, THE DUPLIN TIMES Published eicb Friday "In Kenanevllle. N. C, County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY - Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansyllle, N. C. J. BOBEKT GRADT, EDITOB OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansville, N. C. as second class matter." TELEPHONES Kenansville, S5M Warsaw 50-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year in Duplin County Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; . $3.50 per year outside this area In North Carolina; and Advertising rates furnished on request i Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, tconomlc and agricultural interests of Duplin County. irn hi I "Hofla CaroliM vaV fSSSAUSCUIK The Faster You Drive The Longer It Takes TO STOP, - That is! Good drivers know that the high er the speed the more distance re quired to stop. The question is Do you know how much distance is required to recognize the need to stop, apply the brakes, and come to a full stop at any given speed? Do you always drive realizing that you must be able to stop in an emergency? We'd all be safer drivers if we"d remember three things: the driver has to see and recognize the need to stop before he can start stopping. After he does that, there's a half second or more interval called 're action time' before he is actually doing the third thing, putting on the brakes. All this time until the brakes finally stop the car the car is moving forward toward the thing the driver doesn't want to hit! Here are figures on how long it takes an average driver to see M. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance . Kenansville; II. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency Warsaw fish Market CREATORS AND I1AINTAINERS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door to AJtP) Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman WILLIS BABTLETT FREE Phone tSM WE )BESSINO . WARSAW. N. C DELIVER BUY HAIL STORM Insurance From S. D. BROADHURST MOUNT OLIVE, N. C Quality Remembered 0 .. Long After Price Forgotten ' WE BUILD TO A STANDARD NOT TO A PRICE SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, ,I!!C. u'istoh, ii. c piio::e 3412 DEALERS: f DUPLIN MERCANTILE COMPANY Kenansrille, N. C L J. SANDLIN Or.TII CAROLINA an emergency, react, and stop an average car: At 20 m.p.h. 43 ft; 30 m. p. h. 80 ft; 40 m.p.h. 128 ft; 50 m.p.h. 186 ft. You see, the faster you drive, the longer it takes too stop. All drivers should remember it. SPORTS AFIELD By TED RESTING The primary purpose of streamer, spinner and bucktail flies is to get big fish, and they lie deep. Getting a fly down under the current is the first lesson in this type of fishing. An obvious method of sinking a fly is to weight it. A fly not pre weighted can be fixed by winding the long shank of the hook with strip lead. Yet a fly, no matter how it is weighted, will plane to the surface with the line and leader when it is under tension across or against the current. The way it is handled in the water makes the difference. For instance, when the fly is cast COMPANY .Eym,,ii:;j;tiXHtnii SCHIPTUREi The Book ol Jonah. DEVOTIONAL READING: Ephaaiana 1:1441. Peevish Prophet Lesson for June 5, 1950. JONAH THOUGHT he knew better than God. When men said, "Be a prophet," Jonah decided to take a long vacation: He took a ship for a far place so. far away he thought even God could not follow. When God said, "Preach, to Nineveh," Jonah decided that was the very thing he did not want to do. When God said, in effect, "Be a mis-' sionary," Jonah thought he would, rather be a tourist. Of all the prophets oa record, Jonah was the peevish one.. The remarkable and unique little book Jonah la perhaps the most misanderstaod book la the Bible. Nobody knows how mach Ink has been wasted on the whale (which, incidentally, was not a whale tat a fish!), whereas the real message of Jonah la not a bent whales at all. It Is about taking the message of God to the meat unlikely places In the world; It Is the story of how the very people who ought to be doing it, sometimes won't do it. Does God Care? CONSIDER the good reasons Jonah might have given for not going to Nineveh. They are like the rea sons people give nowadays for not believing in foreign missions. (A mission to Nineveh was about as foreign a mission as any one could have thought of, in those days. Reason number one: The Ninevites were mean people. So they were. Assyria, of which Nineveh was the capital city, had done, and would do Israel more harm than any other en emy she had. The Ninevites were an unscrupu lous, greedy people. They knew no law but force. They spread by vio lence into many a country. They were the nation nobody loved. Should the message of God be given to such a city? Jonah thought not; God said it should. And of course God was right. If the message of God had been sent only to peoples and nations that "deserved" such a favor, God's messengers would all have stayed at home. Too Far From God REASON number two: Nineveh Is a long way off. Indeed it was. To reach Nineveh, Jonah would have to pass through at least a dozen other cities, all of which no doubt needed preach ers. Were there not enough people at home who needed preaching? Of ! ..... - 11 T V. IOUnV UlCrc WC1C . . . WilJjr tfUUOU ..4 ..k A ,kam V., t,al wonderful missionary opportunity there on the ship. Every man of the crew was a heathen. But Jonah was fast asleep. This is often too true. People will protest about foreign mis sions: why send preachers and r. doctors and teachers. aeT mon ey faff 'away? Aren't there --plenty of heathen right at home? Of course; but yon won't often ... find the objector to foreign mis- ., ions doing much about it. Any church that is awake and active In supporting foreign mis sions will be found to be just as alive and intelligent in meeting the problems of the neighborhood. Judge The World REASON number three: (This sounds, like a silly reason, but Jonah actually put it forward Jonah 4:2.) God is too good! what was the use of preaching to Nineveh, Jonah wanted to know, if God was going to be gracious and not de stroy the city with fire from the sky? If, God Is good and merciful, why should we bother about Bonding missionaries anywhere? -Won't he save every one any how? Isn't God too good to judge the world? Jonah overlooked the fact that God had mercy on the Ninevites because they repented. Nowhere In the Bible is there any' encourage ment to believe that God has mercy on the unrepentant To all who turn to him, God is gracious; and the job of the missionary, what ever else he does, is to persuade people to turn to God. "Be ye rec conciled to God," said Paul, the great Christian missionary. If rebels will not lay down their arms, how can there be '.an amnesty? '.' The great tragedy of Juda ism Is the tragedy of Jonah! y.God wanted' his people to win -( the world; hot they became hv -grown, .they ceased even . to -wish to be a missionary faith. '. Shall the same tragedy ever " take Chrtotianlty? . cu of KaDgtotu Education on bataalf of r yty.ntffBoyn,ttn"fc Betoasad across current. It should be allowed to float free. for some distance n n almost alack line. Another mt od is to drop the fly in the curr where It surges over a rock f I J Dr. Foreman Once the fly U . , u r, you 'll get the most Lini act on with a series of short twites .Work the fly slowly. Often the current will grab the belly of the line end race along with the fly la spite of every thing. To counteract this, concen trate on a alow retrieve," x No matter what fly yon use, make the stream work for you. Let the current take charge. - It is hound to carry the fly In the chan nels where fish expect food. . State College Q. Why should Irish potato vines be destroyed before harvesting when the field is infected with late blight? A. This disease, if allowed to get started on the tubers will con tinue to develop on the potatoes and may result In rejection or heavy dockage on the market The vines must be- killed long enough to be thoroughly dry if in fection is to be prevented. Q. Please suggest a control for flies on my dairy farm, A. Fly control on the farm will need close attention' this season. There is evidence that flies may build up a tolerance to DDT and other insecticides. This means more preventive measures. Locate breed ing places and remove manure piles and clean out twice a week during summer months. Watch areas in poultry and hog houses, beneath feeders and watering troughs. Use substitute for DDT methoxychlor on milk cows. DDT may be used on dry dairy animals and beef cattle, bulls, hogs and other animals as well as in poultry houses and places where flies con gregate. Spray areas where fly 'specks' are numerous such as ceil ings, beams, light cords, etc. NOTICE I In The General County Court NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. GENNETTE CHASTEN PARKER VS WILLIAM C. PARKER The above named defendant, Wil liam C. Parker, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon , the ground that the plaintiff and defendant have livfed ''Separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this action; and the OOOOOOOOOOOOI Houses AND APARTMENTS For Rent Warsaw And Kenansville A. J. STRICKLAND PHONE 554 WARSAW, N. C. oooooooooooo WATCHES - CLOCKS WATCH BANDS RINGS ON ORDER Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry PRESTON HOLMES DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO, IN KENANSVILLE OGOOOOOOOOOO FOR SALE SASH, DOORS SHEET- ROC RO(X7 TH ROCK WOOL, PLASTER, LTMZ, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER-RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN tILE, WHITE ASBESTOS t t SIDING, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS F UOTJ wOFJNG ROOFIN J, BRinr, .TTTNn J S3. r 1 Ateici f Aof wtsV jMjf to ttovpM cw f J aha ii 1 1 a 1 1 al.- -HKA-I Pa M Mai wMy M t g H I . ' JUNE ' 5 J M-.Vlra.iaie oMltt I K 5 ,,. Union, I78S. f 2 H Colialal crmj crauat 5 J ralMMclSU. . C 5 I , ft lirtMayofCkarlnrw- f 5 - jqt ' aflt, Halta Ktllar. ft 3 IMT ' M-UltayaFraact'iiatw C q V J tit la f aname caaaL 3 3 I ' M GOP aomiaatat Dawt, 6 1 , ond Irkkar, 1944., X 1 WM JS-likiai bomb lt, 1944. 5 8 JUtY 5 2 lDnniaioa iaj ia Coa- 5 y - C defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Duplin County, In the Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 15th day of July, 1950, and answer or demur to the com ninint. in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in saia compiauu. This 14th day of June, 1950. R. V. Wells, Clerk Gen eral County . Court of Duplin County.. 7-7-4t VBG NOTICE OF SALE TTnrW and hv virtue of an order of the Board of Commissioners of Duplin County, the undersigned, will offer for sale, for cash in front of the Court House, in Kenansville, North Carolina, on Monday, July 3, 1950, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M., all those certain tracts or parcels of land situated in the Town of Kenansville, Duplin County, ininino the lands of C. E. Stephens. Chinquapin Highway, N. C. High way No. 24, Kenansviiie mpusi Church, Mrs. Fannie Cooper, and known as a part of the Bone Yard, of the Town of Kenansville. and being described as follows: . Boinff Lata Nos. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9, as set forth and described In Map or Plat Book 210, page 342, nf tha Dunlin Countv Reelstrv. re ference being made and Bad for a more complete and accurate de- v REMEMBER TODAX TOMORROW ., WITH A PHOTOGRAPH KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE Phones 217-J or 230 COMMERCIAL PHOIOGKM'Hl A SPECIALTY Top dollar style Never before could you get eo much car beauty for so little money . i . only Ford has bean selected for tha Fashion Academy Award for two aoceesslve years. .Safe! y long dollar mileage Not only do miles teem barter in a Ford, but they cost you less. A Ford is economical to buy, economi cal to run and, because of its long-lived quality, high in value et resale tune. Ccmo in cr.d scription of same. v; ' . ' The fence located on said ground is to be excepted and removed, v Advertised tnis me iovn uuy June, 1950. ' Duplin uouniy, : By A. C. HALL, Chairman H. E. Phillips, Attorney 7-30-2t D.CO. ' , Season's First Sailfish Sighted Off Morehead Gulf stream fishing have been excellent off Morehead City during the past week and the first sailfish of the season has been reported. Capt. George Bedsworth, skipper of the cruiser Dolphin, sighted the sail Sunday while his party were trolling for amberjack and dol phin off Cape Lookout Shoals. Bedsworth's party of six landed 11 dolphin and six amberjack with one false 15 pound alhacore total 60 pounds of fish. STATE COLLEGE HINTS TO HOME MAKERS Food Specialists say the onion is a most important vegetable in giving zest to a wide variety of dishes. No other vegetable can be used in so many ways Think of the many sauces, stuff ings, for meat, poultry, fish, salads and dressings, relishes, main dishes and vegetable which need onions for their savor! As a cooked vegetable onions are popular creamed, au gratin, or cooked with tomatoes. Dr. H.W. Colwel! OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE. N. C. TYNDAIL FUNERAL HOME TN MOUNT OUW Rom i Wtnr , Phoaw f "nrtal Asaoclaflo! PnneraJ Olrttntoni. miii'- 4nhnlaH' HtvUi or nlr' N. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., INC. Foot ol Waynesborough Avenue G0LDSB0R0, N. One Fourth Mile From New No. 117 Truck Lane Connecting Wilson, Raleigh, and Mt Olive Highways. If called immediately, we will pick up dead cattle, mules and hogs FREE OF CHARGE JUST PHONE COLLECT!' GOLDSBORO 1532 OR 2330 . Hiahest Prices Paid For Hides. Skins. Faf and Raw Bones. ;mrs:mm s 1 m aitai inr;..7, - "Toit Drivo" a 'CO ..nm iiiiiiiiiiisiaseMy . t T g . I. 1 f 1! ci: a i ...IjLj? la w .! ' haaai s:.:o;iEc;:::is U::ac.T,:-v other ci&rclte! and among tki mittion$ mh it. WAKKEH Popular record- tj lng artist reporta: I "I appreciate dg- J Trjr arette mildness. I i They agree with 1 my throt-- ismWmW$t Sey're mild and fJkt , ' taste grand!" . ttJ&-' ABOUT ATHLETE'S FOOT 2127 Prominent Drug gists " Cant Be Wrong Here's what Stout of Parkers burg, W. Va., says, "The sale of T-4-L has been eery pleasing. One customer said it is the first thing In six years that gave relief." . IN ONE HOUR if not completely pleased. Your 40c back at any drug store. Locally at Kenansville Drag Store. Duplin tines KENANSVILLE N.C. Top dollar "Go". Only Ford in its field offers you choice of "Go" power . . , either the smooth predsioo-buflt 100-h.p. V-8 or its compenioTV-in-ciuallty, the edvanced SS-h.p, , Six. n - r'n, Top dollar vakit Ford brings yom U(-ear features nt-emall-ca coat t 1 1 features like . Ford's 3 J 94 easier-acting brakes, Bofe-Wide teats, smooth "Mid : Shin" Ride in a sound- conditioned "Lifeguard" Body-a body that's built and Bnisnea to "live outdoors." Tcrd Tc Jayl f 1S