" i " !? t I f ; , ( M it ,Vf :' : i s: ." 1, :?. 1 'T 1 'i ;Tf'"" ; k -ft-'. THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday In Kenansville, N. C, County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY " Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansvllle, N. C. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office. Kenansvllle, N. C as second class matter, . TELEPHONES Kenansvllle, S5S-S Warsaw Se-7. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; . $3.50 per year outside this area In North Carolina; and Advertising rates rornlabed ea request i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, tconomic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. GEN. G. C. MARSHALL WRITES RED CROSS FUND CHAIRMAN. The following letter was recei ved recently by Red Cross Fund Chairman Melvin G. Cording of Wallace: "I have recently completed a trip around the country in the inter ests of the 1950 Campaign, during which I met and talked with many of you personally. The loyalty and Shrine Club Is Organized In Duplin The newly organized Duplin County Shrine Club held its sec ond meeting in the Masonic hall in Kenansville Friday night of last week. This is the first club of the kind to be organized in the county. There are 51 charter members en rolled. At a previous meeting the fol lowing officers were elected: Pres. I B&PWC Attend Meet In Kinston Duplin County's Business and Professional Women's Club made a good showing when 14 members attended the Spring district meet ing held in Kinston at Hotel Kin ston on last Sunday. This club had the honor of having the largest representation among the visiting clubs. All clubs were represented and all presidents were present. Mrs. Maude B. Foy, president of the Kinston club presided. A luncheon, fashion show by Har vey's Dept. Store, special music, contests and prizes and a trip through Gwaltney's Meat Packing Plant provided most enjoyable and profitable entertainment for the group. Many attractive favors were presented each member pres ent. Those attending from the Duplin Club were: Mesdames J. P. Har mon, Carl Winders, S. W. Marrin er, Robert Lewis, D .L. Carlton, Avon Sharpe, Glenn Rollins, Frank Hobbs, Misses Helen Brown, Mary Alice Blaekmore, Nora Blackmore, of Warsaw; Miss Annie May Sykes, Turkey; and Mrs Grace Vann and Mrs. Sallie Eva Tyndall of Kenans ville. NOTICE In The General County Court State of North Carolina, Duplin County. PAUL W. KLINE, vs LOTTIE LEOLA KLINE. The above named defendant, Lot tie Leola Kline, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce upon the grounds of two or more years continuous separation by the plain tiff from the defendant, next pre ceding the bringing of this suit; D. H. CARLTON t INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA ; Life - Fire -Sform -AufCmcbile, etc. 1 Telephone 3433 Vcrs3i7,II.C. Vcu:;7Fii!ft;:j::;I CREATORS AND UAINTAINEBS OF LOWER PRICE3 ON QUALITY EZA FOODS (Next Door to AJtP) Both Wholesale and Retail " . Know Yocr El erlTrTO YcarFishman " Wni.r EXL2LSTT v-"-;: . rrrrs . r-ini . '- 'ms Y-l"r r.c,:-' r enthusiasm of chapter and com munity leaders were very inspiring to me. -The success of the annual Red Cross Fund Campaign depends upon the individual success of the chapters. I urge that all campaign workers in your chapter intensify their effort to assure a successful completion in March of the 1950 Fund drive. My thanks for your devotion to this task which is so vitally impor tant to our entire nation. G. C. Marshall." John R. Croom, Magnolia; Vice Pres. Dr. H. C. Colwell, Wallace; Secty. Earl Whltaker, Warsaw; Treas. Grady Mercer, Beulaville; Chairman Board of Directors, S. W. Marriner. Other Board mem bers are Carl Precythe, Faison; Jerry Smith, Pink Hill; Erchie Lanier, Rose Hill; and Gilbert Al phin, Kenansville. The next meeting, charter night, will be held in WaUace. At this time Charlie Seifert of New Bern, Recorder for Sudan Temple, will present the charter. Speaker for the occasion will be announced later as well as date of meeting. and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court at the Courthouse in Kenansville, N. C. twenty days after the 22nd day of April, 1950 and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 16th day of March 195a R. V. Wells, Clerk, General County Court L. A. Wilson .Attorney 4-14-4t. LAW NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said ' estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 2nd day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of March, 1950. Lela Quinn Potter, Ad ministratrix of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, Magnolia, N. C Phillips H. E. Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. 4-14-et HEP FERMATE . FOR BLUE MOLD Dust and Spray FARMERS Hardware Co. IN WARSAW Suixfa, Schod '11 SCRIPTURE! Matthew Jl: 1-181 I Pater 4:ia-l: Kavciatlon :-17. 1 DEVOTIONAL READING: , Roman l:lB-is. . Trial and Triumph for April S, 19M ' Ir YOU HAD BEEN on the top of the city wall on that first Palm Sunday, watching the crowds roar ing into Jerusalem, and some one had told you that all the shouting was for Jesus of Nasareth, ; you would eertainly have thought that his success waa assured.: Here, surely, was a King who had , arrived 1 But before -the week waa out you would s have seen this same Jesus on LMaMioaajl trial tor his life, and not a voice Dr. Foreman raised in his defense. The same dusty-throated mob on that Sunday shouted "Hosannal Blessed is He!" was shrieking on Friday morning, "Crucify him I" Flowery Beds or Bloody Seas? There la a popular notion float ing around to the effect that God gives good people an. easy time. It is not always put just that way. But when a man who has been good (or thinks he has, or has tried to be), runs Into trouble, he asks right away, "Why must this hap pen to Me?" The truth of the mat ter is better expressed in the lines of an old hymn: "Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease. While others fought to win the prize. Or sailed through bloody seas?" Jem wae incomparably the best who ever lived; yet his momenta of popularity were short, and he was finally tor tured and killed by the lead ers of church and state, amid the Jeering approval of masses of the .people. He himself said that any follower of his must be willing to take up his own cross. "In the world you will have tribulation," be said to his disciples. All Tyrants Hate the Church THE MORE GENUINELY Chris tian the church is, the more it is likely to run into opposition There are several reasons for this. For one thing, the church stands for love, and the generosity and un selfishness, the sympathy and even the sacrifice that go with love and are produced by it But "what makes the world go 'round," the world of the politician, the money-maker, the social climber,, the war-maker, the world of the power-thirsty .in every sphere what makes that world go 'round is pride, selfishness, shoving ahead, Me-firstness. The selfish and the proud do not take kindly to love of the Christian sort, indeed they despise it as a weakness. But the church, when It is a true church, stands Bp for Ha inan! ty even when tt has to stand against Profits; and the man for whom Profit la the first law of life never ander tanda the attitude of the church. Then the church (when It is a real one) always stand . . for the people against the Ty rant, whoever and wherever he may bev even when he la la some church himself. And consequently all tyrants hate the church. The Roman em perors hated it and persecuted it till they found they could use it (which, by the way, was a bad day for the church). Mohammed, a ty rant of sorts, hated the Christian church and would have totally de stroyed It If he could. Victory WhenT F WE SUFFER with him we shall also reign with him," said St Paul But when and howT The end of the church's struggles could come In either of two way. One way would be for the church to give up struggling against the world. Let the church become dub for the sociable, let the church raise no voice of protest against in justice In society, against untruth, violence and greed; let the. church give in to the world. In short, and she win have no further trouble tram the world. . be dead. Another way Is for the -ehareh finally to ereroeine the -,. world. The triumph ef the tree " ehareh ! the name as the tri ... mniph of dlvtne teve. That la the future to which the Bible bids us look. WhenT We, do not knowv But the Kingdom cornea "one heart at time," and with every soul the church wins from the world-way to the Christ-way, the vlctosfL of Love draws nearer. (Owyiimil br International eouncfl at Railatoua Baueatton bhaU protastant danomlnaUona, &' WNU I'aaturaa.) TYflDAtl .in .? r i - AtMfty 4rWtt MMt MfB) BJBJB) . J; ft i ;r jj ! -JVi tawet I . SMt 9 t Mont I ft ptmf mum to f i CaMwata, 1NO. . 9 X (aW ' f-mtVXIIfi k 3 KrfW Wt " i d jr&U I EiHs oaf Hiasmai 5 I (hMiI """''u " 5 IW'I f,r 5 ' e6rttB $0 wHtt Iran C ' IMaaJtU :. C ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament of Alice Newkirk, now deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against her said es tate to present them to the under signed Executor on or before the 15th day of March, 151 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. " All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day Of March, 1950. James Carr .Executor of the Will of Alice Newkirk, Magnolia, N. C. 4-21-6t. pd. VBG. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as. administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beulaville, N. C, on or before the 18th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immeUiate payment This the 18th day of March 19- 50. Bruce Turner, Admini strator of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner. Grady Mercer, Attorney for Administrator 4-28-6t. GM NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fieed as administrator of the. es tate of Jesse Whitfield, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1951, or this, notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under signed. This the 25th day of March, 1950. Mrs. Alice J. Whitfield, . Russel Whitfield, Preston Whitfield, Administrators of the es tate of Jesse Whitfield, de-- ceased, Mt. Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 8-5-6t. HEP LNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the es tate of Jesse Sullivan, deceased, late of Duplin County, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March,' 1951, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. : : , vw..'- This the 25th day of March, 1950. , . . James J. Sullivan, Admlni- strator of the estate of Jes see Sullivan, Mt Olive, . N C ; ' '' ' vt' H. E. Phililps, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. -S-5-et HEP FOX SALE Oak an3 Pine Firewood PINE, $5.00 per cord OAK, JI8.00 per cord On the premises. Stacked along roadway near . Williams Cross roads, S miles from Warsaw. ' SEE OR CALL C3 cords pine and 39 cords e&k cut in 4-ft lensths. JrWri' frigid outs!;"., 1 7 J lm ( f54 '. GiX, eiSMARK, WORTH DAKOTA. MAS MCC- .3 T. 7 IV I Jin V . TNC CMATCST U. 5. WEATHER exittHEJ-V SHIVER THE eXPRISJKMt-SOHOf A6UN-PATO RACK TO WHEN WNNER3 WERE ALLOWED TO TAKE THEIR WIVCS ALONG TO SEA WITH THEM. IFAbOY WAS BORN ON THE V0YA6B.MB WAS JE5TIN6LV RE FCRRED TO AS "A SON OF A MRS. JOHN JCHAM NE6LECTED TO REMOVE HER 9 t NOteANO'5 RONSON IMHTER FROM THE POCKET Of HIS P ) SHIRT WHEN 5E PUT IT IN THE WASMINi MMHWE.SHE "t tfSFO TWO JOAF FOWOERS, A CREASE D5oLVim SOLUTION, UIINC AND BLEACH WATER W THE MACHINE FOR4S NHMUTES. UPON REMOVHH) THE RONSON AND TRYMC IT,TH8 LIGHTER M0RM0 PERFECTLY ON B. V. Groves Dies Boney Willie Groves,65, died on Wednesday of last week at his home near . Magnolia after a lingering illness of several years. Funeral services were held at the Holiness Church in Magnolia Friday afternoon at 3 oclock by Rev. James Malpass, pastor, assisted by Rev. Job Swinson. Burial was in the Magnolia Cemetery. He Is survived by his wife, the former Margie Rogers of near Rose Hill; two sons, Jodie of Wade and Walter of Mapel Hill; six daughters, Mrs. Pete Safray of Baltimore, Mrs. Bennle Merritt, Mrs. Jesse . Hatch er and Mrs. . Murphy Dobson of Magnolia, Mrs. Edna Brock of the home and Mrs. Vlck Simmons of Beulaville; eighteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren; . one sister, Mrs. G. H. Lamb of New Bern, and a number of nieces and nephews. J. F. Harrell Dies Jerry Franklin Harrell, 60, of near Wallace, died at his home on Friday night after suffering a heart attack on Thursday. Funeral ser vices were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. W. B. Hood, pastor of the Wallace Presbyterian Church. Burial was In the. Harrell family cemetery near the, home. He la survived by bis wife, the former Jessie Dempsey Of Wallace. North Carolina. Duplin County. To The Voters Of " I hereby file member of the House of Representatives for this County in the Pri- mary Election to be held 4he 27th day of May, 1S50. I afluiate , with the Democratic Party, and I hereby pledge myself to abide by the results of said Primary, and to support in the next General Election all candidates nominated by the Democratic Party, " If nominated arid elected, I hereby promise to represent the people of this County to the best of my ability. Tour support TIMBERS I I JMPiraa . V GUN CANCER w THE FIRST SNAP. , VOLUNTEER FIREMAN By James J. Metcalfe . The fireman who volunteers . . . Is he who works all day .'. . And wants to serve his neighborhood . . . Without reward or pay . . . Who is always available ... To Jump up and go . . . Whenever warning bells ring out . . . Or fire whistles blow . . . He braves the blaze and fights the smoke . . . With all his energy . . To save as much as possible Of life and. property And whether flames are quickly quen ched ... Or ruins only stand . v . The volunteer will linger there . . . I w . JWTI A I MX :.. f zA N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C. -PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT -IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL " PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE M F. ALLEN, JR-v General Insurance Kenansville, II. C. - t Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency AIIIIOUIICEMEtIT OF CAIIDIDACY FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Duplin County: my notice as a candidate for will be sincerely appreciated.' WEDDED DLISS MARRIED MEN AND WOMEN AM FAR LESS MKELV TO 0 INSANE THAN SIH6LB PERSONS, THEY ' LIVE ALMOST HALT A6AIN ASLONtJ - T 00 NOT COMMIT SUICIDE AS CREOVENTty. AND SUFFER HAL' Af MANY , PATAU ACCIDENTS. " , , To lend a helping hand , . He does not look for credit or ... A medal on his chest . . . But he would be a neighbor true . . . Who, tries to do his best . . . ; . Dr. H. W; Colc:!l OPTOMETRIST " ' " Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, f Next Door To Cavenauslt , Chevrolet Company ' ' i Permanent Office In -.-. WALLACE. N. C. the nomination as a

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