a iu.iuCLE u The following story along with' the page of "Duplin Story" pictures is run again this week because of so many calls for extra copies of last week's Issue. Bt: JAMES II. McKOY Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 23. It was a miracle! I saw a miracie; i felt a miracle coming to life about me. Seated on good board benches, U What was DUt a lew snori weeiu ago a field of corn with the plough- rl rw hnrNv weather worn under foot; I was in the midst of thoua- ' ands of happy, excited people, totm I felt it was not true, it was not possible - for I had journeyed some seventy miles from home to where only a mere eight hundred odd ' people lived. There could not be that many people there. Tneje could not be that great stage ex panding high up a hill before me; there could not be a famous band playing stirring marches; but I was there: for my family was with me, and I saw actually hundreds of people, from miles away, that I had not seen in years - - and 1 was yell ing out to them with excitement and happiness. But that was only the beginning of a miracle in our midst -- for many scenes were to be unfolded before my eyes - - each . wonderful and splendid in its own right, For - - I was In Kenansville, in their quickly erected amphithea tre seeing and hearing the theatri cal masterpiece that Sam Byrd had wrought - "THE DUPLIN STOItY ' - And yet I was at home among those thousands of Strangers, for there were some four thousand of them there last night. Because the names and events were as familiar as though I might be seated in an amphitheatre beside Greenfield Lke. The names were Wilmington names, the place was once a part of New Hanover County, the events were close to things we knew at home - so similar. I felt at home in so many ways in that lovely spot The Duplin Story is no mere page ant, it is a vast production on a tremendous scale -- and it is a success! Sam Byrd wrote this fetory, he directed the production and he superbly played the leading role. But that is not the half of the story for he organized the company, the workers, the actors, the musi cians into a group that knew no obstacle to hinder effort that could keep this from being one of the most outstanding local productions I have ever witnessed. Space would not provide proper credit for the many colorful and interesting scenes of this historical play; or for words about the hundreds of workers behind the scenes both before and during the presentation. It is all good - it is all excellent Of course, there are professional touches, expected from experienced casts and crews, m,r!.':, but they are never noUrr.' .'.r there is en tertalnmer' :.. J interest holding scenes ho t ihat build up more and more anticipation on the part of the audience as to what is coming next. The vivid, the spectacular scene at the Command Post of Colonel James Kenan at Rockfish Creek, is as thrilling and awe inspiring as any similar scene I have ever seen on any stage or in any movie. The sight of the pathetic little band of colonists defending their stand be fore the oncoming might of the British Red Coats is spine tickling. Marvelous sound effects of warfare. that are not only seen, but heard, chill you as you see the red coats come over the top of a far away hill to fight in formation as they drive back the brave colonists, Amid the light of fire from shot and she'.l you glimpse the British flag rise over the crest of a hill to be followed by company after company of soldiers - what a scene What effects - what splendid pro duction! And, there is comedy, it's not all historical events reviewed there is comedy! Good old belly laughs ss foreign to events of this nature. The scenes unfold before you not exactly in time sequence, but according to their entertain ment merit. You'll hear a great choir of excellently' trained voices sing hyrcns and popular tunes you know. You will bow reverently in prayer as their voices rise in glory with their singing of the "Ave Ma ria' 'The Lord's Prayer", You'll want to shout with the large colored choir as they sing their spirituals -especially when a modern note comes with a grand moment of "Yes Indeed". :: ;. . - It Was a miracle a miracle In a cornpatch that you must see Fri day or Saturday night to believe. You'll be proud you live close to people who with so little, can ac complish so much. You'll treasure a fine informative program that shows a vast amount of historical research; you'll want- to see the hundreds of antiques that- are on display in shop windows; you'll .want to see the very buildings that were much of the action in which the story Is depicted, you'll -want a' copy of the forty-two page news paper "The Duplin' Times" you'll wish you could ride the "Shoo-Fly" of the At! in tic Coast Line Railroad as it passes through Duplin County and - you'll want to go back; and and F-t to know the people ; cm i y; vho can work to ,. . ... a r, .. ,-,fi a a.i;ihiLi) PAGEANT STATISTICS Officers of "The Duplin Sto- . ry" have not completed figures ' yet on attendance and moneys ' taken In and spent from the showing of "The Duplin Sto ry". ... ' a A complete report will be riven at a meeting of the Dap- ' tin County Historical Associa tion In the Courthouse here Monday night The report Will be published in next week's ,' . Times. The public Is invited to attend the meeting. - : President Boosts National Business Women's Week National Business Women's ; Week will be celebrated thru- ." out the nation during October 9-15 by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. 155,000 , members of the Federation will observe the week and work together on this year's theme "Boost Your Town - - It Boosts You." This will be the 22nd anniversary of Business Wom en's Week. President Truman in a letter- to Dr. K. Frances Scott, President of the National Federation of Busi ness & Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., pledged his support to that organization's observance of National Business Women's Week October 9-15 - and praised the Na tional Federation's theme "Boost Your Town It Bosts You." Mr. Truman stated, "I am happy to give my wholehearted support to the theme chosen this year by the National Federation of Busi ness & Professional Women's Clubs for its observance of Nation al Business Women's Week. -Dem ocracy, like charity, begins at home and you areemphasizing this fact in stressing good works on the com munity level. "When we speak of the Ameri can way of life, we are summing up the manner in which Americans live in' cities and towns all over this land of ours. To make democ racy work nationally we must make it work In our communities. To raise the living standards of Ameri ca we must raise the living stand ards at the crossroads of America. To assure nation-wide prosperity, we must see to prosperous times for the small farmer, the village milliner, the corner grocer and the neighborhood shop operator. "Because of the present pre eminence of our country in inter national affairs, it is more than ever necessary that our economy remain healthy and prosperous and that our democracy retain its vig or. We need have no fear of losing that world position, with all that it means for lasting peace and wide spread human freedoms,' so long as the informed women of America are prepared to take up the cud gels for our way of life in the com munities of the Nation. The mem bers of your affiliated clubs can be counted on to do their part." National Business Women's Week Is being celebrated for the 22nd year. Its purpose is to pay tribute to the accomplishments of women everywhere in business and the professions. This year mem bers are concentrating their ef forts towards building better com munities. During Oct. 9-15, Na tional Business Women's Week will be observed in every state in the United States as well as Alaska, Hawaii -and Washington, D. C, and all 150,000 members in their 2500 clubs will be working to "Boost Your Town It Boosts You." Sheffield Presides At Rotary Meet The Warsaw Rotary Club met Thursday and in the absence of President E. C. Thompson, Bill Sheffield presided, i Speaker of the day was Charles Baddour of Clinton, who spoke on different phases of Rotary work. Mrs. Glendora Brown was pianist and no visitors were present. A good attendance was had. Graham, Hoey,Carr Barden At Pageant Opening night of the Pageant was marked by the presence of Congressman Graham A. Barden who spoke at Intermission, congra tulatlng the people of Duplin Coun ty on their wonderful work in pro ducing and presenting "The Duplin Story." "As long as the spirit of co operation and harmony as shown here in Duplin prevails in this country, the United States has nothing to fear," he declared. ' Friday night ef the Pageant brought U. S. Senator Frank Gra ham who also spoke at intermiss ion and had this to say: - - , : fl hope the pageant will be given-again next year so thousands more of our people ,can see the Story of Duplin. It is a drvitic rr"' ; .'irplp.'iitrl of. S ern-i HI section of our 1.. .:uiy i i i 1 surrogated the story of Lord Lup plin in Britain, the pioneers in the Carolinas, the patriots of Duplin in the Revolution, in the War Between The States, and in the risen South. We hear the melodies of the Spirit uals of a race on' the way to free dom. We see the iarms with their tobacco, cotton, strawberries, blue berries, corn,, potatoes, cucumbers providing the economic base and hopes of another civilization. We see the" Influence Of history' in churches, -academies,. Institutions, and more modern schools and their contribution toward the fulfillment of those hopes. We are reminded that it is from rural life, that our people and civilization are reward ed from generation to generation. We are envisaging the story of a family which gave heroically in the, wart and; gives generously to day to their state universities, the Kenan foundations and memorial at Chapel Hill and the Kenan Me morial Auditorium for the children of Kenansville and the-people of Duplin County. We salute the Du plin Historical Association , and Sam Byrd . and his associates and the all-out representation of' the people in the following ways and drama of their own lives in the story of Duplin which is an epi tome of the story or America whose faith And power defines in the hope of freedom and peace in the troub led world of today." ; .. s- ?" ' Saturday night attracted pur sen: lor U. S. Senator Clyde R. Hoey( who spoke on world affairs and offered his congratulations to the people of Duplin.1' . 'Monday night brought Judge Leo Carr of Burlington, a native son of ...hn cmnbp and Offered flts pleasant memo. , - when he went swumma ' ft.' f . ' KV Mr - - -'.- IO" j pvf J 1' v- '-' N . , .. P. -Tt---.- "'jL'"- . . ' I j ti f ' ' "f mJ ft Permission Must Be Obtain-- ' ed Before Ay Fire May Be Set During Period From Oct---, ober 1st to November SOta. - V County Warden Ralph Miller '.: ry ik,fiT- wTf-:..-BJ . stated that as & October 1st and until November; SOth,, inclusive, it will be ' necessary for' all' persons burning any brush far first obtain from him or a duly authorized agent a BurningyPermlt to start or cause to be started any fire m Du blin County. ' ----t.. j. . The law reads as follows: It shall Rockfish Creek;:?i.!(Vn'w-. Following the last showing Tues day night the crowd Just swarmed around Sam, Byrd and Corwin Rife. One member of the cast went up to Sam, expressed his pleasure of hav ing had the opportunity, of working with him.- "Mr. Byrd,"f he said, "when the Rose Hill Church scene was actually taking place In 1045, I was on a ship somewhere in the Pacific. When told the news I went into the ship's libraryd-ae1iedT for a book. No book in particular, and what do you think I pulled down? It was "Small Town South" by Sam Byrd. I had never heard of you then and here I am now in your play and 'acting beside you." The crowd gathered around the organ pit to listen to Corwin Rife on his drums and organist Henri etta Richards at the piano tlo sev eral numbers of modern Jitterbug- ging mUSiC. . J fi, f p' ' . By, twelve o'clock the organ and Piano were on their way to Raleigh, the sound equipment was removed and ."The Duplin story, oecame another hlstorical-taliepost in Du plin's march to destiny. I ; : 4 " - 1, . , . : , - - Rediscover Your HomeCounty r . , 1 , 5. ii ' ti -VJ?K f r : '- ' ."' M be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to start or cause to be started any fire or ignite any ma terial in any of the areas of wood lands under the protection of the State Forest Service or, within. 500 feet of any such protected areas between the first day of October and, the SOth day of November, in clusive, or between the first day of February andSthe first day of June, inclusive, in any year, with out first obtaining from the State Forester oTone of his duly author ized agents a permit to set out fire or ignite any material in such above Mentioned protected areas; no char ge shall be made for the granting of said permits. s ' This action shall not apply to any fires started or caused to be started within -500 feet of a dwelling house. Any person, firm or corporation violating this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon convict ion shall be fined not more than.$50 pr; imprisoned? -for- period of not more than 30 days. (Chap. 14-139, Genera Statutes of North Carolina as amended by Chap. 120 of Public Laws, of 1939 Session.) s - j Burning permits can oe obtained from the following issuing agents: C. E. Stephens, Kenansville; Far piers Hd we" Store, Warsaw; H A: Parker Store,!, Bowden; Faison Hdwe. Store, Faison; Grice Store, Calypso; Walter Hlnson Store, Sum merlin -Rds.; John W.' Waters resi dence, ML Olive, RFD; Gerald Al britton, Pink Hill Tower; James Miller Hdwe. Store, Beulaville; Geo. R. Cowan, residence, Beulaville, RFD; Chinquapin Fire Tower; Ed gar English, Wallace, RFD; A. C. Hall Hdwe. Store, Wallace; B. V. s . than - Rediscover Your Freedom OI Choice Starts where -nAAnle liva onfl itrAilr re toye been vast changes this past decade t . hot on: ' ly in the world and nation, but also in our homecounty And more are on the way Read your home county , newsrianer. Tht- Dunlin Timoe wiiU .on J.r. tisme as well as the news freedom of choices that promises you a happier, more h: abundant life, risht here in your home vmdyfm r T--- , T V , fTO' TT pT1t TT " ,t. - For Giving Rcctiii iu y.., !. j .' Every employer la' aware of his duty to keep complete and accurate records for Social Security purpos- in aitf itlnn to this, maintaining proper records for his own report ing; obligations, the employer must also - provide his employees witn statements of their employment chnwinr th amount of wages' Paid to the employee. These statements or receipts must be in writing oui need not be in any special form so long as they are in a form suitable for retention by the employee. The receipt may be given eabji time the wares are oald. or the receipt may cover one or more, but not more than, four calendar quarters." In other words, the worker must be given a receipt at least once a year. If for any reason a worker leave his -employment he must be- given a receipt with his last pay. , : Each statement must show the name of employer, employee's name, the period for which the re ceipt is Issued, thetotal amotuit of wages paid within that period, and the amount of the worker's tax on such wages. If an employer gives receipts more frequently than once a quarter, he can show the date of payment of wages instead of the period covered by the statement In some instances through In correct or incomplete reporting, the worker's record may be Incom plete. The employer's receipt then Byrd, Rose Hill. RFD; Rose HiU Firb Tower; Dallas Jones, RFD, Warsaw. i ' Is it merely an accident that those- ! r' countries that have a free press, also have a free people? Most Americans realize it is more - 1 coincidence. " They have learned that the right of newspapers ' to seek out and vvunoui iear on reprisal ' is inejr omy . - i -.., , . , opportunity to know the facts on which - - they may exercise their freedom of ,T7 , "". TT choice. This is the essence of true Democracy.' f HomeCounty - 'columns tn ilismvov " may .be the evidence heeded to v tablislCbis ware crests. ' Thus, this ivji!mi of Uie bocial Security Act vroviu...! for rece'-ts ' for employees, Is a very t. i Unt ne... Along with other saf. ruards It serves as an added protection for ., the worker, his family, and his sur vivors. .ii5 -viCjfrV-w,'; '-'"' Onslow Slates Throughllaif Twenty-five open deer" hunting days in Hofmann Forest, an 84,000--, acre tract in- Jones- ana pnsiow counties, will, begin with a single day hunt Oct 15, it was announced by Dr. J. Vr Hofmann. director of the N. C. Forestry Fouh Nation, for", whom the forest was named. Other open hunting days will be Oct. 21-22, Oct. 28-29; Nov. 4-5, 1 1-12.' 18-19. 24-26;' Dec: 2-3, 9-10, lfl"-17, 23-24, 30-31 and Jan. 2. . Square Dance; There will be a square dance at the 1'twfHiU High School gymna sium Saturday night Dance soonspr ed by the Pink Hill Veterans of Foreign Wars, Everyone is Invited , to attend. Good Music - Good Fan. 'a i 4 ' r - K publish the truth J - ' " f" ' ' rf 4 : i ' ' lhJ ' : A-

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