KENANSVTLLE NOICTH CAT.CLT": -THE DUPLIN TIMES .u fci., A ' V ft- v I If " s- -I: i -' S' THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday in Kenansville, N. C. County Seat of, DUPLIN COUNTY ,:k.c.V Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, J. ROBEBT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER . " Entered at the Post Office, Kenansvllle, N. C. as second class matter. TELEPHONES Kenansvllle, 255- Warsaw 50-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; $3.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; and Advertising rates famished on request k Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, conomlc and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. DUPLIN SHOWS THE WAY (From Kinston Free Press) The current efforts of farmers, business men, agricultural and civic leaders in Duplin County to develop a long-range farm program to boost rural incomes is one that deserves sectional, regional and state-wide recognition. Among the most appealing suggestions made for the program are year-around gardens, adequate poultry production for each farm family, conserva- -tion of excess fruits and vegetables, further expan sion of present pasture and livestock programs, in crease of corn yield per acre and reduction of costs of production, adequate hay production and a tem porary pasture program to fill out a 12-month graz ing program. All suggestions which will help diversify and further improve agricultural incomes are being wel comed. The idea was advanced when Extension Service specialists pointed out that 81 per cent of the farmer's income is derived from only 17 per cent of the available land. What is true in Duplin is also true in a number of other Eastern Carolina counties and the program now being launched will be watched with keen in terest by rural leaders everywhere. A COMMUNITY LOSS (From Kinston Free Press) The destruction by fire on Sunday of the Out law's Bridge Universalist Church near Seven Springs is a serious loss to that community and the people of that section whom it served since 1906. The Universalist Church had been used as a gathering place for various assemblies- and other programs of interest to members of that faith. It was a community gathering place as well, and it served the needs of many more people than those who com prise its membership. Fortunately, a large part of its furniture was saved and will be available for further use. Pastor L. C. Prater and his faithful flock hope to rebuild the much-needed facility in the near future. The people of Duplin County and this section will share the hope that a ne wand better church building will soon be erected where the ill-fated frame building served for nearly half a century. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR The undersigned having qualified as executor of the estate of Reuben Tyndall, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of April, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of April, 1950. Percy Bruce Tyndall, Exe cutor of the estate of Reu- ben Tyndall, deceased, Pink Hill, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansvllle, N. C, 5-19-6t HEP RELIEF FROM PAINFUL ATHLETES FOOT IN ONE HOUR Or your 40c back T-4-L, with PENE- iKAiunu alcohol base, strikes im peded infection INSTANTLY with strong, active medication. Ask any druggist for this kuick drying, col orless lotion. Today at Kenansvllle Drug Stotj 5-28-4 1. N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO, INC Foot of Waynesborough Avenue Former Weil's Brickyard GOLDSBORO, N. C. PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT JE P130 IMMEDIATELY WE WILL PICK UP DEAD CATTLE, MULES AND HOGS FREE OF CHARGE M. FALLEN, JR. j General Insurance 'M Kenansville, II. C.. V :n. ' "t,m,,51,": niy insurance Agency VteFiilit. - CREATORS AND MAXNTAINEBS OF LOWER PRICKS ON QUALITY EZA FOODS t, ' (Next Door to AJLP) rr , . Both Whoioeal and VrttJX e Si 1S:1-S. Ei Amos. (MMCMII VOTIONAL SIADUTOi Jrnib Nation Going Soft Lease fr April 13, IBM AFTER the fraternity dance one of the "toothers" shot another, for no good reason. Well, there was a reason of a sort The killer was drunk, on liquor the fraternity had bought and served him. His excuse, when arrested, was that when he was tight" he was trigger-happy. ... A i prominent motion picture star di vorces her husband for cruelty. It comes out at the trial that he was mean anyhow, and Dr. Feremaa that all his meannesses got worse when he was drunk. One wonders: Did the know him very well before she married hlmf Every day the papers carry re ports of cars that "went out of con trol" with serious or fatal results. Careful reading of the story .too often brings out the fact that the hoys bad been visiting a night-spot or two before the crash. Survivors will tell the police they couldn't have been drunk, they had only had a few beers. Well, you don't have to be drunk to let a car get out from your control. This writer personally has observed a driver who had had exactly one beer run a car right off the pavement In broad sunlight. Geta Monotonous, Doeafi'tlt? A BEX CRIME is committed by a middle-aged man who sheds tears over It afterward and can hardly remember anything about it "I never would have done It if I had been sober," he says ... A girl Is found murdered In a men's rooming-house, a nice girl too. Nobody waa drank they had only been taking few drinks ... A g7-year-old woman was shot and killed during an argu ment with her state r4n-Uw. The sheeting. It waa claimed, was accidental. They had been hav ing soma friendly beers In a near-by tavern "for a couple of hews" before the shooting. After they got home, there was an argument One woman got her husband's revolver out to scare the other woman, and the first thing she knew, she was being arrested for murder. Her husband told the police that when sober his wife was "deathly scared" of guns. (Beer, the brewers' ads tell us, Is the friendly drink, It la the drink of moderation; "Beer Belongs." It does, Indeed, but where? Possibly that unfortunate killer-woman had believed what the ads told her.) . . . The Truth About liquor Wiw.t. . . . this could be strung out to the length of several col umns, without half trying. The above items are not from some chamber of horrors conducted by the W.C.T.U., not from a sermon by some Anti-Saloon league preacher, but gathered from newspaper items from a few days' papers in a city which certainly is not prejudiced against liquor. The troth about liquor can ever be teamed from the ad- ' verUamg pages. It can be better leaned from the news columns. Better yet, If yen want to know the truth about It, nek the law yers, doctors and ministers you know. Ask the lawyers If their business would be brisker or slower If Honor were net In ex. a . . M 1- -.1 ask we wmm wwuiw awauj drinkers have stronger or weaker resistance to disease. Ask the min isters if they, know of any troubles In their congregations due to liquor. (And if even church people have troubles with it, what about people with no religion?) Drinkand Doom rr IS NOT TRUE that if liquor were) totally abolished from the arm, & .the troubles of mankind would1 vattW Man has too much mtT"" la htm. 'A sober scoun drel Is one of the worst But ft Is true that liquor lends Itself all too easily to all aorta of troubles, all aorta of sins. When Amos thunders against the evJUs of bis time, drunk' enness U one'ot the sins prominent on his lift V-; r'Z:-i . " Bemember ,that to Amos' time . there waa aw whisky, ae bran- -. y, ae distilled liquors, only - "mild" staff Uke' wine. Every ' dmnfi" of drink to the . : Bible la directed against what V would new be ealM light wine f and beara., .: -' . p- One thing is as certain now as it was la Amos', times A' nation oat taslats on having its liquor is not the nation God will insist on saving when its day of doom arrives, t , ! (ConrrUht by o tntornatioB tv J Mtura.t : To rttoni dlrlj look wlik amelktt Ukt trying to ch H4kiwhk aA is-wa. SMuiomw tent 194; ewS. la. OPTH MONTH .1 w Um ti Cwim , tS U. i. oWhw Mr M 1 imT 17 Utynts Siipio Craat tor. 1812. , IS Mwyltai Mttoi' 10 UaMo,int. . . If Cmi uimr won WokioilM.llH. , OPEN FORUM Mr.. Robert Grady Kenansville, N. C4 Dear Mr. Grady:' Frnm last niJtht'S NCWS-ATgUS I saw that the Duplin Story Is to be repeated. I am glad tnat uus is tn hp fnr I think that the pageant was a wonderful thing and certain ly a thing to be proud of. There is one thing which 1 do not think oHHprt tn it however, and that is the story about the three daugh ters. This may ne amusing dui pprtainlv adds nothing of historical value to the show, in as much as the dance described was not in ex istance until many years after the formation and early history of Du plin. There is also one item of value which was omitted and which 1 think could well be incorporated into the next pageant and that is the formation of Company E, 20th N. C. Regiment, which was formed entirely of Duplin county men and which was formed and drilled near Faison.. There Is a monument erected to these men now standing at Faison and this company did many deeds of valor in the War Between The States. I have a short history of the formation and deeds of this Company written by an uncle of mine and if Mr. Byrd would consider incorporating this history into the next pageant, I will be glad to loan him the book let. I do feel that this is of histori cal value and should be shown. And now something that has nothing to do with the pageant of Duplin or of historical value, but I feel that some of my old friends in Duplin who used to read my poetry in the Duplin Times might be interested in this item. I have just received word from the State Federation of Woman's Clubs that a noem I submitted has been Judg ed best in the State and I will re ceive the Federation Poetry Cup. I thought you might publish this item in the paper next Thursday as that is the day that the cup will be presented. Very truly yours, Mrs. Helen H. Beems. 103 N. Oleander Ave. Goldsboro, N. C. April 15, 1950 WATCHES . CLOCKS . , - WATCH BANDS RINGS ON OBDEB Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry PRESTON HOLMES DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO, IN KENANSVILLE FOR SALE Oak and Pine Firewood PINE, $5.00 per cord OAK, $6.00 per cord On - the premises. Stacked along roadway near Williams' Cross roads, 5 : miles from Warsaw, SEE OR CALL 60 cords pine and 30 cords oak cut in 4-ft. lengths. Georga P. Pridgen r PHONE 7S i WARSAW NOTICE : OF. ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having- quali fied as administrator of the es tate of 'Jesse Sullivan, deceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify all persons having claims WILDLIFE SKETCHES coxo::g tools of the birds birrfs or adapted otnas on rw w. branch ami ttt btits are fendr tor catching insect or- fHHfand aceerdmr to the typm of. flood eawt toot are fitted to hit feecungnapirf MtMuisaavtei tfietonaoe hai-hed s oear- thohead eo- uippedwitfiSMl QtSorbersand an w swjncS bacK to pre htm two in front anct two tome rear n w w f ' vtoodpocKer tmrvwfrom hotet w tew aww . - - e i. i rtebOdMScr fine rwtrtie mamer i a. X. . I ffuii a. a vrr m m ni mt S ... I i finetHuHiHe eaoies, nawir often t Vpr tyaring the rt wing yon wmva wmmrm rhmir- arm avmreuf ond are eooipped urith Sharp Vstrong tmfons for amhttfiQ ortd Hilling rnmtrprey m, mrir me v wm vc fi curved spinet rnwm rem ...J nS t. diving mid A Steering , m-bebnclnm aids tn the aw ' try pr wi tceaer Win Donat feet ore wifadaff James J. Sullivan, Admini strator of the estate of Jes see Sullivan, Mt, Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansvllle. N. C. 5-5-6t. HEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of David Qulnn, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 2nd day of March, 1051, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of March, 1950. ; Lela Qulnn Potter, Ad- ministratrix ot the. estate of David Qulnn, deceased, Magnolia, N. C. H. E. Phillips Attorney at Law x Kenansville, N. C. 4-28-8t. HEP ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament ot Alice Newkirk, now deceased, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against her said es tate to present them to the under signed Executor on or before the 15th day of March, 1851,, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to. said es tate will please make Immediate payment - This 15th day of March, 1950. James Carr" .Executor, of the Will of Alice Newkirk, Magnolia, N. C ;-, 'V'S-.:, 4-21-6t pd. VBQ. FERMATE FOR BLUE MOLD Dust and Spray: FARMERS ; Hardware Co. . IN WARSAW , fi- ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE VOTERS OF DUPLIN COUNTY: J HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CANDIDACY FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SUBJECT TO THE WILL . OF THE VOTERS IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ON MAY,27th. AT A LATER DATE I WILL STATE MY POSITION ON SOME OF THE MAJOR ISSUES FACING THE PEOPLE OF DU PLIN AND NORTH CAROLINA. -YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED. n i n Jo l! -y- 'V.' 1, 4 against said estate to present tmm to the um'irslgned on or- ' t'-e (' " of T" " 'V ' a i . . tS.1, V

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