nnpLr Classified Adsi CULMimCD BATES Twe eeats par vera; i eharg of Unless iroa ham u aceooat with n please i ar ekaek with ad. Fumk V yen have auythlajr ta sett ' ar trucfcanre, ar want to by. ' " wa will aeeeat aewiswe far payment. . First Class Plumbing And t HEATING All Work Guaranteed GEORGE P, PEIDGEN, Jr. Phone 473 Warsaw, N. C. MALE HELP WANTED: Mm with . oar wanted for route work. $15 to . $20 In a day. No experience or capital required. Steady. Write to day MS. McIVEY, Candler Bide., Baltimore 2, Bid. -21-2t pd. FOR SALE: Six foot Kelrlnator. Good condition. Cheap for cash. See or call MRS. W. T. HINES, FAISON. N. C. Phone 224-1. 4- 21-21 pd. TURKEY POULTS, High Qual ity Broad Breasted Bronse Poults. MURRAY SUPPLY COMPANY., Mount Olive, N. C. 5- 6-3t c LOST: younr blue tick hound gyp doc 2 weeks ago. Reward. MACON HOLL1NGSWORTH, WARSAW, N. C. ltpd. PLENTY OF GOOD WATER . FROM A DRILLED - WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL COMPANY, INC RALEIGH, N. C. Plant Wood's & Cokers Seeds: We hare ' Hybrid N. C 21 and Flinty Yellow Seed Corns: Gold en Cross, Bantam and other early seed corns; Tendergreen Beans, Coker'i Acid Dellnted and Treated Cotton Seed. Full line of field and garden seeds, C. E. QUINN COMPANY, KENANSVILLE U. S. FIRE LOSSES 1948, SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE MIL LION DOLLARS MORE THAN ANY YEAR EN HISTORY. PRO TECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH - B. W. BLACKHORE Reliable Insurance Service Since September, 1902. WARSAW, N. C FARM LOANS Federal Land Bank Lonr Terms, Low Interest, are -available through the Clinton National Farm Loan Association: See or write DE WITT CARR, Secty. Treas. at CLINTON, N. C. RALPH RICHARDSON: "Eevn though you're my father. 111 hate you forever - for robbing me of love" Olivia DeHaviland, "THE HEIRESS" Model Theatre, Sun day and Monday, April 30th and May 1st. It. c Faison News REV. MC QUEEN IN FAISON Rev. M. C. McQueen, pastor of the Clinton Presbyterian Church, preached at the Faison church Sun day night in the absence of Rev. Murphy Smith. Mr. Smith preached in Hopewell, Va. and he and his family went from there to Wash ington to visit Mrs. Smith's sister. FAISON HIGH SCHOOL The Utah Centennial Chorus ren dered a concert in the school April 13. The chorus originated at the 100th anniversary of the coming into the Union of the State of Utah. The Chorus was composed of young college men from Utah MMlf nlk.. tAA,AHM nlntnn ...Ian - ii u vutcx Trcaici ii aiatcs wuu MC giving without pay two years of their lives to serving their church The chorus consists of 12 men. The School children were delight ed Tuesday April 11 with a dog show sponsored by the Charlotte Police Department in the Interest of safety. Mr. Pressley, dressed in his police uniform, delighted them with his dog show and held them tense with dog stories and accounts of accidents which could have been prevented. He illustrated many of his stories with dog tricks. New Hope defeated Faison 6-3 in New Hope's first game of the season. The Junior Class gave a success ful presentation of the play "Can nibal' Queen" to a full house on Friday night, April 14. Mrs. Mar garet O. Sutton directed the play, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vann and children of Mt. Olive spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Per cy Sutton. .!.' .., INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Piney Grove Hews Mrs. Nathan Sutton spent Tues day with Mrs. Allen Jordan. Little Katberlne Vann of Mt. Olive visited her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Sutton . Wednes day. - '-. i.'.'. -.: - .'. . .-, . Miss Ruth Sutton shopped In Clinton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Crawford had as guests Sunday his sister, Mrs'. Taylor and family of Va. and Gilbert Crawford of Wake Forest Misses Anna and Ruth Sutton and DeWitt King motored to Ral eigh Wednesday. T - Mrs. Mabel Brewer and son of Concord spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Daniel of Mt Olive visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jordan Sunday. Miss Geneva Best took dinner with Ruth Sutton Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Klnlaw and chil dren of Faison were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sutton Sun day. . .. . PINEY GROVE P. T. A. The Piney Grove PTA met April 19. PTA officers for next years are as follows: Pres. Mrs. Hubert Sutton; Vice Pres. Mrs. M. M. Trou blefield; Secty. .Mrs. Ira Hatch; Treas. G. J. Sullivan. Mr. Crawford showed a film "The Doctor Speaks His Mind" and "The Traitor Within." The meeting was dismissed with prayer to meet In May Tuesday the 9th at 8 p.m. The Methodist Youth Fellowship of Kings Church met with William B. and Bernice King Wednesday night with a 100 attendance. An interesting program was given. During business a number of im portant problems were discussed. Drinks, candy and cookies were served. Suttontown's baseball game with Mt. uiive was a pushover for Sut tontown, Suttontown 23; Mt Olive 0. LAST WEEK WAS WEEK OF FIRES IN DUPLIN County Forest Fire Warden Ralph Miller reports that last week was a week or fires in Duplin that destroyed thousands of dollars worth of timber and potential tim ber in our forests. Miller reported the following fires: April ll, a fire came out of tampson county Into the Newton Crossroads section. ' Damage was not so heavy. April 12, one fire west of Mag- Eloc!;Ic (oc!jlno Gives Ka So MucU Mora Time! , f For A Snort -JS Time Only! i 7k r -f-,', $ t $25 Trade-in for Year Old Slove ; On A Hew 1S53 v nolia burned .t l J acres; an other 8 mile e&jt cf Warsaw burn ed about 600 acres; another near Chinquapin burned about 200 acres. - April IS, about 1-2 acre was burned dear Kenansville across from the highway garage. : ' April 14, 10 acres burned near Sarecta; 400 acres near Summer lln's Crossroads; 100 acres about 4 miles south of Kenansville. Mr. Miller said he and hU farces began to get a little rest for the week end after the last fire near Kenansville. , i All fires but the last one, he said, came from careless burning by Ne groes. He says lie has sufficient evidence to prosecute. No permits for burning were Issued last week and none will be issued until the dry spell is over, he said .Mr. Miller asks everybody to please cooperate and report any fire seen, no matter how small. , Deaths JUNIUS BROCK BURIED MONDAY AFTERNOON Junius Brock, age 17, invalid son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock, died Sunday night at his home near Sarecta. Funeral services were held from the home Monday after noon. ; . MOTHER "HOP? SMITH DIES Mrs. Sarah F. Smith, age 75, of Trenton, widow-of Matthew H. Smith, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. T. Mallard In Jones County Monday. Funeral services were held from the Mal lard residence Tuesday afternoon and Interment was In the Friend ship church cemetery - in Jones County. She is survived by four daugh ters, Mrs. Otis Wlnborne of Golds boro, Mrs. Robert Carter, Klnston, Mrs. Raymond Banks, Maysville, and Mrs. Mallard; three sons, Hop ton Smith of Warsaw, Haywood A. Smith of Farmville and Elijah Smith of Trenton. MRS. SUSAN BLACKBURN outstanding of southern organMsj and at present la organist at the West Raleigh Presbyterian church. She has given numerous recitals in Raleigh and other cities and is to play a group of solos at the State Convention of the N. C, Federation of Music Clubs in Elizabeth, City in May. She has also acted as either organist or pianist for the Messiah, sponsored each year by the Raleigh Music Club. . : Mrs. Morris, contralto, Is much in demand as a soloist in musical circles of the state. She has been soloist at Edenton St Methodist church In Raleigh and is soloist of the West Raleigh Presbyterian church at present L . president of the t.aluLU L.ic Club and Is Director of the Capital District of the N. C. Federation of Music Clubs. The program Is as follows: Ariso, Bach; A Lovely Rose Is Blooming, Brahms; Prayer, from . "Finlandla", Sibelius; The Last Spring, Greig; , Peggy Royster Jones Corby, . '. organist Pauls Angelicus, from Messe Solennelk, Schubert; O, Rest In the Lord, from "The Elijah", Mendels sohn; He Was Despised, from the Messiah, G. F. Handel " . Julia Lovett Morris, contralto. Saint Saens; jUu. Muou.jnl; In Summer, tt'....s. a ; Peggy Royster Jones Corby, '' Organist O, Light of all the World, Ber nard Hamblen; God Is My Strength, Bernard Hamblen. I , ',, F Julia Lovett Morris, contralto. The Prelude, Saint Saens; Largo, HandeL1".-: ''.":;.'"f" ' ' f Peggy Royster Jones Corby, : mt : f it is mathematically possible for . a pair of rats to have 259,000,000 : descendants at the end of three' years. ." '"'," ' ,v- c 1 Mrs. Susan Ann Blackburn, 75, died early Wednesday morning at her home in Warsaw. Funeral ser vices were held from the home on Thursday afternoon, conducted by Dr. A. W. Greenlaw, pastor of the Warsaw Baptist Church. Interment was in Pinecrest Cemetery in War saw. She was the widow of the late John Blackburn of Warsaw. She had been an Invalid for the past several years. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. James F. Smith and Mrs. Gordon P. Rivenbark of Warsaw and1 Mrs. C. L. Register of Turkey; one son, Bertie Black burn of Warsaw; eleven grandchil dren and two great grandchildren; one sister, Miss Laura Tucker of Warsaw. CARD OF THANKS The families 'of the Lewis T. Jones' wish to thank their, friends for the kindnesses shown them in the death of their son and grand son. NOTICE OF SALE In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. STATE ALBERT PICKETT XI I) ' ' r. Faster cleaner cooking , i that't; what yon get when you cook on a new Hotpoint range. Electric cooking gives you the efficient operation that every . homemaker demands in-her 'kitchen.--1 Visit Tide Water this week and ask to 5 v ,IM -$1C3.3 V ' -Vh T?ta nK 'X sa - Ask ALssl IIev7 ECOIIOIIICAL Scccblizei . ' - ' . . . 1 1- ' . '.-" .... . j. (.,., ..... .;.. SlHHlUiHUWH i ml i . t t, . ,. . . I , i ! L J . ll Li V m TV.' By virtue of an order directed to the undersigned from the General County Court of Duplin County in the above entitled action, I will, en Saturday, April 29th 1950 at the hour of 12:00 noon, in front of the Duplin County Jail, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, one 1935 Pontlac, : 2-Door, Motor No. 6-67310, Serial No. A850O0 and with 1949 New Jersey License No. MX56A. ' This the 6th day of April, 1050. Ralph J. Jones, Sheriff " Duplin County. 4-28-2t ' I! NOTICE OF SALE A A L-uUUUuOOuuvj'o'uuuwuljJ:-' To The Voters Of Duplin County: After consideration of the cost and being away from my family -j ' . in attendance of the Session of the General Assembly for the term, ... .. .... ... ,...V. : which is uncertain, I withdrew as a candidate for Representative of this County, and hereby announce my candidacy for Judge of the General County Court of this County, subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on May 27, 1950. If nominated and elected, I shall endeavor to expedite the trial of all cases which may come before me by eliminating unnecessary delays. I shall give the State and the defendants all the time necess- i i '- 1 r . V . ary to develop their evidence in order that each case may be, fairly triedt and all defendants and witnesses shall have the protection of .... 'i m' the Court against unnecessary abuse. I shall temper Justice with mercy in all sentences and Judgments which it shall be my duty to pass upon those defendants found guilty. I will sincerely appreciate your support for this office. Jlaimiesi A. Powers : .A ....) 'f In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. ' STATE i.sit. VB vn9 ROY PRIDGEN By virtue of an order directed to the undersigned from the General County Court of Duplin County in the above entitled action, I will on Saturday, April 29. 1950, at the hour of 12:00 noon, In front of the Duplin County Jail, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, one con fiscated ' 1940 Chevrolet, 2-Door, Motor No. 2190456, Serial No. 14KA11-743I, Title No. W293657A. This the 6th day of April, 1950. i! ,' . Ralph 3. Jones, Sheriff ' 1 Duplin County. 4-28-at ' , . - '"r;"A i " ii -1 ' i i1. ia..'.i.,i in! mi nil -ii -: ROSE HILL MUSIC CLUB PRESENTS ORGAN AND VOICE KECITAL The Rose Hill Music Club will pmrnt Pegjy Royster Jones Corby, t, and Julia Lovett Morris, Ii a r"-" 1 1 1 f" T TWO WAYS 'V in: u To Improve Your Credit Rating PAY ON TIME PAY BY CHECK ' ! ''.:'.'. . f. ''-'Jr.-''''' A'banking connection gives you prestige: f ' indicates responsibility. Open a checking t account and make use of this modern busi-' ness convenience that makes it easy for you t'H' to take care df your obligations . . on time, ' 'j 'i ii . t- i! l's if L i3t-'1MJt V. .;.;;,.;;.;.'. . - -. ' - 'i;:(. '',.'.;.-'v v 4 "4 VJ:: MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION . T , - n - i r 5

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