FRIDAY, JANUAKx ZUlh, lau mm n f i u u uuu THE DUPLIN TIMES 1IDC Meets I - -- ! ." Mrs. Lehman WillUms and Mrs. ; tewis William were Joint hostess fs to the B. T. Grady Home Dem onstration Club at the home of the . former on Monday afternoon. The president Mrs. Joe Westhrook pre SJded. The meeting was short, due fo the fact that the club books had not arrived to be filled out A short business session wvs held. The hostesses served Ice cream, cake and salted nuts with drinks io hnut as members attending. : il:::ince Birth ' "t Mr.' and Mrs. Raeford Jones of Pink Hill Rt 1, announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Elaine, at : Memorial General Hospital, Kins ton. Dec 18. Mrs. Jones was form erly Miss Betty Daly of Rlchlands. s Mrs. L. H. Turner was hostess to Die Women's Society of Christian Service -of the Methodist Church at her home on Tuesday with 12 ;- members present Mrs. W. H. Jones . was in charge of the program. Three new members were wel comed Into the society, i Mrs. D. W. Ruffin, president, . presided. The hostess served re freshments after the meeting. adjourned. Bridge Hostess Mrs. Jones Smith was hostess to her bridge club at her home here on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hel en Turner received club high score prize, M- D. W. Ruff in a prise for second high while Mrs. T. A. Turner received the consolation trophy. Mrs. E. M. Sills received a prize for visitors high score. The hostess served cold drinks during plsy. After scores were , totaled, fruit cake with cream was served. BF of BL Award Mr. Whitford H1U of Pink Hill who won the grand sweepstakes award In the 13 county Better Far ming for Better Living Program, was presented a check for $100 at a meeting at the agricultural build ing in Kinston Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hill took Le noir County honors in 1047 and went on to win the regional award as well. In 1048 they were strong contenders for regional honors and in their 1049 effort they earned the grand award. In accepting the check Mr. Hill said, "It's not the money nor the award which is so valuable, but the results one gets from following through with the Better Farming for Better Living Program." - ZF Mrs, J. F. May while her husband la a patient at the Veterans Hos? tat In Fayettevllle. Mr: Remus Teacbey formerly oi. Holts Store section is employed In the office of T. A. Turner and Co. Inc. He is making his home here In an apartment in the home of Mrs. Annie B. Jones. Scotty Wiley, young son of Prln. and Mrs. Frank Wiley Is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. Matt Burke who is employed at New Bern visited his family here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton May of New Bern visited briefly, wth the J. F. May family here Thursday. Haywood Stroud, employed in Raleigh, was a recent visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Turner and Mr. J. K. Smith have returned after a couple of weeks on the Asheville tobacco market . Miss Llllle Smith returned on Thursday from a visit of several weeks with relatives near Jackson ville. Fla. ' R. K. Smith, a senor at Chapel Hill spent the week end here with relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fussell and daughters of Rose Hill and Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis and children of Caly pso was recent guests of Mrs. N. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbltt of Rocky Mount spent the weeek end In the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. . NOTICE OF RE-SALE 56 Vi West 264 feet to a stage; thence North 67 West 165 feet to a stake; thence North 32 West IBS feet to a stake; thence North 10 East 148 feet to a stake; thence North 15 Vi West 260 feet to a take: thence North 5 V West 132 feet to a stake; thence North 54 West 90 feet to an oakr thence South 8 East 90 feet to an oak on the run of Big Branch; thence as the run of Big Branch to the run of Muddy Creek; thence down the run of Muddy Creek to the begin nlna Dolnt. containing 65 acres. more or less. The timber situated on said lands that will cut and measure 10 Inches across the stump 12 inches above the ground, with usual priv ileges of Ingress and egress, with the right to remove same within two years can be sold separately from the lands, or can be sold with the land which ever is greater. A 10 per cent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder, as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 13th day or January, 1950. H. E. Phillips, Commissioner l-27-2t. HEP Personals a For Beit Prices and Com plete Job on Monuments. See or Write ::v. II. J. CZULAVILLE r Mrs. H. A. Edwards returned on Friday night from Baltimore where she had been-receiving treatment at John Hopkins Hospital for the past ten days. Rev. N. P. Farrior, Messrs. Mal colm ' Grady, Durham Grady and Herman Page attended a meeting of Presbytery at Penderlea la3t Thursday. Mrs. Edward Hill and children were Kinston shoppers Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Dan Boyette of Kin ston were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner. Mrs. .Adolph Howard has been visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Grady In Alexandria, Va. Rev. Thomas Horner of Pink Hill and Rev. and Mrs. L, C. Prater of Outlaw's Bridge attended the Lau rlts Melchoir in Greenville recently. Sgt and Mrs. Jay Carter of Port Royal, S. C. have been visiting rel atives here. ' : ! Mrs. Charles Nash of Kinston :s here ' with her parents, Mr. and UNDER AND BV VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY of an order of re sale of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in that certain Spec ial Proceeding entitled: "David Fountain, Administrator of the es- NCTICE OF SALE and being a portion ot the lands deeded to Ashley Stroud and wife by N. B. Stroud et us as recordec. In Book 129. page 289 and being Lot No. 6 according to the sub division of the lands of Ashley Stroud as recorded In Book , page of the Duplin County Registry. Subject to the life estate of Ash ley Stroud, A ten per cent deposit will be required by the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. This the 22nd day of December. 1949. H. E. Phillips, Trustee l-20-4t. HEP. Grady Seniors To Present Play For A Reel Taste Thrill EAT HINES ICE CREAM GOOD EVERY DAY Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in that Certain deed of Trust, executed by Jeffie Stroud et ux, Goldle M. Stroud, dated 16th j day of December, 1947, and record- ed in Book 442, page 301, in the Office of Register of Deeds of Du plin County, default having been made In payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, the un dersigned Trustee will offer foi sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Couit Hnuse door in Kenansville, Duplin County, at 12:00 Noon on Monday, tate of Luther B. Hunter, deceased vs Ammie Evans Sandlln and ofh- January 23, 1950, the property con- ers" and being S. P. No. 2342 duly , veved in said Deed of Trust, and i -::Us '1 , V 1 v y jitv v. ! . rr tW , "(Nlodol RM-4S filed in the office of Clerk of Su perior Court of Duplin County, the undersigned commissioner will of fer for re-sale for cash on Monday, January 30, 1950, at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Court house door at Kenansville, North Carolina, to the highest bidder, all that certain tract of land, timber and land to be sold separately, or together, which ever brings the greater and being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the run of Muddy Creek, and runs thence South 1-45 East 1085 feet crossing Chinquapin Road to a stake located Just south of the Chinquapin Road; thence South 86-15 East 538 feet to a stake near Bear Pond Branch; thence South 137 feet; thence South 33 East 119 feet; thence South 14 Mt West as ditch and the line of V. Maready 470 feet; thence South 34 East 77 feet; thence as ditch South 24 East 500 feet; thence South 28 East 440 feet to a stake on back line; thence as back line North 87 East 825 feet to a stake; thence North 6 West as the line of J. . Southerland 1000 feet to an Iron stake; thence North T. A. TURNER CO. Pink Hill, N. C. . being situated in Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and being described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Bessie Stroud Hill, Hubert Thompson. Pearl Stroud Letchworth and oth ers and described as follows: BE GINNING at a stake in Hubert Thompson's line, corner of Lot No. 5 and runs as Lot No. 5 North 40- 40 West 49 chains to a pine on the run of Great Branch; thence dotvn the mn of Great Brancn to a stake, corner of Lot No. 7; thence as Lot No. 7 South 40-40 East 40.78 chains to a stake in a ditch, in Hubert Thompson's line ;thence Nor.ii 41 East 2.85 chains to the beginning, containing 11.6 acres, more or less, The B. F. Grady Senior Class will present a three-act comedy "Dam sels In Distress" in the school au ditorium Friday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. A small admission fee will be charged which will benefit a trip to Washington in the spring. The characters are as follows: Pamela Royle - Mary C. Smith; Geraldlne Ware Maebelle Out law; Mrs. Meeks - Georgia Lee Rouse; Mrs. Guppy - Thelma Jones; Aunt Eustacia - Martha Souther land; Natasha Federovna - Jewel Ann Sheppard; Jimmy Love - Joe Garner; Shelby Parsons Alfred Wells; Braymer Babcock Arthur Dail; Ethelbert Meeks - Nathan Kelly; Mike Alfred Harper; Bill -Walton Harper. The public is invited to attend. Owners of Christmas tree plan tations may get two or three trees from the same stump. Since the stump has a well-established root system, the "turn-up" grows to marketable height in less time than is required to grow a tree from a seedling. c s-l We build to a standard V NOT TO A -PRICE SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Inc. kinston; n.c. Phone 3412 DEALERS: ' DupIlB Mercantile Co. ' Kenansville, N. C. L J. Sandlln Company : BenlavUle, N. C Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugti Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. O o o o o o o o o o o o o e o p p p p p p p p p IN STOCK NOW Tobacco Canvas All Grades & Widths Very Nice Wheat Straw Seven Springs Supply Co. SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. V T.I ').. . ." - $279.75 LOOK at all tfcf features I ft lifetime ferteUilai Insisto nd eut AU-Resisrinf torcekln tup TA !e-Dufy Theonlxe wLa Accessaries ,ni TSwifte-JUUtU Switch Twin-Unit Even-He Owe r High-Speed, Smotwictt- n Type trailer - - e MI-WMth Storage Drawer CeefcMestf Oven " - Clock Control. Automatic Tlme-Slgnol " ' ' Fluorescent Ceeklnf-tef) : Urn- f 'A N D EQ U ilPME NT ; DESKS, CIIAIRS, FILING . CABWETS LEDGEHS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX II. Ccrtcr; Ccx?:ny i IONSTONfN;C.: ATTENTION FARMERS '.V Tuter -& burner INSURANCE AGENCY y' "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE L. C. TDBNEB. J. - , T. J. IOTtNE - rink Hill's Oldest Insurance Agency We are now in a belter position than ever to supply your farm and home needs. Our stock is at its best. We will serve all your needs for cash or on credit. ejMaliql6a Armour, Baugh and Farmville Cotton Oil Mill Fertilizers Coker's Tobacco Seeds Tobacco Canvas and Twine Tobacco Trucks Hay, Grain and Feeds. Field and Garden Seeds All Kinds and Size Fencing Hardware Groceries Dry Goods FORD TRACTORS And Service Dearborn Farm Implements Horses and Mules Building Supplies Rubber and Tin Roofing WESTINGHOUSE Electric Appliances, Refrigerators Deep Freeze Units, Laundromats, Cook Stoves, Radios Meat Market Lime, Brick, Cement SHOES NOTIONS W. H. Jones & Company "EVERYTIHNG FOR THE FARM AND HOME" THE FARMER'S STORE IN PINK HILL 3 O O P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P o p f C.

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