S. FIRE LOSSES 1948 SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWH.VF MIL LION DOLLARS MORE Til A ANY YEAR IN HISTORY. PRO TECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH R, W. BLACKMORE Reliable Insurance Service Since Si'ptember, 1902. WARSAW. N. C. SHOES For real comfort and long life - are the Chester-Aires. Heel-to-Toe Cushion Insole, Air Conditioned. Orthopedic Arch Sup port and Heel If desired. Made f nd guaranteed by the Charles Chester Shoe Co., of Brockton, Mass. Those shoes are not sold through stores. Dr. H. V. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. Tobacco Market" HIGHER Week $53.02 Individual Growers Averaging HERFS THE ANSWER, SERGEANT A Red Cross field director loses no time to relaying word I from oineto this air force sergeant, busy at a motor c heck on ' J"0? 2,000 Red Cross field workers are serving the armed forces in this country and overseas. See or ( ontaot Robert E. Hollinu- swoi tl, Kenan ivl'.le, N. C: Anther - teert Silo: r.ian. Phone 9-2-4 1. pd. WANT Tfi M Y FOR CASH two or three fjrn.s rliicci from ownrr. See . or write j DOIS 11. CLIF1 ON, i CLINTON, N. C. 9- :'n st. r FURNITURE Private sale daily, Auction each Saturday at 3 o'clock. J. R. MERCER Furniture Store in Bculavllle. Also Myers Water Pumps. 10- 1 1t. pd. FOR SALE - Good all-round mule; eleven years old. Also good I. H. C. riding cultivator. Will trade fori cattle. 1 E. V. VESTAL, Chinquapin Road, 1 KenansviUe N. C. : FOR RENT: Floor Sanding Equip ment, Sander, Edger and Polisher. FOR SALE: Floor Finishing Ma terials. DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO. KENANSVILLE, N. C. 10-21-4L C SEE ME for your pecan trees and fruit trees before November ISth. W. E. BELANGA, KenansviUe, N. C. 10-21-4t c LOST Girl Scout Badge with word "Thanks" engraved on It, colors red, white and blue at Pageant Tuesaay nlirht Finder nlease return to Mrs. Henry Belk.TvewArgus, Goldsboro or the Duplin Times, KenansviUe. It. pd. SALESMAN WANTED as extra TAT? 8S8.73 AVERAGE $66 - $67 - $68 For Entire Sales helo on Saturdays. Apply A. Brooks 1 Dept. Store, Warsaw. N. C. 10-7-2t o I Church Services For October 2, 1949 Services at Pleasant View 11:00 A. M.; Pink Hill, 7:30 P. M. Sermon Topic: "A Guide Post, or a Stumb ling Block? Just A Minute - If you are an ob scure Christian, is it because you have hidden, or just because your light is dim? N. P. Farrior. Mrs. Maggie Hines Dies At Hallsville Mrs. Maggie Gresham Hines, 57, died Saturday night at her home in the Hallsville community after several months of declining health. Funeral services were conducted from the Hallsville Baptist Church Sunday at 3 p.m. by Rev. L. A. Brown of Beulaville and Rev. N. E. Gresham of Chinquapin. Burial was in the church cemetery. She is survived by her husband, C. M. Hines; four daughters, Mrs. Nathan Murray of Wallace, Mrs. MiHon- Conley and Mrs. Calvin Rouse both of Seven Springs, and Mrs. Walter L. Wade of Beulaville; two sons, I. J. Hines and Charlie Hines, both of Beulaville. . ; Individual Warehouses Averaging $54 To $59 For Entire Sales $mrrs-M r'r,r: '" -s-is v.'Arii:ousES

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