the .tihss FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1950 Cridie Hostess Mrs. Jasper Smith was hostess to her club at her home here, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. A. Turner received club high, Mrs. Jones Smith second and Mrs. Mel vln Jones, consolation prizes. Mrs. Levi Everett received visitor's high score prize, The hostess served strawberry shortcake with cream. Auxiliary Supper The WUlard Smith Vost VFW Auxiliary served a delicious sup per at the hut Tuesday night. The tables were attractively decorated with azaleas and other spring flowers. Mrs. Leslie Turner served 1 as chairman of the menu commit tee. Plates sold for $1 each and proceeds went for draperies for the hut Women Of Church Mrs. Falson Turner was hostess to the Presbyterian Women of the Church at her home Tuesday night. Mrs. T. J. Turner,' the outgoing president, presided. Reports were had from different cause secreta ries and officers to serve for the new year were installed. A good ; attendance was had. The hostess served strawberry shortcake and drinks. Garden Club Thirty members attended a meet ing of the Lenoir county Garden Club at the home of Mrs. L. H. Turner Tuesday afternoon. Jack McPhaul, of the Swift Fertilizer Co., spoke on roses and showed two films to the club. Mrs. Cecil Wooten of Kinston spoke on flower arrangements and told of the gar- 0. rrviM I irrrri ri 1711 lirAOfTlC REDDy . MODR RAILROADER. Ten little ire wotte fa this fwnrfnifti and; iafc. ButtfyoMcharfahjourfrwrfnta mptbtthw tcnl Tea fittt frt woitara.. Jedcrywas doing tun VatSl (be socialists got tfm ibea tbi mm sin. Nim ttde irs JU009 Et. Hill. Im Miilfa t nasi A M Sm hum I f ?ren :mie tree Uncle Mid coaf 5:T little tree wo-'xrt Tli tteet iniiis, o, Two little free workers -our tor almost done. With clerks at work On lirtt free worker lb reporter aon-o-run Mustn't criflcis ' : Ten IKlI workers . Tbsy work wbi ? 1 'ndltilcoiiIdJterbapiynM:lf tbdoarsfHlo , And work together instead of saying "itintm can happen to mef TIDE WATER ' POWER C O M P A II ..Y den pilgrimage to be held April 5. Mrs. Turner was program chair man and Mrs. Jack Alexander of Kinston is president of the club. Business Men Meet A meeting of the Business Men's Club was held at the hut In Pink Hill Monday night. Pres. J. A. Worley presided. Water works for the town were discussed and a pe tition Is being circulated for an el ection to be held for a vote on it. Howards Cafe served a delicious chicken supper with trimmings, to about 20 present. Civics Club Meets The Civics Club met at the VFW Hut Friday night with Pres. T. J. Turner presiding. It was a "safe ty" meeting and a member of the Highway Patrol made a splendid talk on that subject. A Mormon choir sang several selections. A barbecue supper was served. Contest Winner Willie Heath of Swansboro won top place in the Southwood Feder ation FFA Public Speaking Con test at Southwood School Tuesday. The banner was presented by J. E. Johnson, advisor, of the FFA. He is also agriculture teacher at Pink Hill School. On Leave Lt. and Mrs. David K. Brooks and sons arrived from Japan after an assignment- of more than two years, to spend a 54 day furlough with relatives at Wallace and in New York. Mrs. Brooks, the former Miss Victoria Gooding, is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gooding THE STORY OF , nin mi tn woiuii MINER STKlWCWtf FARMER UM GROCER 6ALE5CLERK ROWER Kutaulaucdcto JtedcbU fat ' wkWn . IUji rtiew j Tt m. JS- r"r rirmr imntir-jirT r" essentia aprt tVavWlflalna iff till the dsjNgif njjsjV.; ? were lederm Five little frM workers but the farwiraiait fm m mora Vie farm have been rriffrrfti turf Villain nntrf Four little free workers till the fforerament dWdaera All must have free legal advice then there were three. Three Uttl free worker the number is. getting fiir. But with government groceries soiling food then there In federal store that ieam par OS. goymment so atimtbtt aat aoB. but thav an Bodoocrer fre and where ordr,ndjst fnwd ni of Wallace. 6he is a 1939 graduate of B. F. Grady High School and a graduate of Roanoke Rapids Hos pital School oi Nursing, one ser ved at a Lt. in the Army Nurses Corps during the war, and had over seas service. The couple expect to be at home at Ft. Bragg after the furlough is spent with relatives. Personals rir and Mrs. D. W. ftuffln re turned Wednesday from Durham where they attended a medical meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May oi Greenville were recent guests of relatives here. Mrs. Helen Turner and Mrs. Bessie C. Smith were recent vis itors in Jacksonville, Lejeune and New Bern. Mrs. Matt Burke recently visited Chapel Hill and Raleigh. Mr. Jack McPhaul spoke to the Kinston Garden Club Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Lee of Faison spent the week end with her daughter Mrs. E. M. Sills. - Mr. Lonnie Stroud has returned from fishing in Fla. Roger Strickland and Bill Smith of Bailey and Robert Teel and Shelton Smith of Farmdale visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. D. R. Mercer of Fountain is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. A. Worley. She, Mr. and Mrs. Worley spent Sunday in Richlands. Dr. H. A. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith and Sharon spent the weekend with relatives in Ker nersville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McPhaul, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Stroud and Dorothy Carol visited Dr. Marcus Hobbs at Duke University and Mrs. Hobbs on Sunday. The party motored to Chapel Hill Sunday to attend an Easter program. Other visitors at tending the program were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Turner, Becky and L. H. Turner, Jr., Misses Betty Jean and Lou Ann Davis and Lou Ann Rouse. we two. yoaMt 15. Mrs. J. W. Outlaw Funeral Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. J. W. Outlaw, of the Grady Crossroads section, were held Sunday after noon, March 19, at 3 o'cltfck con ducted by Rev. W. R. Johnson, pastor of the deceased. Interment was in the Pineview Cemetery near Seven Springs. Mrs. Outlaw died after an illness of three months. She was 43 years old. Surviving are her husband; her mother, Mrs. Addie Price, two bro thers, J. L. Hines and Jesse Price, all of Seven Springs; five sisters, Mrs. Ethel Goodman, Mrs. Andrew Price, Mrs. Titus Price, Mrs. Mau rice Stroud and Miss Lena Price, all of Seven Springs; and a number of nieces and nephews. She was a member of Zion Meth odist church of th Grady cimmun Ity. Square Dance Post Mo. 379, American Legion, will sponsor a square dance (also round dancing) each Friday night at Maxwell's Mill. Bob Garris and his Swing Billies will furnish the music. Time 8:30. A small admission charge will be asked. The public is cordially invited. Durham Grady, Com. Legion Post 379 To Hold Meet Post No. 379, American Legion, will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 4 with a fish stew at 6 p.m. Following supper there will be an installation of officers. We are expecting a department commander, Mr. R. C. Godivin and Dept Adj. Mr. Nash McKee, also Mr. Hugh Alexander of Kannapolis, N. C, a candidate for Department Commander to be with us. All Le gionaires in this area are invited to attend whether members of our post post or of some other post. Durham Grady, Com. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Winecoff of Statesville, N. C, announce the en gagement and approaching marri age of their daughter. Betty Sue, to Amos Stroud, son of Mrs. Ida Stroud of Seven Springs, and the late Egbert Stroud. An early spring wedding is plan ned. Pleasant View Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Grady were in Durham on Tuesday. Mrs. Thurman Hurrey and Mrs. Edmond Newman spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Byrd. Rev. N. P. Farrior visited in the community Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Rouse visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grady Allls-Chalmers' -3S demonstrates ew Marlh.arlnnlna ' wrrwt RELAX! Lit WD tngin power ad just rear wheel epacing. tractioa ; L- , SAIES AND SERVICry Harper - Soufherland Community News Church services were held at Harper-Southerland Church Sun day with a fine attendance. Rev. and Mrs. N. P. Farrior were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith of Pink Hill on Sun day. Mrs. Delia Stroud and family were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Harper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Turner and Mrs. Paul Grady spent the week end in Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sotherland have returned home after visiting Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Tommie Stroud and daughters of Wake Forest vis ited relatives in the community on Sunday. Pleads For Husband Held By Hungary- H - ' ,.a. VIENNA, AUSTRIA Mrs, Robert A. Vogeler is shown In her ipartment here, looking at a photo f her husband, after the American jusinessman was sentenced in Buda pest to 15 years in prison as a Bpy. Vogeler, 88, and assistant vice-president of I.T. & T., allegedly con fessed to charges of obtaining eco nomic and industrial secrets on in structions of the U. S. Intelligencs Service, and of sabotaging the pro ductive capacity of the country. CHEST X-RAY CLINIC TOWN MENACES ' There are probably few towns that do not have a far advanced open case of T.B. that has been coughing and spitting on the streets for 20 or 30 years. He has never taken the trouble to go to a doctor since he knows it could not be any thing serious since he has been coughing for so long. On the con trary that is almost positive proof MRS. M. M. THIGPEN ReulavUle, N. C. Representative For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW. N. C. WATCHES CLOCKS WATCH BANDS BINGS ON ORDER . Repairing Watches; Clocks, Jewelry PRESTON HOLMES DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO. IN KENANSVILLE Extra traction when you need it ... auto matically. That ia how the Model WD's hydraulic Traction Booster increases the pulling power of the tractor. , The 4-cylinder hydraulic pump automatically shifts weight to the rear wheels as the load increases. The WD's quick-mounted plow, with two 16-inch bottoms at your control, bites deep and stays deep. The Traction Booster also works with ther rear-mounted imple ments. . , f ,- . And here are additional WD ad vantages. Adjusts its own real wheel spacing with engine power. Has new two-clutch system to con trol power take-off driven machines independent of forward travel. Here is down-to-earth power for your farm. Stop in and talk to us. - .. their daughter Mrs. Willie Harper. Mrs. Willie Harper and daugh ter Ruthie Ann visited Mrs. W. D. Grady Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Southerland for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harper and family of Pikeville visited Mr. K D. Harper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton visited her mother, Mrs. Jim Poller of Kinston Sunday. of T.B. as there are few other con ditions producing a cough that would have continued that length of time. Old fibroid cases live for years and usually disregard all pre cautions and are one of the biggest sources of infection both to their own families and their townsmen. Chest X-Ray Clinic held at the Duplin Health Department in Ke nansville each Monday from 9 un til 12 and on Wednesdays from 1 until 4 p.m. Other dates by ap pointment. Tri-Counly Road Project A Duplin County project is among those being advertised by the State Highway and Public Works Commission for contract letting early in April. Bids will be opened in Raleigh on March 30. The project, a combined one with Pender and Sampson counties, call for the hard-surfacing of 12.2 miles on Blanton Bridge Road. Watha northeast to US 17 at Whiteheads, Penderlea to US 421, Wallace to Blanton Bridge, and from Newton's Cross-Roads east toward Willard to the Pender County line. REMEMBER TODAY. TOMORROW WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOITM OLIVE PhonM 217-J or 230 COMMERf IAL PHOT OGK M'Hl SI'Ft Ml. TV urner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSl'ltANCK L. C. TURNER, J. Pink Hill's Oldest PINK Office Supplies AND EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX John H. Carter. Company KINSTON, N. C. o o o o o o o Cole Planters IN STOCK NOW WITH FERTILIZER ATTACHMENTS ALSO COLE'S No. 51 FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Seven S p r i n g s S u p p I y Co SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C - Specifications were also adver tised on 61 other highway projects covering 696 miles of roadway Im provement throughout the state. The Commission will review low bids at its monthly meeting to be held in Greensboro on April 4 after which contracts will be aw arded. CGOOOOOOOOO IB Duplin Times KENANSVILLE N. C. SIX STEPS TO Ql'AI.ITV CONSTRUCTION SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Inc. KINSTON, N. C. Phone 3412 DEALERS: Duplin Mercantile Co. Kenansville, N. C. I. J. Sandlin Company Beulavllle, N. C T. J. TIKNER Insiuaiire Agency HIM.. V C. 3 o o o o i " " ,. r " i ' s (,. ' rcori f j'.tah i S 'J 'i r raiCK " f : -pf o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o T. A. CO.

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