ei-jakgvka'". i ill I II , 1 , I H I J 1 . ' '".II. W i I , ,' - 1 II I " mml mm I 1 K v-a mmr I r M I (INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK. Beulaville 0. E. S. At a regular meeting of Beula ville Chapter OES No. 237, bed at the Masonic Hall on March 20, elective and appointive officer for the ensuing year were installed. The meeting opened with a short business session after which Mr. Effie T. Mercer, Worthy Matron, expressed her appreciation to all for their cooperation during the past year. Visitors from Pleasant Hill Chapter were welcomed. The Past Matron Jewel was pre sented to Mrs. Mercer by Mrs. Pan nie Rhodes, a gift from the chapter was presented her by Mrs. Callie W. Miller. The fol owing officers were In stalled or the year: Worthy Matron, Mrs. O. T. Kennedy; Worthy Patron Mr. Leslie Kennedy; Associate Ma tron, Mrs. Callie W. Miller; Asso ciate Patron, Mr. Ralph Miller; Secretary, Mrs. Lucille M. Miller; Treasurer, Mrs. Ashe Miller; Con ductress, Mrs. L. M. Miller; Assor date Conductress, Mrs. Macy Tho mas: Chap ain, Mrs. Pauline Rhodes Marshal, Miss Vonie Mercer; Orga nist, Mrs. Pannie M. Rhodes; War der, Mrs. Dollie M. Miller; Sentenll, Mr. Walter Rhodes; Flag Bearers, Misses Ruth Kennedy and Naomi Mercer; Adah, Mrs. Kathleen Shaw; Ruth, Mrs. Arthur Kennedy; Ester, Mrs. Ora Lee Kennedy; Martha, Mrs. Macy S. Mercer; Electa, Mrs. Louise Brown. The meeting closed in due form after which a social hour was en joyed by all. Kallsville Women The regular monthly meeting of the women of the Hallsvil e Presby terian Church was held March 15 in the church. Mrs. Ralph Miller had charge of the program assisted by Mes dames Herman Miller, Bland Rho des and W. L. Miller. The following officers were in- 4K stalled for the year: Pre: Mrs.! Andrew Miller; Vice Pres. Mrs. Neal Smith; Secty. Mrs. John Rho des; Treas. Mrs. W. J. Ml ler; Hist Mrs. L. C. Miller; Chmn. Inspira tional Growth, Mrs. Morris Grady; Work Mission, Mrs. Bland Rhodes; Church Extension, Mrs. Ralph Mil ler; Education, Mrs. Leland Grady; Annuities and Relief,. Miss Lois Evans; Stewardship, Mrs. Ashe Mil ler; Assemblies Special Courses, Mrs. Herman Miller. The meeting was closed with prayer after which the group en joyed apple pie topped with Ice cream, and coffee. Brown- Mrs. Lela Brown announces the marriage of her daughter, Doshia, to Vonnle Fountain, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Fountain of Chinqua pin in S. C. on March 18. The bride was attired in a navy blue suit with red accessories. Mrs. Fountain attended Beulaville High School. The couple are making their home near Beulaville. Honored Mrs. Marion Quinn honored her son Owen Saturday afternoon, on March 18 on his 9th birthday. Games and contests were played by the children. A huge white bith day cake with pink and green trim mings centered the dining room table. Mrs. Quinn served the guests ice cream, cake and Pepsi Colas. Owen received many useful and lovely gifts. Auxiliary Meets The Auxiliary of the Beulaville Free Will Baptist Church held their meeting March 11 at the -iff .if" J ? I .1 !-when you shower yoiar number; 1 spring romance with a magnificent bouquet of our lush, garden fresh flowers , . . any kind you want. Or would you rather -deck her lapel with an Easter "scent" lovely corsage, . . . arranged specially for 'HER" and boxed attract- : viely in cellophane. Lc j;-:.j.-Ll jc J v p, church. The program was discus sed by Mrs. Bill Everton, Miss Ermie Sanderson and Mrs. Pauline Exum. Poems by Mrs. Lydla Neth ercutt and Mrs. Pauline Exum were heard. Scripture was by Nellie Han. Miss Sanderson dismissed the group with prayer. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bill Everton. The Women of the Beulaville Presbyterian Church met March 20. in the home of Mrs., Mattie Bradshew and called to order by the President,. Mrs. Gardner Ed' wards. Roll call and minutes were read and approved. Plans were made for as many 1 nB nneolhla tn attaint the PMlhv- tery to be held In Citato in April. Mrs. M. M. Thlgpen gave the study on the 21st chapter of St. John. The hostess served chicken salad, Ritz. cakes and Iced drinks to the 11 members present who dismissed with prayer. ;. ATTEND KORNEGAYv BEALE WEDDING Mrs.:' Ray Sanderson, Russell Sanderson, Mrs. Myrtle K. Quinn, and Kathryn Quinn attended the Kornegay-Beale wedding in Greens boro Saturday night V - Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Quinn were accompanied home by their daughters, Ruth Sanderson and Cornelia Quinn of W. C. U. N. C. who are spending spring holidays at home. Executive Board Meets Mrs. Andrew Miller, president of the Women of Hallsvllle Presby' terian Church, called an Executive Board meeting at her home last Thursday night and opened the meeting with sentence prayer. She then gave each member a packet of literature' with instructions for use. The chairman of Spiritual Growth presented plans for Bible Easter's in full Hlnom ' 2 t t Study to be t . . , . i ,..- lng the week I it Easter, f ius were made for ike years work and each member- was requested to keep a record.: After adjournment the hostess served refreshments. CHURCH WOMEN The Women of the Presbyterian Church met Tuesday night In the church auditorium. Mrs. Gardner Edwards presided. Mrs. Ada Will iams 'led the devotional and the group joined In singing. The pro gram was discussed by Mrs. Wini fred Guy. Reports were given by officers on last year's work. Mrs. Phoebe Pate gave the history of the Auxiliary. .. ' Officers for the new year were Installed by Mrs. Lula Herring of Rose Hill. She gave a short talk on "Duties of the Officers" and dismissed the group with prayer. , Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr. and Mrs. Scott Smith served coffee, potato chips and cookies to the group. Mrs. Clayton Herring and Mrs. H. S. Johnson, Sr. of Rose Hill also were present . PICNIC The Beulaville Basketball teams. cheer leaders and their guests en joyed a picnic at Catherine's Lake Wednesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Thlgpen ahd Mr. Ray Humphrey chaperoned them, BIRTHDAY PARTY . Mrs. Orso Thlgpen entertained honoring her son, Sloan, on his 7th birthday Tuesday afternoon. Out door games were played. A pink cake topped with pink candles cen tered the table. Chicken salad, cake, ice cream and iced drinks were served. Sloan received a vast assortment of gifts. HONORED Mr. C. L. Wade was honored Sunday on his 78th birthday when his children, Mrs. Hoses Hunter, Mrs. Sidney Hunter, Mrs. Haywood Miller and Mr. W. L. Wade enter tained 125 guests with a barbecue and picnic dinner. Out of town guests were Dr. Car penter of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bostic and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Bostic and family and Mr. E. J. Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Brown and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hussey, Jr. of Warsaw. Mr. Jack Brlnson of Kenansville, and Charlie Miller, USN, of Norfolk, Va. HONORED Mrs, Roger Hill and Mr. Bob Jones entertained Friday night In the home of the latter at a sur prise party honoring Mary Grace Jones on her 17th birthday. Games and contests were enjoy ed after which guests were invited II yy-vv a i - - i II .m. sw isaw M S . - ,. r t - . w r- ,',.- XX . - , . 1 r ' ''''' o i Tin (-t'VJc - ,-. Jr - J r ' , ' ; ,f'li . Li.-mmmmmmmmmm i mZH Ed '.CCT 'Ford Truck Do more with the right truck for your work from a eheiee of over 175-model Do more with the greater . crryuig strength of Double Channel frame Do more with op to 148 h.p. in your choice of two Sixes and, the ouly two V-S'a in trucking --Do more with the gieeter oarrying capacity you get from Bonus Built onetrucUoa which givea you big rttervet of ttnngth axUjpetw that let Ford Trucks do tougher jobs easier. , j tl.e u .11 win re a white cuke wiiu i.J decorations and pink candles centered the ta ble. The hostesses served chicken salad on lettuce, sandwiches, can dies and cake to the SO guests. Mary Grace received many love ly gifts. . ! - ' . LIONS CLUB ; The Lions Club will meet on Friday, April 7 In the School Caf eteria. P.T.A. TO MEET The PTA will meet on Monday night, April 10. at 7:30 in the school auditorium. ; YOUNG LADIES CIRCLE The Young Ladies Circle bit the Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday night, April 11 at 7:30 in the home of Mrs. Harry Home, ENTERTAINED: Mrs. F. L. Norrls entertained her 3rd grade class Friday after noon with a welner roast In the yard at her home. Many games were enjoyed by the 33 children. SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brlnson cele brated their Silver Anniversary on March 29. Decorations featured white azaleas, snapdragons; jon quils and silver wedding bells. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hussey, Jr. greeted guests at the door. Miss Macy Brlnson introduced guests to the receiving line composed of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brlnson and Mrs. Sudie Brlnson, mother of Mr. Brln son. Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Hunter pinned silver wedding bells on each guest as favors. Miss Mabel Brln son and Harry Fountain presided at the register. Mr. Jack Brlnson directed the guests to the gift room where Miss Daisy Burman presided. The dining , table was covered with an Imported Irish lace cloth and centered with an arrangement of spring flowers. White tapers burned In silver holders on each side of the table. Mrs. Ellis Brlnson p&ured punch and Mrs. Sidney Hunter served the wedding cake. Misses Velma Thelma, Mary Alton, Mano Gene, and Joe Brlnson served candy, ham biscuit, mints and ribbon sand wiches. Goodbyes were said to the 60 guests by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kennedy. Out of town guests included Miss Ruth Vail of Midway Park, Miss Edna Grant and Mrs. Eula Emmette of SneadsTerry, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Brlnson, Mr. and Mrs, Morris Brinson and Mrs. Cora Brlnson of Kenansville, and Rev. L. J. Matthews of Winston-Salem, Do iJSorol ecu: Angus W Mercer has completed his studies at N. C. State College and will return in June for gradu ation exercises. He is now employ ed with Contractors Service, Inc, of Charlotte, N. C. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Amon Kennedy. Patsy and Ruth, and Miss Janice Bostic shopped in Goldsboro on Saturday. -v -'iv...-.v.!y-"' :: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Howard and children of New Bern were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt Sunday. Oscar Kennedy, ECTC spent the week end here, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Quinn and Parsle of Kinston were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Lula Parker. Mrs. Tom Barden of Rose Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gresh am Monday. ';.'''' Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thlgpen spent the week end in Wilson with friends Mrs. Vera Bostic, Jene Mlller.J Mrs. Nora Brown and Misses Mary Quinn Brown and Sally Gresham visited the Cliffs Sunday, - Mr. and Mrs. S.' J. Waller and Korney of Mt Olive were supper guests of Mrs. Lula Parker Thurs day evening, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sandlin and Mrs. Ellis Brlnson visited Mrs. Charles Parker in Rex Hospital in Raleiah Monday, Mrs. Cecil Miller,-Miss Mary Q. Brown, Nora Ellen Miller shopped in Kinston Saturday. Bobby Kennedy, USN, spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hill of Wal lace spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Norrls shop ped in-Goldsboro Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Rlfton Walton of Maanolia visited here Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. McNeil Jones of Kinston visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton Craft Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Campbell and Jean shopped in Kinston on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cottle and Pat spent the -week end with Mrs. Robert Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batchelor spent the week end in Rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gresham ac companied Mary Jane back to WC UNC Sunday after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Quinn of Warsaw were Sunday guests v of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craft vlslt ed Mr .and Mrs. Homer Benton in Bladenboro last week. Ruth Sanderson has returned to WCUNC after the spring holidays. Mrs. Mattie Bradshaw and "Mrs. Gardner Edwards attended v the Cancer meeting in Kenansville. on Wednesday night ; ' Cecil Rhodes of Rocky Mt visited his nnrentu last Wednesday. : V 173. : COMPLETE Save gas . with Loadomatic ignition Save' oS-'ly Ford Fiightlight cam-ground aluminum alloy, pi a Save on maintenance with engina-in. w v"4 aoceasoriea Save money on the neW. Iuwur i.. reductions up to $80 big reserve pf powtr construction." !. V. 7" Jb ewWWer to WwM Jb oogol 4 .;. J ; a kj, ..... . sH viaiteJ l.-s. II. S. J.i,..,ri, ...! : Ease i:;U a few. days last v . Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr. and cfcHJ ren . and Mrs. Scott Smith and children and Miss Carmel Eubank shopped . In Goldsbora Saturday. Pfoscnl Vb;v Messrs. Ben Hussey and Bay?' mono uraoy vuinu m nwwpvn . News, va. lueaoajr. . . opening ' oi im Aiuvruun runv 'r.'knd Mrs. Gaston Kelly via- V lied Mr. and Mrs. lUMit uraay . Snndav. ! . '. :' -f n V ' -t, f r. i-i'-:'-:'' , Miss Emma Chambers, spent Ens) ; . day wfth her parents, Mr. and Mr. Oscsr.Chambera. s -r."-' '" " v'-,V I COMING TO THE f-j, MOiPXi the at; No Advaoee In J V Last year's corn harvest of V 877,700,000 bushels was the see-. ond greatest of all time. -. ; ; : The modern nen is a mncn more; UVA .l,tJ.. w mrtf J w wv. . . For Best Price and Com plete Job on Vkmxpmaato, See or Write v ; CrULAVDLLIS MMt HIMM ItMk KM tK 1KME S ' ?2M : i. r- Save running time wUk !m " you get from, Bonus JE X '.t , . . , . J of itraV AeWeaVwIejat r r x 1 n r: