TideVuicrPbsEx; Advertising If an advertising program Insti tuted by Tide Water Power Co. is successfll. Eastern North Carol ina may have a new market for foodstuffs produced on the farms. Tide Water is pushing an effort . to entice Mid-western canners and freezers to move in and sign op for the crops, through Richardson Wood, management consultant Wood, a former managing editor of Fortune, has built regional de velopment into a growing business in the past four years. He is hired ; by regional committees, banks or utility companies to figure out In dustries which best fit, finding the local resources needing to be exploited, and the most likely pros pects for doing the job. Hired by Tide Water, he sent out a brochure listing the vital Connally Issues Red Cross Appeal The following appeal for sup port of the American Red Cross in its March campaign for funds, which was printed in the Congress ional Record, was made by Senator Thomas Connaly. Texas Democrat, and is reprinted here because of its important bearing on the drive in Duplin County: The month of March has be come the tradition period during which the American ' Red Cross jnakes its annual appeal to the Am erican people for funds to support its noble work locally, nationally, and internationally. During the last decade the American people have responded generously. This year I feel sure the response, under the distinguished leadership of General Marshall will again be generous. ."It is perhaps not unfitting that I should refer to the Red Cross in this Chamber. In this arena where many debates are translated into the laws of our land, we may well pause from time to time to con N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C. PHONE 1532 OB 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE M. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, II. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency D. H. CARLTOII INSURANCE AGENCY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA Life - Fire - Storm -Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N. C. Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINER3 07 LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SKA FOODS (Next Door to AAJ Both Wbolesalo and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fiahman WILLIS BABTUTT FREE . rheMtM-1 '.WE JRESSINO WARSAW. THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday in Kenansville, N. C, County Beet of DUPLIN COUNTY Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, N. C J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNES Entered at the Post Off Ice, Kenansville, N. C .as second class matter. ' "TELEPHONES Kenansville, 255-6 ' Warsaw M-T SUBSCRIPTION BATES: $3.00 per year la Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow,' Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; . $3.50 per year outside this area la North Carolina: and Advertising rates furnished on reoneat t Democratic Journal, devoted to the malarial, educational, Konomle and agricultural interests of Duplin County, . Program For SEIICA statistics of the farming region of this state, with aa Implied Invito' tion to move in and sign up for the crops, as other companies have already done Is New Jersey and the Del-Mar-Va peninsula. One of the largest companies, according to a report, promptly assigned a team to Investigate. To show there Is nothing far fetched, Mr .Wood has gotten ex ceptional results from prevaoflt campaigns. Some time ago he was hired by the Chamber of Commerce of Austin, Texas, where he sug gested setting up a foundation. Since 1047, the foundation haa had a finger in the growth of the area: $100,000,000 in new construction. J 300 new firms, payrolls swelled by svzu.euu.uuu, ana population in- creased by 30,000. sider matters upon which all of us here, representing the Ameri can people, can fully agree. "The American Red Cross sym bol stands for service to humanity, all over our own country and thru out the world. It has 3,746 local chapters, established and working for good in almost every city and hamlet in these United States. 'In its great work for our ser vicemen and their families, for veterans, for the victims of disas ter, in its promotion of the general health and welfare through its national blood program, it is rec ognized by men and women of good will as one of the most intelligent and effective humanitarian move ments ever put forth by the people of any nation." NOTICE In The General County Court State of North Carolina, Duplin County. PAUL W. KLINE, va LOTTIE LEOLA KLINE. The above named defendant. Lot tie Leola Kline, will take notice W. C. DELITEB m i S3 InleraelMnai Unifom Sunder School Lnoai SCRIPTURE! I Corlnthlana IS; Lukt DEVOTIONAL READING: John 0 laas. Truth About Easter for April 9, lsse u TTP THIS WAY," writ s a friei.d in a great city, "the nats and the bunny-rabbits have run awa) with Easter:" The fact is, the world has stolen Easter nnd made something silly out of it. The world will not believe the truth abo.t Easter, yet the world wants a holiday. The Man . from Mars, visiting our planet at Easter time, would have a hard time guessing what the festival milDi. Rabbits? New clothes? A Dr Fereman day off? The return of spring? Not at all, nothing of the sort Bunnies and hats are gay; but the right word for Easter is not Gaiety, it is Glory. God's .Victory EVEN IN churches you will not always bear the whole truth about Easter. You may hear that it is tbe festival of Returning Hope, or that it symbolizes new life, or that it stands for the triumph of faith oyer despair, or that it ex presses' our belief in Immortality. In a way, all these ideas about Easter are true, but if that is all, then we have not yet got down to the truth about Easter. The fact la the fact which gives solid ground for all these other facts the first Easter was the day when God raised Jesus Christ from thi dead. It was the day of God's rictorr over death, when the gates of death swung backward and tbe bars of death were broken. The troth about Easter Is that something "happened an that day that never happened before and never will happen a (a in. Because never before had the Bon of God risen In per sonal triumph from the (rave, and never win that have to be done ever again. If it were not tor that fact, Jesus might have been remembered as a long-dead Jewish teacher, a hope ful but mistaken and defeated teacher, a name to be found only In encyclopaedias. But the truth about EasWr is that Jesus Is not dead, his hopes were not mistaken, he was not defeated, his Name is above every man! He is the Chris tian's living Lord. His Power in Us THAT STRANGELY TWISTED man Kierkegaard called Chris tianity "God's attack on man." You could not get that idea from the New Testament Marvelous as It Is, Christian ity Is God offering t man the power to rise out ef ear dead selves, to do for ns what we eonld never have done for our selves. What has this to ds with Easter? Jut this: That when the Apostle Psel wants to explain what the power Is which God sets at our disposal, what it Is like sad what It win do, he tells as It Is the same power with whleh jQod raised Christ from the dead. (See 1 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 1:19,2; t:6; Phil. S:19. You see the truth about Easter is that it is the day when the Chris tians celebrate the most tremen dous act God ever performed on this planet or rather that day when Got) brought to a climax the whole mighty action of the coming and th life and death of Christ And that is the power which is avail able for the Christian. A Christian -Is Supernatural IF ALL YOU WANT of God is to have him do something for you, then you are rather like a baby who keeps crying for some, one to bring him more toys . . but he stays a baby. If your want ef God is to have him do something with you, In you and through you, then ' you are like a -child who really wants to grow up. The Christian is s supernatural being. As C. S. Lewis puts it w art not God's little toy soldiers. ws sre intended to be bis sons snd daughters. ; - But If the Christ Is the "first-born among many breth- . res'! then here In this life those who accept him have access to the ssms power that wrought ; In him. And at the end eTUfe ; we shsJlnet be afraid, know " i tag that we belong te the same ? God who raised ear Lord from ,' the dead. , ' , '"",;.. The glory of Easter is not some thing merely to be remembered or sung ahput; it is something to be experienced. The seme God who conquered 'death "giveut ns vic tory - through ; our Lord , Jesus 'Christ." " : "-''. '?-,;:' (Copyright by th International council f Fcilfloua Education on bohali of t rot,Unt denomination. Roloaoad tv KU roatum.) . . . j that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, ceding the bruit... i of this suit; and the defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court at the Courthouse in Kenansville, N. C. twenty days after the 22nd day of April, 1950 and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint a i'" This the 16th day of March 1950. R. V. Wells. Clerk, General County Court. L. A. Wilson .Attorney 4-14-4t LAW V ii'-':;:.;'. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quail fieed as administrator of the es tate of Jesse Whitfield, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 25th day of March, 1950. Mrs. Alice J. Whitfield, Russel Whitfield, Preston Whitfield, Administrators of the es tate of Jesse Whitfield, de ceased, Mt Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 5-5-6t. HEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 2nd day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of March, 1950. Lela Quinn Potter, Ad ministratrix of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, Magnolia, N..C. H. E. Phillips Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. 4-28-St HEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quail' fieed as administrator of the es tate of Jesse Sullivan, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. ' This the 25th day of March, 1950. James J. Sullivan, Admini strator of the estate of Jes see Sullivan, Mt. Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 5-5-6t HEP - oooooooooooo FOR SALE SASH, DOORS, SHEET r.or EOCK LATH BOCK WOOL, PLASTER, LHViZ, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN IDLE, WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, ASPIIALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS ROLL ROOFING 5- ROCFIXJ, BRICT Z. J. Carter & Son WofW N. C oooooooooooo m SALE Oak and Pine Firewood : PINE, $5.00 per cord OAK, $6.00 per cord On the premises. Stacked along roadway near Williams' Cross roads, 8 miles from -Warsaw. , , ' , SEE OR CALL CO cords pine and 30 cords oak cut in 4-ft. lengths. aSftTssMiiliiisslai ijfaJgSjyM ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament of Alice Newklrk, now deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against her said es tate to present them to the under signed Executor on or before the 15th day of March, 1951,, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of March, 1950. James Carr .Executor of the Will of Alice Newkirk, Magnolia, N. C. 4-21-6t. pd. VBG. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beulaville, N. C, on or before the 18th" day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 18th day of March I9 60.. Bruce Turner, Admini strator of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner. Grady Mercer, Attorney for Administrator -4-28-61. GM NOTICE In The General County Court North Carolina, Duplin County. GEARLDINE JOYCE SWEATT vs LORNE E. SWEATT The defendant, Lome E. Sweatt, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, In which the plaintiff Is suing for an absolute divorce upon the grounds of two. years separation; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said county in the courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina) on the 13th day of April, 1950. and ans- North Carolina, Duplin County. I To The Voters Of Duplin County: I hereby file my notice as a candidate for the nomination as a -member of the House of Representatives for this County in the Pri mary Election to be held the 27th day of May, 1950., I affiliate with the Democratic Party, and I hereby pledge myself to abide by the results of said Primary, and to support in the next General Election all candidates nominated by the Democratic Party,'"" - Ci ki If hominited and elected, i lie'reby promise to represent the people of this County to the best 6f my ability. ". , ' -Your support wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will ap ply to -the court for relief dot manded in sald'complalnt This the lSth day of March, 1950. (s) R. V. Wells, Clerk General County Court 4-7-4t. A.E. "- J. V. Pruilt Dies At Home John Van Buren Pruitt, Sr., 59, died at his home in Rose Hill on Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. He had been declining health for the past several years.' Funeral services were held from the Rose Hill Baptist Church at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. V. Case. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. He is survived by his widow, the former Hollie Elliott of Elijay ,Ga.; one son, J. V., Jr., of Gastonla; two daughters, Mrs. J. M. Coley of Jack sonville, Fla. and Mrs. Dave Wilda of Wilmington; his mother, Mrs. H. B. McFarland; two sisters, Mrs. Dessie Curtiss and Miss Mae Pru itt, all of Atlanta, Ga.; and three grandchildren. W. V. Parker Dies Buried Saturday -- Wpoten Victor Parker, 61, died early Thursday morning of 'last week at his home near Magnolia after Suffering a heart attack dur ing the night. Funeral services were held from the Magnolia Bap tist Church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. J. P. Royal, pas tor. Burial was in Magnolia Ceme tery. He is survived by his wife, the former Dorothy Mae Quinn of Mag nolia; two children, , Evelyn and Victor Parker, both of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Dempsey ,of Bushnell, Fla. and Mrs. Clyde Er zelle of Magnolia. RELIEF FROM PAINFUL . ATHLETES FOOT IN ONE HOUR Or your 40c back T-4-L, with PENE TRATING alcohol base, strikes im beded infection INSTANTLY with strong, active medication. Ask any druggist for this kuick drying, col orless lotion. Today at Kenansville Drug Store 5-28-4t. , ....- ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDACY FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be sincerely appreciated.: unurununuouuununua 4J3 t-Imm Swm)jt ' " - IS-lirtMor f Wllllm tooth, JoMph TMtnt. hown OFTHI MONTH Ittirthdqr of Hum Ctafi Chorla EM Hotkof, . VOON AchOMO, It Tint that tiros' fort Smltr, Idol. lt-100 toMi ItrHui fort Morwot, . , mi :. - , .: linnfai omtiimtol fcy loot, IM1 , -It SS Titanic, ltrir.ro ko ' -" berg ond Hoar, lti , : . REMEMBER TODAX ' TOMORROW . .- : WITH A ) ; PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO ; IN MOUNT OLIVE . LAC l . Phones 217-J or 230 : COMMERCIAL ' - PHOIOGKAI'HI ' ' A SPECIALTY Dr: H. V. Colvell Ca OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Jiext Doos To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In -- WALLACE. N. C. 0000000000004 Houses ; AND APARTMENTS For Rent Warsaw And Kenansville A. J. STRICKLAND PHONE 554 1 WARSAW N. cC oooooooooooo FERMATE FOR BLUE MOLD .',. .;.'t. Dust and. Spray FARMERS Hardware Co. IN WARSAW TYNDAIL FUNERAL HOME or Mowirr ouvw . Hsase of a orliv-tlht 'V Ffcaae W ' ' j "- ' Burial Assoelaflnp ' - Sf eiaj 'fMmtorj, Mmhalmo SmttnlatHw Mnrln. an or wWM . i. 0. ml r... I orth Carolina, by t'-e plain!"?

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