FRIDAY, ATEIL 2"' oooo o o o lgtltgi'ji mmmmtr-mr'm mmimf w , V7CX o ; aft fths fcHneates him 1 .J NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. DUPLIN COUNTY . VS W. A. BOWDEN AND WIFE, MRS. W. A. BOWDEN AND LILLIAN 'BOWDEN--. The defendants, W. A. Bowden and wile, Mrs. W. A. Bowden, and Lilllam Bowden will take notice that an action entitled as above, the nature of which is fully set out in the duly verified complaint of the plaintiff, heretofore filed in this matter, to which reference is had, as follows: To foreclose tax liens for unpaid taxes for the following years and You Will Hail It As A Whn a woman lovts i i OlMadeMai Montqomei MiDinacnaroson A WILLIAM IHitn NONA MEM-VANESSA Produced vA Directed kj 6crnpUjkjR4wiAiiiWj,. Bucd opofl ibebMJhphr' ! ' " ,' 'J MODEL THEATRE .Beulaville, N. C. . SUNDAY - MANDAY - APRIL 30th - MAY 1st . Model Theatre Beulaville, II. C. MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER WEEK BEGINNING APRIL 30th. SUNDAY and MONDAY, April 80 - May tot "THE HEIRESS" With OLIVIA DE HAVILAND, academy award winner News and Cartoon , )S$Ml ; THURSDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Starring TOM BROWN in ; ; Duke Of Chicago ' f j ALSO LOOK WHO'S BACK ,. WEAVER BROTHERS and ELVHlY in M Jamboree f .4 -: FRHAY WORLD WAR II TOP PICTURE , fezdslcanal Di:ry Cartoon and Serial . . SATURDAY St rring TIM 1IOLT in , f thelollowlng amounts, exclusive of Interest, penalties and cost thereon due: ' ' 1946 $ .88 1045 $ .74 1944 .74 1943 .83 1942 . .83 1941 .91 1940 .91 1939 .96 1938 - .96 1937 .97 1936 .86 1935 .93 1934 .85 1931 2.00 which are assessed against the fol lowing .lands in Duplin County, North Carolina, Warsaw Township: Being one lot adjoining Lizzie Allen and W. H. Miller in Town of Warsaw. Block 86, Lot A, as re corded in Book 264, page 262, which said lands above described are the property of the said de fendants named. And the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk Great Screen Event ! ,31(11 a man-h dotm WLER'S Cr'SlNIW ' WIIXIAM WYLEB TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY V MAY 8-3 KING KONG GORILLA in MightyJoeYouag -vs ; 'at;' J 4 ryClift of the Superior Court of Duplin County in the Courthouse in Ke nansville, North Carolina, on the 25th day of May, 1950, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action, on or before the 16th day of June, 1950, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 25th day of April, 1950. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court. 5-19-4t NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. DUPLIN COUNTY VS WBNTWORTH H. ROBINSON AND WIFE, MRS. WENTWORTH H. ROBINSON The defendants, Wentworth H. Robinson and wife, Mrs. Wentworth Robinson will take" notice that an action entitled as above, the nature of which is fully set out in the duly verified complaint of the plaintiff, heretofore filed in this matter, to which reference is had, as follows: To foreclose tax liens for unpaid taxes for the following years and the following amounts, exclusive of interest, penalties and cost thereon due: 1946 $4.48 1945 $3.78 1944 3.78 1943 4.20 1942 4.34 1941 4.62 1940 4.62 1939 4.90 1938 4.90 1937 4.90 1936 4.34 1935 4.76 1934 6.34 1933 4.34 1932 6.95 1931 6.76 which are assessed against the fol lowing lands in Duplin County, North Carolina, Warsaw Township: Being four lots in Block 74, Lots numbers 60, 61, 62, and 63 accord ing to the official map of the Town of Warsaw, as recorded in Book 216, page 173, of the Duplin County Registry, which said lands above described are the property of the said defendants named. And the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County in the Courthouse in Ke- nansville, North- Carolina, on the 25th day of May, 1950, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action, on or before the 16th day of June, 1950, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 25th day of April, 1950. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court. 5-19-4t f 1 u n I, S ! W7' WEEK BEGINNING MAY 1st MONDAY and TUESDAY, May scmct ur m twit WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. May ' 7H - S ncruRK rOM Wamwch Bacm! f Dm CHURCH WOMEN I The Women of Grove Church met Monday afternoon at 3:80 with a goodly number present Mrs. J. A. Gavin presided assisted by the secretary. Mrs. N. Bv Boney. Mrs. G. V. Gooding. Education chair men, had charge of the program the topic being "Christianity At Work Now". Mrs. L. Southerland was in charge of the closing worship medi tation on prayer "Be still, and know that I am God." CLASS REUNION The 1927 Graduating Class of Kenansville held their annual re union at the Kenansville Cafe on Friday evening, April 21, 1950, Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingram, Miss Mary Lee Sykes and Miss Margaret Williams of Ke nansville; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ves tal and Mr. James- Chestnutt of Magnolia; Mrs. Manley Kornegay of Mt. Olive; Miss Viola Westbrook of Albertson; Mrs. Wilbur Adams of Carolina Beach; Mrs. H. E. Blake of Burgaw and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blanton of Cove City. A delicious meal was served consisting of fried chicken, petit pois potato salad, beets, lettuce and tomatoes, hot biscuits and corn bread with ice cream for dessert. A most enjoyable social hour fol lowed the dinner. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson have asked us to express for them through the columns of The Times their deep and slncese thanks to their friends and neighbors in Ke nansville and Duplin County for the thoughtfulness shown to them and to Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. Sarah Croom, during the several years of her illness and for the many floral tributes and acts of kindnesses during Mrs. Croom's death and funeral. PERSONALS Miss Pattie Loftin of Raleigh was the weekend guest of Mrs. W. J. Pickett. Miss Theresa Gooding of Golds- boro spent the week end with her parents Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Good ing. Miss Eleanor Boney Is confined to her home with mumps. Mrs. N. B. Boney attended the UDC meeting in Warsaw last Thursday. Mrs. Emory Sadler made a busi ness trip to Fayetteville Saturday. Mrs. Harold Precythe and Stew art of Faison visited relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craft of Youngsvllle spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dall. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Weeks and Gene spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mitchner in Ral eigh and attended the Ice Follies. k II IK If 1-8 May 3-4 riul thttrifitJ uWi miUh nUmi HUNT STR0MBERG LEABETH SCOTT DON DE FORE DAN DURYEA t Rebated dm ValMd Arts 5 - T Mrs. G. V. Gooding made a busi ness trip to Raleigh Saturday. iFlorrle Cttrrle has returned home having spent the last few days in Sidbury's Hospital for treatment. Gail Newton who has been a patient at Memorial' General Hos pital in Klnston Is back home. BUI Ingram of State College spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ingram. Miss Grace Baker of ECTC in Greenville spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Jones and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bow den -and Jlmmie visited Ft. Macon an'd other points along the coast Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Patterson attended the Kollege of Beauty Knowledge in Wilson Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kornegay and Pearl of Greensboro were the week end guests of Mrs. Myrtle Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. Roy San derson. They were accompanied by Misses Cornelia Quinn and Ruth Sanderson of WCUNC. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Bowden, Nicky and Mrs. J. W. Shaffer visited rela tives in Kinston Sunday. Mrs. Betty Whitfield visited in Wallace Sunday. Attending the Ice Follies in Ral eigh Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady, Rebecca, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stokes, Dianne ,Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Reynolds, Mesdames W. M. Brinson, J. A. Hines and Miss Lula Hinson. LOOKIN UP I learned a lot about the school that many of you do not know. The building is an old ramshakled thing that many of we white people have never taken much interest in but in spite of all that the teachers with almost unsurmountable handi caps to hold them back are doing a good Job in training the colored children of our community. The school since 1945 has been under the leadership of Joseph Belton. He was born in Rock Hill, S. C, and graduated from Johnson C. Smith Presbyterian College, of Charlotte, in 1932, with a B.S. de gree in mathematics. He has taught at Southport, Yancyville and was connected with the C. C. C. Camp at Holly Ridge until it was abolish ed and then went back to Yancy ville and left there to come here in 1945. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He and Musa, both Presbyterians, are a rareity in this respect as there are very few colored Presbyterians in this section of the state. Belton and those other eleven teachers out there are due a lot of credit. They are making no com plaints while they go about their job of training our neighboring colored children to become better citizens of our state and nation. We are fortunate that we have people in our county and state who have seen the need for Improvements and are going about the task of building a better school for them. We don't much like the idea of moving our colored high school away but it will be better in the long run to consolidate and thereby offer more advantages to the chil dren who are not able to go away to college. The school now Is giving pre college training in the high school yet only about 10 of the children go away to college. They need vo cational training in order to be come better able to make a living for themselves and a larger school will offer that opportunity. They are so crowded out there that in some Instances two teachers are compelled by the lack of rooms to teach in the same room. It is difficult to see how they get across anything while trying to teach two groups of children in one room at the same time. There are only three buses allot ted to the school and all of these SUN. - MON. April 30 - May 1 . Riding High With Bing Crosby And Coleen Gray. TUESDAY, May t He Walked By Night With Richard Basehart And Scott Brady. WEDNESDAY, May 3 '' DOUBLE FEATURE llcjse Across - TI.2 Street yMMM WARSAW, N.C. 0 Coming from COMING TO THE CAPITAL MAY 19th and 20th have to make two trips and one of them makes three trips each day loaded to everflowing. This is not only a menace to the lives of the children of the school but an over crowded school bus is a menace to the lives of all of us who use the hiffhwavs. They are very proud of their veterans training program out there. There are 63 veterans enter ed at the present time; some taking training in carpentry and others learning the fundamentals of grammar school work in reading, writing and arithmetic. Their lunchroom, started in 1936, is something else they are proud of. I asked Belton if there was any thing he would like me to tell the people of Faison and the commun ity regarding what he thought about Faison. He said that he wanted to express his thanks to the people of this community, both colored and white, for the splendid cooperation and help that he has received since he came here. This community should return to him that same expression of thanks and appreciation. There is never a drive for funds for any worthy public cause when that school does not do its part. They do all they can to helD and credit is due those teachers for the efforts they make. Nearly every Sunday afternoon at the city hall a session of court Center Theatre MOUNT OLIVE EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE WEEK OF APRIL 30th SUN. - MON. - TUES. April 30. May 1-2 Cheaper By The Dozen Clifton (Mr. Belverdier) Webb, And Myrna Loy. News - Cartoon WED. - THURS. May. 3-4 Stage Fright With Jane Wyman And Richard Todd. Cartoon FRI. - SAT. May. 5-6 Captain Corey 01 The U.S. A. With Alan Ladd News Cartoon Tarzan Triumphs With Johnny Weismuller. THURS. - FRI. May 4-5 Tokyo Joe With Humphrey Bogart And Alexander Knox. SATURDAY, May DOUBLE FEATURE Of Texas With Allan Lane. The Blonde Bandit With Dorothy Patrick. OOES UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL is held to try the Saturday night hang-overs from a Saturday after-. noon or Saturday night fracas. Most of the offenders are colored men and women. Most of them have no training for making a liv ing and many of them have no schooling at all. It causes us to wonder just how many less such cases we would have if we could have a man like Belton and the other teachers of The Duplin Coun ty Training School about 15 years ago to have taught these people how to make an honest and happy living for themselves. Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. Motor Park Drive In Theatre Pink Hill, N. C. (ONE OF CAROLINA'S FINEST) MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER SUNDAY. April 30 Gay Delightful Comedy Kiss In The Dark Starring Jane Wyman, And David Niven. Also Color Cartoon MONDAY & TUESDAY Great Western Adventure Fighting Man Of The Plains Starring Randolph Scott, And Jane Nigh. Also Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY Thrills - Comedy - Music Memory Lane With Bing Crosby, W. C. Fields, Mabel Normand. . Also "Wild BUI" Serial THURSDAY & FRIDAY One of his Best Will Rogers in Steamboat Round The Bend With Stepin Fetchit, And Anne Shirley. 1 Also Color Cartoon SATURDAY only BIO DOUBLE 8H0W Kid Dynamite With East Side Kids. - ALSO t OS COLOR) Fighting Redhead With. Jim Bannon, And Little Beaver. COMING SUN. MAY 7th GRABLE'S BEST YET! n Wabash Avenue "GET THE MOTOR PARK HABIT With Wayne Karris.

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