CZTJAK3VILL ra BEULAVILLE LIONS SPECIAL GUESTS AT CIVITAN MEET Members of the Beulaville Lions club were special guests last week as the Rose Hill Clvitan club held its regular meeting In Rose Hill. - At a short business session a committee for the ,: Wrlghtsvllle ' convention was appointed by Clvi tan President Daniel Fussell. On the committee are Carl Held, Den nis Ramsey, Jr., Hugh S. Johnson, Eldon Brown, Dallas Herring, and B. B. Longest. - Following dinner Ben Harrell and Bob Herring were in charge of a musical program presented by the Civitan band and the. Music Club. Songs were rendered by Mrs. S. E. Butler, Mrs. W. H. Saunders, Mrs. Murphy Slngletary and Mrs. Granville Sheffield, They were ac companied by Mrs. H. C. Marshall on the piano. CIRCLES MEET ' . The Young Ladles Circle of the Presbyterian Church met Tuesday night In the home of Mrs. Harry Home. Devotional and prayer was led by Mrs. Charlton Sandlin, and r"Seal Us O' Holy Spirit" was sung. The Bible study was given by Mrs. Andrew Jackson. A short talk on "tithing" was given by Mrs. Harry Home. How to teach our children a christian way of life was discussed by Mrs. Charlton Sandlin. i Mrs. Harry Home gave the secre- tar'ys report after which the group v was dismissed with prayer. The hostess served congealed sal 'ad on lettuce, rite and cokes to - The May meeting will be held ' in the home of Mrs. Robert Mat thews. ' vThe Young Ladies Circle of the , Baptist Church met recently in the home of Mrs. J. M. Brown for their I regular meeting.: Mrs. Orro Thig- pen presided and led the devotional. I The program was discussed by Mrs. Thigpen. Mrs. Marion Bratcher, "i Mrs. James Thomas, Mrs. Elwood 'f Quinn, Mrs. Sidney Hunter, Mrs. I Orvls Thigpen and Mrs. W. D. Willis. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Roland Batchelor. Mrs. Mary Thigpen led the closing prayer. ' Mrs. Brown served peanuts, cake, ice cream and cold drinks to 16 members and 2 visitors. The visit ors Were Mrs. Bill Willis of Char lotte and Mrs. Morris Grady of Kenansville. ' H. D. C. MEETS WITH "MRS. PHOEBE PATE v" The Beulaville Home Demons tra . r tion Club met Tuesday April 4 ', in the home of Mrs. Phoebe Pate . with Mrs. Hosea Hunter presiding. ..Following club collect, Miss Hilda Clonts talked on character build ing. Mrs. Ermle Sanderson talked on home gardens and. arts and ? crafts were discussed by Mrs. Sid h. ney Hunter and Mrs. Lou Belle - Williams gave -helpful pointers on Home Dairy. t Mrs. M. M. Thigpen read the min- utes and monthly report after " which Mrs. Pate served ice cream, ' cookies and" drinks. FAMILY REUNION AT HOME OF MRS. MILLER A lamuy reunion was new on V Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kate ZBHEBSBEEEB tuJal Theatre Beulaville, II. C. MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER WEEK BEGINNING APRIL 30th. , SUNDAY and MONDAY "THE HEIRESS With OLIVIA DE HAVILAND, academy award winner News and Cartoon .'-..''. ' '. " TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY i KING KONG GORILLA in : Mighty Joe THURSDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Starring TOM BROWN in Duke Of Chicago ALSO LOOK WHO'S BACK " WEAVER BROTHERS and ELVIRY in Jamboree FRIDAY WORLD WAS II TOP Grdslcanal Diary Cartoon and Serial CAROLINA DRAMATIC MOMENT in the romance between MONTGOMERY CLIFT and OLIVIA de HAVILAND in Paramount' "The Heiress," which shows at the MODEL THEATRE in Beulaville Sunday and Monday. The drama, produced by William Wyler, is based on the stage hit and co-stars the two with Ralph Richardson. Miller and a picnic lunch was ser ved. There were approximately 125 relatives and friends enjoying the occasion. Among out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Tar- boro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bertman and son of Greenville, Ed Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. George Bostic and family all of Warsaw and Mrs. Jas per Jarman and daughter, Theo of Tarboro. PERSONALS Mrs. James Thomas, Vera Bostic, Margaret Hunter, Hosea Hunter and Misses Janice Bostic, Doreen Nethercutt, Mattie Frances Ken nedy and Lou Jackson attended the Bible School Clinic in the War saw Baptist church Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. J. J. West and Mrs. Mary Belle Quinn of Warsaw were guests of Mrs. Lula Parker Sunday. Mrs). Willie Fedora and sons shopped in Jacksonville Friday. Rev. and Mrs. A. Lv Brown and Mrs. Paul Parker shopped in Golds boro Thursday. Miss Geraldine Whaley of War saw spent a few days this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley. Miss Wyomia Quinn is ill at her home with flu. . Mrs. Ruth Jones Miller and Mrs. Willie Jones shopped in Kinston Thursday. Mr. Gardner Edwards and Rev. Walter Goodman attended the Pres bytery in Whiteville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouse of Warsaw were . Sunday guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley. Mrs. Rhodes Young of Rose Hill and Mrs. Robert Lanier and son of Wallace visited Mrs. Charlton Sandlin and Mrs. Jim Sandlin on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nethercutt of Kenansville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt Sunday. Cecil Rhodes of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Eddie Rhodes Friday. . Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Sandlin were Mrs. Martha Scott, Mrs. H. S. Johnson, Jr. and Mrs. H. S. Johnson, Sr. of Rose Hill. Mrs. Norman Craft and children of Jacksonville visited relatives here Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Home and 1 1 PICTURE Mews 3 ,- - - . 1 t children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Carr in Rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Orzo Thigpen and children and Mr. and Mrs. P. E Thigpen, Jr. spent the week end in St. Pauls with Rev. and Mrs. J L. Powers. Miss Polly Brown of ECTC spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs. Bill Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barbee of Richlands visited Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Dobson Sunday. Mrs. H. S. Johnson of Rose Hill spent a few days last week with Mrs. Jim D. Sandlin. Mr. Raybourn Kennedy, Misses Lou Ann Nethercutt, Sue Lanier, attended the Blue Baron dance in Kinston Thursday night. Hobert Kennedy, Carl Home, Avon Sharpe returned Friday from New York and Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Grady of Kenansville visited Mrs. Caroline Johnson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pennetella of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller Sunday. Bobby Kennedy has received his navy discharge and is at home. Mr. and Mrs..-Clinton Campbell and Mrs. Richard Bostic and Nancy shopped in Kinston Sunday. HALLSVILLE CHURCH CIRCLE No. 2 MEETS Circle No. 2 of the Women of the Church of Hallsville met on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Nor wood Miller. Mrs. Leonard Ken nedy presided. Bible Study was led by Mrs. Ralph Miller. "Abra hams prayer" was the topic of discussion. The survey article, "What Kind of Education" was giv en by Mrs. Ashe Miller. At the close the hostess served apple pie topped with cream, and coffee to the 13 members and 1 visitor pres ent. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warren of Goldsboro announce the birth of a son, Norman Ray, April 9 in Goldsboro Hospital. Mrs. Warren is the former Nancy Harris. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Kit Hun ter wish to thank everyone for the many kindnesses shown and ex pressions of sympathy during the recent illness and death of our father. The children. r WEEK BEGINNING APRIL 12th. SHOWS BEGIN 7:30 EACH NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAYS. . SATURDAY SHOWS BEGIN AT S:0l P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY: , Rosalind Russell and Robert Cummings in Tell It To .WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY: ; " - John Wayne And Joanne Dru in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon FRIDAY and SATURDAY: ; : ; Maureen O'Hara And Vincent Price in THE DUTLIN - J. MRS. M. M. THIGPEN; '" Beulaville, N. C. a- Representative For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW. N. C. JR. SR. BANQUET Juniors and seniors of the Beu laville High School held their an nual banquet Friday evening, Ap ril 7 in the school cafeteria. Deco rations were done in the spring color motif. The cafeteria was decorated as a flower garden with a trellis of roses and greenery, walls were banked with long leaf pines; over head was draped with crepe paper with floating baloons which held fortunes. On each table was a miniature white trellis with roses and greenery and flanked by pink and white tapers. Attractive place cards and programs of memories appointed each place setting. The menu consisted of tomato Juice, ham, green butter beans, candied yams, rolls and butter, apple pie a la mode, and tea. The program: Invocation, Rev. A. L. Brown; Welcome, Buds in the Garden - Joe Jackson; Response, Blossoms in the Garden - Jane Bostic; Song, Memories - Toast to the Committee - Sybil Pickett; Re sponse, Mrs. Ashe Miller; Song, Bluebird of Happiness - Toast to Principal and Faculty - Bernell Miller; Piano trio, Country Gard ens; Response, W. R. Humphrey; Song, Somewhere Over The Rain bow. Girls from the sophomore class were chosen to serve. They were Nell Lanier, Mona Batchelor, Jan ice Bostic, Theresa Miller, Elsie Hall, Pearl Norris, Glenda Edwards, Eleanor Futrell, Minnie Simpson, Betty Jo Home. MAPLE H D C MEETS The Maple Home Demonstration Club met Monday, April. 10 in the home of Mrs. Kit Brinson with Mrs. Horace Lee presiding. The meeting opened with group singing after which Miss Hilda Clontz gave an interesting talk on character build ing. Home Gardens, Arts and Crafts were discussed by Mrs. Mat tie Kennedy and Mrs. Harry Miller. The hostess served iced drinks, cookies and Easter eggs to the members present. MISS WHALEY AND MR. ROUSE WED Miss Louise E. Whaley, daughter of Mr. andf,Mrs. Ggprge Whaley of Beulaville and Mr, Harry Rouse, son of Mrs. Richard Rouse and the late Mr. Rouse of Rose Hill, were united in a quiet ceremony April 8 in the Presbyterian manse in Wallace with the Rev. Hood offi ciating. Miss Geraldine Whaley of Beu laville and Warsaw was her sis ter's maid of honor and Miss Lil liah Sholar of Wallace, cousin of the bride was bride's maid . Charlton Carr of Rose Hill was best man. The bride was attired in a navy blue dressmaker suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink and red roses. Mrs. Rouse is a graduate of Beu laville High School and has been employed by the Carolina Tele phone Co. in Warsaw for three years. ' Mr. Rouse graduated from the Wallace High School and is now in business in Rose Hill. The couple left immediately fol lowing the ceremony for a short honeymoon to unannounced points. The couple are now at home in the Fussell Apartments in War saw. MISS SUMNER AND MR. TEACHEY WED Miss Juanita Sumner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: Joel Ivy Sumner 3 1 f 5 9 i K V The Judge TIMES sft. wl Aeafcres of Beulaville and Mr. E. Earl Tea chey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ledie Teachey of Rose Hill were married in a quiet cereminy at the home of he bride on Saturday afternoon, April 1, at 3 o'clock. The Rev. N. E. Gresham, pastor of the groom, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was dressed in a navy blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Teachey attended Beulaville High School. Mr. Teachey attend ed Wallace High School. The couple left immediately for unannounced points following the ceremony. AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Free Will Baptist Church met April 8 at the home of Mrs. W. N. Everton. Meeting opened with song and Mrs. Hattie Mae Everton gave the devotional. "Advancing with Christ through training," was the topic for the program. Talks on youth training were discussed by Mrs. Grace Brown, Mrs. Phoebe Exum, Mrs. Nedie Hall, Mrs. Eva Williams. Special music was rendered by Mrs. Myrtle Jarman and Mrs. Ev erfon. The May meeting will be held in the . home of Mrs. S. A Smith. MRS. KATIE REGISTER Mrs. Katie Register. 43, wife of O. J. Register died Wednesday night of last week at her home in Chinquapin after an illness of about Duplin Times KENANSVILLE" N.C. SUN. - MON. April 23-24 Yellow Cab Man With Red Skelton And Gloria de Haven. TUESDAY, April 25 Woman In Hiding With Ida Lupino And Howard Duff. WEDNESDAY, April 26 DOUBLE FEATURE Arizona Frontier With Tex Ritter. Hold That Ghost With Abbott & Costello. PWlliil WARSAW, N.C Announcement To The Voters Of Duplin County: I am now a formal candidate for the office of Solicitor of the General Court, subject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary in May 1950. This office is very important to you and should be administered without fear, favor, reward or hope of re ward and conducted in a manner that will bring praises from you. I assure you that if I am nominated, I will try to be a credit to the County and exemplify your confidence by my efforts to serve. I will appreciate your consideration and support. Respectfully four years. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the home by Rev. N. E. Gresham. Burial was in the Baptist Cemetery in Chinquapin. She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Vir ginia Register of Norfolk, Va.; three sons, Melvin and Earl, both of the home, and Earl Register of Nor folk; her mother, Mrs. Frances Nethercutt of Roanoke Rapids; three sisters, Mrs. Effie Williams and Mrs. Lena Rogers both of Roa noke Rapids and Mrs. Bessie Ecken rode of Norfolk; and one brother, John Nethercutt of Roanoke Rap ids. Center Theatre MOUNT OLIVE EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE WEEK OF APRIL 23rd SUN. - MON. - TUES. Frances With Donold O'Connor. (Hear The Army Mule Talk) News - Cartoon WED. & TIIURS. The Kid From Texas In Technicolor With Audie Murphy. Cartoon A Comedy FRI. & SAT. Wabash Avenue In Technicolor Betty Grable, Phil Harris. tHURS. - FRI. April 27-28 Comanche Territory (TECHNICOLOR With Maureen O'Hara And MacDonald Carey. SATURDAY, April 29 DOUBLE FEATURE Renegade Of The Sage With Charles Starrctt. Hollywood Varieties With Hoosier Hot Shots. News - Cartoon I FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1950 T I rtlK t tar ft Mtir foY Z-Sy MIVI OUT IO mi'imwii 1 ALWAYS A GOOD PICTURE AND COLOR CARTOONS FOR THE KIDDIES DRIVE-IN AT MOTOR PARK DRIVE III THEATRE PINK HILL, C. ONE OF CAROLINA'S FINEST" SUNDAY, April 23rd The Doctor And The Girl Starring Glenn Ford And Gloria DeHaven. Also Color Cartoon MON. & TUES. Younger Brothers Starring Wayne Morris And Janis Paige. Also Shorts WEDNESDAY (IN COLOR) Golden Stallion With Roy. Rogers And Dale Evans. Also "Wild Bill" Serial THURS. & FRI. From The Famous Book Mrs. Mike Starring Dick Powell And Evelyn Keyes. Also Color Cartoon SATURDAY only BIG DOUBLE SHOW Locked Doors With Lucille Bremer And Richard Carlson. ALSO Prairie Schooners With "Wild Bill" Elliott. "GET THE MOTOR tARK HABIT" Dnndad ATURDAY

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