i Ik ESeimaimsvnlUle DESSERT BRIDGE Mrs. W. M. Ingram was' hostess to her club at dessert bridge on Thursday afternoon of last week. Miss Minnie Hobbs was visitor. Prior to the games the hostess ser ved banana cake and during pro gressions she served salted nuts and drinks. Mrs. C. B. Sitterson won high score and Miss Hobbs was remembered with a gift. WOMAN'S CLUB The meeting of the local Womans Club -will be held at the Lodge June 29th at 3:30. Mrs. Ellis Vestal will be program chairman. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Vance Gavin entertained her bridge club at her home on Wednesday evening of last week. Motor Park Drive In Theatre Pink HilTM. C. (ONE OF CAROLINA'S FINEST) TELEPHONE 2841 MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER "FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND" SUNDAY, June 25 (IN TECHNICOLOR) MGM's Gay Colorful ' Musical Comedy That Midnite Kiss Starring Kathryn Grayson, Jose Iturbi, Ethel Barry more, Mario Lanza. Also Color Cartoon MON. & TUES. Shock Thriller Of The Year The Black Book Starring Robert Cummings And Arlene Dahl. Abo Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY, only A Wonderful Dog Story "KAZAN" With Lois Maxwell And Rin Tin, Jr. Also Serial and Cartoon THURS. & FRI. Binest Western of all '( nttf im mi wAmw;. WITH A til. mit.,0KAKO9 1 Mill If WTieimcoLOi mm-CHniiLS : ROBERT STERUNG and Mradacinf h JOHN BARRYMORE, JR. . - U Ml lUMilMt iWUCTOi ii lajhUa Hb Mm Also Shorts .SATURDAY only July 1st DOUBLE FEATURE (In NATURAL COLOR) Adventure Island With Rhonda Fleming And Rory Calhoun. ' ALSO ' s ; Renegades Of Sonora Wih Alan "Rockyw Lane. Ptrr COMING SOON (AT OUR SAME LOW PRICES) "Ticket To Tomahawk',' , "Bright Leaf' "Cheaper By The Dozen" t T' e r 4 r Pi"'c r'i" KKJAr;3iLL::, t .tcp.tii Carolina Arrangements of mixed flowers were used throughout the rooms. Visitors were Mesdames J. R. Gra dy, L. F. Weeks, J. A. Scott and Caroline Gavin. After games were tallied Mrs. J. R. Grady received high score for visitors. High score winner for members went to Mrs. F. W. McGowen. Refreshments of pound cake and ice cream was served at the conclusion. W. M. S. MEETS The Woman's Missionary Socie ty met Monday afternoon at the Baptist church. President Mrs. C. B. Sitterson presided. Subject "On The Rocks" was led by Mrs. W. M. Brinson assisted by Mesdames E. V. Vestal, Dan Davis, C. D. Tho mas and P. J. Dobson. PICNIC SUPPER Members of the three churches enjoyed a picnic supper at the Methodist church Sunday evening. The picnic marked the opening of Bible School being held at the Methodist church here this week. All Bible School workers were pre sent. PERSONALS Misses Mary Beth Southerland and Betty Whitfield are attending Young People Conference in Red Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis and Edward spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Carter in Atkinson. Miss Eleanor Southerland of Clinton spent the week end with her mother Mrs. L. Southerland. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Vestal at tended the Farm Bureau Workshop in Raleigh Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newlin have returned to their home in Greens boro after spending last week with Mrs. L. Southerland. Miss Frances Jean Patterson Is visiting relatives in Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Vestal and boys spent Sunday in Snow Hill. Captain and Mrs. J. E. Jeusslev of Charlestons. C. are visiting Miss Lula Hinson who is ill at her WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY and TUESDAY ..IN SONG AND STORY! (f kWTTr ill If lnul A If IK IS - isjir - r-aMMiMMMJs I ' froduc.d on Oiractad by FRANK CAPtA krMliploy by tobnl Hiikln . Additional Dtoloaut by MMIU Shovtaai and Jock Row Rawd on o Story by Mart Halllngn Now Songn lyckt Dy ionnny ourko Mvllc WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY m'6 Koro,VTHE for J inb If KMMIII DMSMl AflctMl b; CMlRltS IMMNT FRIDAY and SATURDAY HE'S A TEST PILOT FOR W V -i I Mrs. C. M. Miller. , . Mrs. R. C. Wells, Bobby and Maude of Clinton are spending the week with Mr. R. V. Wells and Mrs. Louise Mitchell. Mrs. G. P. Prldgen of Warsaw spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brinson, Mr. H. O. Vestal, Mr. and Mrs. Theatre WALLACE, N. C. Duplin's Most Popular Theatre Sun.- June 25th. BARON OF ARIZONA Starring VINCENT PRICE, And ELLEN DREW. Mon. & Tues. June 26-27 CURTAIN; CALL AT CACTUS CREEK Starring: DONALD O'CONNOR, GALE STORM,, and WALTER BRENNAN. Wednesday, June 28 TWLHGHT IN THE SIERRAS Starring ROY ROGERS. BORDERLINE Starring FRED MacMURRAY, And CLAIRE TREVOR. Thurs. & Fri. June 29-30 THE REFORMER AND THE REDHEAD Starring JUNE ALLYSON, And DICK POWELL. Saturday, July 1 RETURN OF THE FRONTIERSMAN Starring GORDON McRAE. Owl Show: THE CONSPIRATOR Starring ROBERT TAYLOR, And ELIZABETH TAYLOR. MONDAY. JUNE 2fitT by Jomtt von nnm westbw fzoimerf k twvwi Vwalter mm J 5 m EH Or' flndjccd RSftTRT ARTHUR A UNhTRSAL MTtttUTKMAI. nCTUbt JET PLANES! V. '.IXT A Kill blb . , The eon1 mand for I-- roat l i if t--'" or -lurl&fc.. It , tio r,ion Dudley j..jt necessary tw allowance cn OL from tlx hattlea to two bottles. "Wo rJaced the limit at two bottles to a customer only after trying every ouwr aw ntwer said Senator LeUaac "mi da- mand for HADACOL has in creased 100 per cent in the past year as more ana more people have learned the blessings of its five B Vitamins and four im portant Minerals. Despite our new $250,000 plant equipped wun we most modem machinery and our fleet of 30 great trucks to speed delivery, we just cannot keep up with the demand. "We placed a ration limit of six bottles to the customer several weeks ago but still cannot catch up with production. Our 800 em 1 : ' J, w Mai Theatre Beulaville, II. C. MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY Sands Of Starring John Wayne. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Alias The With Gorgious George. FRIDAY only Big With An All Star Cast. Serial and Cartoon SATURDAY only Cheyenne Wildcat An All American Western. Serial and Cartoon home here. ' Mesdames G. V. Gooding and N. B. Boney attended the OES meet ing in Clinton Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney spent Sunday in Wallace with Mr. and j ElliS Vestal and sons spent Thurs day at wmte L,a&e. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of Smithfleld spent the week end with Miss Annie Rose Southerland. Mesdames G. V. Gooding, E. A. Newton and N. B .Boney attended OES meeting in Beulaville Mondai night. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stokes, Dianne and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McGowen are vacationing in Florida this week Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson and children of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. William Mercer and children of Goldsboro were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newton. Center Tlioatre MOUNT OLIVE EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE Friday St Saturday June 23-24 BIG HANGOVER With VAN JOHNSON And ELIZABETH TAILOR. Sun. Mon. Tues. June 25, 26, 21 FATHER OF THE BRIDE With SPENCER TRACT And ELIZABETH TAYLOR. Wed. Thurs. June 28-29 CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK With DONALD O'CONNOR And EVE ARDEN. Fri. & Sat. June 30, July 1 cmt a ployes are working shifts around e clock but one bottleneck after .nnV.o mmu im Wn pynect tO 'MWM Mil. . C lick them all but meanwhile we are asking our customers to nave patieno and accept no inferior substitutes. For Instance, when I created HADACOL I read every available -authoritative medical and drug finest ingredienU regardless of; cost or instance, x reuu uuib a IT a nmtmtnnF 9Srrt edi- u 4W. VTUAnvoMoallir Pnlrilim Glycerophosphate should for many purposes be superior to most other calcium salts because i MMMMMf m hnh ' mlHum and phosphoric add in a soluble com bination.' "Little did I realize when I made Calcium Glycerophosphate a part of the now lamous nAim COL, formula that in time the covery HADACOL would be so great tnat we wtmia f j" entire available supply, in the VU1WU v i " . that is exactly what we have done and great plants throughout the nation are now working to in ,.m thai fnrllitlei to exnand production of this essential in- grecaent wmcn ousaua wu uw expensive products to help so many million suffering people in distress." Yaa. in HADACOL Senator Le- Blanc envisioned the medicine that would bring blessings to folks of all ages, and in penecung this formula he worked in his own ii uknninnr anmetimes 18 BUWU lOUV.U.J f " " to 20 hours a day. Perhaps others could have piacea tne same in gredients in a medicine, but it A hfm in Hovlnn a formula which contains the most expensive ingreaients ot meir kind. For instance, he uses Vita min B-6 which costs at the factory $550 a kilogram, which is less than nair a gauon. Iwo Jimo Champ Cat Mrs. Harvey Davis" of Farmville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson. " Mesdames James Faison and Isham Faison of Faison attended the Library Board Meeting here Friday. Miss Theresa Gooding of Golds boro spent the week f nd with her parents Dr. ana Mrs. u. v. uooa ing. ' Mrs. George Brown is reported improved, having undergone an ap pendectomy at Parrotts Hospital in Kinston last week. ' ' , Little Miss Anne Houston of Sa- recta visited little Miss Mary Lou Reynolds for the week end. t Mrs. Joe Hardie of Greensboro vUited Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Rey nolds last week. ; vS ? Billy Farrlor of Wilmington visit ed his cousins Jimmle Bowden, Mat jorle and Steve Jones last week. . Mr. and Mrs.- Roscoe Jones and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bow den, JUm'mie and bully Farrlor spent Friday afternoon at White Lake. i Rev. Lauren Sharpe is a patient at Rex Hospital and is reported to be improving, Mrs. P. J. Dobson spent last week In Raleigh with Mrs. Charles Odom. Mr. Odom Is an operative patient at Rex Hospital, fcaafcllii nlRI i mm, -i tl i r -...m--mp-. t.,.... tim fc-TanrfiaiMla m- r - r kt" - Yyoo CAmtO THE RI6MT lf wk-W Tt SATING llff . JWMIUb. -Vf"1 NO- "f( rHAT Of TMB VHNO THAT PUACi i TO HAVB WO l,MltTr, TTOO MANV ) bgiviKKU? BEFORE I KINO , CC M TH6 - R ACCID6MT? P tC eJML " II --n -t-i la4 -Tr"-? ni'? '- ,J " . -. s.:StmmmmkmWmmWmmm-mmm . ! M w mm I aWSailalalwB-SilllBl"Rl,,," 1 1 11 Mr. and Mrs. Wane bans Mrs. L. B. Thomas of Mt Olive spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis. , . ; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. D. . Farrlor of Wilmington spenf the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowden. ENTERTAINS CLUB ; Mrs. L. F. Weeks was hostess on Tuesday evening to the members of her Midge club and an addition al table. Pretty mixea xiowers we used for the occasion .During play the hostess served iced drinks, mints and nuts and at the conclu sion of the evening Ice cream and home made cake. High score prize for visitors was won by Mrs. N. B. Boney and for club members by Mrs. J. B. Wallace. Mrs. R. C. Wells of Clinton was remembered with a gift '- ' ': SUN. - MON. June 25-26 Please Believe Me With Deborah Kerr And Robert Walker. CARTOON TUESDAY, June 27 The Conspirator With Robert Taylor And Elizabeth Taylor. WEDNESDAY, June 28 W v DOUBLE FEATURE Storm Over Wyoi ming With Tim Holt. swswssaiSiiRisi-s" . . , . ft Caticol Help york Hard, u-pienty ot touMtn-tii( fiord vrnrk 4hk nttnll Dm. less end this is especially aul Earnhardt, 816 less-anai uircv St . Earnha t?t, in saiuDury, ihardt worlcs long ot tha Kn'rhhardt Suoer juarKei in oausoury, one ux uks largest and most modern grocery ox North Carolina. Th trrA hpffan in tell on Mr. Earnhardt about three months ago and he wondered for a time whether he would be able to carry on at the same rigid pace. But that was before he heard the blessed news about HADA- "I have been taking HADACOL for three montnsr saia jot, uura barat. i was weak, run down, nervous, had difficulty sleeping at night nervous indigestion, gastric disturb ainces, head aches, suffered with stomach bloating and gas pains i b AhA Mr. Rarnnardt third bottle, I started gaming weight, had no gastric oisuim 1 4n kaftaa aniT vrnr1r rra , hours. I recommend HADACOL." Mr. Karnnarai, use bo numy ai ntitA iiffAmntf' ran. pie, had tried many preparations witnoui oeneucuu reiu uuo he heard the wonderful news about HADACOL. hard hours at the Earnhardt his usual cheerful self and when his friends comment on nu un nmmnrimt he advises them to XIATAPOT. a trial. ' KiVC xAvw " " Mr. Earnhardt was suffering from a lack of B Vitamins and Mineral which HADACOL HADACOL comes to ..... ; UntiiA Inrm aaailv assiml lated in the blood stream so that it can go to worn ngnt away. eery dusd ' ftue for I nrkiira 17 I y ADVERTISEMENT Dally Vacation Bible School clos ed on Friday of last week with com mencement showing most outstand ing work accomplished during the two week tem.''-i7';:v'''Aft;''f';'a The WMU met with Miss LUlle , Teachey Thursday evening of last week with a fau attendance.- -' ' ' Miss Reba Bostlc ot Raleigh spent ' the week end with her parents Mr. and Felix Bostlc- ' .' -7; Mr. W. D. Kilpatrlck is a patient at Bullocks Hospital in Wilmington. : We hope for him a speedy recovery, , Ptl. and Mrs. poane Rouse of Swan Quarter are spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. H. House. ' Abandoned With Dennis O'Kecfe. THURS. FRL June 29-30 The Big pel With Mickey Rooney And Thomas Mitchell. CARTOON SATURDAY, July 1 DOUBLE FEATURE Frontier Outpost With Charles StarretC vn With Hurd Hatfield. s Long Hours i A lack of only a small amount u& UIC 0 V .wauling BIN v-- ...... Minerals will cause digestive dis- turDances . xour xooa ww nrrvdaA wrlrVi Vmi . Villi Wilt suffer from heartburns; gas pains. ana your iuuu wm uuur wu rrmOVl Sltrl Vitl Xlfill tint tlA fiblfl BiVUiavUf auau vw " - to eat the things you like for fear of being in misery afterwards. Many people also suffer from con- . irotinn And vrhiln thpae svmo- Itoms may be the results of other , causes, wiey are sureiy -tainlv th avmntoms and siens of the lack of the B Vitamins and Minerals whicn oauaul, con tains. Ana ii you suiier inn um cure except the administration of the vitamins ana me - which your system iscks. HADACOL contains not oniy . one, but 5 of the a vuamuis. , TT A T- A rfT Mntaina nnt nnlv npl . but 4 of the necessary Mmerals. It comes to you in iiquia mmi. easily assumiaiea in w vujw v. atream so that it can go to work I right away. : . It is easv to understana, mere- fore, why ' countless thousands have been benefited by this amaz- . . tr.nlfVlT Cm I mo. mg tonic, zvnjjtwjuL . ters not how old you are or who you are ... K matters nov wnere you live or u you oavs mcu the medicines under the sun, give this wonderful preparation, HADACOL, a trial. Dorft go on suffering, uon-t conunuo w nw a miserable life Be fair to your- , self. Temporary- .relief i not enough for you. uive nAimwu , tnaju naxv m . Insist on the genuine HADA- COL.. Sold at au we leaauig uru stores. Trial size only $158. but save money buy the large fam-. I mm 1 1 A, 1 AHllR IQ Kfl uy ana nospiuu BLtc mj .. that HADACOL will help you that we sell HADACOL on a money- back guarantee, is you uon i w , .1.. .n.tin1 attar- lictnrf . HADACOL as directed, just re- Ua amnttf St.rfnn una vmir Ijnoney will be cheerfully refund- I ea. Homing couia ds ibuw, , ... . .

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