Produce . Baseball League Schedule j I Forte 7' Sat Ppr. 22 - Mt Olive at Rones Chapel; Faison at Sutton Town; Calypso at Clay Hole. Sun. Apr. 23 Rones Chapel at ML Olive; Sutton Town at Faison; Clay Hole at Calypso- ' Sat Apr. 29 Clay Hole at Sut ' ton Town; ; Mt Olive at Faison; Calypso at Rones Chapel. Sun. Apr. 30 - Sutton Town at Clay Hole; Faison at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Calypso. Sat May 6 - Sutton Town at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Clay Hole; Faison at Calypso. Sun. May 7 - Mt Olive at Sut ton Town; Clay Hole at Rones Cha pel; Calypso at Faison. Sat May 13 - Mt. Olive at Rones Chapel; Faison at Sutton Town; Calypso at Clay Hole. Sun. May 14 Rones Chapel at Mt Olive; Sutton Town at Faison; Clay Hole at Calypso. Sat May 20 - Rones Chapel at Faison; Clay Hole at Mt. Olive; Calypso at Sutton Town. Sun. May 21 - Faison at Rones Chapel; Mt. Olive at Clay Hole; Sutton Town at Calypso. Sat May 27 - Faison at Clay Hole; Sutton Town at Rones Chapel; Mt Olive at Calypso. Sun. May 28 - Clay Hole at Fai son; Rone Chapel at Suttontown; Calypso at Mt. Olive. " Sat. June 3rd - Suttontown at . Clay Hole; Faison at Mt. Olivej nones vnapei ai vaiypau. Sun. June 4th - Clay Hole at Sutton Town; Mt. Olive at Faison) Calypso at Bones ChapeL ', Sat. June 10th - Mt Olive at 8uf ton Town; Clay Hole at Rones CKa-t pel; Calypso at Faison. ' Sun. June 11th - Sutton Town at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Clays Hole; Faison at Calypso Sat. June 17th - Rones Chapel at Mt. Olive; Sutton Town at Faison; Clay Hole at Calypso. Sun. June 18th - Mt. Olive at Rones Chapel; Faison at Sutton Town; Calypso at Clay Hole. Sat. June 24th - Faison at Rones Chapel; Mt. Olive at Clay Hole; Sutton Town at Calypso. Sun. June 25th - Rones Chapel at Faison; Clay Hole at Mt. Olive; Calypso at Sutton Town. Sat. July 1st - Clay Hole at Fai son; Rones Chapel at Sutton Town; Calypso at Mt. Olive. Sun. July 2nd - Faison at Clay Hole; Sutton Town at Rones Chap el; Mt. Olive at Calypso. Sat. July 8th - Sutton Town at Clay Hole; Faison at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Calypso. Sun. July 9th - Clay Hole at Sut ton Town; Mt. Olive at Faison; Caly pso at Rones Chapel. Sat. July 15th - Mt. Olive at Sut ton Town; Clay Hole at Rones Cha- WE POINT WITH PRIDE TO OUR OUTSTANDING WORK Dry Cleaning, Laundry, Shoe Repair TUESDAY, Pick-ups FRIDAY, Deliveries MODERN DRY CLEANERS DIAL 208-1 FAISON, N. C. General Automobile AND Garage Work QUAKER STATE MOTOR OILS SHELL GAS & OILS P. G. ADAMS SIIEI SERVICE STATION, FAISON, N. C. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specials Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 9X17 - fa nm - $4.?5 6X9 - $3.95 J'l ' 5J . FnrrpnDept. Store5:" pel: Calypso at Faison. . : .. Sun. July 16th r Sutton Town at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Clay Hole; Faison at Calypso. Sat. July 22nd a Rones Chapel at Mt. Olive; Suttdn Town at Faison; Clay Hole at Calypso. Sun. July 23rd - Mt. Olive at Rones Chapel; Faison at Sutton Town: Calvnso at Clav Hole. Sat. July 29th - Faison at Rones Chapel; Mt. Olive at Clay Hole; Sutton Town at Calypso. Sun. July 30th - Rones Chapel at Faison; Clay Hole at Mt. Olive; Calypso at Sutton Town. Sat. Aug. 5th - Faison at Clay Hole; Rones Chapel at Sutton Town Calypso at Mt. Olive; Sun. Aug. 6th - Clay Hole at Faison; Sutton Town at Bones Cha pel; Mt. Olive at Calypso. Sat. Aug. 12th - Clay Hole at Sutton Town; Mt Olive at Faison; Calypso at Rones Chapel. Sun. Aug. 13th Sutton Town at Clay Hole; Faison at Mt. Olive; Rones Chapel at Calypso. KING'S METHODIST CHURCH NEWS The WS of CS held its monthly meeting in the home of Mrs. Frank Pate with 10 members present Wednesday night, April 19. The meeting opened by all sing ing Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Mrs. G. B. Sutton gave the devo tional on Our Faith. The program in the form of a play. Youth, Our Partners in the Kingdom Building, was given by Mrs. L. B. Karhegay, Mrs. B. M. Crawford, Mrs. Nathan Sutton and Miss Lena M. Sutton. Song, O Zion Haste, was sung. The treasurer gave a report on the years work and called the roll. Minutes were read By the secre tary. Mrs. G. B. Sutton gave a talk on the Christian social work. The following officers for 1950 51 were elected: President Mrs. Lester Kornegay; Vice President, Mrs. Allen Jordan; Recording Sec retary, Mrs. Percy Sutton; Corres ponding Secretary, and Treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Jordan; Secretary of .Spiritual Life, Mrs J. O. Sutton; Secretary Christian Social Rela tions, Mrs. G. B. Sutton; Secretary Mission Study, Mrs. L. H. King; Secretary Supply, Mrs. Nathan Sutton; Secretary Literature and Publications, Mrs. C. S. Eldridge; Secretary of Youth Work, Mrs. Al len Jordan; Secretary Children's Work, Mrs. Percy Sutton r Secre tary Status of Women, Mrs. Stacy McCullen; Secretary of Overseas Relief, Mrs. Frank Pate. During the social hour Mrs. Pate served delicious homemade candy. King's Sunday School We had a good attendance at Sunday School last Sunday morn ing. We are sure that all were there received a blessing Were you there? Mr. Pete Jones of Newton Grove gave us a very inspiring talk on "No Room In The End. Mr. Jones talked in the absence of the pastor Rev. Dennis Kinlaw, who Is in Iowa in an Evangelistic school. Be sure to go to Sunday School each Sunday. Join us at prayer meeting each Thursday night at 7 :30 o'clock and don't' forget our regular preaching service on the second Sunday night in May. In Memory Mrs. Mary C. Coker We wish to pay tribute to our friend Mrs. Mary C. Coker, who passed away on March 18, 1950 at the age of 75. She was a devoted wife and mother, always looking well to the ways of her household, and her son and daughters may well, call her blessed. She lived a beautiful life, true and loyal to all that was good and fine and is great ly missed in our community. She was an Influence for, and we all miss her. "Softly the door is opened As they pass beyond recall; Soft as loosened rose petals One by one our loved ones fall". A friend, Mrs. Percy Sutton. double and a triple. V Davis starred for Calypso with (wo hits and driving in the winning run in the 7th. . I Faistm'tost to New Hope by score of 8 to 2 on April 21 at Faison. SUTTONTOWN WI TWO FROM FAISON -vPe Suttontown won both games Over Faison over the week end. Satin day's game was played at Sutton town and Sunday's game at Faison, In Saturday's game the pitcher for Suttontown was ' Smith with Sutton behind the plate. Score 11 to. 12 in favor of Suttontown. Pitch ing for Faison were Gautler and Boyette. Taylor caught. " In Sunday's game pitchers for Suttontown were Sasser, Rackley and Smith, with Sutton catching; and for Faison Ingram pitched and Taylor caught. Score 14-10 In favor of Suttontown. ; DUPLIN TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Entertain Lions A Choral Ensemble, composed of selected members of the school glee club and little Carolyn Dixon of the first grade, rendered a pro gram of musical selections for the Faison Lions Club Friday evening, April 21. Carolyn Dixon appeared in two numbers. The group appre ciated the opportunity to appear in public. Tom Thumb Wedding- A capacity audience Monday ev ening saw the first graders in their first public performance. A Tom Thumb Wedding. In the roles of bride and groom were Melinda Shambley and Leonard Boykini best man, Levaughn Brewington, bride's father, Rufus Newkirk, brides maids, Dorothy Smith, Bernice Hill. Lena Matthis, Elizabeth Cobbs Xe- tha Smith and Martha Mason, Maid of honor was Carolyn Dixon who also sang Because. Harvey Cobb was minister. Immediately following the cere mony, the audience saw the second performance of the year by the Dramatic Club in the three-act mystery-comedy Who Killed Aunt Caroline, featuring the efforts of Lt. Clayton Earl Graham, to solve the riddle of aunt Caroline's death while visiting the Endlcott home. The cast Included Velma Darden as Mrs. Endicott Irene Carroll as Ann Caroline, Norrls Stevens as Agnes Luther Craddoek as Rlccy, Margaret 'Best as Beryl, Christine Boykitt as Cicely; Sadie Hobbs as Miss Babbitt; Earl Blount as David Thompson. Others In the cast were Verriett Brewington, Rosa William son and Herbert Faison. METHODIST YOUTH HOLD SERVICE In the absence of pastor Dennis Kinlaw Sunday evening, the Faison Methodist young people ponducted a very impressive service. Jackie Adams with Bill Lewis and Ger ald McGowan assisting, led the ser vice. The Junior Choir, with Verna Taylor at the piano, had charge of the music and rendered several beautiful selections. A large crowd attended the service. FAISON LIONS -ENTERTAIN LADIES The Faison Lions entertained the ladies Friday night in the Com munity building. Local school tea chers were special guests. The meet ing was featured by an address by Dist. Gov. L. K. Day of Rocky Mt., and Jimmy Butler, Exe. Secty of the Goldsboro Chamber of Com merce. - Mr. Butler was introduced by Libn Roy Cates. He entertained for a while with well-picked jokes and then went into the serious part of his talk, "Using the things we find about us in developing our natural resources." Dist. Gov. Day was introduced by Lion Pres. C. R. Lewis. The topic .of his address told with jokes illustrating each sub-topic was, "How to Have a Good Lions Club". Gov. Day said in order to achieve suecess as a Lion a member should know about Lionism and also real ize that it Is a service organization and not merely a civic organization, Plan many activities for all mem bers and not leave all the activity to a few willing members. Use fellowship as a means of bringing members closer together into uni ted efforts. Plan much entertain ment and especially for the ladies faison; k d'fi&feSi SS&Ste FAISON HIGH ; -SCHOOL NEWS By MART BAUGHAM Mrs. B. F. McCullen presented her piano pupils In a recital Thurs day pight April 20th. It was attend ed by a large and enthusiastic au dience. The Biology class went on a field trip Monday. April' 17th to Taylors Pond. The trip bad been planned lor some time. The 12th grade entertained In Chapel Friday with a program ad vertising the annual, expected to come out about May 1. The program featured a Truth or Consequences skit and several songs by a quartet of boys. : '''' : '". , A drink stand has been erected on the school grounds for the sum mer by the highest bidder, John Bell.',; ; ''. The' Faison - Bulldogs were der feated by one run y Calypso at Calypso an April 18. Groome start ed on the mound for the Bulldogs, giving up five bits', 8 .run and 2 strike-outs. 1M Mi replace In the 4th by Byrd who gave one hit , f Pate of Calypse went all the way giving 10 hltoi stiktrig out 8 and Value. In' What You Get WE SUPPLY THE VALUES Dusters Sprayers- hand & power operated Lawn Mowers-hand & power Garden Hose -- Garden Tools FOR YOUR PLANT BED Parzaf e - to be used asa spray or dust Fermaf e - f o be used as a dust J. H. DARDEN YOUR FARM SUPPLY STORE FAISON, N.C. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FAISOtl 5& 10c STORE , , A BRAND NEW STORE :' , Ntfxf Dbor T Morton't Drnr Star , ' .. IN FAISON, N. C. ' i. J. M. FAISOtl C:r.2rcl hrjrcncc a - . k. .a ! in order to inspire membership. Pull, together and not petty griev ances enter Into the club. Work for greater membership through out the world to help make world peace possible. Llonlsm Is the lar gest service organization in the world and hv represented on every continent except Africa and Is play ing a great part in the making for world peaee." Entertainment was furnished by a girl choir from the Duplin County Training School under the direct ion of Mrs. Musa Steele West, music teacher: The outstanding feature of the program was two solo numbers by little Carolyn Dix on, aged e. Dinner was served by ladies of the Faison Methodist Church. 'A LOOKIil'UP " By: A. M. DAVIS RECITAL Mrs. B. F. McColman .music tea cher of Faison High School, pre sented her students in a piano re cital last Thursday evening. Mrs. A. D. Wood, County Supervisor of Public School Music, was guest vocal soloist. A trumpet duet was rendered by Mr. N. F. McColman and Mr. John Groome and a clari net duet by Marion Kalmar and Brooks Cates. Mrs. McColman was piano accompanist. The students and the numbers Played were as follows? Julia Marl Taylor "Black Hawk Waltz"; Clara Mae Summerlln. "Par-nil nf Thirds": Ann Moaelev Rnwrfan "Under the Double Eagle"; Eleanor uowaen, Little Old Garden"; Judy Ellis. "Gav Gretrhon"- Ann Carol and Jonnie Faye3roadhurst, duet, "Playlna Tag": Melha W.rr.n -Beautiful Blue Danube": Marv uou iiiii, "Waltz"; Julia Bass, "The Baloon Man"; Verna Taylor, "Mal aguena"; Jonnie Feye Broadhurst, "Charmante"; Virginia Boyette, "Bells are Ringing"; Annette Davis, "Tripping Along"; Belle Lee "Pol onaise"; Sybil McCullen, "Tinsel alries"; Annette Smith, "Memo ries"; Anne Warren, "Longing for Home"; Verne Taylor and Belle Lee duet, "Invitation to the Dance"; Susan Clifton, "Sing Robin Sing"; Rose Lindsay, "Second Valse"; Betty Lou Taylor, 'Gliding"; Hel en Lewis. "Winter Taint" Km Clifton, "Springtime - in Vienna"; Gwen Hines,."Sweet Recollections" RoadV vrncu nines, owcei xiecouec and Marlon Kalmar, "By t side Fire: , t All last wees me pi-ugi-aiu tuiu ; mittee of the Lions Club looked here and there trying to secure a musical program for ladle night, i They racked their brains and pull 1 ed their hair but no program could they get. They came to my store on Friday morning with a very down cast look on their haggard faces. No program and-the ladles, the teachers and District Governor in vited. Raven Lewis, Lion President, looked as blue as I ever saw him in my life and, brother, that Is saying plenty. By some divine providence lt suddenly dawned on me that I had called on a friend of mine last fall for something along this line and that he could help us with our problem. I mumbled the suggestion and the committee grabbed at the straw. We had a program and what a fine program it was. It would have been difficult to have import ed a program that would have pro ven more entertaining that the program rendered last Friday night at the Lions supper. I don't think that many of us realize that we had such good talent In our neighbor hood. ' The man the proigram committee called on was Joseph Belton, prin cipal of the Duplin County Train ing School. He sent a glrUeholr from the school on only a few hours nrftice and. they would do credit to any school in the county. The leader of the ehoir and' pianist was a girl most of us know a Mnsa Steele, from Rockingham. Musa; is a graduate from North Carolina College in Durham. While (here she was organist and accompanist for the eollege choir. That Is a great honor to any girt In any college and proves that she has ability and it was proven Friday night that she is also a good teacher as well as an accomplished pianist. It remained for a little girl, Caro lyn Dixon, aged 6, to take the show with 1ier vocal solo rendition of "Because", It was certainly well sung and I think caused a lump to rise in the throats of many of those present The whole program was good and every minute of it was thoroughly enjoyed. When I went to see Belton. on Monday morning to get the names of some of those on tht program THEATRE PAGE' ? OUR REGULAR PRICES Argus Flour A First Lin Flour. Every Bag Sold With A Money Back Guarantee . , . 101D . '.. $ .80 251ft 1.85 Gold Strap Poultry Feeds 25 16 Gold Strap Starting Mash $U5 25 1ft Gold Strap Growing Mash . 1.15 25 1ft Gold Strap Broiler Mash L15 25 1ft Gold Strap Chick Scratch 1.15 25 1ft Gold Strap Hen Scratch . .. f.85 This is just a few of the value to he found . at our store; A Complete Line of Dairy, Hog; Rabbit, Dotf and Poultry Feeds. Direct From The Mill To You . r '!'"' ! i !:;',.,',;.. LET US SOLVE tOOt FEEDING PROBLEMS A Dairy, Hog and Poultry Specialist tov help yotr FREE OF CHARGE ''. V ? i - . V ' ; . -' , v""Si- ., ' , ; '" ; '; ' 'J , " 11 " "' " ' '' " i in i " yv "" .' . ,- ' r. ( Yoiw Complete Feed Store) BIG DOLLAR FEED STCHB I f DIAL 249-1 rAi""N walking 4. ' Fouls Ird. t" S r i; i

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