THE DUTL11J TIMES n BEULAVILLE NEWS 7 w ' ' ' ' s ' ' fc. mm Mi vf"-- ... l. 1 W J 1 It , " I t I I 1 "t 1 F 1 III j Hit Silt u ; ,1 BBICB HOUSI PLAN NO. 4M-Dlfa4 by Tht Is one of 87 homes "Carolina Homes." a plan Simple In its general line, but ltn a touch of the unique, found Its two front windows, this well glanced House represents the best lements to be found in small hou- This design presents in reality blend of all home desirabilities lth Its efficient and compact af- kngement of rooms, all on one oor. The living room is assigned lie most commanding spot in the lan with windows on two sides of The living room is as large as !nes In much larger houses and is lesigned as the hub of activities (rithln this home. The dining room adjoins the kit hen on the back side of the house. !n this position, the dining room itfords a view into the quiet back U. which will make mealtime a feasant occasion. The bedrooms are both located In the same side of the house so Jhey will be distinctly separated from the rest of the house, but at Ihe same time they are private with respect to each other. Their separa tion is maintained by an interven iurbath..;' f Closet space is adequate and ventilation excellent Ample stor age space In attic, with built in place stairway leading to It Varsav Dealer? Sives Fo Olds Owners J p.w. m vw . .lng closer for most residents of the country, this is the time to think I about servicing that family car for the cold season ahead, James Nor 'wood West, manager of West Mo tor Company, Oldsmobile dealer in Warsaw, points out If1 you want maximum comfort and 'performance at a time when dependable transportation is vital, be lure to give your Oldsmobile proper protection now against free zing temperatures "and driving snows, suggests Mr. ' West. Those who follow the winterizing program recommended by Oldsmobile Di vision will experience less personal discomfort when lower tempera tures prevail in most sections of MONDAY and TUESDAY a-:. ' ' It Happens Every Spring VVith Ray Milland and Jean Peters . WEDNESDAY MaUnee and Night GEROIIJMO "With Preston Foster, Ellen Drei, Andy Fa vine and Brick Bradford. TEL. JDAY and FRIDAY , 7illJc::srS:nd "i Mark Stevens and Colleen Gray. ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS tin :DAY DOUBLE FEATUEE Co$$OfCi:!li:nCi i Johnny Mack Brown 1 Maria Montez , . . v AMI) - Joha Flo? designed by leading Carolina Architects and featured in book published by Brick ft Tile Service, UJL ' BED ROOM DINING RM. 'T . - Vf I' S-4SW- g A- . I- BED ROOM 3 tlVINOROOM Tf 'MtXsSi- " .... I " ' the country, he explains. "The first and most important step is to make sure that winter lubricants are used and that en gine oil is replaced with oil of the proper weight or viscosity," Mr. West says. "Cold weather tends to congeal lubricants and to cause un due wear to fast moving parts. Oil and grease must be viscous enough to do the job under extremely low temperatures.". Every Oldsmobile owner living in this area knows that the radia tor fluid must be protected from freezing by the addition of a re liable anti-freeze solution. But he pointed ; out, many motorists do not take the time to have their rad iator, hose connections, and heater checked for possible leaks. Those who do take care of this matter in the early "fall will not lose their anti-freeze solution later in the winter when its full strength will be needed to prevent freezing and serious damage to the engine, he stated. "Ease in starting any engine, plus good performance -fn cold weather, depend to a large extent upon prop er engine adjustments and an effi cient electricarsystem," Mr. West said. "Proper adjustments of com pression, carbureation and Ignition Shows Wtektr, ArchiUct, Ortnuboro, N. Inc., Greensboro, N. C. insure top performance at all times and mean more miles per gallon." He suggests .that all Oldsmobile owners ask their dealer to check these four important items: 1. Add correct amount of reliable Antl-Freeze. 2. Check spark plugs and distri butor points. 3. Inspect battery and see that it is fully charged. 4. Inspect generator and voltage control regulator. "By following the suggestions outlined above your Oldsmobile will start more easily, give better performance, be properly lubrica ted, and will afford greater com fort no matter how cold the weather gets," Mr. West concluded. Magnolia Veteran Reenlists . MSgt. Emery G. Murray of the Wilmington Army and Air Force Recruiting Station announced to day that John F. Hamilton, of Mag nolia, a former Gunner's Mate First Class in the Navy enlisted in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery last week as a. First Sergeant He was sent to Ft Jackson, S. C. for processing and assignment. Sgt. Murray also stated that any man who held the rating of Gun ner's Mate, Radarman, Fire Con trolman, or Chief Electrician's Mate, or corresponding rate in any of the Armed Forces, may enlist in grade held at time of discharge, not to exceed grade two (Sergeant h) hi i . i lUl lzz - a SUN. - MON. Oct 30-31 ' Come To The Stable With Loretta Young : And Celeste Holm. 1 1 .., TUESDAY, NV. 1 Tckc One Fclsc Sf :p With William Powell WEDNESDAY, Nov. I DOUBLE FEATURE An Old Fashioned ; C:rl V The Thursday Bridge Club met with Miss Lula Hinson Thursday evening of last week. Prior to the games refreshments were served. Mrs. G. V. Gooding received the prize for high score. One visitor was present. Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. Joseph Wallace was hostess to the Kontract Klub on Tuesday night. The house was attractively decorated with fall flowers. ' All members were present. Mrs. J. O. Stokes received high score prize. Mrs. D. H. McKay was remembered with a birthday gift At the conclu sion of games Mrs. Vance Gavin assisted the hostess in serving a congealed salad with crackers and hot coffee. Entertains At Bridge Mrs. A. R. Bland, Jr. entertained her club at her home last Thurs day evening. The halloween motif was used for decoration. Mrs. W. A. Oden of Greensboro and Mrs. Vance Gavin were guests. Mrs. Em ory Sadler won high score for members and Mrs. Gavin won for visitors. Mrs. Oden received an out-of-town guest prize. At the conclusion of the games the hostess served pumpkin pie and coffee. Auxiliary The Womans Auxiliary of the Grove Presbyterian Church met on Monday afternoon with their pres ident Mrs. J. A. Gavin. Mrs. G. V. Gooding had charge of the study, "A Responsible Society". Mrs. N. B. Boney assisted Mrs.' Gooding with questions and answers on Wil liam Black Memorial. Mrs. L. Sou therland was in charge of Devotion al closing. , Celebrates Her 83rd Birthday Mrs. Mary Alderman of Rosa Hill celebrated her 83rd birthday with a picnic dinner at the home of her daughter Mrs. P. J. Dobson on Sunday, Oct. 23rd. Those attending were her sister, Mrs. J. H. Alder man, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Alderman, L. K. Jr. and Mary lan of Rosa Hill; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alderman of Elizabeth City; Mrs. Adele Carr of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dobson, Lois and Linda ot Snow Hill: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odom of Raleigh; Mrs. P. K. Teachey of Richmond, Va.; Mrs. W. J. Mld- jlleton and James and Miss Nell Bruckhaus of Warsaw; Mr. ana Mrs. Wlilard Brlnson and Hiram of Ke nansville. Personals Mrs. Daisy Merritt left Tuesday for Rocky Mount where she will visit Mr. William Mclntyre and family. From Rocky Mount, she First Class). The recruiting office is located at Room 205, Post Office Building, Wilmington. In the near future recruiting Sergeant will be work ing the Duplin County area. Must :mc. With WiUiam'Boyd THUBS. FRL Nov. 3-4 : Rope Of Sand With Burt Lancaster " And Paul Henreid SATURDAY, Not 5 ": DOUBLE FEATURE The Blazing Trait With Charles Starrett jw ldlwVIo) in will go to Scotland Neck where she Will visit Miss Fannie Lewis. Mrs. W. A. Oden and son of Tarboro has been visiting Mrs. Bob Sykes for the past few days. Miss Theresa Goodine spent the oast week end with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Gooding. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wells, Mrs. Louise Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady attended the concert of Miss Margaret Truman Monday night. Mrs. J. L. Williams and Miss Margaret Williams spent the past week end In Angler. Mrs. Louise Mitchell and Mrs. J. A. Hines shopped in Wilmington Saturday. Miss Lula Hinson left for New Bern Wednesday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jerritt of New Bern were recent visitors here Mrs. D. H. McKay and son spent the weekend in Lillington. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney, Jr. of Chapel Hill spent the week end with his parents. Misses Gilda and Gloria Whit field visited in Wilmington last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craft of youngs ville spent the week end with Mr, G. R. Dail. Mrs. Clarence Murphy visited in Wallace Monday. Mesdames N. B. Boney, and Sam Newton attended the Synodical meeting at St. Andrews Church in Wilmington last Wednesday. A number of people from Kenans ville attended State Fair last week. Florrie Currie Is back at home from a week's stay at Dr. Sidbury's Hospital. She is getting along nicely. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brinson of Kenansville, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Elna Grey, to William Melvln Bostic, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bostic of Ke nansville. The wedding will take November 16. Funeral Services For W. S. Kornegay Wlnfield Scott Kornegay, 61, died at his home at Bowden at noon Monday after several months of de clining health. Funeral services were conducted from the Quinn McGowen Funeral Home in War saw at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday by Rev. G. N. Newbold, pastor of the Bow den and Warsaw Presbyterian chur ches. Burial was in the Pinecrest Cemetery in Warsaw. Surviving are Om NIrH Oae CmII Om Dy1 N't jSMt mi m ye cm m WAU IW mmt a rich satiny " ' 'wewbeMe, dwaMe. 'juNta wu. men -i r :4 II .1 -iJLJLJ:LJ SELF PRIMING! WALL-FIX primM. mmlt U)d iaidm la so mriti opwaUoa. ONl COAT COVERS1 otoat uqr arfkeal Nothinc cquak a oil bu saint fo dimuility ud UdiDf DBwart ; SCRUBABLII Ima aatar paint can b fpo out with damp cloth. But you MB aatub WALIFIXl I i m. , m,, Mt wty Intoriar irfK . . . mimn, llMftlUrir 1 weal art ! e..w Vlll KM KM tutnm W 1 i N AveHaWa la t talefftniNlln m wWsi deep toaeat Miller Club Holds Meeting The Miller H. D. Club held its regular meeting Wednesday night, Oct. 19 in the home of Mrs. Ralph Miller with Mrs. Leonard Kennedy as joint hostess. The meeting was called to order by the president. During business the following offi cers were elected: Pres. Mrs. James Miller; Vice-Pres. Mrs. Bland his wife, the former Kathleen Mc Gowen; his mother, Mrs. Mittie Kornegay, Rocky Mount; two sons, Lofton of the home, Robert Scott of Charlotte; a daughter, Mrs. Bruce Carleton, Clinton; two sis ters, Mrs. Mason Taylor, Wilson, and Mrs. W. B. Middleton of Rocky Mount. GREYHOUND CKAGE Cut Delivery Time on "Hurry-up" Shipments Save precious hours by fast, frequent Greyhound Package Express Service I Rush produc tion parts, medicines, flowers, perishables anywhere, any time aboard any regularly scheduled Greyhound! For rates and further information, phone your Greyhound agent. KENANSVILLE BUS STATION Phone 233-1 K 3 BRUSH MARKS! Lvh no ovarlap . . . bfino do ptrfactjobl . READY-MIXIDI No niy miiins it' ndy mixed for bmtti ot (pplicator. DRIES QUICKLYI Paint room in th maniaf ... awv Uck into it Uw MKM dayl (II m m U I " til ittiV- .. Rhodes; Secty. Mrs. Morris Grady; Treas. Mrs. Herman Miller. Interesting reports were given by Project Leaders. In the absence of Miss Hilda Clontz, Mrs. Ashe Miller gave the demonstration. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Carol, Mrs. Ashe Miller and Margaret Mercer attended State Fair Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Grady and Mary Ina, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grady and Katie Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Ashe Miller enjoyed an oyster roast at Sneads Ferry Sunday. Over 1,600,000 young American boys and girls are in the armed forces, of which 59,282 are from North Carolina. There are over 100,000 veterans still away from home in hospitals of which there are 2,016 from North Carolina, all benefitting from USO Hospital Shows wherever they may be in this country and overseas. SEABEE HAYWORTH'S MOTOR PARK THEATRE Hi-Way 11, Pink Hill, N. C. Family Entertainment For The Whole Family SHOWS AT 7:00 P. M. & 9:00 P. M. "Carolina's Biggest Show Value" SUNDAY, Oct. 30th Also Color Cartoon MON. & TUES. (IN TECHNICOLOR) Great Stars Great Picture The 3 Musketeers Starring June Allyson, Van Heflin, Lana Turner, and Gene Kelly. Also Shorts WEDNESDAY Western Thrills Rimlire With James Melican, Reed Hadley, Mary Beth Hughes. Also Serial THURSDAY By Popular Demand Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Starring James Stewart, And Jean Arthur Also "3 STOOGES" Comedy FRIDAY ' GlXANG CbMPNOHS.. -Mr:1lflI.. One Million Laughs A Night At The Opera With Marx Bros. Alan Jones, Kitty Carlyle. Also Shorts SATURDAY i DOUBLE FEATURE Disaster With Trudy Marshal. ALSO Station Canyon With Ken Curtis. t....,,.- v , J Ik m) m J Vis mmm a.watl - J mWM A r