tTiANS VILLE, NOETII CA.KOLINA III T. UlJI'LIIi REMODELED HOME - BEFORE AND AFTER Rockfish Club Completes 351IiYc:r Home Demonstration Club Work Tka Rnrkfish Home Demonstra tion Club completed its 35th year of activity in March, iso. is ine oldest club of its kind in Duplin County and one of the oldest in the state. It was organized at a quilting held in the home of Mrs. Ethel Register in March 1915. During the quilting party a discussion was held concerning the desirability of the homemakers of . the community holding regular meetings for the purpose of exchanging of ideas on cooking recipes .canning methods, nnrt nther home economic problems. During the afternoon the club was organized under the name, of "Farm Women's Community Club", but after other clubs were organi 7i in the countv the name was changed to its present for mof "Rockfish Club", that being tne name of the township. The first officers of the club were Mrs. Norma Register, Pres.; Mrs. Alberta Ward, Vice Pres.; Miss Llllie Belle Ward, Secty. Others present at the organization al meeting were Miss Norma Ward, Mrs. Berta Ward, and Mrs. Nellie Vann. ' Onp nf the tonics that the club studied during its early days was the treatment and prevention of communicable diseases, as a result of this study the first Typhoid cli nic in Duplin County was held. Dr. R. L. Carr of Rose Hill came out at his own expense and inocu lated many members of the com- After The remodeled home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lanier is pictured here also the picture as it was before remodeling. The Laniers only had a small living room, two tiny bed rooms and a small kitchen and breakfast room and small sun porch. The kitchen and breakfast room walls were torn down and a nice kitchen was made. A bath room was cut off on one end of the sun porch, opening into a small hAll a bed room was made from the remainder of the porch and the bed room in the back. Hot and cold running water was installed in the kitchen and bath. The walls between the smalll living room and the other bed room were torn down and a large dining room was mimitv The women of the -club secured much of the material for their studies from Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Wo m pi-is Editor of the Progressive Farmer and government publican tinns frnm RaleiKh and wasnington. Thi unt v commissioners became interested to the extent that in June 1917 they appropriated $250 for the work and Miss Lucy Cobb Warn the first county Home Ag ent She taught club members to preserve fruit In tin cans as well as in glass jars., -Miss Ruth Eborn. as home agent, organized many clubs in the coun ty and gave valuable assistance to Hip Ttnrkfish Club. As the years rolled by many signs nf nmeress and enlightenment in the community could be observed, the origin of which could be tracea niwptiv to the Rockfish Clubl Much credit for securing the community hniidins is due to the club. Money was raised by club suppers, Hallow e'en parties and by putting on high school banquets. They developed loarfprshin and speaking ability. fninrnvements were noticed in wear ing apparel, house furnishings and yard beautifieation. 'M''"n, " " " ' ' ' - Is Tecchsv Home Demonstration CI:!) 1 rv Mn niMmon Rivenbark Tn .Tuna 1927. nine ladies toget her with Miss Ruth Eborn, Home Agent, met in the home of Mrs. Hubert Boney for the purpose of organizing a Home Demonstration r.inh At this meeting the following dent, Mrs. Hubert Boney; Vice President, Mrs. Hugh Wells; Sec retary, Miss Kate Page; Nutrition Leader, Mrs. C. V Brooks, Jr. Since its organization the Teach pv riiih has found very helpful the courses offered by the State Extension Service and demonsira tori hv thn Home Agents. r.inh has always cooperated with the Churches and schools In hplninff brine a bit of cheer to needy families and doing various kinds ot welfare work. Due to the Inspiration of our Home Agents, the church grounds have been Dlanted according to a plan. Our club has been represented at most of the County Federations, District Meetings, as well as state meetings for many years. One of mn- mpmhprs attended the Trien nial Conference the Associated Women of the World In Washing ton, D. C. and the Third National Rural Home Conference In Man hattan, Kansas. and Mrs. Edwin Wells, Jr, Our present officers are: Presi dent. Mrs. Densmore Klvenoanc; Vice President, Mrs. Julius Wells; Secretary, Mrs. Maniy Turner. YOU REPAIR THE Homes ' AND WE'LL REPAIR THE Shoes ROSE HILL SHOE SERVICE - zm , WE SEND , , Greetings TO THE Duplin County Home ; Demonstration Club Members COMMUIIITY SELF-SERVICE "BOD" TEACHEY, Prop. ROSE HILL, N. C. made, which is also used for an everyday living room, a back porch was also added. A large living room was built facing the road, in a story-and-a-half fashion, with two bed rooms and two closets up stairs. The stairway is in the din ing room. The results are seen in the above picture. Mrs. Lanier is a member of the Rose Hill Club and is-past .president of the Du plin County Council. Two of our Junior Club members Virginia Ward and Rebekah Col wpii have become Home Agents. Two of the local ciuowomen have been president of the County Federation, Mrs. rannie newnim and our present president, Mrs. Bettie Williams. The club celebrated its Z5th an niversary in 1940 at the commun ity building with a program in cluding a pageant presenting the history of the club. One of the mpmhprs made a cake and decora ted it with 25 candles for the oc casion. Many leaders of the County were present for this celebration. There are about 18 active mem bers of the club now. The present officers are Mrs. Amanda Williams, Pres.; Mrs. Ailene Williams, Vice A REPORT TO THE PEOPLE FROM YOUR Sheriffs Of f ifee I feel that you are entitled to know some facts and figures concerning the office of Sher iff of Duplin County. In this office we not onlyshoulder the responsibility of law enforcement we handle thousands of dollars of moneys that contribute toward the successful operation of our county. The figures below are taken from the audited figures that appear in the Clerk's Office: Compare These Figures One of the most outstanding projects of our club has under taken was the establishing of a community library which served the Deoole of Teachey for a nun her nf vears. Recently the club books yere loaned to the two church libraries. For several years we had a club room in the local school-building, having been granted permission by the County Board of Education Our club has furnished two County Council presidents and JMstrict Chairmen, Mrs. Hubert Boney and Mrs. Jake L. Wells, a State President of Home Demon stration Clubs, Mrs. Hubert Boney. Throughout the years the fol lowing have served as club presi dents: Mrs. Hubert Boney, Mrs. Hugh Wells, Mrs. Edgar Wells. Mrs. Alton Wells, Mrs. Chester Smith, Mrs. John McMillan, Miss Katie Page, Mrs. Jake u. Wells, Mrs. Joe Ward, Mrs. Rivers Rouse, TOTAL COURT COST COLLECTED IN COUNTY COURT. INCLUDING FINES YEARS ' AMOUNT 1944 $11,696.17 1945 14,742.06 1946 17,062.11 TOTAL COURT COST COLLECTED SUPERIOR COURT. INCLUDING FINES JV AMOUNT $ 3,423.90 4,962.49 2,155.74 Totals $43,500.34 Totals $10,542.13 Total Both Courts, $54,542.13 The above Court Cost and fines represent the total amount of Court cost and fines collected in the Courts in this county in the last three years of Sheriff Williamsons term of Office. COURT COST COLLECTED IN SUPERIOR COURT. INCLUDING FINES AMOUNT $11,579.66 3,301.04 3,835.67 COURT COST COLLECTED IN COUNTY COURT. INCLUDING FINES YEARS AMOUNT 1947 $ 45,041.26 1948 43,712.52 1949 35,917.02 Total $124,670.80 $18,716.37' Facts Speak For Themselves The above Court Cost and fines represent the total amount of Court Cost, and Fines col lected in the three years of my term. - Total Both Courts$143,387.17 This shows a gain in the amount bf fines and Court Cost collected in the General County and Superior Courts in this county in the amount of $89,344.70 These are certified, audited figures that appear in our Clerk of Court's Office. ' I will continue to do all I can to enforce the laws of our great county. , ' ' ' . , I do sincerely appreciate the corJidenc years ago and Have continued to give me since t have been ui office The above jm show that I have given you my(best Knowing our county and Si that I can render you a greater service in the next four years. The height of my ambition is to safeguard a clean place for your children and mine. And I do sincerely want your support and vote In the May 27 Wimary tor wu . Make Extra Money From Your Tobacco Crop II SF. NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer Pres.; Mrs. Geddie Dixon, Secty.; and Mrs. Cora Ward, Treas. The influence of this club has been felt in more than a hundred families in the community. Four of the ladies who met at the. quilt- ins party at Mrs. Ethel Register's are still active members of the Rock fish Club. They are Mrs. Alberta J. Ward, Mrs, Ethel Register, Mrs. Norma Register, and Mrs. Berta P. Ward. .;-.!).'- i-.w-'.: V'ii IS "NA-CHURS" Is a complete, well balanced liquid concentrate that helps build good top and root growth. Use it on seed beds - needs no wash off - will not burn reduces wilt and re setting loss. When used in setter barrel, "NA-CHURS" carries your plants for the first three to four weeks. Can be used in dry weather. Helps plants to grow healthier and larger - greater yield per acre - higher quality leaf, with less labor and costs. Read What Satisfied Users Say ! "Where I used "NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer, I topped the tobacco from 2 to 4 leaves taller, and the tobacco ripened about two weeks quicker." Melton Watts,, RFD Nc 1 .Tabor City, N. C. "We found that mixing "NA-CHURS" with water in a tobacco setter gives the tobacco plants a quick start, and eliminates a great deal of wilting and resetting." , J. Sewall, Franklin. Tenn. FOE SALE BY DUPLIN MERCANTILE COMPANY IN KENANSVILLE - CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY AS OF THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 24, PINK HILL, N.C. RESOURCES Cash in Vaults and Due from Banks $ 22,621,209.02 U. S. Government Securities $40,657,009.83 (Direct and Fully Guaranteed) ... Federal Housing Authority. Ob ligations, Federal Intermed iate Credit Banks and Federai " i , Home Loan Bank Debentures 1,391,169.93 State Bonds 9,249,931.97 Municipal Bonds 13,032,714.60 Federal Land Bank Bonds and Other Marketable Securities 7,278,439.42 71,609,265.75 Accrued Interest 442,088.13 Loans and Discounts Less Reserve . 37,086,630.42 v Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures and Building Sites, Less Depreciation 829,885.47 Commercial Building Corporation Stock , s , ' , 1.00 - (Cost $105,000.00) . . ' .; J( Other Assets (6 Parcels of Real Estate '. " ' 6.00 ; (Appraised value 16,500.00) Cusjtimers' Liability AC Letters of Credit 3,600.00 . .' - $132,592,685.79 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Preferred $200,000.00 ' - t 1 'Common 800,000.00 . 1,000,000.00 Surplus - 5,000000.00 Undivided Profits 605,322.48 Reserve Ai Reserve A C Preferred Stock Retirement Fund ; C Accrued & Unearned Interest 200,000.00 Taxes, Insurance and Other, Reserves ,. ,.' 4,637,312.77 3,600.00 DEPOSITS ...'....: 121,146,450.54 Letters of Credit Outstanding $132,592,685.79 . EVERY COURTESY, ATTENTION AND SERVICE CONSISTENT ' WITH GOOD BANKING ARE THE FACILITIES 1 . . J.-. . OFFERED BY THIS INSTITUTION " ' MEK2E3 FcnrsAL BEFCMr r ..r:::A:.c-2: c - r: