'A ! ': I . AiiiiiiLa BARBECUE SUPPER j Mr: John Hargett entertained at " his home Friday night at a barbed 4 . 1 .".Li i -iil I j I j A STRIKING SCENE POSE BY OLIVIA DE HAVILAND IN ."THE HEIRESS" SHOWING AT MODEL THEATRE NEXT SUN DAY AND MONDAY. Specials At FOR THE BOY OR GIRL GRADUATE S ; f I yMS111 ,0 Pleose mon'sl i-4rV4' x :,a,te timed fr lasting ' accuracy. A value you'll find Jzl .hard to equal. f ; OPEN AN ACCOUNT I - ' Dainty and dependable ... , . a timepiece to thrill the dii- . " criminating lady . . . and f95 , budget priced, too. nJ0' i TOURyCHEDIT no-tussc. IN KINSTON r I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CANDIDACY FOR THE OFF "ICE OF JUDGE OF THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT OF DU ; PLIN COUNTY, SUBJECT TO THE WILL OF THE VOTERS IN THE DEMOCRATIC; PRIMARY MAY 27; 1950. . IF NOMINATED AND ELECTED,; IT WILL BE 'MY EN DEAVOR TO CONDUCT THE AFFAIRS' OF THE ."OFFICE WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR AND MAINTAIN THE DIGNITY OF THE COURT AT ALL TIMES. ' i -,' . . '-..' .i . . ';....:. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE DEEPLY ' APPRE CIATED. ' :. ' - ? ' "' ,v 'I a ' ' : ''4 Sr. .t-k'-'A ' ''' ?l '." ": ':,V"'rv'.,'''r.'.':''' r ' L3VILLE, NOHTII CAROLINA I 1 I I ,v 'una cue supper honoring his wife' on her birthday. Among those' that were ' present ' were Mrs, Sudie Thigpen, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ken- Erskine's nedy and children, Mr.' and' Mrs. Marion Bratcher and Mi, and Mrs. Murphy Thigpen. .,, ; ' SENIOR CLASS VISITS 'The Beulaville Seniors visited points of interest in Raleigh and attended the Ice Follies Tuesday night. On Thursday they were the guests of ECTC for Students Day. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. S. A. Pope entertajned at her home Saturday afternoon Hon oring her daughter Harriett Ann on her 4th birthday. . Outdoor games and contests were led by Mrs. Pope after which the little guests were invited into the dining room where the table was covered with a white linen table cloth and centered with a white birthday cake with pink and green trimming and pink burning tapers. Guests were served ice cream, cake and given pink miniature party baskets filled with candy. Harriett Ann received many useful and lovely gifts from the 35 guests present. CIRCLE No. 1 MEETS Circle No. 1 Presbyterian Wom en of the Church met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. M. M. Thigpen for the first meeting of the new church year. Mrs. Phoebe Pate, circle chairman, had charge of the program. Mrs. Thigpen led the devotional. Mrs. Lou Bell Wil liams was appointed cirdle co- chairman. Miss Ermie Sanderson circle secretary. Mrs. Gardner Edwrads, circle treasurer. Circle guide books were discussed and filled out and other business dis pensed with. Following roll call and minutes Mrs. Ray Cupp Bible lead er, taught Abraham's Prayer and Mrs. Williams gave an article on "Higher Education." Mrs. Thigpen served congealed salad, open faced sandwiches, candy mints and tea to 10 mem bers and 2 visitors present. Visit ors were Mrs. Ivy Nethercutt and Mrs. Taylor of Greensboro. , SENIORS ARE ENTERTAINED Mesdames Bland Miller, Coy Miller, Re'd Miller, Jim Albcrtson, Flave Mercer, John Kennedy, Lon- nie Kennedy entertained the sen iors and faculty Friday night in the schol cafeteria. The cafeteria was attractively decorated with yellow roses and ivy. Each table was covered with a white linen cloth. Mrs. Flave Mercer and Mrs. Bland Miller pinned miniature cor sages- on each guest. Many interesting games were led by Mrs. Norma Miller and Mrs. Dot Thigpen. Chicken salad, cook ies and lemonade were served to the 60 guests present. P. T. A. MEETS The PTA held their monthly meeting Monday night in the audi torium. Mrs. M. M. Thigpen pre sided in the absence of Mrs. Ida Miller. Mr. Rudolph Davis led the devotional. Mrs. Ray Cupps 1st grade, gave a very attractive and original play "Tiny Tot's Circus". Officers for the new year were installed by Mr. Ray Humphrey: Pres. W. F. Miller, Vice Pres. Mrs. Sidney Hunter, Treas. Mrs. Hosea Hunter; Secty. Mrs. Herman Mill er. Meeting was dismissed with prayer afterwhlch a social hour was enjoyed in the cafeteria. MRS. M. M. THIGPEN Beulaville, N. C. 'Representative For ; WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW. N. C. TJIE DUPLIN TIMES Beibvilla High School News Reporter, Prandy Kennedy TROPHIES PRESENTEED The Girl's . Basketball Champ Ions of Duplin County, received their "Trophy" recently during a chapel period held In the High School Auditorium. The trophy was presented to Jessna Simpson, Cap tain. Each member of the team re ceived golden basketballs with "Champions" written on the side. - Each member of the Boy's team received silver basketballs as run- ners-up in the tournament; the trophy for runners-up in the tour nament was presented to Pete Wes ton, Captain of the team. Due to a tie with Warsaw and Magnolia the trophy given to the team win- JOINS FRATERNITY Joseph Sumner of Beulaville and Jacksonville was formally Initiated into the Delta Kappa Alpha honor ary fraternity of pre-ministerial students at Wake Forest College Wednesday. The fraternity is made up of a select group of students who are chosen for their campus leadership activities and high scholastis ave rage. SCHOOL FACULTY ENTERTAINED Mr and Mrs. Sidney Hunter en tertained at their home Tuesday night honoring the Potter's Hill faculty and Mr. Ray Humphrey of Beulaville school. The home was attractively decorated with spring flowers and greenery. The dining table was covered with a white linen cloth and centered with a bowl of daffodils and burning yel low tapers. The hostess served fried chicken, garden peas, potato salad, rolls, apple pie a la mode and coffee to Messrs Ray Humphrey, Rudolph Davis, Kenneth Fazzelle, Ruffin Manning and Miss Daisy Burnham. COMPLETES TRAINING Marine Pfc. Julius S. Sandlin, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Sand lin of Beulaville recently graduated fro m"Boot Camp" with the First Recruit Training Battalion, Parris'sion everyone attended the open Island, S. C. I ing performance of the lee Cycles Sandlin chmaxed his training at State College. The were accom instructions by winning the Sharp-1 panied by Mr. Malcolm McWhorter shoter Medal with the Garand rifle, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Mercer and firing a score of 219 out of a pos-1 children. sible 250. He has become well ver- 1 sed in other military subjects and JUNIORS TOUR RALEIGH also received training in firing Among the interesting points the other infantry weapons. Juniors toured during their visit Immediately following gradua- in Raleigh Wednesday, April 19, tion he was given a ten-day leave were the Museum, Hall of History, upon completion of which he will State Capitol, Andrew Johnson's report to the Second Marine Divi-1 Home, State Penitentiary, State sion at Camp Lejeune for duty. j College, News & Observer office A graduate of Beulaville High and Station WNAO. School, Sandlin enlisted on Janu- Lunch was served in the S & W ary 11, 1950, at Raleigh. Cafeteria. Dinner was eaten in the jHHIXy... nco Gea::oav! CI J : M' - & THE HEW FORD mUCKSIXl IX fir WW, Fori Swl HiHIiih 110-k.p. Sin h ttw most potMrM t-qriiiHlw Ford Track mr MHI Most Powerful Truck Engine Ever Built! Here's a brand-new Ford Truck engine ... 254 cu. in. . . .110 h.p. strong! It's the biggest SIX Ford has ever built! You hare a choice of two Ford SIXES developing 95 h.p. and 110 h.p., and two V-8's developing 100 h.p. and 145 h.p. You can get the new 110-h.p. SIX in Series F-6 Ford Trucks rated at 28,000 lbs. G.T.W. and 16,000 lbs. G.V.W. With it you get new 4-speed Synchro-Silent transmission and extra heavy duty 11-inch clutch, plus a heavier drive line. The F-6 is one of over 175 models in the Ford Truck line for '50. They're standout performers and earners. Ford Trucks dp more per dollar. See us -today and get the facts on price reductions up to $80 on Ford Trucks for 1950. i " fzrd Tr&t king Com is left Cecsru ning the most games during the season will remain in Mr. Johnson's office for a year. The girls who won golden basket balls were: Jessna Simpson, Elea nor Kennedy, Janice Bostic, Elsie Hall, Tynia Thigpen, Pearl Norris, Glenda Edwards, Theresa Miller, Minnie Simpson, Edna Albertson, Kate Boggs, Sue Lanier, Lou Ann Nethercutt, and Susie Griffin. The boys who received silver basketballs were: Pete Weston, Joe Jackson, Eddie Earl Griffin, Elvis Miller, Murphy Thigpen, Ronald Quinn, Brice Sanderson, Richard McDowell, Bobby Miller, and El wood Thigpen. The Seniors were entertained on Friday night, April 14, at a party in the School Cafeteria by Mes dames Flave Mercer, W. J. Miller, Jim Albertson, 'Bland Miller, Coy Miller, John Kennedy, Lonnie Ken nedy and John Sumner. The cafe teria was attractively decorated with the class colors, yellow and green. Games were led by Mrs. Norma B. Miller, Mrs. Dorothy M. Thigpen and Miss Rosa Belle Miller. Group singing was led by Misses Jacquelyn Williams and Wilma Brinson. Yellow and green corsages were pinned on the guests upon arrival by Misses Margaret Mercer, Ann Mercer and Prandy Kennedy. The hostesses served chicken salad sandwiches with cookies, cake and lemonade. There were approximately 75 guests in cluding the Faculty and friends of the Seniors. SENIORS TOUR RALEIGH The Seniors toured some of the most important points of Raleigh Tuesday, April 18th. Among the places visited were the Museum, Art Gallery, Hall of History, The State CaDitol. ineludine Governor's I office where his secretary gave us an interesting account of the history of his office; the State Penitentary and Hospital, the Supreme Court and News and Observer; and radio station WNAO. A picnic lunch was enjoyed in Pullen Park. For supper the Sen iors dined in the S & W Cafeteria. After viewing the Governor's Man- 6-cylinder Ford Bon Air Club at State College. Afterwards the class attended the Ice Follies. They were accompa nied by Mrs. Bruce Barbee and Mr. F. V. Spence. SENIOR DAY Approximately 25 seniors accom panied by Mr. McWhorter and Mrs. Mary S. Mercer enjoyed Senior Day at ECTC. A very enjoyable program was planned to give the Seniors an idea of college life.. Dur ing the tour of the classrooms many familiar objects as well as strange were seen. A barbecue dinner was served on the lawn. Everyone en joyed the day and hopes the on coming seniors enjoy Senior Day at ECTC as much as we did. MILLER CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Miller Club met in the home of Mrs. Flave Mercer April 19 with 19 members and one visitor pres ent. The club voted to give $5 to the Cancer Drive. Plans were made for several members to go to the District meeting in Jacksonville. Mrs. McCoy gave a talk on Blue Cross Hospitalization. Several mem bers were interested. Mrs. Bland Rhodes, Home leader, encouraged good gardens. Mrs. An drew Miller, arts and crafts leader, showed a hassock made of cans. She also gave suggestions for using eans as vases and umbrella holders. Mrs. Frank Rhodes, dairy leader, suggested that in buying feed good contents should be looked for as well as other things. Mrs. Otis Miller, family life leader, gave a talk on character and how it grows. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. W. L. Miller on May 24 at 8 p.m. Mesdames Alton Brinson, Ho sea Hunter visited Mrs. W. L. Hus sey Sr. in Wallace Wednesday. Mesdames Lula Parker. Louise Bratcher, Orzo Thigpen. Faison Thomas attended the WMU Cen vention at Corinth Church Wed nesday from the Beulaville Bap tist Church. Miss Celia Walston of Farmville spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thigpen. Mrs. Kenneth Rivenbark and Johnnye were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Kornefjay and dau ghter of Greensboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mis. Hay Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams of Carey spent the week end with Mrs. tyila Lanier. Hallsville Baptist Church was represented at WMU convention at Corinth Wednesday by Mesdames Willie Wilson, Claude Wade, Ho sea Hunter and Alton Brinson. Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Britt and daughter of Mt. Olive and Mrs. Bland Pickett of Warsaw visited am perfoiouwe i i fjh jo NEW ROUGE 254 TRUCK SIX For the Heavy Duty F6 CHROME-PIATED lop pliton ring far bttr lubrication, longer cyl inder life. AUTOTHERMIC aluminum alloy piiloni with tolld iklrl. SImI strut conlrolt pitton lo wall cltaranc. HIOH-LIFT camshaft for incrtaicd valvo optnlng., greater power, mora tfflcioncy. FREE-TURN oxhauit valvci. Sclf-cloaning, bottor Mating, longer-lived. COBALT-CHROME facod tnhauit valvoi for hard contact turfaco giving longor woar. HIOH-TURBULENCE Powor Dome combustion chamber! for mora powor, groator oconomy. THOROUGHIY PROVED by millions of hours of industrial engine service and motor coach operation. In Ford Series F-o-110 h.p., Ill Ibs.-fl. Tarawa In Ford Series F-6 COE-106 h.p., 210 Ibs.-ft. Tereua ' FRIDAY; APRIL 28th, 1950 Mrs. Lou Belle Williams Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Parker has returned , home after spending several days in Raleigh. Miss Ruth Sanderson of WCUNC spent the week end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson. Miss Grace Quinn of Spring Hope spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Quinn. Mrs. Myrtle Quinn and daugh ters Cornelia and Kathryn of Ke nansville visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Sanderson Sunday. Miss Velma Matthew spent the week end in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Matthls and attended the lee Cycles. Becky Thomas of ECTC spent the week end with her parents. Little June Miller spent the week end in Warsaw with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter. Little Bennett Hunter is sick at his home. Miss Pansy Edward of ECTC spent the week end at home. Mrs. Gannell Edwards spent the i week end in Raleigh with her dau I ghter Juanita and attended the Ice Cycles. Patrolman and Mrs. John Gor don Thomas and son of Belhaven arc visiting their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Dyne Brown and Donald Ray -visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mercer in Wilmington on Sunday. ' Little Nancy Bostic is in Memo rial General Hospital undergoing a tonsilectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Winnifred Lanier and Delores visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jackson in Mt. Olive Sunday. Misses I.ou Ann Nethercutt and Jane Bostic and Messrs. I. J. Quinn and Bobby Kennedy attended the Stan Kenton concert in Raleigh on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy spent the week end in Whlteville. Among those attending the Ice Cycles were Mr. and Mrs. Gardner F.d wards, Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Dob son and Ervin, Mrs. F. L. Norris and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bostic and Nancy, Mrs. Larry Bos tic. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Kennedy, Mr. Ransom Merser, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller, Miss Lou Jackson, Mr. Frank Thomas, Miss Polly Brown. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thigpen. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Shaw and A F.. Archie Muldrow, Mr. Leon Lanier and Sue Lanier. Dr. F. L. Norris has returned from Cross Plains, Texas where he visited his mother Mrs. J. A. Norris for a few days. Mrs. Jim D. Sandlin and son are spending a few days in Rose Hill visiting Mrs. II. S. Johnson. Miss Polly Brown of ECTC spent the week end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Thomas of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Fai son Thomas Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Bolln have returned home after spending several days in New York. Miss Mary Frances Bostic spent the week end in Warsaw with Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Albertson. Hubert E. Phillips P T r .j .A I, t preve fo& f 1 1

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