i r . v THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday in-Kenansville, N. C, County Seat of . DUPLIN . COUNTY . ' "v ' Editorial business and printing plant, Kenanaville. N. C. J. ROBERT fiRADT,-; EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansvllle, N. C. . as second class 'matter. TELEPHONES ' -Vi Keaansvlllar 255-6 1 " ' Warsaw 59-7 ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year in Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne counv :, ties; $3.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; and Advertising rates furnished on request. i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. x . 1 J NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BV VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a deed of trust executed by A. it. Smith and wife, Tracy Smith, dated the 1st day of June, 1940, and re corded in Book 410, pag 338, of the Duplin County Registry, default haying been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon on the 12th day of November, 1949, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina, in Warsaw Town vship and more particularly describ ed as follows: D. H. CARLIOH insurant: t.i:( V VRSAV. NltK I II ! V Cni ; Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 WarsawHiC. Warsaw fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINORS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to A&P) Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BAKTLKTT FRFF PBOM Ut-1 WR jnrsSiNQ WARSAW. N. C DELIVER N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard . G0LDSBORO, N, C. PHONE 1532 OR 233d COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE M.F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, tl. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency ( : V I HIGHWAY 55- :r " j m AND : EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CADINETS LEDGERS, CINDERS, SKrLT3 c-J INDEX - f I ' V TRACT 1: Lying and beln in War saw Township, Duplin County, and being described as follows: Lot No. 4, BEGINNING at a stump in the Bowden and Kenansville public road and runs with the said road North 85 degrees and IS minutes 24 poles to a stake; thence again with the said road South 57 degrees and 30 minutes East 3 poles to a pine; thence South 177 poles to a stake; thence South 40 West 7.33 poles to a stake on the canal; thence with the canal as it meanders to a black gum, corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 33 degrees and 13 min utes East 126 poles to the begin ning, containing 71.40 acres, more or -less. Being the same lands as al lotted to T. C. Watkins us per d- vision of the late J. F. Watkins as per Book 272, page 290,. of the Du plin County Registry, and being deeded to Vance Phillips and wife in Book 409, page 140. 1 I Auction Sale i HORSES & MULES EACH FRIDAY - i 2:00 P. M. ALSO AUCTION FARM MACH- INERT. BUYERS FOR ALL : KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY 'AVAILABLE. ii iii , ii it erf if I. W. II U Jit I STOCK YARDS 1 MI. EAST SEVEN SPRINGS Hi r 1 DEVOTIONAL RIADINOl X Patar : 1S-SS. SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 41:1-4; 90: 44; U:1S-S3:13; Jaranlah 3S:1-13. I Love So Amazing Lesson for November IS," i49 LONG AGO riding in his alow chariot,, through .the southern sands, puzzled reader with Isaiah 53 In his hands 'asked the question other readers - have .asked . ever since: Does the prophet , speak of himself or of some other? -The answer given by Philip (sea Acta 8) has been the answer of the church ever since:. This prophe cy can be under stood only in the light from Cal vary's Cross. Phil ip did not say, and we need not insist, Dr. Foreman that the prophet had Jesus, and Jesus only, in mind when he wrote. What we do say is that while these words might have described some one the prophet knew, might have described the whole nation of Israel, might even have described himself, still the words make but a poor picture of any one else, com pared with the picture they make of Jesus. The Scarlet Thread TSAIAH 63 has been in the' center of the crunch's thinking about Christ from the beginning. It may be said to run like a scarlet thread through the New Testament It was in the back of the minds of Paul and John and Peter alike. This great prophecy sheds a light on what otherwise had been a black opaque blot the death of Christ What would otherwise be simply a horrible tragedy, per haps the greatest tragedy of history, the perfect ease of complete. Injustice, the final evidence that there la no God, i in the light of Isaiah 53 be- " comes a center of glory. Instead of being ashamed of the cross on which Jesus died, the church sings, "In the cross of Christ I glory," . . . "Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all." We believe that Christ suffered not for his own but for others' sake. Suffering, not forced but willingly undergone, suffering not as mere pain but that others might be saved, suffering on behalf of others and: for love of them this is the key to the riddle of existence, this la the key to the heart of God. . ... j Not Christ Alone IF CHRIST'S MEN had refused to follow where hs led, if all Chris tians had been willing to let him carry, alone, the burden of the world's sin and grief, there never would have been any Christianity; for there would never have been any Christians. . Peter ' and. James and the rest of the apostles would have refused to die for Jesus' sake.! The noble army of martyrs would; hava been an Ignoble army of cowards. '" ;:, No missionary ever would hava left home and comforts and coun-' try; no mother would have laid down her life for her children; the cared for the sick and the orphaned would never have been done; in deed, had no one ever been willing to suffer for the benefit of others, one wonders whether the world could hava even held together this long.-. , :" J " . . !'.' 4 Christ died that the 'world might lire, yet; bat ethers aba : had to die to make his death avatt. He died for Africa, that ' Africans might live; bat AM- cans died till men like Living stone and Bchweltser and many less famous man and wemaa also went out and lived there tl tone linen and died la pain. Christ died for the little 'children of the poor, but until the Salvation Army and others like them went down. into the slums and suffered there with and for them, those poor little people died. without so much as dreaming that' God might love them. Christ- died for aH the .lepers In the world; but until a Fatter Da mien, and others no lea Christ, like, went among the outcast lepers and became outcasts' themselves for the love of Christ, 4 those lepers died fa .the dark.- - V fLet ElmTake r '.X J His Own Cross Daily" VES Isaiah 63 pictures thai self- - .... . V u- sacrince or our una, aDovr.au. But any oca who has any Intention ; of being a true servant of God rrfusv bs willing to find his own life-direction right here. The world does not need mora pain; it does need thosd who will suffer pain to serve others in Christ's name. . . - ,v JCoprrlrht br the International Cotm tu of Rtllilous Education on behalf of to Protestant danomlnatkma. Ralaaaad ww wnu r aiurca. TRACT TWO: Being Jn Warsaw Township, Duplin County and de pit '. Caii.,1 as it mt'ui..clS Slid LuuiiuS to the said public road; thence down said public road, to the be ginning, containing by estimation 36 acres,; more or less. . Being a portion oi the lands in a deed from M. Lou Coleman to R. C. More and 3. H. Moore as will ap pear in Book 39S, page 200, of the Duplin County Registry and furt.V er described in a deed to Vance Phillips and wife In Book 409, page 204, of the Duplin County Registry. ' . A ton nor cent deoosit will be required of the successful bidder on the date of sale as evidence of good faith. ., ; 'V , Advertised this the 42th day of October, 1949. ' v. -v H. K Phillips, Trustee. ii-ii-4t hep'; -.i. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 1 In the General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. LUCILLE W. DAVIS VS. . FREEMAN E. DAVIS 'Notice is hereby given that the hnva . entitled action has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin county, Dy tne plaintiff, " against the defendant, wherein the olaintiff seeks to re cover an absolute! divorce from the defendant, on tile grounds of two years separation. The defendant is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, la Kenans- i.llla Mnrth 'flarnlina ' nn the 14th Of November, 1949, and to answer or demur to the complaint wmcn has been field in said office on or hpfnre December 10th. 1949. or the relief demanded in said complaint shall be granted to the piamun. This the I3tn day oi uccooer, 1949. , ' R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court, U-ll-4t. RDJ NOTICE In The General County Court STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY. ? MARGIfl MARTHA BROOKS STI ELER ' Acainst HOLLAND HAROLD STIELER The defendant Holland Harold Stieler, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced In the General County Court of Duplin, North Carolina, in which the plaintiff is suing for an absolute divorce upon - the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear in the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Duplin County in the Courthouse In Kenansville, North Carolina, on the 21st day of November, 1949 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action on or before TVNDAU f FUNERAL HOME ' V MOUNT OUVW Haaw ' air Wa,-''!! ". PtwM TO - ftnrtat Association Dbwttortt. . feenha'Dier tervtoe. 4 m .ilrbt z .WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME Billy TyndaU I Undertakers - Embalmers Ambulance Service Homo of Mt Olive Burial Aseo. Phone 148 Mi Olive, N. C L WATCHES CLOCKS . WATCH BANDS ' RINGS ON ORDER 'Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry PRESTONJIOLME3 DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO, ' IN KENANSVILLE Siillil i CONCRETE HODUCTS, he X KINSTON.N.C Phone 5412 SMITH CONCRETE VITA-LITE-CONCRETE BUILDING ELOCK8 ' -Stock Watering Troughs -State Approved Septic Tan We Build To A fetandatd Not To A Pi ice DEALS'"'! r BATTLE-WORN VETERAN -ot naval operations In both the At lantic and PaciJo tUriPf World War IL the aircraft carrier 1MLS. " : Implacable, today is the flap; of the CommandT-ln-Cblef, Emkih Home f leet. Ihe 32,0U0-ton flat top la pictured Xrlpht) preparin? to leave Mount's Bay, CornwaiL England, -with a Western Union , Fleet comprising over 59 ships from Britain, I ranee, the Netner- ' lands and Belgium in the biggest . combined exercises held since the ,n Baa. nllAfi ( KaIhW) the , Implacable has proved worthy of her name: her first operational . mission was arainst the German ! battleship Tlrtuts, one' of the 41 vessels she helped to sink or dam age off the Naai-held Norwegian fn mis tiav nlanM annnorta . ed U. S. landings on Okinawa by pounding the Sakishlma Islands, a few hundred miles from the air fields jf the -Japanese mainland. December lfith, 1949 or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint This the 20th day of October, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk General County Court Duplin County. J. T. Gresham, Attorney ll-18-4t JTO NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY EDITH ANDERSON DUSIK VS ' PAUL DUSIK ) Notice is hereby given that the above entitled action has been com menced in the .General County Court of Duplin -County by the plaintiff against ' the defendant, wherein the Plaintiff seeks to re- For Best Prices and Com plete Job on Monuments, See or Write Roy. II. J. Yhaley EITILAVIILE 1 J H , l1 ' v cover from the defendant, an abso lute divorce, on the grounds of adultry. The defendant is required to be and appear at the Office oi the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County of Kenanaville, North Carolina, on November 23, 1949,. and to answer or demur to the complaint which has been tiled In said office, on or before Decern ber 18th, 1949, or " the relief dead tnanded in said complaint will wl granted the Plaintiff. This the" 24th' day of October, 1949 .. R. V. Wells, Clerk General County Court ll-18-4t. RDJ -a 1 . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Charles Manly Smith, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October, 1950, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment to the undersigned. 1 This the 19th day of October, MADAM GLEIIU j GIFTED PALMIST AND PSYCHIC MEDIUM -Tells you any and everything you wish to know without asking any questions,' gives you1 names of friends and enemies. Gives true and never-failing advice on all affairs of life. If worried, troubled or in doubt consult this psychic reader at once. She can and will help you. Consult her on business, love, marriage, wills, deeds, mortgages, lost and stolen articles and speculations of all kinds. ' r LUCKY DAYS AND LUCKY NUMBERS' , v Don't, be discouraged if others' have failed to -help you. She does what others claim to do. One visit will convince you this MEDIUM and DIVINE HEALER is superior to any reader you have ever consult-. ed. ' ' Private and Confidential Rea dints Dally and Sunday HoursO. A.M. to 10 P.M. Vou Must Be Satisfied or No Charge , ' : Readinga for White and Colored Permanently Located In White House Just outside' of City Limit on Smithfleld Highway Rt 70. next next to Service Garage. LOOK for HAND SIGN. GOLDSBORO, N. C. Place Ydnr Orders ForPersonallzed 2 Cards Tor Ever y, - 'Occasion And Stationery With'A ' - SHUT-IN. :i,V ;At Her Home - ; ... - . 1949. , :-, ,;, . . ,.' , Grover r RhodeSr Admini strator of the estate - of '. Charles Manly Smith, de ceased.. Pink Hill, N. C- . H. E. Phillips. Attorney , , . Kenanaville, N. C. 1 1-29-6 1. HEP . , ' , Fi 'i . ' i ' . ii & per acre yield of 111 bushels . is forecast for the J949 sweet potato crop fn North. Carolina. Prices paid to Tar Heel broiler , producers during September ave raged about 28 cents per pound. REMEMBER TODAY . TOMORROW . WITH A PHOTOGRAPH KRAFT'S studio; IN MOUN1 OUVE , Phones 217-J er 239 COMMERCIAL PU010GR4PH1 A SPECIALTY - fj ; ; - .. , r ;; 1 ' I : i : t scribed as follow: r

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