NO I ICE OF St.... .3 BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. P. BEFORE THE CLERK No. 2342 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY DAVID FOUNTAIN, ADMINISTR ATOR OF THE ESTATE OF LU THER B. HUNTER, DECEASED VS AMMIE EVANS SANDLIN AND HUSBAND, R. H. SANDLIN; NICK EVANS AND WIFE, MARY BROWN EVANS; LUCV HUNTER; A WIDOW; ROBERT LEWIS AND . WIFE, MRS. ROBERT LEWIS; ROY CLIFFORD LEWIS AND WIFE,' MRS: ROY CLIFFORD LEWIS; VIOLETTE LEWIS WINN AND HUSBAND,: HARRY B. WINN, JR.; GLORIA LEWIS PAKE AND HUSBAND, JOHN C. PAKE, JR.; TROY HUNTER AND WIFE, XILLIE BESS SlUNTER! LILLIE HUNTER GARNER AND HUSBAND, ROBERT GARNER; ANDREW HUNTER AND WIFE, LILLIAN HUNTER; ETHEL HUN TER ROBERSON AND HUSBAND, CALLIS ROBERSON; STEPHEN HUNTER AND WIFE, RUBY HUN TER: CYRUS HUNTER AND WIFE LILLIAN GARNER HUNTER; JERRY HUNTER AND WIFE MRS. JERRY HUNTER; SADIE HUNT ER SMITH AND HUSBAND, MIT CHELL " SMITH; L. J. HUNTER - JUST RECEIVED - Shipment Mules & Horses We Have Olid New Super DeLuxe Tractor On Display See Us Before You Buy ARCHIE LANIER Beulaville, N.C. and wife, gl:;tt;ulj: iizt er; bettie hunter brinson and husband, b. s. brinson; LUDIE . HUNTER FOUNTAIN ; AND HUSBAND, DAVID FOUN TAIN; , STACY - ANDREWS AND WIFE, LILA B. ANDREWS; LON NIE RIFTON ANDREWS AND WIFE, LUDIE ANDREWS; BEH-. THA HUNTER WHALEY AND HUSBAND, H. J.. WHALEY; PER- ' RY HUNTER; BERTIE HUNTER BROWN AND HUSBAND, HENRY BROWN;: RUTH HUNTER RAY NOR AND HUSBAND; GARRY " RAYNOR; IVEY HUNTER; AR THUR HUNTER AND WIFE, RU BY HUNTER; HOSEA HUNTER AND WIFE, ANNIE HUNTER; JAMES G. HUNTER; AMQS BROWN AND WIFE,. ETHEL BROWN; GEORGE BROWN AND WIFE, MRS. GEORGE BROWN; DEMPSEY BROWN; FENNELL BROWN AND WIFE, RELLIE BROWN; EDWARD BROWN AND WIFE, LEONA BROWN; AARON BROWN; INEZ BROWN; ODELL BROWN; SARAH BROWN; IRENE BROWN; , JAMES DAWSON BROWN; DOUGLAS FRANKLIN BROWN; MARION BROWN TU RANO AND HUSBAND. PETER TURANO; MARSHALL HUNTER AND WIFE, MRS. ' MARSHALL HUNTER; NAOMI HUNTER BEAS LEY; THELMA BROWN JONES AND HUSBAND SAM JONES. The defendants, Roy Clifford Lewis, Mrs. Roy Clifford Lewis, Miolette Lewis Winn, Harry B. Winn, Jr., Robert Garner, Jerry Hunter, Mrs. Jerry Hunter, Ivey Hunter, Aaron Brown, Inez Brown, odell Brown, Sarah Brown, Irene Brown, James Dawson Brown, Douglas Franklin Brown, Marion Brown Turano, Peter Turano, Mar- ! shall Hunter, Mrs. Marshall Hunter, and Naomi Hunter Beasley, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against them in the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, and this being a proceeding relat ing to real estate within the state, namely: .A special proceeding brought by the administrator of Luther B. Hunter, deceased, for the sale of lands of said deceased to create assets for the payments of the debts and costs of admini stration of said deceased; that said defendants are heirs at law of said deceased and as such are necessary parties to this proceeding; and which cause of action is set forth in the complaint pr petition filed in this cause. 11 I II u PgfY And You Get w Spare Time Training at Home yffPfc r With Regular Army Equipment ffl Extra Money at Regular Army ' !OSFjf Rates of Pay 'jV " Credit Toward Retirement Pay JMP at No Cost to You S&Mfb . Pmmnfi'nna oc Ynil I .Mint Skill iStSMS- I Aiding You in Your Civilian Job 0l(4,.?f 2nd. U. Larry P. Bostic 70 I uttery Commander Wrtn I Beulaville N. C . S ? J .... i i Vy D. 'l A MEDIEVAL BARONt IMPORT I ANCEWAS'JUDGEDBVTHE v, NUMBER GF DEPENDENTS , t&&Bi'i WEARING HIS INSIGNIA yWFi.ll ... AND taxing AT y HIS BOARD, AZTEC EMPEROR TEZUAAA PRANK, AT x- one meal, rirrv gob lets OF tYHIfrtt? k. '. TiiJA . i,rv .uni IN MIDDLE I800S, AMERICAN BREWERS , STORED BEER IN CEL- , LARS EXTENDING ' UNDER CITY STREETS, SUBWAYS! ' AN ELIZABETHAN COOK" BOOK STATES: "ROASTED HARES' ARE THOUGHT TO : NOURISH ' . . A4ELANCHOUE . : CopyriyM 1949 J- V.Car0 I St. reler.sbuitf, iu., an J Lju Vu. jficld of near Mt. Olive. ' Some Insurance Rules Reduced . (Y K V Commissioner of Insurance Wal " do C. Cheek today announced that an overall . reduction In certain :" "''.' ' " Casually Li. uiune 1 ti,i Bureau piemb'er and subscriber companies, effectiVe.Oct, 3, 1949, applicable 4i all new and renewal policies writ ten oira'nd after that date. . ; This ijs in line .with his announce, ment n July 11,-1949, when a, re duction of TB, lit such rates was approved for National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters member and subscriber, companies;. , t , Pink Hill News And said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, at the Court house in Kenansville, on the 4th day of November, 1949 and answer or demur to the petition filed in this cause, which has been duly filed in said office, or on or before 25 day of November, 1949, or the plaintiff or petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 4th day of October, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court . 1 10-28-4t. HEP Mrs. H. P. Hood of Rocky Mount attended the Duplin Story in Ke nansville. ii-yi-i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mrs. Alvin Smith and Bertha K., Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey T. Smith at tended the pageant in Kenansville. Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Stroud of Milwaukee, Wis. are' visiting Mr. Stroud's parents. - - v The marriage, of Mr. Graham Smith of this community and Miss Catherine Jane Smith, of Deep Run Is of interest here. They will reside with Mr. Smith's parents in Smith Township.' HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Stroud of Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Bur sell Grady and children, Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Ait.rt rinriv nil AhildreM. Mr. and I Mr. riifton Gradv and children, Mr. and Mrs. Resale Strand all of Kinston, Mrs. Norrto Croom of Au tryvUle, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hood of Rocky Mount. ' " ; : Mr. and Mrs. Melvin n. Stroud honored their son, Christopher, with a barbeinevdlnner served tn the yard of their home near Deep Run recently. The dinner was flven in honor of his 18th birthday and the following people were there: Miss Laura Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stroud and family, Mr. and- Mrs. Melba Sparrow, Alex Barwlck, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Grady and fam ily all of Deep Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and. family, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey T. Smith, of Pink Bill, Your shiny new automobile with prices averaging about $2,064 has to get you a whale of a lot of , use to justify its cost. Winter wear is the worst bait snatcher. It can strip your car of plenty of service ', . .. Unless you Oil-Plate it! 3 t ;. - 0 -; -ronSRTerVcentury uy cn t;:u. e insuronce soi- i in v" i ; ' 237-1 275-1 325-4 1 Tf ju f n g q t 1 Mf"'5t5i ' Noted Throat Specialists Report . m on SO-Day Teat of Camel Smokera.., mmm,. ... Mris. Dora Swinspn Dies Bear Marsh , Mrs. Dora F. Swlnson, 82, died at 5 a.m.; Tuesday at her home in the Bear .Marsh Community after an illness of five days and a long period of ill health. Funeral ser vices were held at 3 p.m. Wednes day from the Bear Marsh Baptist Church, of which , she had been a .member for more than 65 years. Rev. T; K. Woody pastor, officiated and interment wiS in the family emetery near the home. jj ' - -. Surviving are three daughters, Carrie and Annie Swlnson of the borne and Mrs.. Everett Dixon of the . home, community; one sister, Mrs. Joe King of Rones Chapel; MRS. ;M. M. TIIIGPEN, V f :: r Beulaville,7 , f r V-jJf ''"Representative. For 1. Vi WARSAV WhOALZ 5 t.'.:. COMPANY .lA V; was t . j k. . aua " $, these were the f sf Mt4 f after tot-ii at 2 It J t! onset. . "iVLE" Jotb wss dnin' oo keg Uli front of Ltm's At other day. Suddenh' he looked op tod drawled, "Did ;oa ftUen te where the Covemer wa down is LuabcHM -but week to help the Carolina Power 't k Llfht Company cat ia their new ' ateam plant to make electricity? They ' ; tell me they doat need any more electricity now, What do yotr mink "of that!" Lem (topped aoma, applet to lay, Vep, they tell me Aat they doat . really need that electricity now, bat -that they want to be tore they have h wbca they do need b. That'i the trend of the dinesoa't enr.biv . cng hi aappinf." N ' ' THE TREND OF THE TIMESC 1 Lent was right. The trend of the dmes b) don't be caught uppUg, and that" h the reaton the beer mailers" of North Carolina are cooperating 100 per cent whh the Malt Beverage DM-, ' I sion of the NorthCarolloa ABC Board, , They are coopentiDg .with the Malt -. Beverage Diritiocf to be mi mat iho people of North Carolina hare, the (' kind of retail beef cttabliahmcots that i the General Anembly had ia mind when It eMabtohed the Matt Beverage -, NORTH CAROLINA DlVISIOJi vsrtxD states mmaaf Wane Bldgt Bateffh, H.. id. 2 Always en Guard! Even when the fine lubricating oil itself isn't covering a part, OiL-PLATiNa is! It protects your engine against grinding "dry-friction" starts . . from corrosive combustion acids 3 II . Sm DtM to any fat Dttm j ttf atrf track tkoaM ta ttMy titpbrlni potiM ttuva below. dMckad pariodiallt btnmtnh 1. 0 Fn Car-Safety Cheek, SiMjr lnfia aaS Ettrj Bhmk 4. MtH tntry Mora nldnlrW, Octobw 31. to Ford Xw-SaMy S. la SO worlh or tat on Mtry ;. Contact Koatfqinrtan, Box fin.. Hank Saisk tMt tutommt: "AS CWeao77, Mlinoli . (a) TJm any Ford Daalor'a truck may b oolwidand. AS from sludge and carbon caused D . 2 i' .,-1t 3 rt," i s vf ,f - I. ON-Platlng a feature of pat-' i anted Conoco N Motor Oil per , I forms a wear-preventing miracle -J- 1 by fastening a shield of special lu- 'i i bricant to. working parts. Oil (.71 s . Piatinq can't all drain down - . . . from sludge and carbon caused y m . - by wear.1 ' I " 3. Watch Out for Winter I The '$i't"Z even ovegrnigbt! . y , agauist winter with Conoco iv. ? ' i ' ScsYcur Concco Al!'--r-3 A::r;!r r4 f'O'.Yf frigid months are the-moet danger- 4 ous months for these cax-killera i New and older cars iotA urgently J nnea uonoco uon i wait . . . j dnve Maura in todav and armor it r. 1 I 4 - . . J) offiolal entry blank only. Print bum and addraat doanr. Ok) Contoat limited to conti nental U. 8. and AlaataL (e) niaaa aa atatod oa an try . blank awarded lor ataioorlty, originality and aptneaa. Judxea deeiaiona final. Dupli cate priaea In oaaa el Um. Entries moat ba aubmittad in tha nam ol nclatarad owner " or deairjinted raprenntaiUvak Only on entry par ear or an trla become the . property . oi rora. tonuov auDjact to Federal, Stat, local Hula tlona and rulea on entry blaoic : (af) Winner name will bo : txisted at all ford Daalert' not Liter than December 1, 1S4S, (a) Con teat open to all i denta of U. 8. except employ-,, 'eea of Ford Motor Company,. ' Ford Dealer, their ndvertiV lag agaoeie or their lamillea. one ef thai 7C3 prtzasl H , "i .ii 1:' W -r- TW-iaaCWlerr 4-Door Cetton V-t Ford Sadana, nljne d wr- Hesbjf. uvar lawaS Tim. . with Radio, Malic Mr1 drive, and White Stda s ro g - .1 omj ll v "VLJajaaaawr i j iMaNMwA nran MSJlattiaiaa I "-paaw-" lea MaW Leijv - , Gmwal Derj MW F-i, V-l avad, atak kody, 15o-lek wnaelbea FORD Tiacka, eoatpped andi Radio aad "Matie Ak" Heater. Optional a, arita at Mw tea ' S of the 25 ear arianart who aoaafr DratwMM tor t Iraek M Coatnt Entry Wtaa. -. -.- - 5 tfCCO tS sr.rr C-.r . , ; Drive In todayl Get your' Free Safety Check, Get your ntry tUuA.1 4

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