T II E D Up Li N 'TIMES' ) FRIDAY. DECEMEEIt, g3rd., 19 11 Some people believe that a single I; injury, such as a blow In the breast f-UL cause cancer.: &rff$8& p Some people believe that cancel Is hereditary, that parent pass It to to their children. u-i I Many believe that cancer tn in surable .and that there is nothing She individual can: do to protect ' iimsclf and hia -family, t AU'thesaJarae.beliefr are dealt 5trith in the first five of a series of popular pamphlets on .cancer. The pamphlets, prepared by the Nation al Cane Instituterimpha?lz that early- eancef tf frequently! accom iantt d by warning signs and symp toms and- that persons who cau fecogntae them and obtain prompr tnedically attention can usually be wired. ' -r. '. f The' first of the publications is m illustrated folder that describes - .the eancer process, the known facts ibout it causes and ( approved 4j jprthods of treatment, and lists the Jnost usual signs of possible early xaacer. As listed in the folder, include: .. L. Any lump, especially in the 1 .'.the Season I iwhenlells ring I "i joyotwly-and' folks like us wish you a dis- breast, : 2. Irregular bleeding or charge from body opening. 3. Persistent indigestion. 47 Unexplained changes in bow el movements.,. 5. Unexplained weight-loss. 6. Changes in color or size of a mole. 7. Any sore that does not heal promptly. - The other four pamphlets, which discuss in simple, interesting lang uage but with scientific accuracy the essential facts about cancer of specific -sites; of the-body.,' One of these is on cancer of the breast, second is on female reproductive organs, a third on digestive tract, and tbe fourth on the mouth and respiratory tract. Later pamphlets will discuss cancer of the genito urinary tract and skin cancer. Through personal alertness, to the signs and symptoms of early cancer, the people could prevent thousands of Unnecessary deaths caused by cancer each year.. With out becoming a nation of cancer phobes, we can learn and apply the E06 TALES Short Shorts -By TOM FARLEY Merry Christmas TVX8 and their doing have been MM in, the news In many ways and tn many pieces recently. For In stance: In California, Albert O. Wagner, Wealthy San Francisco business man and owner of a ranch near Napa, offered a reward of $5,000 for the capture of the poisoner of four of hia dogs. "I Just want to take a look at the person who'd do a thing like that," Mr. Wagner aald. In Washington, the Department of Agriculture Announced that la the first halt of the year almost halt again aa much first grade canned dog food waa manufactured under government certification as in the like period of last yeas. Figures were about 175 million pounds this year and 120 million pounds last A motel in Las Vegas, Nevada, not only accommodates but encour ages dog guests. The owner keeps a registry of canine visitors with names, ancestry, owners, and ad dresses, and each one receives a greeting at Christmas from her dog. Dogs from every state of the Union are represented as well as cats, canaries, lovebirds, and a parrot. There's a flye-year-old terrlor In Freeport, Illinois, that apparently enjoys the school alide just aa much as the kid. After watching them for some time, he finally bounced up the ten-step ladder and cautiously slid and skidded down the metal slide. Since then it's be come a regular practice with him. nuchess. a Pasadena, California. Cocker spaniel, has been on a hun ger strike since her favorite play thing, a comical rubber dog named Oscar, lost his squeak. She has moped around the house, carrying Oscar In her mouth and gazing disconsolately at her owners, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips. Further more, she will not accept any sub stitute for Oscar, even If the doll has a squeaker. The Philllpsei have ordered an Oscar II but since the local store is presently out of stock on the plaything, it looks as though Duchess will not be back on her feed for a while. - Students at Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, are planning to erect a flagpole wttb a plaque at the base, as a memo rial to their departed mascot, Joe College, a mongrel pup that wan dered onto the campus It years ago and adopted the entire student body as tbe object of his affections. New tn the bookstores is a sec ond edition of "The Dachshund ot Teckel", by Herbert Sanborn (Orange Judd Publishing Co., $4.60). Containing just about every thing; a Dachshund owner should know about his breed. It carries Interesting material on their origla Dachshunds are well suited to theii historic role as badger hunters be cause of their short legs which per mit easy entry to earth boles. Pic tures of dogs that resemble th breed have been found in Egyptian tombs dating from the 15th cen tury, B. C. VILLE NEWS few Simple precautions that every person ought to know. Watch for possible Cancer symptoms. Make! is as commonplace and matter-of- fact as watching traffic, lights while driving a car. If .you notice any of the signs or symptoms, there is no cause for panic. They prob ably signify a condition other than cancer, but to make sure, go to your physician for a thorough ex amination. The best safeguard, es pecially if you are over 35, la to have a complete examination at least once a year. Tbe pamphlets were published in response to a widespread demand for a simple, clear explanation of what cancer Is and bow the - di vidual can protect himself and his family against this second most common cause of death. Numerous requests for such materials have coine from health agencies which now conduct cancer education as an Important part of their public health work. All pamphlets warn against re llance on diet, pills, or other "cure all" remedies, and emphasizes that science knows only three ways to cure cancer: Surgery. X-ray, and radium or radon gas Miller Club Holds Christmas Party I.E.S. Met Dec. ISsh hi "Rough & Dressed Lumber I h We Buy Your Timber '. 3 1 r . t . ' mHSjf ; i Uttest in naning mms . DEULA VILLE, N. C. There's no play acting when wc wish our friends a Merry Christmas. . Brooks DEPARTMENT STORE IN WARSAW Jl Yellow tomatoes have had a considerable popularity in farm and t jwn home garden's and In recent years have been grown commercial- ly as a source of Juice for canning. On Tuesday night, Dec. 15, the Miller Home Demonstration Club held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Ashe Miller. . A delicious plate consisting of baked chicken, dressing, cranberry sauce, candled potatoes, snap beans, carrots, rice, gravy and hot biscuits, cocoauut pie and coffee was served to the 23 members present. Games and contepta were enjoyed and the members had a delightful time ex changing gifts. ' Church Women Hold Meeting The Women of the Church held their monthly meeting Saturday evening, Dec. 10 at 3 o'clock in the Hal!svllle Presbyterian church. The meeting was called to order by the president. Mrs. Herman Miller had charge of the program. Assisting her were Mesdames Ice land Grady, Bland Rhodes, Nor wood Miller and Ashe Miller. The top!?. "Joy To The World" was pre sented. At ftp clost of the meeting refreshments were enjoyed by all. The regular meeting of the IU-u)a vllle chapter Order of Eastern Star, No. 2?7, was held Monday night, 1 Dec. 19 at 7:30 In tbe Masonic Hall. After the meeting closed an in teresting Christmas program was given by Mrs. Walter Rhodes, and a delightful social hour was enjoyed. New Employer Forms Must Be Filed By Jan. 31 Employers of the N. C. Interna' Revenue collection district have received Form SS-la for the quart er ending December 31, 1949. In accordance with applicable laws and to avoid penalties, this return must be filed with the Collector of -Intcrnsl Rvnue,-Orensbore, X. ' C, on or Before mldnlgbt January 31, 1950. These returns must be .. - v...- . - I-."' filed by -all employers of one or more , persons in such businesses as -factories mills, mines, shops, stores, and offices as well as many other types f industrial and com mercial establishments. rhe Social Security Administra tion field office emphasised the necessity that the reports be both accurate and complete. Wages re ported for each employee are cred ited by the Social Security Admini stration to his individual wage ac count number as they appear on his number card. To Insure proper posting, the employer must report employe's wage with his name and nun. her exactly as they appear on his Account number card. Beginning January 1. 1950, the Social Security tax rate for both employers and employees goes up to Vi'( each. Information regard ing tax regulations ana assistance in filing the quarterly returns are available from local Deputy Col lectors. Assistance in matters per taining to Social Security Account Numbers and claims will be furn ished through any field office of the Social Security Administration. Your nearest field office is at 130 Custom House, Wilmington. t Hear the bolls ring out our wishes for a wonderful Christmas foi all of our friends! f DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO. IN KENANSVILLE A Merry Christmas COMES SLIDING T O YOU FROM BRITT SHELL STATION ON THE CORNER IN WARSAW WE GREAT - MEAN ; X Vk r;r; ,-jfT ( r Jl A f V big ' -.5 " vT v;y v- i- . . , ,v , ' - ' .... ' : ..':':..'. :-.. - - - . i , MERRY CHRISTMAS - AND A CHAPPY NEW YEAR .. -j- -s1asnBsnsnBBnBsannasnBBssssBssBBBBSBasBBiBBBBBBaBi BEULAVILLE'S FRIENDLY STORES ; t:"T. sTcr.r.3 to Err.vE you Our Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year As we celebrate Christmas we begin planning for another year. As we think about the days be tween now and another Christmas we naturally think about our trading posts. For the next twelve months the T. A. Turner Company will be belter able than ever to supply your needs with the best of service and lowest possible prices. Now Ready For You MEAT MARKET FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES DRY GOODS .NOTIONS SHOES HARDWARE FURNITURE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES PATENT MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES WATER PUMPS WATER HEATERS SPACE HEATERS TOBACCO SEED now in stock FIELD & GARDEN SEED TOBACCO CANVASS TOBACCO Twine, Trucks, Flues STOCK FEEDS HORSES AND MI LES ALLIS-CH ALMERS TRACTORS TRACTOR EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE , III PINK HILL For Pleasant Dealings Trade With The Turner Boys T. J. Turner; L. C. Turner, Graham Turner, ' Aubrey Turner ,; 'f , imW" j