iwmn Tin ., . r Betrothed - I " , v(,k, i I r II fiKtATCWC -At Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brock of Rose Hill announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to John E. Green, Jr., of Pelbam, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Green of Ga. The wedding will take place in May. Warsaw Personals Mrs. G. P. Pndgen visited her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Brown, Nor folk, Va. her son Eccles V. Pridgen also of Norfolk and her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Shoular in Rich Square last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reaves of Goldsboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Beaman Lashley. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Watson of Fremont spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Beaman Lashley. Sgt. and Mrs. John Creech, re cently stationed in Japan are mak ing their home on Center Street. Creech is Recruiting Officer for the U. S. Army and is a native of Selma. Mrs. Creech is from Ala bama. Mrs. W. B. Teal and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell attended the funeral of Mrs. Mamie Teal Pratt in Wades boro Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Wilson spent the week end in Winston-Salem. Mrs. J. C. Brock spent the week end in Greensboro visiting her dau ghter, Mae, at W. C. U. N. C. Miss Fannie Wilson visited Miss Mary Belle Surratt and Mrs. Her bert Bailey in Greensboro this week end. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Edwards of Barnsville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. Mrs. Frank Thomas visited Mrs. B. W. Worley in Wilmington last week. Mrs. W. J. Middleton Sr. spent a few days last week with Mrs. B. B. Bryan in Wilmington. Mrs. Allen Draughon Sr. attend ed the Fagg-Sisk wedding in Mt. Olive Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart and son, Ashley, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones. Mrs. Hart remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Stacy Britt and children spent the week end in Concord with Mrs. Annie Green. She was ac companied to Concord by Mrs. S. B. Bartlelt who remained for a two weeks visit. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank all of our many friends and neighbors for the many kind deeds and expressions of sym pathy shown us during the death and burial of our wife and mother. McKoy Kennedy and Children. RICHARD EARL BROCK Death angels visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brock April 16 and took from them their beloved son Richard Earl, 17. Richard Earl we hated to see you ' go. There is a vacancy in our home ' that can never be filled, but God - knows best. He giveth and taketh and doeth all things well. The choi " cest flowers is picked first, that's why God called you to bloom In 112.61 Dushcls Per Aero mltk WOOD'S V-50 v liYBRiD : f rinc George Co., Vlroinlo, woo owqroJtd ths $100 p rixe for making 212.01 buofiolo ptr oero In 1949. This l the 100 Bosnel Club oll-llmo rocord for any stale. Wood's V-50 made h top ovorogo yield of any corn included In all Iht 1948 N. C Experiment Station- lest., ' making 144.8 bushels per aero in one test. 1 ft has made lop yields irt Experiment Station tosto from Louisiana to Maryland. ? that beautiful city not built by hand but by Jesus, where there is no more pain or sorrow, sickness or death. So sleep on our dear boy and take thy sweet rest. CARD OF THANKS We want to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindnesses shown us during the sickness and death of our son. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brock. CANCER CLINIC HELD On Thursday, April 20th the Le noir County Cancer Center held its weekly clinic and 53 persons ap peared for examination, 31 white women, 4 white men, 16 colored women and 2 colored men. Five of these were recheek examinations. Thirty-five patients were referred to their personal physicians for medical attention. The Center is staffed by members of the Lenoir County Medical So ciety and Dr. James B. Bullitt of the N. N. C. Medical School. Persons attending the clinic were from Ayden, Mt. Olive, Pink Hill, New Bern Dover, Morehead City, Seven Springs, Trenton and Kinston. The Clinic is held every Thurs day in the Health Department. Reg- Uncle Sam Says arv-. "Save for year Independence" Is a truism today Just a. It was 200 years ago. The liberty Bell, which Is the symbol of the 1950 V. 8. Saving. Bond. Drive May 15-JuIy 4, symbol be. aU of the characteristics which made this country strong. Of them essential virtues, thrift Is one of the most outstanding. Tour Investment In Savings Bend will mean future financial security as they return 14 for every S3 to ten year. Start "Your Own Financial Independence" today. I. 5. TrMiury Department i Prices Postpaid - V-SOi Bu. si l.w Vi Bu. $6.10; rk. $3.30; Vi Pk. $18 5 Writ for WmcTi Swd Caiaioe CMid Hybrid Corn Circular S" ymm IMSULATIOM TtTWORH OR lUKPgNEP gaaaaaaaaaaaaaJBSBIBlBeaaanesaBlBBSaeM istration is from 10:45-11:45. Ex aminations are Free. Wrappers are furnished but if you prefer you may bring your own housecoat. Persons living should write for outside Kinston an appointment. Address .your request to Cancer Center Secretary. P. O. Box 49, Kinston, N. C, and indicate two dates on which you could come for examination. NORTH CAROLINA CONTINUED FROM FRONT ally, carefully, frequently enough and with the right equipment. Gro wers are strongly urged to contin ue their blue mold control pro gram, strive to get the best cover age possible and use liberal appli cations of material, especially when conditions are favorable for blue mold treatment. The midge and crane larvae, flea beetle and white grub have con tributed to poor stands in many fAses. Thev are still active in cer tain areas. The midge larvae, flea beetle, and crane fly larvae can De pnntrnllprl with DDT. The white grub can be controlled with the use of Parathion (observe precautions in applying tnis). Keep a ciose iook fnr thp vppptnhlfi weevil worm that feeds on the leaves and apply DDT for control. Keep on the look out for plant aphis in the bed. (See ASSETS: .. ir ' C..Mk'twiinciV wew ALL lOU Nl NOU-L $AVE MOWV 0)lTi I j !M' JUKlf IfXK'- J m-mmmmiiw-m "" " I n mil ii i Hi ill irTTs ni Amount In Hand - Superior Court. CWU Docket " " " - General County Court, Civil Docket - Trust Funds t ; ; " " " - C. S. C. Fees f " m Fines and Forfeitures (J. P.) " - Miscellaneous Fees - . other Trust Items s . TOTAL LIABILITIES: Net Bank Balances - Drawing Accounts v f " Net Bank Balances - Savings Accounts Cash and Cash Items on Hand Postal Savings Certificates of Deposit (Original Net Investment) U. S. Savings Bonds (Net Investment) . .. ' TOTAL'. V" '! ',', " i ' The foregoing is a summary of report flled by R. V. Wells. Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, as of IVcrmber 31, 1""9. your county agent for details).! . IB applying waief 10 me VBua,, many growers Will have to nam. water and throw it on wilii a wash pan. Some growers are using water pumps and motor with pipe and rotary sprinkling. head to water the beds. Watering system can be used to pull water from points driven Into the ground in some areas of the state. Many growers will depend on small farm ponds. A good reservoir can be established In springy wet places Dy mowing a hole in the ground with dynamite, - I I, it ( Wallace Strawberry . (CONTINUED FROM FRONT) tv nivn In e a Durebred'dalrv female from the counties of Sampson, Bla den, New Hanover, unsiow, ren der and Duplin. Early entries Indi cate that some sixty animals In this contest will parade before Judge R. H. Ruffner of State Col Ipbp Excellent donations have come in for the dairy show from business men of the area; White Irp Cream and Milk Co.. $100: Echo Dairy Farm, 150: FCX Store, Burgaw, $25; Tide Water Power Co., $25. Others are yet to be re ported. Cnastal Breeders Association are donating $100 for the best artifi cial bred calf regardless of breed and in this class the animal need not be a purebred and Is open to adults. $50 wilt be awarded to the classes under six months of age and $50 to be distributed among those over 6 months of age. The only entrance requirements are that the animal be a female and be born as a result of artificial In semination. There are now several hundred such calves In the area and the Coastal Breeders organiza tion is of the opinion that many people will be interested in seeing thc snnerlnr animals. If DOS- sible, those wishing to enter an an imal should contact their, county agent prior to the ahow or The Dunlin Times' will be glad to ac cept their names and forward the entries. Following the Judging the an nual strawberry banquet will be held at 7 p.m. with Prof. R. H. Ruffner delivering . the address. Prof. Ruffner is widely known as a sage, philosopher and humorist and, as someone stated, "The nearest thing to Will Rogers I have heard." Everyone is cordially invited to attend the festival and fanners and business men are particularly urged to hear Commissioner Ballentine as his message will no doubt be pertinent to the problems of this section. B. F. Grady To Hold Commencement The Honorable Clyde A. Erwin, Superintendent of Public Instruct inn fnr the state of North Carolina, will make the principal address at DUPUN COUNTY KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA JR. V. WELLS, C o. i. BALANCE SHEET DEC. 31, 1949 t " -a Superior Cqurt, Special Proceedings . . superior Court, Criminal Docket :. .. .. . General County Court. Criminal Docket " - Judgments Collected f the B. F. Grady School Commence ment, May 740. according to a statement issued today oy n. m. Wall, nrlnolnal of the SCO 001. " introduced py uouniy superin tendent O. P. Johnson, Dr. Erwin riii owlc to natrons of the school and to the twenty-four members of the High School Senior cuss ai 8:00 B. M., May 10, in the a. r, R,h sriiaal Auditorium. This ad dress wflT constitute the concluding highlight of the schools woo com' menxement season. ;! j. ---v g Prior to the Wednesday evening graduation exercises, when dlplo ' mas- will be issued to members of the high school senior class and certificates to about 85 eighth grade students, there will be other commencement events. The Bac calaureate Sermon will be preached on Sunday, May 7, at 3:00 p.m. by a guest minister whose name will be announced later. The Class Night exercises in the form of a play, "Of Footprints and Time", May -8, at 8:00 p.m., will feature the following students: Valedicto rian. Thelma Jones: Salutatorlan; Joe Garner! Class Vlcjj-Presldent, Jewell Ann Shappard; Historian, Maebelle Outlaw; Giftorian, Nathan Kelly; Class Poet, Mary Cornelia Smith; Prophet, Martha Soutner land; "Time Piece," Milton Dall; "President Truman," Alfred Har per ;School paper, Walton Harper and Louise Hill:: ::BItf-timer", Jim Parker; Jokesters, Thomas Qulnn and Annie Mae : Grady: "ooy friend", William Earl Tyndall; "Hot Foot", Alfred Wells; wasnington trin hnv and eirl. Herbert Williams and Georgia Lee Rouse; Testator, iris Jean Deaver: Special Songs, Catherine Harper, Iris Jean Deaver, Martha Southerland; Introducing Mascots. Emllv Lois Kornegay; Girls who "Don't care for boys", Joyce Smith and Virginia snutn; "De-feet," James Vernon. Miss Geraldine Gradv of Fayette ville spent Monday thru Wednes day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Durham Grady. - Miss Annie Lois Grady of Mt Olive spent the weekend with Miss Joyce Oates. ' i Miss Geraldine Grady and Mrs. Durham Grady visited Mrs. Joe Herring who is a patient in a Kin ston hospital Tuesday. The Women of the Church met Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Mewborn of Goldsboro were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Byrd Sunday. Misses Edith Byrd, Ruth Teachey and Jean Smith attended the Youth Rally in Wallace Sunday afternoon. BIRTHDAY Mrs. Edith Grady celebrated her birthday Saturday. All of her chil dren and most of her grandchildren were there. A delicious barbecue dinner was served in the yard. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. S'.'iiO f , 4 410 97 1 024 14 1 739 76 609 96 9 215 60 ,1 159 67 70 636 78 .333 00 719 60 1 321.04 ' 8 748 44 r ti ft I 1 8108 119 88 t h hi $ 66 910 90 10 217 62 5 188 09 600 00 81 808 23 8106 119 86 r L- Davis a ... u. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Muvvborn and Jean of Savannah, -ua.; wr, ana Mrs. P. H. Williams and Joan pi Newport News, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. trews ana huuw Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs- Dur ham Grady, Mr .and Mrs.-Henry F. Grady, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Oates and Joyce, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. G. smith and Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grady and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grady and family, tor. nnvmnnd Gradv. Other friends of in familv mending the day were Miss Hazel Kornegay or uoiasooru and Miss Annie Lois Grady oi mi Olive. , - Jr. -Sr. Banquet Th. RAninr of B. V. Grady were honored Friday evening, April 21, at Hotel Kinston with a' banquet given in their honor by the Junior Class. ' , , The dining hall was decorated with tulips and other spring flowers and a color scheme of green and yellow was carried out The theme "April Showers" was artistically carried out . The toastmaster Gilbert Smith nnansri thp nrnsram: Kenneth Har per gave the invocation; welcome to everyone, Gilbert Smith; a solo ..... h.i VUnnnp fZaxr WnrH n ff ' toast BUII wiciiuw. w " J to seniors, Anise Kelly; response, Joe Carner; toast to principal, Gas ton F. Grady; response, Mr. H. M. Wells; toast to teachers, Joyce Max well: resDonse. Mr.. J. H. Dotson; special music by a group of the Juniors; toast to guests, Alice Kor negay; response, Rev N. P. Farrlor.. The menu was: orange juice, icea pplprv. niekles. fried chicken, rice and gravy, baby lima beans, lettuce and tomato salad, ice cream and cake, tea, and mints. The program closed with singing "April Showers". PLEASE GIVE TO THE CANCER DRIVE TO NEW CAR BUYERS If you plan to finance your next new car on monthly payments' be sure to see the. nearest Waccamaw ' Bank for substantial savings in fi nance charges. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT - INSURANCE ROSE HILL Produce) b1sar yields of cotton per acre at lower cost per pound. Side-dress with ARCADIAN, th American Nitrate of Soda. By using; plenty of side-dreewng, you get greater profit from the money you spend onseed, labor arid insect control ' . , ARCADIAN Nitrate of Soda, 7 3. hr 1 p" T" '. i v. yi -7 i 2MZ SIZES 1220 BASK ikal 11. 14. IS. II. SO. 8Ue M. skirt takes i4 yds. I5 in.: blouse, ltt yds. IHn. Send TWENTY-FIVS CENTS In coin, for thi. pattern to 170 New; paper Pattern Dept. MI West 18th 8t, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Choose your season's wardrobe from our latest Marian Martin Pattern: Book. Send Twenty Centi tor your copy today. Smart easy eew etylea tor everyone. A Fr.e pattern Uprlnt4 In the be it . ft i CORPORATION KEI1AIISVILLE contains 16 or more nitrogen, all-aolubk, quick-acting and immediately available. AKKA DIAN Nitrate of Soda ia in large crystals, free-flowing and easy to distribute by band or machine. It is non-acid-form-tog and contains no harmful impurities. It la ready for Im mediate shipment in freshly packed, attractive, new bags. earn rn t - 3 "

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