I 1 i" 'V :.i ' ' V s ' :. iff 1 5 CENAKSVILLr.. i:: c TA Tin: nurr.iN Tinno NOTCE OF EXECUTOR The undersigned having qualified m executor of the estate of Reuben . Tyndall, deceased, "late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate : to present them to the undersigned : On or before the 8th day of April, . 1951, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of April, 1050. Percy Bruce Tyndall, Exe cutor of the estate of Reu ben Tyndall, deceased, Pink Hill, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. . 5-19-6t. HEP ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this la to notify- all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beulaville, N. C, on or fcefore the 18th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery . All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment. This the 18th day of March I9 60. Bruce Turner, Admini strator of Mrs. Nannie B. Turner. Grady Mercer, Attorney for Administrator 4-28-6t. GM NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 5 rkt mW W mggw Ma, M f J tfbflf t)f ttt& (MlfMQb AQtsY wk via . : 1 , 5 3 Sffit iMMiim ( j MONT n ' IT DoriaHs nUm ta f S Ttknita 5 iVJ It Nritiwn 3 i VP IS Sattla UiijH mi C I I Yl Cmmi. 1771 9 j "r1J - I1"' ? ' JtU tl-(HtlwHMU47IC C l tt-nm Aitar it. IMS. J The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 2nd day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of March, 1950. Lela Quinn Potter, Ad " mlnistratrlx of the estate of David Quinn, deceased, Magnolia, N. C. sll. E. Phillips . Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. 4-288t. HEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to laid estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 25th day of March, 1950. James J. Sullivan, Admini strator of the estate pf Jes see Sullivan,' Mt Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 5-5-6t HEP SCR1PTUHE: Amos, (upMiatty ti 7-7-18: S.-l-S). , DEVoflONAI. RBASmOl Psalm fc ,. Rugged Prophet for April It, UN The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the es tate of Jesse Sullivan, deceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament of Alice Newkirk, now deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against her said es tate to present them to the under- signed Executor on or before the 15th day of March, 1951,, or .this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es- REMEMBER TOJDAI TOMORROW WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOt'NI OLIVE Phones 217-J or 230 COMMERCIAL ' PHOIOGKM-Hl ' A SPECIALTY DON'T MAKE the mistake of thinking that the . "minor" prophets of the Old Testament were ,less Important than the "majors." .The 12 men whose writings end our Old Testament are In no way less Important than Isaiah, Jeremiah or EzeklaL They are called "minor" only because their writings cover fewer pages. First In point of time came Amos. , Ranch-Hand Preacher AMOS WAS-NO city preacher, in fact not a preacher at alL He would not even call himself a : prophet He was a ranch-hand from 'the back country, more like what i we would call a hired hand than a farmer on his own. He . had no presltge, no back ing, no social or official position, no money, no high education, no na tional reputation, fact none things that us "take notice"-of a strange speaker. Dr. Foreman He had po lecture bureau, had no luncheon-club, be could not even hire a hall. .,, But the Lord had spoken to him and he knew.it. He was determined that the wealthy people who crowded the tem ple yard In Bethel should hear him. No donbt the mere sight of the man would attract atten tion. In hit rough working clothes he would look aa ont-ef-place Jn that weU-poUsbed crowd aa a huckleberry m a pan of milk. As 'his voice, 'trained In the! wide open - spaces, - rang - out over the crowd, a -few people may J have laughed at first -But a circle of re spectful - silence would g row around him. Indeed they liked what he said, at first . no na- - ition, In I I of , the I I make I hrf List The following named persons were drawn .to serve as Jurors County Court - May, 1950: , - ' Carl W. Kornegay, Raymond Smith, Mrs. D. H. McCullen, W. E. Hlnes, Stephen Brlnson, Ash Miller, Jimmle Davis, W. C. Moore, CM. Nicholson, S. R. Lanier, E. Lr Quinn Chancey Sumner, Richard Pickett, J. D. Bostic, Roy Dixon, R. O. Cav- enaugh, Gordon Stroud, John C. Smith, Robert E. Turner, Roy San derson, Robert Murray, Jr., Gas ton Kelly, Albert Manning, and B. T. Blanton. Bruce Wilson took Civil Service exams in Asbevllle last week. Mrs. Ben Jenkins spent Friday in Wlllard. , ; - Lester Matthis continues ill. Mrs. Matthls is better. Mrs. Nancy Kissner spent Mon day in Warsaw. ' Mrs. Robert Sykes and baby spent the'week end with her mother Mrs. Alice Gaylor. . Mrs. John Bland and Mrs. Macy Hawkins of Rose Hill were in town Saturday. Mrs. Ella Dempsey of Fla. ' Is N. C CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO.. INC Foot of Waynesborough Avenue ' Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. 'C. PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT IF CALLED IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE - M. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, II. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency S - i ' Warsaw Fish Mar:ef ; CREATORS AND MADTTAINERS OF L6WEB PRICKS ON QUALITY SKA FOODS (Next Door to AaVP) ' Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fashman WUXlfl BARTLsTTT " FREE PhtaM tS-1 ' ; ; W JRESSnra WARSAir, N. C "f ' DXLITXR THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday in Kenansville, N. C County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY . Editorial bualness and printing plant, KenansvilV), N. C. ' J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER ' Entered at the Post Office, Kenantvllle, N. C. as second dees matter. . TKLEPHdltBS . Kesuuurille, t5M - ; Warsaw M- t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per-year la Duplin County J. : Lenoir', Jones, Onslow, Pender, 8ampeon and Wayne coun- tlea; .$3JS0 p.eear outside this ant In North Carolina and Advertising rate rnratahed a reoneai. t DemocraUe Journal, devoted to the material,educational, . Konomic and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. Bell-Call of Doomsday "T7OR three transgressions of Damascus, yea for four ... I will not turn away .the punish ment thereof," he began. Damas cus was capital of Syria, for gen erations their Country's fitter and all too successful enemy. So when Amos predicted a crash for Syria, you may imagine the applause would be loud. Then, one after another, as Amos points his finger east north, south, the lightning of God's curse is' called down on enemy after enemy of the nation of Israel. Fire, hur ricane, defeat and disaster are fore told for every one. Too Close Home EVERYTHING . Amos had said was true, and eame true; every nation whose downfall he predicted collapsed hut as he said it would. But that was not the main reason he had tramped all -the way to Bethel. He bad some things to say to the very 'people before him, something about themselves and their own country. So when he had his audience In - the palm of his band, Just aa they -were gloating over the terrible fate of the na tions they bated, Amos dropped his bomb on their complacent heads. Tins salt she- Lord: Fee three ' tranegeesslana at IS RAEL, yea for fear, I will not : torn away - the pntehment i thereof." The reBeaH of dooms "day includes every einful aa- ' Ktlon. God has s vets, ke plays "no favorites. HI. lawn are the ama 'feralln men. Naturally, 1 1sraelite. I ooald well believe that jBodi hatedl the .sins ef their enemies, But their- ewnf k That vu a different etory. v " Amos plunged' from being the most popular sidewalk preacher of hi. day to being the best-bated man in Israel. In fact because he k dared to name the king as sinner number one,' he was accused of treason, a capital crime In any eountry. - , ' "Ono Han With God b a Majority" XMOS WROTE OUT his proph " ieeles at some later- time and theyl have . been' handed down to ns, with all their -fire and force, In the book that bears bis name. Wo shall See in later lessee."; some ef hla great Baeaaagee. ' What atanda ant hero1 la shift Troth ' is sometime popolar, t aometimes net, bat -the IMag power ef trath haa-nothing. te ' f do with the Bomber of people who believe tt, ee whether it la i pleasant ar with tbe prestige ' ef the man wjie prele4ma It If it is God's truth, it will live even if the only man who believes it Is banished, at Amos was, to the Sent wilderness. ." ; - F0R3ALE Oak and Pine Firewood PINE, $5.00 per cord OAK, $6.00 -per cord. On the premises. Stacked along roadway near Williams' Cross roads, 5 miles from Warsaw. SEE OR CALL 60 cords pine and 30 cords oak cut in 4-ft. lengths. George P. Pridqen -PHONE 473 WARSAW r ooooooooodoo FOR SALE SASH, DOORS, SHEET BOC7 ROCK LATH ROCK WOOL, PLASTER, L!, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER RACOTTA PD?E, DRAIN 1ILE, VVHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS tnr ROLL ROOFING S-v Rocroj, BRICT Z. J. Cartej & Son Wallace. N. C OOOOOOOOOOOQ 7 FERMATE FOR BLUE MOLD Dust and Spray FARMERS Hardware Co. IS WARSAW 1 ICoovrtfht br tha InUhiatlonal counen H nallgloiu EdueaUon on behalf of S fMtoasoe, as; Proteatant danomlnaUona. WHU raanires.) tate will pleaee make Immediate payment : TYNDALL rUN'IAL HOME EN lfOCITT OLIVW ' naew n Borlal AesodafW (Mrentora, iCmbavlmen AatmliMM WainhiB. T nirfif Dr. II. W. Colvell - OPTOMETRIST - 1 Eye. Examined, Glasses Fitted, j Next Door To Cavenaugh ; Chevrolet Company - Permanent Off ice In ' '.' WALLACE. N. C. f RELIEF FROM PAINFUL ! i. .! ATHLETES FOOT . ! . IN ONE HOUR " j Or your 40c back T-4-L, with PENE- IIIATINU alcohol base, strikes lm- beded infecUon INSTANTLY wHh visiting Jer sister Mrs. Clyde Ez- lelli'v;-" ::.;-;3u,-';.v:V5;;:' Vi''--:' ' Mrs. Lewis Quinn is an operative patient in Goldsboro Hospital. v Mrs. Stacy Cavenaugh and Miss Mary Carr of- Jtosa. Hill were in town .Tuesday.:, ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Boone and son of Richmond are .pending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Register. ;vi:?-' ':. :f'l Miss Betty Horo spent the week end in WilrahM rai-", Last rites Wooten Victor Parker were heid Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock in the Magnolia Duplin Tines KENANSVILLE N. C Baptist Church of which he had, been a -member since early man-' hood. Pastor J. P. Royal had charge of the service, assisted bw Rev. W, W. Hasty of. Wallace. Pall bearers Were Fred Johnson, Bert Johnson, Warren Bostic,' Herman Pippin, Admer Lanier of Magnolia and For Best Prices and Com plete Job on Monuments, See or Write Curtis Harroll of , uiuico. Flower ; - girls Were Interemdiate 8, S,; girls , and Basketball girls, to which Eve lyn- ParkeTbelonged. jBurtel was in magnolia cemetery. He naa many friends .an , an . immense crowd attended the funeral. Be-. side hls wlfe, the former Dorothy Mae wuinn, ne leaves two cniiaren, Victor, about 17 (and Evelyn, 13; -two .sisters, Mrs .Clyde Eaell '(At Magnolia and Mrs. Ella. Dempsey 1 of Fla.; several niece, and neph-; ews. We who. knew Wooten can say that one of the best men in hit , nature and clean life hag gone to his reward, leaving a good example for his children. -.' ' ' 11 - ; Rev. H. J. Vhaley BEULAVILLE oooooooooooct JSCS APARTMENTS Fdr Rent "vWarsaw And ,, Kenansville 'f ritv-'vi; A. J: STRICKLAI3 .; PHONE SM " ' ' ' - WARSAW. N. C.":i-i:-ifi oooooooooofia 1 s :.; , '-i'' ,'f;j.'".''l:'1 f?tiJ hfc ;it. tn -:- I We look forward to you paylnr us a visit In our new store. When time is available, please come in and lust browse around - yon will not be urged to buy. We want to moot you!; Here, you will find an adequate stock of the famous brands we have listed below -and others, too. ' J- ' 1 ' : Englander Bedding - Glamorug vBylo Baby Beds - Sloane Tile -Streit Lounge Chairs - Turner Pictures & Mirrors - Gulbransen Pianos - Broyhill Bedroom - Cochrane Dinnets SeaW Mattresses & Sofas - Pittsburg Chrome Dinettes - Newton Boudoir Pieces Quick Meal Oil Stoves - Nichols & Stone Chairs - Sparton Radios - Drexel Bedroom Furniture -3 Drexel Dining-Room Pieces -Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges - Mohawk & Smith Carpet - Reo Power Mowers Gold Seal, Bird, Sloane, and Armstrong Felt Base Linoleum Rugs - May-' tag Washers & Gas Ranges - Hot Point Refrigerators, Washers; Elec tric Stoves, Sinks, Water Heaters, and Dish. Washers. - International Sofa Beds - Wilson Blinds & Awnings - Maddox Desks & Breakfronts and Taylor Tot StroIJers. , .:..v' - . , ' We feel sure you will find our prices reasonable, quality considered, and term to please! If yon are in need of household furnishings, you will be'wise to make your i purcnases now, as indicaUona point to higher prices at the July Market Charge it today, and pay next Fall! Remember, at R. E. Quinn and Co, of Warsaw, free delivery up to 100 miles! K " ' ' 1 1 ReEeQUINN cgt Go. Of Warsaw, H. C. T COLLEGE STREET DIAL 446 WARSAW. N. C. , CLAIBORNE QUINN, . Gen. Mgr., ED HINES. Sales Mgr. ' 1 AIIIIOUIICEMEIIT To The Voters Of Duplin County: I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CANDIDACY FOR THE NOMINATION: AS A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR TTIIS COUNTY SUB JECT TO TH EWILL OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN THE PRIMARY ELECTION OF MAY 27, 1850. s U DENOMINATED AND ELECTED J FKOMISE TO SUPPORT ALL-BILLS INTRODUCED WHICH ARE t ; FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY AND STATE. T - 1 YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE SINCERELY APPRE- i - , t i.'Vt Thla 19th day of March, 1930. Jamea Carr .Ewmitnr of V V'l c 8'roi"!, af!ve medication. Ask am- t ' . i Jaf

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