FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Ji 1350 I'M TO CELEBRATE . 7 ; A C SILVER ' WEDDING " 1 Mr. and Mrs. .Alton Brlnson of Beulavllle wiU hold open house In celebration of their silver wedding - anniversary on Wednesday night, March 29, 1950, from 7:30 to 11:00. ; All friends asft'ivlatlves of- the . family are cprdially. Invited. . YOUNG LADIES MEET 'Sw .-v. 'r-i ' . ;-: i The Young Ladles Circle met on Tuesday night in the home-of Mrs. j Andrew Jackson, Mtfs. Charlton - Sandlin presided. Bible Study was given by Mrs.- Jim Sandlin after - which she led the group in prayer. The program wai in charge of Mrs. : . Robert Matthews.' Prayer dlsmiws . ed the group led by Mrs. Orlando Albertson The hostess served a chicken salad plate and coffee to ': 9 members present : : . The April meeting will be held at the home -of Mrs. Harry Home. PI A MEETS.:;- ;7 ' The PTA met Monday nlght.-The devotional was led by Jtev. Sam Kennedy and special music was rendered by Hiss Faye Kennedy and Mrs. Thoebe QateY 8th grade. A talk on "Safety Driving" was given by Safety; Director from. New Bern. - ..-v. : New officers were elected: Pres. Mr. W. F. Miller; Vive Pres. Mrs. Sidney Hunter; J Secty., Mr, Her man Miller, . Treat Mrs. : Hosea Hunter. The meeting was dismissed with prayer. . ' . BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. Bilbro Bos tic was honored Sunday on his 56th birthday with a picnic dinner In the school cafe teria. A huge white cake with red candles centered the honoree's table. Barbecue, Brunswick stew and coffee were served. ' Out of town guests were Mrs. Rex Hodges and children of Wash- Steven Smith... Niceties, of Every day Living was gives by Miss Alta Lawaon, assistant; home agent. Mrs. Norris served chicken, salad on. lettuce,, iced drinks,, rlU and cookies:' ington, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bostic, Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Gudlgler Bostic and Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Bostic of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stroud, Mr .and Mrs. Willie Brinson of Kenansville ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bostic,' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic and children, Mrs. Mamie Bostic of Warsaw, Mrs. Ber tie Sloan, Mrs. Annie Rosa King and sons of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thlgpen and daughteh of Bethel, Sgt and Mrs. C. A. Cat- tany of Camp-Lejeune. SCHOOL GROUNDS Mr. John Harris of State College, accompanied by Agent L. F. Weeks and Home Agent Miss Hilda Clontz came to Beulavllle on March 9 to landscape the school grounds. Plans and suggestions were approved by the Yard Committee composed of Prin. Humphrey, .Mrs.; Betty Hin son, Mrs. Adolph Jones, Mrs. Ashe Miller, Mrs. Lou Belle Williams. Following the meeting a dinner was served in the Home Ec Dept by Mrs. P. E. Thlgpen assisted by Misses Jane Bostic, Diana Eubanks and Reba Sholar. . HDC MEETS Regular meeting of the HDC was held Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. F. L. Norrls with Miss Er mie Sanderson presiding and open ed with song. A report on Home Gardens was given by Miss Ermie Sanderson, Clothing report by Mrs. . 'N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC 'Foot of Waynesborough Avenue ... i-Former Weil's Brickyard V r GOLDSBORO, N. C. PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS - FREE OF CHARGE Maple Hill HDC met Mar. 13 in the .home- of Mrs. .Walter Miller. Mrs.: Horace Lee, presided. Inter esting talks and points of interest were given by members Etiquette was' discussed by home agent Miss Hilda Clontc Following the secre tary's report the hostess served a sweet course to the 14 present . MASONS ATTEND , Masons of Beulavllle Lodge 859 attended services at the Bethelhem Free Will Baptist Church Sunday night- Rev. S. A. Smith delivered an interesting message to the 42 Masons who attended. ' BAR-B-Q . i-. Veterans and their Instructors at the Better Farming Classes en Joyed a barbecue supper Tuesday night at, the school, lunchroom.- A social hour was enjoyed and appro ximately 12S members attended. REVIVAL Revival services will be- held at the Baptist Church beginning on March 27, conducted by Rev. L. J. Matthews of the First Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. PRESBYTERiAN""" WOMEN MEET , The Women of the Church will meet at the church. Tuesday night March 28 at 7:30. Officers for the new year will be installed, and all members of both circles are urged to attend. . SENIORS ENTERTAINED . The Senior Class chaperoned by Mrs. Mary Merce enjoyed a pic nic lunch at the "Cliffs"-Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy- entertained the group with a weiner roast Both were enjoyed. a. i s- A 1 x-:' ': ir To The Voters Of Duplin County: I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CANDIDACY FOR THE OF- life W EICE OF JUDGE OF THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT, SUB JECT TO THE WILL OF THE VOTERS IN THE DEMOCRAT IC PRIMARY TO BE HELD MAY 27th. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED. xil .111 f .1- . GRADY MERCER . To Th3 Voters Of Duplin "-V I ;IIERE3Y ANNOUNCE MY CANDIDACY FOR THE OF-' FICE OF SOLICITOR OF THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT,. SUBJECT TO THE WILL OF ? THE VOTERS IN ?TIIE DEMO CRATIC PRIMARY TO BE HELD MAY 27th. IF NOMINAT ED AND ELECTED I PLEDGE TO CONDUCT THE AFFAIRS OF THE COURT IN A STRICT AND RIGID MANNER AND TO PROSECUTE TO THE , BEST OF MY ABILITY ALL CASES .CCr.IING ! BEFORE SAID f COURT. K-U YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL EE APPRECIATED. ' Mr. Raymond Davis spent the week end la PlkeviUwith hi pa rents. . :!i.-v- -':";:'-,' cy Mr. And (Mrs. Li TL Thomas and daughter of Chinquapin t visited relatives here recently. : ' " Mr and Mrs. R. L. Evans visit ed Mr. Jesse Evans In Kinston on Monday. i---y. Joe Wilson USN. spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Russell Gray. . :-.s:' -f Mrs. Marlon Bratcher, Mrs. E. P. Thlgpen, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Har gett of Trenton attended Nurses Capping services at Rocky Mount Sanatorium in the Baptist Church ChapeL Jeanneane Thlgpen recei ver her cap at this time. Attending the Reuben Tyndall funeral Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Guy, Mrs.- Keith Gresham, Mrs. Marion Bratcher,4 Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Baker, Mrs. E. P. Thlgpen, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wha ley. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craft and Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Howard and children visited Mr. Robert Craft, Jr. in Greenville Sunday. Mrs. H. S. Johnson, Sr. of Rose Hill is visiting Mrs. Jim D. Sand lin. Mr .and Mrs. Clifton Qulnn of Chapel Hill spent a few days last week here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Amon Kennedy and Patsy visited in Tarboro on Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cottle of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Cottle.. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Brown vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Qulnn in Kenansville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams of Cary spent the week end with Mrs. Lila Lanier. Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Rudell of Jacksonville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batchelor. Miss Polly Brown, ECTC, spent the week end at home. Billy Gresham, UNC spent the spring holidays at home here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter of Warsaw spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy. " Mrs. Lois Norris of Raleigh vis ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Miller during the week end. Miss Myrtle Exum of Warsaw visited her parents Saturday. Mrs. Arlene McGowan of Kinston is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Sanderson. ' .Miss Dot Rhodes of ECTC spent the week end at home here. - "Mr. and Mrs. William Bostic and June Miller were in Jacksonville Sunday, . C. L. Qulnn of UNC, spent the week end with his parents. ' Mrs. eParl Sandlin spen the week end with the Oliver Qulnnj in Wallace. Mrs. 'Aubrey Turner of Pink Hill is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin. Mr. Gordon Cottle of Greensboro visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Alton Exum visited . Mrs. Nannie Cross in Midway Pary re cently. Mrs. Ada Williams, Mrs. Marga ret Hunter, Mrs. Hazel Brlnson and Misses Calesta Thigpen and Do rene Nethercutt made a trip to Wilson Saturday. Oscar Kenndy, ECTC spent the week end with relatives. Mr. Abb Pickett of Washington D. C. spent a few days here last week. Mr. A. W. Gresham and Mr. A. L. Mercer and Mr. Grady Mercer attended the Shriner's meeting in Kenansville Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craft visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craft 1 Jacksonville. Tuesday. ANNOUNCE BIRTlT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown of Ke nansville announce the birth of a daughter, Donna Susan, March 1. Mrs. Brown is the former Helen Grace Simpson of Beulavllle. POTTERS HILL P. T. A. The PTA of Potters Hill school met in the church auditorium for its monthly meeting. Mrs. Naomi Bostic presided. Following group singing Mrs. Bostic led in prayer. The Rev. A. L. Brown, pastor of the Beulavllle Baptist Church, gave a talk on "Trends of Educa tion." Miss Daisy Burnham gave the report of secretary and treas urer, and the Rev. Brown pro nounced the benediction. By Mar. 1, when the Red Cross National Blood Program will be 2 years old. it is estimated that 1800 hospitals and 100 clinics will be supplied with blood and blood derivatives. NOTICE ALL BEULAVILLE STORES Will close at 12:00 o'clock noon each Thursday, beginning April 6th. osing hours will continue until the Tobacco Markets open. Li MRS. M. M. THIGPEN Benlavtlle, X. C. Representative For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW, N. C. oooooooooooo FC.1 SALE SASH, DOORS, SHEET ROC. ROCK LATH ROCK WOOL, PLASTER, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, FAINTS, TER-RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN IDLE, WHITE ASBESTOS S1DLNG, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS "W ROLL ROOFING ROCHX J, BRIC r Dr. H. W. Colvell OrTOMITsU8T Eye Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh ,- Chevrolet Company Permaaent Office In WALLACE. N. C WATCHES CLOCKS WATCH BANDS . RINGS ON ORDER Repairing - , Watches, Class, -Jewelry. PRESTON HOLMES DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO J IN KENArTSTnXJE That feeling of BELONGING Hard to beat, isn't it? That fseling of being accepted of being a respected part oi your community. A business like a man is judged by tl way it does business. To be accepted it must of course, be law-abiding. It must fill a community need. It must create jobs . . . pay taxes . . . meet its obligations . . . keep its self respect. A case in point is the business of sell-ing-feeer a self-xegulated, legal business. Because it meets all these requirements, it has come to belong. And having merited your support and respect, this business is continually work ing to 'retain your confidence How? By cooperating with State and local enforcement agencies and advocating strict control of all establishments where beer is dispensed. By seeing to it that, in every possible way, beer continues on its own merits . . . as a respected part of the business and social life of your community. North Carolina Division UNITED STA.iiS bRtWRS FOUNDAIlON, INC.. More Time For Hobby Fun! It's easy to make time lor the little "extras" you've always wanted to at tend to! Just send your laundry load to us we know you'll be more than pleased with our scientifically clean results as well as the wash day "blues" you avoid. Call to day for prompt service. IDEAL LAUNDRY AND S AND DRY CLEANERS WILMINGTON We Specialize In Rug and Upholstery Cleaning Spec ial Home Service Ask Our Driver. Our Trucks Run All Over Duplin I Knotty voO VxW-t,Txii'l 9 motor melR aoco - J I HEAR f gi i r i-i-i. eti1 n-Js BecAose "1 HOO HAVE T BWVX.fcU T Sinvcs MOTOR CO. TMeWB NEVER cdw s?rt it. rrs Wl OOINCI TMEPB W VOO icT MO IVKWim MOW SHE'S. FROM MB, BOB J OClM.ATIM 0tT WISC a IT TO IMW IT -7 r , tUW IT ASM Kill- 1 V - j 1 run L' 'i O