y, Ar. ed the program. The meeting ad journed with prayer by Mrs. Prld gen, j EASTER SERVICES THE DUPLIN JUST A MUSUT Bys BOB GRADY Sunday Nlfht It's been a beautiful Easter Day. As I quoted last week: God's In His Heaven All's right with the world. As I wrote last week when pre paring the ad for Warsaw Floral Co. - "Spreading Frangranee Over Duplin," and that Just what Mr. and Mrs. Smith did. When I walked into their floral shop Saturday afternoon and saw the piles of corsages ready to go to Kenansville, Falson, Beulaville, ., Magnolia, Warsaw, and literally all over Duplin, I thought "all this being spent for flowers, and Just for one day how much good all this - money could do." This morning when I stood in the church yard and saw the smiles on the faces of the girls and ladies parading to church in their new Easter bon nets and all trimmed out with a corsage, I thought: "It's worth It all. Yes those few dollars spent on the fairer sex made even the hardest of males swell up with pride." And as the choir sang in the choir loft the beauty and frag rance of everything seemed to make us all more humble and peni tent So if Easter can create this feeling, then isn't this Just what Christ lived and died for? The more often we can feel and act in this vein the more we will get out of living. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED , s We had the preacher for dinner at our house today. He is a young fellow, In his early twenties. Mr. 1 Hayter is a senior at the Sery. " He is as well at ease and composed - - aa you would expect of one with many years of experience. A vir tual stranger in a strange home. I think the Easter spirit was with him. He will move to Kenansville ll early June, on graduation from the seminary, and become the reg ular pastor of the Grove and Halls vllle Presbyterian churches. . Bob Crosby and his orchestra are now playing "Ave Maria", think this is one of the most beau tiful pieces of music ever com posed. It seems to be soul satisfy ing any time you hear It. j - 1 V ' i "t iHyV- "T-T y v 1'- 'vi :yK, 1 s" i y-f nit 'i' ' . An Impressive Easter Service was presented Sunday morning In the Warsaw Baptist Church with young people from various depart ments taking part A playlet entit led, "The Resurrection",' taking place in the home of Joseph of Arl mathea was presented with the purpose of showing human react ions, and climaxed with the chimes I imagine that my Linotype op erator it gemot "fired of all this so i ww iooK.up a poem ana let you. can It nbJrteV Shorty. The fouoirini a udten from the poem r"He dwell with us" by - . M w. V vmceui u. uurns: Pray not "Abide with us". It need not be We thus should pray on every land nd sea, For even now He dwells with you and me. He is the essence of the perfumed T' 7'. flower, Her is -the secret of the planet's i power, He is the beauty in the twilight m..MLn,i hour. We find him in the vibrancy and vim That sings to blossom on the apple limb, Abide with us? We need must learn of Him. Mount Airy, April 8 Mayor and Mm. William Franklin Car ter, Jr., announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Ypun,4oMr. Vivian Best Johnson, son of Senator and Mrs. Rivers Dunn Johnson of Warsaw. The wedding Is planned for June 3rd at the First Presbyterian Church. Miss Carter attended Greensboro College in Greensboro, and was graduated from the University of North Carolina with the class of 1948. She was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Johnson attended Fork-Union Military Academy in Vir ginia. He left the University of North Carolina in 1942 to Join the U. S. Army Air Forces, with which he served for two years, ten months of which were spent overseas in the Pacific theatre. He returned to the University of North Carolina in January 1946, where he is majoring in Journalism and is president of Sigma Nu fraternity. BRIDGE CLUBS MEET Mrs. Lewis Mullens entertained her club Thursday evening. Spring flowers decorated the living room where two tables were in play. High score for members went to Mrs, Emerson Jones. Visitor's high went to Mrtt Mormon Barr. 1 Candy, potato sticks and drinks were served during the games and ice cream and cookies when tallies were totaled. Upon arrival the hostess served individual Easter ice cream molds with pound cake, nuts and coffee. Drinks and ' cheeses were served during the games. topic of discussion. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served a sweet course to the twelve mem bers present. Bridge Club Mrs. J. R. Grady was hostess to her bridge club at her home on Tuesday evening of last week Visitors of the club were Mrs. A. R Bland and Mrs. Emory Sadler. Mrs. D. H. McKay was presented a gift for high. score for members and Mrs. Sadler won high score prize for visitors. At the conclusion of the games the hostess served pear salad, cookies and cheese straws. The Woman's Auxiliary of Grove Church met Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Hlnes and Miss (Lula Hinson, co-hostesses. Mrs. W. J. Pickett presided. Bible Study was led by Mrs. N. B. Boney. "Ab bringing an Easter message In mud raham's Prayer of Intercession" was sic. Those taking part in this were; Prologue, Peggy Mitchell; The Nameless One, . Joyce Jones; The Woman, Dorothy Eason; Gaza, the servant, Ray Faulkner; The Young Man, Charles Hales; The Figure in white, Joyce Whittle; Joseph of Arimathea, Gene Holland. Other participants In the pro gram were: Mable Jane Straughan, Nina Garner, Letha Barnette, Joyce Potter, Paul Blackburn, Bill Strau ghan, Deams Pollock, Dallas Hol- lowingsworth, Barbara Jones, Ger ald Jones, Naomi Eason, Fay Black burn, and Fisher, Carlton. - - mis program was unaer ine su pervision of Mrs. Alton Greenlaw. W. M. U. MEETS The W. M. S. met at the Baptist church Monday afternoon. Mrs. J, C. Brock presided and opened the meeting with song.. Mrs. Glenn Prown'gave the devotional. Reports from the State WMU Meeting in Raleigh were given by Mesdames A. W. Greenlaw G. S. Best and Brock. Mrs. Leslie Brown gave the Stewardship report; Mrs. Best gave a ri'imri on Community Missions. Tin- mi imp was urged to attend the Si.no Associatlonal meeting in Corinth April 19. The Mary Herring Circle gave the program for the afternoon. Mrs. Bill Jackson, assisted by Mrs. El bert Matthis and Mrs. Greenlaw was in charge. The topis "Presses At Work For God." The executive committee held a short business meeting following the regular meeting. ENGAGEMENT Honored Mrs. O.-P. Johnson entertained at a birthday dinner on Thursday of last week, honoring her mother, Mrs. Sarah Croom on her 71st birthday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Richard Player,, Mr. and Mrs. earl Player of Fayetteville, Mr. J. B. Player, his son and daughter of Wilmington. Personals Mayor and Mrs. William Frank lin Carter. Jr., of Mt. Airy, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Young, to Vivian Best Johhnson, son of Senator and Mrs. Rivers Dunn Johnson of War saw.' The wedding will take place June 3rd. ' PERSONALS Mrs. Arthur Cooke was hostess Friday evening when she entertain ed her club and invited guests at one of the season's loveliest parties. The new home on Plank St. was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. The mantle held a winter garden, Easter rabbits and pink candles. High scorer for members was Mrs. Mormon Barr, receiving salt and pepper shakers. Mrs. Albert Newlalrk won candlehoKders for traveling. Visitor's high prize, salt and pepper shakers, went to Mrs. Emerson Jones. Tuesday evening Mrs. Forest Martin was hostess to tier club at two tables at he home. Spring flowers decorated the home. Mrs. Belton Minshew won a dou ble deck of cards for high; 2nd high, hand lotion, to Mrs. Emer son Jones, and for traveling Mrs. Al Banadyga received crystal vases. During the game the hostess ser ved potato sticks and drinks. After the game pear salad and lemonade were served. WS Of CS MEETS The general meeting of the WS of CS was held in the Methodist Church Monday evening with Mrs. G. P. Pridgen presiding and 11 members present. Mrs. C. B. Best led the devotional and closed with prayer. Mrs. S. J. Powell, assist ed by Mesdames H. R. Hipp, Q. J. turned to Warsaw during the week Sutton, and C. W .Surratt present- I end after visiting in Winston-Sa- Mrs. Bessie Eason Knowles spent Easter with her sons, Guy Eason and family of Wilson and Thomas Eason and family of Norfolk. Miss Nellie Gray Matthis of Dur ham spent- Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Matthis. George Best was home for the Easter week end. Miss Rebecca Best of Benson spent the week end with her par ents Mr, and Mrs. G. S. Best. Hugh Carlton of Wake Forest College spent the holidays at home. Miss Betty Phillips is confined with the flu. Miss Rosa West is recuperating aiter navmg the flu. MissMary Lee Jones of WCUNC spent Easter at home. Miss Martha Ann Jones of UNC spent Easter at home. Mr. and Mrs. George Pennv snent me weeK end in Raleigh. Miss Janle Belle Blackmore re Mr. and Mrs. Flip Peele and daughters of- Williamston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sitterson. Mrs. J. A. Gavin visited rela tives in Hampstead recently. Mrs. J. L. Williams has been spending the last several days with Mrs. Marie Feidler in New York. Mr. Larry McLendon of Rich- t Playtex1 Living Girdle 1951. Jmmmm (wifrgMsn) 1 ,;;j ; Cringes !n fashion in the last few decades ' have been changes in foundations as much as changes in style. And the girdle that has V , snade possible the latest figure revolution k . v the sensational Plsytex Living Girdle . . . the girdle that . N gives you the slim, young, supple figure of 1950. ' ' Made of that modern miracle material tree grown ' . y liquid Jarcx- Plartex combines figuremrnung powa.' who complete cotmorc ana irecaom oi action; , . tingle seam, stitch or bone. It's absolute!'? invisible even under the most sit. .... , .. m . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamamm' ' " '" mini i itf mm r ' - . II, t ! , lem for several weeks. Her brother Frank accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Britt of Wil mington have taken an apartment In the Jordan home where they will live. Mr. Britt is here in con nection with the construction of the Warsaw school lunchroom and the auditorium at the colored school Mrs. Stacy Britt Britt and daugh ters, Jo Ann and Betty and son Eddie and Mrs. Annie Greene of Concord spent Easter in Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Jr., en tertained the following for dinner and overnight Tuesday evening be fore attending the District meeting of the UDC in Burgaw Wednes day: Mesdames Quentin Gregory, Halifax, Division president of the N. C. U. D. C; Mrs. W. E. Dickens, Enfield, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Ships, Durham, 2nd vice-pres.; Mrs. Louise McGowan, Plymouth, Historian; and for dinner, Mrs. Paul Potter, vice-pres. of the James Kenan Chapter, and Mrs. Robert L. West, director of the 9th District. HI Miss Hilda Gray Brinson, of Ke nansville, Is the daughter of Mrs. Roy Brinson and the late Mr. Brinson. Her engagement to Wiley Truett Booth of Rose Hill, son of Mrs .James H. Booth of Rose Hill and the late Reverend Booth, is announced by her mother. The wedding will take place in the latter part of the summer. mond, Va. visited Mr. Jeff Mc Lendon during the week end. Week end guests of Mrs. L. Southerland were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and Jane of Raeford and Miss Eleanor Southerland of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney, Jr. of Chapel Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney, Sr. this past week end. Miss Janet Boney has been spend ing the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Vann Jardan of Richmond, Va. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Kennedy this week. Mrs. Sue Neil Slverston of Clin ton visited Mr. and Mrs. McKoy Kennedy this past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Blllie Lewis and Edward visited In Salemburg on Sunday. Mesdames Stacy Boone and Fred rick Boone of Kins ton visited Mrs. E. A. Newton and Mrs. G. V. Good ing recently. v Miss Theresa Gooding, Mr. Banks McNair of Goldsboro and Mr. Guy Gooding of Chapel Hill were week spent the Easter holidays with her end guests of Dr. and Mrs. a V. parents Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bake;. Gooding. Miss Hilda Gray Brinson spent Miss Annie Rose Southerland of Easter week with hex mother Mrs. Raleigh visited in Kenansville on Roy Brinson. , 15, Saturday. Mr. Joe W,est of State College Mrs. L. A. Beasley is visiting her spent the week end with Mr. and daughter Mrs. C. C. Loth In Way- Mrs. H. M, West f J ' nesboro, Va. Mr. Bill Ingram of SUte College Mesdames Ralph Brown, Ivy visited his parents Mr. and Mrs.1 Bowden, J. A. Hlnes, Sam Newton Bill Ingram over the week end. ; ' and N. B. Boney attended the Pres- r byterial In Falson last Friday. Little Miss Gene Mercer of Gols ' '.:--boro spent the past week end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newton.'.: ;. Lt. and Mrs.. Alton Payne and children of Falls Church, Va. spent ' that past week end With Mr. and f Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odom of Raleigh spent the week end wlth Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dobson. -r Mrs. D. S. Williamson has been called to the home of her parents in Sanford due to the Illness of her father. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Williamson Sunday were Mrs. . Williamson V sister, Mrs. W.- C. , Caulder, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Jack son of St Pauls, Mrs. C. JL WU- ... Jlannao-and Betsy Shaw of Jack son, Mrs. Lee of Kinston, Mrs. Myrtle Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Williamson and children of .. Kenansville. Miss Grace Baker of E.C.TXX Jut on look will tell yoa.why th '50 Ford it . a arjrU ihow all by iuclf . . . why it's th mih tar m MMrnnn bktm to twice nceivt th Fihion -Academy' Gold Mdal Award i "Fashion Car of the Ym" (sad two yari la a raw, at that!) it s s Ford Said oihn a ihouUUr room. Tb 'iO ,: id faala hi. Th you tsk toil great car ow oa th totk -t, voa'U fMl it laxariovs big, car coav . v fort, in aTortl "Flo r.Tip' kmc . ing and it tolid readability. A minut "Tnt Drir" will conrinc yoa that th 'SO Ford it traly Mr. Big tor fpaciouoa, lor comiort, for p formanc and for valoa. ';-" "." rwrrex tmxo fatt ': snaDia ' 4 sin dinging new fashions. And . it washes in 10 seconds, , pats dry with a towel I rurru Livnro rxinT onuns (wimgsrten) Extra iargs rxAVTix . irvINO BASTIS CIXDLS mJHH .Ait) te sea the snsattenal ' , SlAYTkl rwK-tcs aktv enu)ii ,,..,.,..,H.M rtAmx r ink-ict rAimr Sisdls (wi,hgartr).w4i;$ : ' tHM .A . . W ..;;::;:lllli;v ' 'si ', ,"' Ms-r ' m. " 1 (,;";. 4 'V ! "-.(. S. , - ........ v,;'!t U -C- Z-- v f Champion of its Class for CCOL'OMY ; ; HwVs real yidaoM of Ford's extraordinary gas economy. Im V ,1 wHYy wiw vrrvrariT WOO IO tt Clat Ei Urn IuU-um can in th low-pric ild. Low ant coat, operation; com and high rcal vain mark Ford V-Soe j"a th;bs Economy Packa(" in it iald. "T DrW V at as root lord UaW. BJy. (a(laaaji) nzf tr.r.'rtTAT rr:i

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