A- UNA T II E D UP LIN TIMES FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1950 HIM UK News ijipion-Shepley Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Simpson of 'Beulaville. announce the engage ment of their daughter. Pansy le lo Mr. Paul P. Shepley, son of Mr. ind Mr; Joseph Shepley of Mount -Carmel, p. ' ft Miss Simpson is a graduate of beulaville High School and at the present la employed with the De partment of the Army in Washing ton, D. C. Mr. Shepley la now serv ing with the NaVy in Portsmouth, Virginia. f. -.. i i lulaville Sailor telurns From Iverseas Cruise I- After a 4 month cruise in the Mediterranean Gusa Straughn, sea- rn apprenUce, USN, of Beulaville, scheduled to return to Norfolk, Va., January 27 aboard the destroy er USS Hank. r The Hank has been operating frith the Sixth Task Fleet overseas Ind all personnel were afforded an Opportunity to visit Greece, Italy, lalta and the Rock of Gibraltar. I'XounirySfore" Jf The Annual March of Dimes Drive la getting off in a big way ere in Beulaville. Chairman W. F. Sud) Miller reports it is another tie of those Civics Club projects, nd a lot of effort is being put forth Insure its success. fe Chairman Miller also reports the . feerchanta Jiere responded very ' Jenerously in donating merchandise fer the "Country Store" auction to e held Friday night at the Model Theatre. There will be souvenirs from Gov. Scott and Sen. Hoey and other distinguished men there for auction. " :'. '. ' There will be many items of val ue for auction ao don't miss the "Country Store" at the Model The atre, Friday night at 7 o'clock. Myra Ann Thomas Is Honored Miss Myra Ann Thomas was hon ored on her 10th birthday Friday afternoon, Jan, 14 at her home by her mother Mrs. Jay Thomas. Bingo and Monoply was enjoyed Indoors by the guests after which they were invited into the dining room where a large birthday cake with pink lighted candles 'centered the table. Each guest was served Ice cream, cake, Pepsi colas and candy. Those present were Zelma Mac thews, "Teet" Mercer, Barbara Quinn, Mona Jean Brlnson, Dotty and Jean Humphrey, Sally Jo Ken nedy, Pat and Billy Sumner, Ben ny Ray Thomas, Linda and Sherry Howard, Agnes and Brenda Lanier. Allen, J. G. and Sue Thomas, Joe Thomas, W. J., Judy and Dean Thomas. Myra Ann received many lovely and useful gifts. W. G. Jones, Jr. Installed Natl. Gd. The Beulaville National Guard Unit held installations ceremonies last Thursday night for 2nd Lt. Wm. Gerald Jones, Jr. A hundred guardsmen stood at attention while 2nd Lt Larry P. Bostic, command ing officer of the unit, read the executive orders from headquarter in Raleigh. Lt. Bostic gave Lt. Jones a hearty welcome then pin ned his bars and battery insigna on him. Lt. Jones is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones of Beulaville. He attended Beulaville High School, Oak Ridge Military Institute, N. C. State College. University of Fla and in 1946 received his degree in Commerce from University of N. C. Lt. Jones saw four years of ac tive service in the Army during the war. servine from Dec. 1941 to Dec. 1945. Announce Births Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Miller an nounce the birth of a daughter Sandra Lynn. January 1, in Par- rotts Hospital, Kinston. Mrs. Miller is the former Miss Frances Sander son of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Jones of Beulaville announce the birth oi a daughter, Hallie Irene, in Memo rial General Hospital. Kinston. Mrs. Jones is the former Miss Ruth Sanderson. dents, baseball club, football squad members, faculty, class oincers, coaches of all teams, boys' and girls' basketball teams and the mascots. Work being done on the Annual Is under the supervision of Mrs Leland Grady. Anyone wishing to purchase an annual can contact Mrs. Grady, members of the sen ior class, or Mrs. Mary Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Gurman Guy an nounce the birth of a son, William McCoy, January 5 in James Walker Hospital. Mrs. Guy is the former Lou Belle Byrd of Beulaville, Mr. and Mrs. L. George Whaley announce the birth of a son Danny Lewis January 5 In Kinston Memo rial General Hospital. Mrs. Whaley is. the former Kathleen Trott of Beulaville. Seniors Select Mascots i 1 .a :1 9-t - wr jaw --jm V FOR SALE . LARGECOAL HEATER Good Condition. Ideal For Warehouse or Garare. Give , Away Price. Can Be Seen At DUPLIN TIMES Office IN KENANSVILLE The Senior Class of Beulaville High School held their annual Pow Wow Tuesday morning in the audi torium to pick the mascots for the spring exercises. Members of the class report the selection of Douglas Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Clarke and June Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller. Birthday Parly Mrs. Frank Quinn entertained a number of young guests Friday afternoon, January 6 honoring her son, Mickey, on his 7th birthday. A number of outdoor games were played after which Mrs. Quinn ser ved cake, ice cream and Pepsi co las. Mickey received -a vast-assortment of gifts from his friends. Seniors Progressing On Annual Members of the Senior Class are making progress on their 1949-50 Beulaville High School Annual. On Wednesday and Thursday a photo grapher made pictures of the stu Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bos tic and children, Mrs. L. J. Albert son and Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Alb ertson attended the birthday din ner of Eneas Lanier in Chinqua pin Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown are spending a few days with their daughter Mrs. Homer McKeith in Southport. Mrs. Lehman Williams and son Clen of Pink Hill visited Mrs. M. J. Whaley Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic of Warsaw visited Mrs. Sudie Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Macon Brown on Sunday. Mr. Foy Jones Jr. and Miss Jose phine Thigpen of Midway Park at tended the "Ice Follies" in Raleigh last week. Messrs. John S. Kennedy, W. F. Miller, Macon Brown, Red Mercer. Ransom Mercer. Herman Hender son attended the meeting at the courthouse in Kenansville Saturday night. Mrs. Roscoe Pierce has returned to her home following treatment in a Wilmington hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams of Cary spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Lila Lanier. Mrs. Led Wililams has returned to her after undergoing treatment in Goldsboro Hospital for a month. Mrs. Osborne Sandlin of Raleigh spent Wednesday i.nd Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr. Mrs. W. S. Wells. Sr. and Carolyn of Rose Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Sandlin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Euqcne Whaley of Raleigh visited their parents Mi. and Mrs. Faison Turner and Mr. and Mrs. H. Whaley last week end Gerald Van Rhodes, USN, of Nor-, folk visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rhodes during the week end. Mr. and Mrs.'H. S. Johnson. Jr. ami children Tayna and Van Stuart and Mrs. H. S. Johnson, Sr. were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Jim D. Sandlin, Jr. Sunday guests of Mis. Malik Bradshaw were Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Smith and children of Magnolia. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Guy and son Charles Ray have moved to Spindale to make their home. Mrs. Leslie Turner and Mrs. Cor bett Wesson of Pink Hill visiter' relatives here Friday afternoon. Miss Polly Brown of ECTC vis ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Brown during the week end. Mrs. A L. Cavenauah and Mrs. Lula Q. Parker visited Mrs. R. F. Quinn in Raleigh a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batchelor visited her parents in Rose Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cottle of Raleigh spent the week and with Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Cottle. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Howard of New Bern spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Simmons and daughter visited in Wilson last week. Mrs. J. B. Beard and son of Camp Lejeune were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs. Hosea Hunter. Miss Dorothy Thigpen of Kinston spent the week end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thigpen Mr. and Mrs. John Hargett o! Riehlands spent Sunday with Mrs E. R. Thigpen. Mrs. Lou Belle Williams and Riel.ard spent the week end ir Chapel Hill with Mr. and Mrs. .Mil ton Whaley. Mr. Orzo Thigpen spenf Friday .. I Saturday with Rev. and Mr J I,. Powers ,r St. Pauls. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byrum and W. M. Wilkins of Edenton spent Sunday with Mrs. Sudie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holland of Micro spent the weekend with Mrs. Annie J. Bostic. Miss Ruth Kennedy of Midwav Park spent the week end with Mi .-. Janice Bostic. ' Mrs. W. H. Wilkins of Baltimore Md. Is spending a few days with Mrs. Sudie Brown. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Annie J. Bostic were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Holloman and daughter Ann of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pope and children of Magnolia. Miss Roslyn Hani'- of 15, nson. Miss Edith Brown of Magnolia and Miss Helen Brown Of Wallace Visit ed friends here Saturday afternoon. Generally lower prices lor live stock and livestock products are prospect for 1950, partly as a result of increased supplies. HAVE A HEART at your next party! 1 The easy, 1-2-3 recipe below, a simple icinp and a new sot '-f f n perky heart shaped pans are all you need for a time-,nvin-. ', ar rangement, beautifully done and original as a Dioi dinner Mirro lleurl Time: 25-30 Min. cup shortening 1V4 cups sucar 3 cups sifted calp fVnr 3 teaspoons biikiiu; i "-' r 1. Cream shortening until 1 : j -1 -1 . 2. Add sugar slowly and com.-.e er.-miyiitiw. 3. Alternately add sifted rtrv it . s anl milk lemon extract, beating hard ali-i cacn addition. 4. Fold in stiffly beaten rtrg whites. 5. Hake in greased and (It i-.-d M ; :n aluminum heprt 5. Tint your favorite frosunij wiili v-;.i-ullc coloring (If pressed for time, use the ml; mix you prefer.) rt nt not for cakes al'nip was tins dream dreamed' Can't voo iust see sukids, aspics, custards, even gay ice cream molds, all sentimentally shaped in this versatile Set? Appropriate for almost any occasion, we say "have a heart' Cuke Temp 3.r,0 F. teaspoon salt cup milk te-isnoon lemon extr" 4 rj., will us, sliilly beaten combined with pans. in fact, have eight Utile h next party. You'll hear complii and a ti.-inil i f ill tiiy one' at youff lenluiy clut-ciiat foi days! si W LINE FOR i 950 New...New.Jew CHRYSLERS with all-new beauty inside and out ! So Versatile ... So G-o-o-d! Ice cream ... the dessert of many faces. Serve it as it comes from the .container or with tempting choco late sauce, fruit or nuts. Glorify it with whipped cream or marshmal low. . . to make a dessert success story that's sure-fire in and house hold. oOo And ice cream the way we make it is health food. Only top quality ingredients are used ingredients that add to everyone's fundament al daily food requirements. Get White's Ice Cream for tonight's dinner! . ( V OUO v Be sure to try our new. fruit and nut flavors. Ask your dealer todaly! oOo - I "V I I rrr .1 f , . ,iyr- t - ' :''-"s2 ' ' ; 3.'-' .... '!iaJLLJL Am mmn WHITE ICE CREAM AliD KIlK COMPAIIY Thy'r Now On Display . . Come, see them today! . . . cars of surprising new beauty . . , with new longer, Vver, lovelier lines ... stunning new interiors, new jion fabrics. Yes . . . it's today's new style classic! And Chrysler's kind of beauty is the beauty , you really predate because it reflects the sound engineering and the solid comfort inside. Again there is room to spare for your head, your hat, your legs, your shoulders. Chair-height seats. Again the Chrysler is designed for easiest handling for safe vision for ease of getting in and out. See it, drive it and you'll agree, h. s the smartest, safest, sweetest performing car today. v;:: ;tcn

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