THE. DUPLIN TIMES, - Published each Frid. y In .Kenatisvdle ,. C, County Seat f v DUPLIN COUNTY ' " . - : ' 1 Editorial business and printing plan;, Kenansvllle, N. C. J. ROBEliT GRADY. EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansville, N. C. a second class matter. TELEPHONES Kenansvllle. 255-6 Warsaw 50-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun- ties; $3.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; and Advertisinr rates furnished on request i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, wonomlc and agricultural interests of Duplin County. asm. For Accurate Reports Employer's Are Responsible Mr. N. A. Avera, Manager of the Wilmington Field Office of the So cial Security Administration point ed out that every employer is re sponsible for reporting the correct names and Social Security number of his employees under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. In some Instances, employers who take pride in their accuracy of their books and records have been sur prised to learn that the Social Se curity number or name of an em ployee was listed incorrectly on their Social Security tax reports. As a result not only were the em- State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. Some kind of insect is mak ing holes in my lawn and piling up little mounds of dirt. How can I stop this? A. The holes are caused by large white grubs. Immediate kill can be obtained by using either a 5 DDT dust at the rate of 4016 per acre or a 5 chlordan dust used at the same rate. Q. What growing conditions are best for camellias and azaleas .' A. Grow in semi-shade protect ed, from too milch winter winds; and always place plants on well drained locations. State College Hints To I'm Makers To put buttons on so they won't budge, remember to use thread strong enough for the weight of me uuiiun; use iaie ur uiuei ic inforcement underneath the fabric and perhaps most important, is to arrange for a shank of thread which gives room for the buttonhole to slide under the button without pull on the fabric. " Zippers hold best if they are stitched on by machine rather than by hand. Buttonhole stitches hold snaps better than ordinary stitches. Ben Frederick At Transylvania Ben Casey Frederick, son of Mr. D. H. CARLTON INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc TeIephone496 ' ; ' y .'Jarsaw.Ji. C. N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. v , - Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil Brickyard : I ; '- GOLDSBORO N. C t l PHONE 1532 OS 2330 COLLECT : ; ; IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WELL ' P.'CK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND IIQGS FREE OF CHARGE T Ycrs:;? Fish Msrkef CREATORS AND MAINTAINORS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA .FOODS ' ' ' ' ' : tttmr TWum A Lni ' . ' hCanHuw V4 AUOOATKMjn ployer's records inaccurate but his employee's account with the SSA was incomplete. Employers are ur ged to copy the number and name from the Social Security card only. This will insure their employees of complete accounts with the SSA. Every employer of one or more employees engaged In work covered by the SSA is required to submit Social Security Tax reports to the Collector of Internal Revenue four times a year. For further informa tion call or write the Wilmington Field Office of the Social Security Administration. and Mrs. John Frederick of War saw, has enrolled for the full quar ter at Transylvania College, Lex ington, Ky. Mr. Frederick is maj oring in mathematics. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Lucy Williams, deceased, this is to' notify all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to the under signed at Calypso, N. C, on or be fore the 15th day of September, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Hheir recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make payment im mediately to the undersigned. This the 15th day of September, 1949. B. C. Sellars, Administrator, of Lucy Williams, deceased. H. T. Ray, Attorney 10-28-6t. HTR NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In The General County Court State of North Carolina, County of Duplin. MRS MARY ETTA SCHURTMAN VS SYDNEY SCHURTMAN. Notice is hereby given that the above entitled action has been Insti tuted in the General County Court for Duplin County, State of North Carolina against the defendant, wherein the plaintiff seeks to re cover of the defendant an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of Annulment on account of a Bigamous marriage which was void. The defendant is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court in Kenansville, North Carolina on the 15th day of October 1949 and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in said office, on or before the 15th day of Nov ember 1949 or the relief demand ed in said complaint will be gran- J ,( InlOTWxxMl Undom f KEHHf.JLft)KPM ; SCRIPTURE: faalah 1:10-20. Jera llah 7. DEVOTIONAL READING : Psalm S4:t-. ....... . Seven-Day Religion Lessen for October , 1949 EMPLOYERS dln't care-much for letters of recommendation signed by preachers. Not that they think preachers are dishonest. The employer is glad to know where the chap is on Sunday morn ings. But he would rather have a letter - from - a omebody who sees him every Saturday night and Mon day morning. .- BeligioB Won't Keep Sweet by Itself rr IS a temptation as old as 'religion,- to put It on one side of a 4rall and life on the other. But the prophets showed, once and for all, that Goo Has literally no use for religion which has been dissected - off from life. Religion which is kept apart from life turns sour and bad. In Isaiah's time, everybody Vnan tfiera was something, wrong Dr. Foreman with the country. i Isaiah's diagnosis was shocking: Religion is our principal trouble. God is tired of it. What? The pious people would exclaim. Look at the crowds in the Temple every holy dayl Listen to all the prayers, count the number of tithers. If anything is wrong with our country, it can't be religion! But religion it was. Why God Was Tired A CATHOLIC priest would shock everybody should he call Vat ican City "Hell's Half Acre." Isaiah shocked his fellow citizens iby calling Jerusalem "Sodom anp Gomorrah." Those cities were the worst places the Hebrews had ever heard ot They , were, so bad,, the Lord had to destroy 'Iken by fire not 19 good people conld be found there. The prophet fol lows np that first shock by an other. Every single expression , of organized religion comes onder the prophet's lash. Sacrifices and offerings (v.ll), attendance at the sanctuary, ob servance of the Sabbath and other holy days (v. 13), church gather ings, corresponding to our rallies and conventions (v. 13), even prayers (v. 15). Put that Into modern terms: at tendance at church, Bible reading, tithing, praying if. that is all, then all is no good. It may be religion, and of course it is one kind of religion; but not the kind God wants. Indeed, Isaiah aaya God hates It; he ia "fed np" with J (vs. 11). "What was wrong? , Isaiah tells them that, toe, In short simple words. "Your hands are foil of blood." Oh, the people would protest, we are not killers, we don't lay a hand on anybody. Isaiah goes, on to explain: seek Judgment (I.e. justice), relieve the oppressed, Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. "" You don't kin outright, if you churchgoers, he would say, but you are so indifferent to justice In your city, you take so little in terest in the people at the bottom of the heap, 'that people die here, widows and; orphans die, simply because no one cares. r , What Makes a Town Worth Saving?;; s ALAS, -. nobody did care. One i hundred and more years went by, and Jerusalem came close to Its end. But nobody thought Jthat disaster - could strike. The belief had grown in every one's jnlnd mat the Temple of the Lord would forever insure the safety of the city in which It stood. . V" ' t v But a young prophet, , Jere miah, preached a sermon on the same theme as Isaiah's (Jer. 7) It la net the temple that win save you, it is not i church attendance that ' win V As the men ot Jerusalem looked back to the great days of Moses, they .thought of the sacrifices and offerings, the tabernacle and the rituals and all the pageantry and paraphernalia , of a picturesque religion, as the .great thing that God had given them. . But God remembered it other wise. Jeremiah even says (with understandable exaggeration), that God had not said a word about sacrifices and. offerings; the Ten Commandments,- with all they im plied, were the main thing. What God looks Jor. back of an our church attendance and Bible rending, Is "justlcebetween a man 44 his neighbor." A place where that can be found is a good place.' (Cop 'tit br tha irntrnaonl Cwn- eu or: j 1ij.i.-r n on I 1,"" til j c n.-uuuuona. X.. .. i r ,- i e civ- Hirh i.uti- t; NOTICE OF SALE Under and by Virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Fred- Hardy, dated the 28th day of September, 1945, and recorded in Book 429, page 275, in the office of the Regis nt riaoAa nf Dunlin Countv. Mnrth Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness tnere,DV securea ana iri rwrl nf Trust being by the terms thereof subject to" foreclos ure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door at Kenansville, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 15th day ot October. 1949.- the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the County of DupMn, State of Vnrth rarollna. in Kenansville township, and in the Town of Ke nansville and more particularly de scribed as follows: PTTJST iHRAf!T; Tn the Town Of Kenansville and known as the John D. Southerland store lot, BEGIN lvmn at the Samuel Albertson Northeast corner on the street lead ing from opposite the Dr. A. J. Jnn Tlruir Store bv the old jail aita tn thA Snutherland and Far- rlor stables, and now owned by A. J. Pickett (formerly) thence Nortn mrrl With aald street 87 feet to a stake, corner of said street and thd street leading eastward from the Court House Square;- thence west ward with saia last namea street a feet to a stake; thence Southward 87 feet to the Albertson line; thenco with said Albertson's line jsast ward 4!5 feet to the beginning, con taining 3915 -aquaria feet, more or less. .'v.. ." STiirnNn TRACT: In the Town of KenansvlHe adjoining to and lying to the back of the above Lot, BEGINNING at the Southeast cor ner of the above, lot on the street leading toward A. J. Pickett's sU bles from in front of the Dr. A. J. Janea Drua Store: thence North 75 West 3$ feet to a stake; thence South 15 West IS feet to a stake; thence Soutly 75 East 35 feet to a stake at the edge of the street; thence North 15 East 16 feet to the beginning, and known as the Sam nai Aihortain StorAlot and convey ed to him by J. F. Sutherland and wife as per Deed registered in ine office ot Registre ot'DeedsDf Du plin County In Book 28, page 554, DatavMnfm la nl en Yrtid to mortMSe JL. .-....-.. ! " r. v. f.fpnliens and wife to Bank of Kenansvme, as ser. out J ( 0 TYUDALL ' rj::'i ikxvje LI 1 1 0UYM ef fTarae Ppfle Bnrlnl Aasoclallew l!rarorsa Ulnar AirilwMt t v V Of ylofcl Tor. I a t I...JU l . SMtS Milsrisy I m wA thm Srwiahst . above for a description of said lands. The above being the same lands as conveyed in a Deed to E. J. and R. D. Dail as recorded in Book 242, page 359, of the Duplin County Registry. The said E. J. Dail having re ceived the interest of R. D. Dail in the above described property under and by virtue of the Last Will and Testament of R. D. DaiL which is probated and recorded in the off ice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, Will Book No. 10, page 2M. And further being the same land as described in a deed dated Sept. 21, 1945 from E. J. Dail to H. E. Phillips as recorded n Book 428, page f 601, of the Duplin - County Registry. Advertised this the 14th day of I y: This is, Jesse James no foolin', cross arms carrying as much a T (, that's his real name. But this one of 33,000 volts of electricity. Jesse's the James boys is really on the tip an aviator, too, and flies air patrols ' ' and up! His job is to wprk high up , of our transmission lines to locate ' " . ' on a pole replacing insulators and - possible trouble spots. , , . ' . -, Tide Water is proud of Jesse James and the 420 other Tide l "vl 's s j Water folks in plants, offices and in the field who work so hard ' t IJ-T- V " ' to bring you the best possible service at the lowest possible rates. T " .",'. y' i' ' .' ' . ; y.-.; '" :y .-..(. ,....- , ...r ,;" Will Get tEe Rest, Too September, 1949. N. A. Phillips, Trustee. 10-14-4t. HEP NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Z. D. MITCHELL AND WIFE, ALBERTA MITCHELL ,VS MRS JULIA HALL' MILLER AND HUSBAND, CHUCK MILLER; MRS. VIRGINIA HALL BRYA5; MISS KATIE ELIZABETH HALL; G. SPRUNT HALL AND WIFE, LUCY HALL; MRS. IOLA HOUS TON HALL, (WIDOW). The Defendants, Mrs. Julia Hall 1 I i ... t. - , i ' as above has btcii con, ue. a i gainst them, In the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, and that ' the purpose of the said action is to . summarily eject the Defendants of the following described . real property: x . ' ' -- .LYING and being la' Warsaw Township, Duplin County, North Carolina: jff, f wy. . "BEGINNING at' a pine on the West side of Faison-Warsaw Road, Knot Belcher, Newton and Jackson corner, and runs thence with road South 18 East 378 feet; South 34 . East 270 feet; South IS East 560 feet to a stake; thence South S8 West 2535 feet to a stake; thence ; , North 18 East 1225 feet to a dead nine; thence North 86 East 1375 feet to a stake; thence North 80 East 270 feet to the beginning, con taining 54 acres, more or less.' : That the Plaintiffs claim owner- 1 ship, in fee ,to the said property; and the said Defendants will fur ther take Notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Duplin County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, on or before the 80th day of Novembef, 1840, or the Plain tiffs will apply to the Court for thex relief demanded in the Complaint. This the 26th day of September, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court of - .Duplin County. 10-21-4t ' Conservation Farming By: GEO. V. PENNEY There la an unusual interest In seeding improved pastures in Du plin County' this fall and the ones who are most interested are those who planted a small pasture last j. vear anil -have; atnrlleil itfli effect on their livestock and-their bank . account' V; f y.. :'' ,'.;.;';:.,...,. LeRoy Simmons said his pasture saved him at least $100. per acre in feed for his hogs. He la doubling his pasture acreage' this fait viu iuukc aaiu itia poaiui hhu him more than its cost in mule feed V.llla Vaatal AnA nf tfta niinlln County supervisors for the South eastern Soil Conservation District ' and former livestock specialist from State College, makes the fol lowing suggestions for starting an Improved pasture: prepare the land thoroughly, as near like a tobacco bed as possible, lime and fertilise liberally; VA to 2 tons of lime per acre., Sow the seed carefully, and pack them in by rolling a log over the if a cultipacker is not available, and sow the seed before Oct 15. v. , , .r: t t I DE '.WAT P o"V 2 R C- O M P A NY, "j ....... s , ,. Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your H "i er r--v Your Tizhssnn ed.- . ; 3 This -the 15th day of September, 1910. . ; ' ' end ' islrolv k. v. vr-i, c r i c::

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