f T It r n IT PI I W TIMES rWlahed each Friday ia KenansvUle. tt. C, County (eat of -t DUPLIN COUNTY Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, N. C. -J. RORERT GRADE, EDITOR OWNER ' , , -- i Entered at the Poat Office. Kenansville, N. C. t ! , ys' X.. u second clan matter: . ' 1 ( , " .j. . ' . TELEPHONES s - Kenansville, US- - ' Warsaw 5f-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 93.00 per year In Duplin County Lenoir,, Jones, 'Onslow, Pender, Sampson and .Wayna -couik. Un; 93.50 per year outside this area In North Carolina; and Advertising ralea furnished on request i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, wonomlc and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. ' BrwnPTUREt Jaraailab 1:4-1. Mi M. BSVOTIOMAI. BJS4MHO: PfaJm Ml l-u, -..... . - 1.,.,; ; PerccsilRsligica Lease tee Decemeef 11. IN TtfJCCTRlCITY was L. V. Outlaw Again Heads Duplin Farm Bureau; 500 Attend Meet Nearly 500 Farm Bureau mem bers met in KenansvUle last week for their annual gathering. L. W. Outlaw presided.- ' David Kelly of Greensboro, exe cutive secretary of the N. C. Farm Bureau, was principal speaker. In the course of his address, Mr. Kelly atreesed the theme that the fanners , of our county,-state and nation must continue to remain organized if the farmers are to get a fair share of the national income. The tanners have a long way to go. Mr. Kelly stated, before they have reached -a high standard of living through their farming labors. Among other points emphasized in Mr.. Kelly's talk were the fol lowing: He discussed the helpful nature of the service rendered the produce growers of potatoes' and cabbage last season when every effort to move these crops had fail ed until the Farm Bureau was call ed in to assist. " , The Farm Bureau is primarily a service organization to the far mers, Kelly said, and the value and strength of this organization liss directly in the organized member sWp. To continually better this rvlce, fanpers will have to be c me more 'organized through the l inn Buresafc t .e- , The DupliOrCpuntpFaon BureauJ membership drive was reportedl 300 short of the 1.400 minimum goal set for this county. The mem bers pieagea to intensity ine qnve to carry it over.. . Barbecue was served the mem bers on the grounds of the school yard before adjournment. Officers for .(he 1950 year were elected. They are -L. W. Outlaw, president; My -M Thlgpen, vice president; Miss Dora Betty Dixon, secretary-treasurer. Directors for next year are H. D. Kornegay, GUsson; Freely Smfth, Smith; Arthur Whitfield, Kenans vUle; H. B. Kornegay, Falson; G. F. Landon, Cypress Creek; W. u. Bot tle, Magnolia; Preston Wells, Wolfe scrane: Leland Teacher. Island Creek; Horace Ward, Rosa Hill; M. M. Thlgpen, BeulavlUe; and Le Roy Simmons, Albertson. - Q. How does the food value of honey compare with other every day foods? A. Seven ounces of honey has as much food value as a quart of milk, five ounces of creamed cheese, 10 egge, 12 ounces of round beefsteak, 15 ounces of codfish, eight oranges, or 8V4 ounces of walnuts. Yet, good honey can be purchased for 30 cents a pound, making it one of the cheapest and best fowls on the market. ' Q. Will a permanent pasture be damaged if turkeys are allowed to graze it? A. Permanent pastures will not be damaged, by Jfrailng turkeys provided the birds are moved fre quently. Properly grazing turkeys will improve the pasture'by spread ing manure evenly over the field. . Q. How can calves be taught to drink milk? A. Place bucket containing milk in front of the calf. After dipping two fingers ia the milk, place thein in the calf s mouth. When he be ging to suck, gradually lower the band Into the milk and spread the fingers so that the milk will be drawn up between the fingers. Af ter a minute or so carefully remove the fingers from the calfs mouth. Office Supplies ... A N D EQ U I P M ENT.'v DESKS, CHAIRS,, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX jGhn II. Ccrter, Cciy KINSTON.N. C a) : Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINORS OF LOWER ' PRICKS ON QUALITY SEA FOODS . , . . .(Next Door to AAP) ' ' I : !. Both Wholesale and Retail H now Your I'lah or Know Your Fuhnaan WHXIS BARTLBTT -FREE.'. ,, v Paa-tia-l - DELIVER JRESaiNtt WARSAW. N. C ? M JOSH GOT RESULTS Josh was bringint bJ Jastbad el tobacco lata town cfcf athtr day and Was sfl smiles when ask. ed about j&t prices he bad beta getting ThevVe good enoujbr h g:inafi I, , . -"And y'now hy? VI fc.3 ya j- rf7' 'rj I lad 1 l L ' t ! "-, Like Josh, the ker inoWy d our state knows it takes eaer getk piannlnf and kard work ' get mutts. That is wky t&s Jok it Js dotog ' wfck tkt lUx ; UntPt DlrUiosj of tks Norti CuC. t ATS Eoari is txpaf ;tsnt to cJens 'Wka want to sm North Carolina a better f lace in which to live. ' ' discovered. long ago, but there are millions of people today who never use n and dent know anything about tt Modem plumbing has been In use aver since roost of us were born; but f" 1 moat human be-' sags still walk for '; their water instead of getting h Arem plpu. AB inven tions take quite a while to get around. So It la in the realm of the spirit. Jere- snlab the prophet Dr. Fsremsji rt has been said. Is ; the "man who discovered the in dividual" But ITO0 years after bis tfaa individual needs redis- notice will be in fc r of t;.v... iJObvery. All persons indebted ta estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of November, Y S. A. Smith, administrator : N of the. estate of Sarah S. ':. . Elisabeth Kennedy, de ceased. Beulavllle. N. C. a E. PhBUps, Attorney ; 13-23-61 HEP 'r.H'.K':"? NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION aovermg. Even in the church, some people live and act as if Jeremiah's discovery had never been made. . . ... A Man Stands Alone - " ALTBOUOH JEREMIAH was a priest and aristocrat by birth, bis own class disowned him. The story in Jeremiah M shows dram atically why this was. Be predicted (loom tor bla nation, and alnce bis own "upper-bracker' people were the nation's leaders, they con sidered Jeremiah's attitude not only unpatriotic but a downngns personal Insult v, ?-v,r H it had been left to the ' Ike day ef Jersmlab'a BeraaM at the toaaple would have beea Ma ktet To pat H bhntly, the tweea Jeremlali the ether "repheto" bM be fat this way: Be kaew ue mm was te laat, ass sney tt wao.pleaty " Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of W. E. Currie, deceased, this is to notify alL persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the lBtfal day of November, 1950, or this notice will be pled In bar of their recovery. All persons inidebted to said estate, will please make Immediate- payment This November 13, U40. ' Sudle Dall Currie, Admix. of W. E. Currie v 12-30-tt.BDJ - NOTICE SEE VINO SUMMONS. . . BT PUBLICATION . ' la The General County Court Cass No. EM NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. They probably could have agreed with him that a wicked nation de servea divine punishment; only they could see nothing wrong With Judah. Religteai by Proxy? THEY were mistaken many ways. Mistake number oner They thought the Temple, with all that went on In it waa much more im portant to God than It really .was. The whole business Temple, white robed priests, chanting choirs," the burning of . animals. , the Incense and the mystic lights It had be ta their eyes a sort of im-good-luck charm.. They thought: Surely God will not de stroy a city that contains this Templet ...,. ,. . .1 Bat. Jeremiah saw threat:) ' that mistake. lastttatieaa, rtt- ' sala, ergaalsatteas, cremealea, acrajneata, these are ail simply meaae to aa end, they have ae valae In themaelTea. Every thtos we ean "pabUe weraMp" is good only S? and ee far as tt ttfta aad etoaasea the aptrlte of ' the weralpera aad brine them t nearer Ged.. The most perfect and Impressive worship, engaged in by those whose hearts are evil, beomef a blas phemy. A fine church is" no substi tute for fine people, s. A besutiful worship program will tkot conceal from God's eye unbeautiful souls. , Mistake number two: The priests and prophets supposed there was such a thing as religion by proxy. They thought the priests by carry ing on their duties could take care of the situation. Gad writes an the heart " ' ANOTHER MISTAKE made by those poor fools of false proph ets and priests was In supposing they bad the Law of God, when all they had was two tables of stone shut up in a box (I Kings 3:1). They were proud ef those tables of stone, they were the Commandments of God, and they were guarded most carefully in the Holy of Holies in the Templet Surely. God would not destroy the city that possessed the. Sacred Law! But Jeremiah knew better. In the wng run, the only place the Law of God does Teal good Is when it 1 written on the to Jeresalah'S meat-famaaa. ' pisihaoy (chap. ID he leeka ' tenrart to the day irhea Oed'a sadwrltlnf shaU be net ea tables ef stone bat est amman baarle. Thai prepheBy la betag faMUted day by day aa perwaa : ton their Iwarto to the Lerd . aad epasi the beek ef their Uvea that Oe4 auy write ale lawa LUCY ANN LEWIS ' VS. -JAMES O. LEWIS, JR. , The defendant James O. Lewis, Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced In the General : County Court of Duplin. County, North Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that he la required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said County in the Courthouse In KenansvUle, North Carolina, within t-twenty (20) days after the 24th day of December, 1M9, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded ia said complaint This the 21st day of November, 1949. R. V. Wells, Clerk Gen era! County Court Duplin County, L North Carolina. Earlie C. Sanderson, Atty.-12-I8-4t ECS , Yet bow many people have never learned this truth! -Having a great tradition ia xid; owning and read ing the Bible ia good; but. it Is not the Bible on ti e shelf that counts, not carrying a testament in the pockat but the Word of God "hid in the heart" of those wlo know, love and do what God decree. : .: ':: (0M tor tt InternoU-! Mimcff r iui .. aa t .tf a te I ' itnMiuun. ), ..Hi kf v -j ; kci:c3 -cf Ar:rr.:zrr.ATaoN EXECUTORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quail fled as Executor f . the estate of Isaiah .Branch, deceased. . late of Duplin Countythla Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un- ill t 1 S XOIVG5 MIIIMUtmiM r . . .;. r. h i " nt. ve For WALJA'.y TLOItAL COMPANY WAr".W. N. C. CDOO( lb.MJ APAftlTTSNTS Fcr Rc.it . Warsaw And "Kenansville A. J. STRICKLAIID PHONB 554 WARSAW. N. C. Roanoke, Va. wiU hitch its wagon to a star - like tne one piciureo above - the largest electrical star in the world which is being eraeted at the peak of 1,800-ft. Mill Mountain In the very heart of "Virginia's Magic City." - ' The triple-decker neon star, nearly 100 feet In diameter, is de signed to be "a symbol of our civic pride and determination to become one of the South's greater cities," says Mayor A. R. Minson. (During the past year, in three-different months, Roanoke has been listed on the Rand-MeNally business trend map as one of the nation's top ten cities in business activity.) The 17,500-watt star, will contain 3,000 feet of neon tubing, and the three concentric star, fortm will weigh 10,000 pounds. The project was rushed to completion in time to hold lighting ceremonies Thanks giving Eve. Roahokers plan to have the star lit for special occasions in the future. Local stargazers estimate that it will be visible for 100 miles by air, and possibly for 50 miles on the ground. dersigned on or before the 22nd day of November, 1950, or this no- tice will be plead in bar to their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of November, 1949. . . Raymond Branch, Executor of,- the : estate of Isaiah , , Branch, - deceased,; Mount , Olive, North .Carolina. H.'E. Phillips, Attorney ;. 12-30-6L HEP ...i ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION sons ' indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. : This the 1st day of November, 1949. Kathleen Kornegay, Ad ministratrix of the estate of wmtieid Scott Korne gay. deceased, i Bowden, N. Cv" H. E. Phillips, Attorney . The undersigned, having. quali fied as administratrix of the estate of Wlnfleld Scott Kornegay," de ceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify vall persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November, 1950, or this notice will be plead In bar to their recovery. All per- '.'i3 D. H. CARLTON INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW. , ' NORTH CAROLINA lifBre r Slorm - Aufomobile, etc. ''M'-rvC'1 Telephone 3496 ' " REMEMBER TODAY TOMORROW :- .'. ' j, WITH A rnoTooiAf h KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUN1 iLIVB Phonee tlT-J or CM r COMMERCIAL PHO10GH4PH1 K stl'ECIALTY ? WILLIAMS FUNERAL BOMB f . , BUtr TyadaB : . -i, Undertakara . Fibilmars . Ambulanee Sarvtee Home of Mt Olive BnrUl Aau. Phone 240 ;-. Mt OUve, N. C WATCi.3 . CLCCSS v WATCI EAKSB RINGS GX OSDER ' Repair in e Watches, Clocks, Jewelry PRIySTQN nOLKIS DUPLUf MERCANTILB CO in rr'"'vrt3 :MF.ALLE1I;JR. General Insurance"''' Kenansville, II. C. . luinsville's Only Insurance Agency N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. ,v Fool of Wsynesborough AvcintM . t ). m. wa aa sura ew J sjaa ai t -. , - r. oldsbor o.'N. c - PHONE 1532 OH , 2m COLLECT -IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WR WILL C PICK-UP DEADCATTLE, MULES AND IICGS FREE OF CTIARO li' &tb;": r nnLfl : n n WUuDU n n r GET III TOUCH WITH US NOW i 1 1 "I ' 7x '..J".!e-'4i ; n l-.-'- iff -p.. -JS,',-' 1ir'yr N 1 it, I . Vf s X. v k vuU cJ" yyyyy4 'r;r; JS 1 A i I If . a. FAISOII, tl. C. ' . -.. " 1 i ., , ; - J t 4. tl r if x 'r f" 1 r tit'

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