1 ' f r 4 1 h 1 1M ii nf ncki eft . 1 V A P A y VOLUME NUMBER EIGHTEEN Ycr.3 Mother With Sick Baby Escapes Darning Home While Father Is Away; All Belongings Destroyed Vifh House i . , p James Blizzard, who lives on the . Hallsvllle-Sarecta road, veteran of World War II, and father of three mall children. Is homeless, com- : pletely homeless today. He has a - wife, the three children, an honest desire to work but no place of his . own to lay his head. :. , Monday night, after a bard day's work, he left his wife and a sick .T'baby to attend the Veteran's class ;v. Jn Beuiaville., His other two child ran were at his mother's home. About 8:30 his wife, asleep, was awakened to find their small home .. ' la flames. She awoke Just In time to save herself and the infant baby who was seriously ill. Probably ' Providence had foreseen what was .': to happen and planned It that their other two children should be away r vfrom home. Mrs. Blizzard barely escaped the flames. She doesn't know when nor how the fire started. She was sitting across the road in hysterics when neighbors arrived. Help came too late to save any i -. thing in the house. The smoke house with what- little meat wm ' destroyed. Neighbors . opened the ' chicken yard adjacent to the hojise l " and their chickens escaped. Nothing X'was saved but the chickens, a, baby fTerOt and the clothes the Blizzards i had on their backs. , Someone rushed to Beuiaville to Is He A Potential Criminal? He Seems To BdHonesI; What Shall Ve Do? , ,.' John Wm. Uptegrovev 27 ear old r.L:"whll man of Faisonjjlt ..lvw,as given a aeanng oeiore vusuw in : the Peace C. B. Sltterson lass, FTP day and bound over" to Superior . Court on charges of carrying a , v concealed weapon, a sawed off 22 r : ztfle, and stealing a truck. - (Sheriff Ralph Jones west to CMdsboro and got Up te grove from ! . the Wayne County Jail after having ,"". by Wayne officers. They ; erllf Jones that they un derstood he was wanted In Duplin a several charges and they releas- - f X. him without prefering charges la Wayne. "Vptegrove's case Is pitiful and could be more serious than passing thought would brand it Sheriff Jones says the real danger In the boy lies in the potential possibili ties of his future career of crime. The, defendant not only admits the Yturge but relates, in detail the ac ' 4unt of this act as well as a num- er ox others in wmcn ne nas not been charged. To all Intents and purposes he is thoroughly honest The specific Indictment grew out of his attempt to rob a taxi driver from Goldsboro and at the last minute changed his mind. The story begins when ha stole a truck be longing to Sam Jones of Warsaw, i Ut.1 ujuiiij lummutt lucjiiujic; ."..::., s I - S tl a A . U03.ffii0Diie informaticn tenter i Librarian's Report - May 29, 1950 ; librarian's Report, May 29, 1950 . (toe County Librarian, Miss Dor- otny Wlghtman, .continues to be loaned to Onslow County two days .? '-'eaonAweek. Consequently she has not been ablo to carry , out all her ..' plans for, this year. There is a, treat demand for many more books V of all kinds and a need for broad . - i or service everywhere. Miss Wight man is having more requests for special information and materials. . . - The Bookmobile has become on ln t formation center as a good library 7f should. Miss Wlghtman is In hopes that another year many more vol " times can bo added, more stops . added to-iho present Bookmobile - . trips organized. When the County library was turned over to Miss Wlghtman in November 1947, there were 12 library stops in the County. ' Now, May 1950, there are 37 ae - tlve stops with at least ten more : to be started this summer. The ' Bookmobile has been on the road two afternoons each week - .Thurs days and Fridays - and has covered 2544 miles In 12 months. Circula tion from the Bookmobile to the children has been 4,948 books -to the adults 6,130 books making total of 11,078 books in 12 mont s ,' t f t ie Boot-mo! !!e. all this r" y , ' i -i t j t t notify Mr. Blizzard and he said when his name was called his first thought was of his sick baby. He had carried the baby to the doctor that day and they were worried about it He rode up to his burning home to see nothing but disaster. He could do nothing but comfort his helpless wife. A neighbor went to the Model Theatre in Beuiaville where a crowd was gathered to see the show. Telling Mr. and Mrs. Bob Demorest about the tragedy they stopped the show and took up a collection. $19.96 was collected and carried to the Blizzards. This was all they had to start on the next day. Not so long ago .they had bought the small farm on which they lived and had made a down payment. James Miller, from whom they bought the farm, carred a small amount of Insurance on the house but this, of course, went to him. He is not selfish with it and Is go ing to help Blizzard build a house. Neighbors immediately got busy to round up clothes and money to help out. The Times was asked to make an appeal for aid. Anyone having clothes or money they wish to donate are asked to carry it to Norwood Miller's store. It will be appreciated. son of tile sheriff. He drove the truck to Goldsboro, according to Uptegrovel story,-and bamd War saw. This haptNsX-A on yttnfuti AmtrU aiia aret; night He jaid'V did ot know who's trues n was at first ana wnen he discovered it belonged Jo-Jones he brought it back. He jtben bura med a ride to Goldsboro wtua ne found he needed' some money. vAf- ter deliberate thought he decided to rob a laxl drtyer. He hailed a taxi and 'instructed' the driver to take hint to Beautancus. Hit lnten t!6n was to' kill him with a sawed off rifle and take his money. After riding Into Duplin he decided -he could not kill the driver and order ed him to drive tack to Goldsboro where the driver had him arrested for not paying the taxi fare. He was then lodged in jail. Not so long ago ne broke into the Duplin Theatre, he says, rifled the office but got nothing but the key. He also has a habit of giving bad checks.' Uptegrove says he Just has that urge to violate the law and doesn't seem able to control himself.- He says he realizes he Is doing wrong at the time. When asked if he ever talked with anyone when the urge struck him, he replied he never CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE then, making a total collection of 7751.yWarsaw, Faison and Wallace, puouc uoranes nave borrowed 800 to 1,000 of these books each. Beuia ville, Kenansville and . Rose Hill kach have 600 to 600. To make the County Library collection avail able to more readers Individual books are exchanged often. There is no set. limit for the returning of any book to the Bookmobile. Some books are more popular than others - more people wish to read them before they are moved on to an other stop. Of course books are sometimes lost or damaged, and many fall to pieces with so much handling. Sometimes 29 people read a book before covers loosen and pages, fall out If the book la still clean and aU page are there, it is sent to the Bindery for a new cover costlJg about $1.00. The new cover is stronger and the binding is much firmer than the original publisher's cover, and the book la ready for many more readings;- Even with this collection it seems to be impossible to supply the de mand for . light popular stories romance, western and mystery. The children In the f!rt three grades cannot find enoir r- -v books in lnr-o rrlnt fir t' f course V l C ' - ' f Coastal Plain Vegetable Station Holds First Educational Feild Day, Fasion Over 100 Wayne, Duplin and Sampson farmers, businessmen and agriculturists attended the Coastal Vegetable experimental farm at Falson, Monday. It was an educa tional field day .being conducted by the farm under the direction of Albert A. Banadyga. Cecil D. Thomas, test farm di rector from Raleigh, welcomed the group. He explained the purposes of the farm and introduced the agriculture teachers and leaders present. Roy Cates, a Falson businessman wished success for the farm and introduced James W. Butler, man ager of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce who spoke of the nec essity of scientific aids to agricul ture. "The prosperity of the farm ers is the prosperity of the nation," he said. The keynote of the meeting was given by Dr. Ralph W. Cummings, associate director of the experi ment stations, from Raleigh. "What you see here is 6nly part of the program for better produce. Every thing is being taken into considera tion, soil, climatic conditions and 106 Boy Scouts And Leaders Attend National Jamboree At Valley Forge One hundred six Boy Scouts and Leaders from Tuscarora Council entrained at Goldsboro Monday, June 25, for the National Jambo ree at Valley Forge, Pa. Among the leaders in charge are Dr. D. J, Rose, B, M. Boyers, Scout Executive and William Craven -Field Scout Executive. Unit leaders and com plete roster of Scouts making the Leaders E. G. Pyatt, E. K. Essay, Arthur Meece, Lewis Bryan, Bob-1 by , Klutti, Frank Billings. BU? Kemp, Jr., Jack Smlthwiek, and Ashton Griffin. . I The following boys are attending the Jamboree: Wade Sydney Cree ch, Jimmy Rose, Walter Blaejtttan, Henry Jenkins, Larry Boyers, J. J. Thlgpen, Lloyd Warren, Pack Pa ley, Tom Rand, Ray S. Smith, John B. Hill, Bert Herring, Robert Kad is, Herbert Baughan, DeVan Bal lance, Edward Smith, W. B. Crum pler, Jack Flowers, Joe Creech, Harry Cooke, Mark Cherry, Hay wood Lane, Pete Lassiter, Elvin R. Johnson, Edgar Davis, Bill Star ling, Al R. Gaskill, Joe Grantham, Wilbert Blackman, Rivers Upchurch Jimmy Cheatham, Edward Peter son, Eugene Jones, Ronald West, Bobby Royal, Dick Wallace, Sam Roberts, Billy Gibson, Ray Wells, Mack Peedln, Fred Mattox, Bobby Miller, Joe Dupree, Norman Grant ham, Wilbur Bailey; Juette Fore Wallace Merchant New Chairman Duplin County Chapter Red Cross Harry Kramer, Wallace business man, was named chairman of the Duplin County Chapter American Red Cross, at their annual meeting in Kenansville last week. Mr. Kra mer succeeds Dr. H. W. Colwell who has led the organization for the past few yean. .- Other officers named were: Rev. L. C. Prater, Outlaw's Bridge, President: Miss Isabella Jones, Kenansville, recording sec retary; Mrs. N. B. Boney, Kenans ville, executive secretary; M. F, RECUPERATING IN DURHAM Henry J. MIddleton of Lanefield Community Is at the home of his daughter Mrs. Noel Bell in Durham recuperating from a recent oper ation in a Durham hospital. He is reportedly getting along well. ' SHRINE CLUB MEETS . AT MAXWELL'S MILL The Duplin County Shrine Club held its meeting at Maxwell's Mill last week and. enjoyed barbecue pig and chicken. President John Croom presided over the meeting. Aoout 79 made up the group in cluding members and visitors with their wives and friends, r . The Shrine Club is one of Du plin newest social organizations whose membrs-"r lar-r -'-'s up r' rVSnwr fr in I t.- T KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA crops suited to these factors and the problem of processing outlets, which is to be aided by the local businessmen," he said. Corn Worm Control The gathering was split up into groups for a tour of the vegetables now under supervised production. Dr. Paul Richter led one group to the sweet corn experiment. There, 20 rows of different varieties had been planted, all at the same time. His main concern was the corn worm. "What we have found out is that you can control the worm. The best and cheapest way we have found is mineral oil mixed with DDT emulsion," he 'said. Samples showed only 10 damage by corn worm. The spray was 90 effective. Dr. Richter gave a three point warning. "If you are going to do something about the worm, do it early before the silk comes out when the corn is just over knee high. Do something about it before you get it and do it every other day." The recommended method was the emusion mixed with mineral oil at the rate of 2V gallons of oil hand, Brooks Cates, Curtiss Cates, Earl McCullers, Henry Best, Monte Warr, Rudolph Lucas, Alfred Wells, Ronald Barber, Dale Gainey, Ste phen Gooding, Billy Dickens, Bus sell Stott, Jack Scott, Ferrell Shu ford, Clyde Rich, Jr., Mac D. Wood ard, Donald Bearnon, Cedrle In gram, Allen Korchqnr. Hervy Kor- f Bdgwft; XTf (tti-r Jr., Paul Magrn, Buay T'Mticyj.. Lawrence Bowden. Eddie ? tt Douelas Mo ore-, Donald Dowu, illls Edwards, lana iurcnaoner, jLeanetn smitn, Sydney B. Carter, Jack penny, J. F. Patterson, Frank Butler, Billy L. Poole, Clifton CashweH,F. C. But ler, Delmar Weaver, Lynn Scott, Jean C. Thompson, m, Henry L. Edwards, Stanley Carr, aad George 3. Butler. We have thrtr colored Scouts participating In the Jambo ree: Cleon Arrlngton, Daniel How ard, Jr4 and Nathan Melvin. While at the Jamboree the boys will do their own cooking over charcoal stoves. A number of stupendous pro grams have been planned for the 47,000 Scouts.. Tuscarora Council will stage a shortened version of The Lost Colony" production. Ar rangements have been made for visitors to see the Jamboree. A number of Tuscarora people have Indicated their intention of paying a call on the Scouts from this area. Allen, Jr., Kenansville, treasurer. Mr. Kramer comes to his new post with high recommendations. This year he headed the first Can ear Drive in Duplin and went well over its quota. He is active in civic affairs of Wallace and has shown a keen interest in all civic matters affecting Duplin aa a Whole. Dr. Colwell, who succeeded J. E. Jerrltt as head of the Red Cross, baa done a splendid job and re signed reluctantly. Two Girls Injured pining Two young sisters were knocked unconscious in Magnolia, Thursday night of last week when lightning struck a transformer outside their home, passed through a -wire lead into their kitchen and exploded. - Geraldine and Helen Kissner, 6 and 8 years old respectively, were nnclnsclous for 45 minutes. Their mother, Mrs. J. C. Kissner, 32, who was also in the kitchen at the time, suffered shock. .. . , The girls were treated by Dr. Hawes of Rose Hill for burns about the face and vody. ' The refrigerator and stove In the fn vwt damaged elihe lin h -1 o " t ,bor, ob . j struck j storm. - wildlife f west- FRIDAY, with a 80-90 viscosity. That com prises 10 of the entire mixture. Three quarts of 25 DDT emulsion and the balance water. Between 20 30 gallons per acre twice will do the work. An ordinary compressor sprayer is used. Irrigation The next experiment shown was the artificial rainmaker. It con sisted of an aluminum pipe piped in from a centrifugal pump with four sections running from it. 240 gallons of water per minute is pumped through. That makes n acre inch of water per hour; 24 acres per day can be taken care of. A check at the sweet potato patch showed an experiment with the Oklahoma 24. "We can't say it's any better than the Puerto Rico varie ties," George Jones, an extension service man, said. Vine cutting was recommended over sprouts. It prevents the spread of black rot. The station is trying to ibuild up a high producing strain. There may be eventually a root in dex system used much like the Irish potato before seeds are certi CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE Funeral Services Miss Lula Hinson This Afternoon Miss Lula May Hinson passed away Wednesday afternoon, June 28th about 7:30 in the old ancestral home in Kenansville. She was the daughter of the late John William and Nancy Farrior Hinson. Born in Wilmington, February S, 1869, she had led a loving cheer ful life. Following her father's death In Savannah, Ga., the family moved to Kenansville where she has spent her declining years. She was educated in the schools of Wilmington, Brooklyn, N. Y., and the Charleston Female Semin ary of Charleston, S. C Surviving are two sister.?. Mrs. J. E. Jussley of Mt. Pleasant, S. C. and Mrs. J. A. Hines of Highlands, N. C, and several nieces and neph ews also a number a grandnieces and grandnephews. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at the Grove Presbyter ian Church at 5:30, conducted by the pastor Rev. J. T. Hayter. In terment will be in Golden Grove Cemetery. Class Reunion Held At B. F. Grady On Saturday afleinoon, June 17, members of the 1947 Graduating Class of B. F. Grady School met at the Legion Hut near Maxwell 1 Mill for their annual reunion. Each year one memocr is appointea to be in charge of arrangements, etc., and this year the lot fell to Miss Alice Rogers. The class appointed i Miss Elsie Smith to serve for the 1 next meeting. Eleven members of the twenty-seven were present, namely - Alice Rogers who is now employed as bookk- i?er .'or L. P. Tyndall's Sons in Pink Hill, Jean Haroer. now at home with her pa rents. Gerald Waters, who is also at home, Thomas EJgerton. now of Wallace, is a student at N. C. State College .Wilbur Eubanks is away at work. lsabelle Goodson is a ris ing senior at Wake Forest, Mary Edna W&ters is employed with Waccamaw Bank in Kenansvn a, Kermit Williams is "spot" check-, li,3 tobacco acreages, Coolrldge Tumor married to the former Vera Rogers, is at homo on his farm, Elile -Smith is staying at home, and Myrtle Paye who Is now Mrs. Jones lives at Wallace and is the mother of a son. Those attending enjoyed a pic nic supper, a swim and a delight ful boat ride. PMA To Handle Crop Insurance Beginning July 1, County PMA " ln Munl ve Committees will assume the Crop after returning from church ser Insurance work now being carried vices . nn nv County rcui committees This will apply in the 17 counties now participating m tne cr- in surance Program, lnclw.- . I cotton counties -' Cleveland, Polk, Mecklenburg, 'Rutherford; 1 mul tiple Crcp Insurance c-.iir.ty, Per- JUNE 30th, 1950 Duplin Reverses Itself In Primary Saturday Casts 74 Majority For Smith Duplin County reversed itself at the polls last Saturday and gave Willis Smith a 74 vote majority over Senator Frank P. Graham for the U. S. Senate nomination. Not only was there an upset in Duplin but Smith polled an upset through out the State and unseated Senator Graham. This, of course, was the Democratic Primary and Smith will not be officially elected until November when the general elect ion takes place. A Democratic Pri mary election in North Carolina is tantamount to election. Voting was lighter In the county Saturday with approximately 1000 less votes cast than in the first primary. Smith polled 3,259 votes to Graham's 3,185. Graham's strong holds were Kenansville, Albertson, Beuiaville, Hallsville and Wallace. He led in only nine precincts. The Let's Advertise "The Duplin Story" 0. P, Johnson Tells Us How O. P. Johnson, president of the Duplin County Historical Associa tion and head of the Mid-Century Production of "The Duplin Story", says it's now getting time for Du plinites to began rolling up their sleeves and all pitch in, as we did last year, to put over the pageant this year. Mr. Johnson has a snappy idea for advertising and publicizing 'The Duplin Story" this year. He has mailed out quite a number of letters in the county and has called on the press to come to his rescue in passing the Information on to those who may not have received a letter. The letter speaks for it self: KeaansvlUe, N. C. Jnae 27, 1950 Dear Folks: The dates for the Mid-century Production of the "Duplin Story", are September 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Sam Byrd and Cor win Rife are expected next week and preparations will be In the making in a 1 1 "v. We need your heir right now. Several thousand ns, daughters, grandsons, "1 daughters, etc., of Duplin County would like to know Atomic Bomb - A description of just what hap- pens when an atomic bomb ex !p:odes will soon be ava '.ib!e to the public in an official Govern ment document now beimr ;i.-intoc! Entitled 'The Effects of Atomic Weapons," the book will be released nh.iut August 1, and adva.ire or de : 5 may now be placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Wj .'.lington 25, D. C, at $1 '" per c(;.v. All proceeds from the sale go to the Government. Of primary interest to 'persons engaged in civilian defense and the building trades, the hook con tains previously unpublished details quimans; and 12 with tobacco insu rance - - Caswell, Forsyth, Surry, Stokes. Vance, Wake. Beaufort, Duplin, Jones, Pitt, Wilson, Col umbus. Nortli Carolina now leads the na tion in Ihe n i ruber of farmers who have signed F deral Crop Insurance contracts, with 30,560 contracts in foi. e, oi wh.fii 23,574 were signed in 1950. Cievt-iand county leads the cotton countirjs in the percentage of elig.b e farms carrying insur ance and Beaufort leads the tobac co counties Of the total insurance contracts in the State, 23,679 are on tobacco, 6,635 on cotton and 246 on multiple crops. Dunn county has 3, 064 contracts now in force. HEART ATTACKS CLAIM COUPLE IN MT. OLIVE Mt. Olive, June 20. Double funeral services were planned to day for a negro religious leader and his wife who died of heart at tacks within 15 minutes of each other Sunday night. Hamilton Hughes, 70, his wife Annabella Westbrook Hughes, 68, Hughes was prominent in negro civic and religious activities. His wife was a teacher in Wayne county schools for 38 years befire retiring in Kit.' No. 26 vote was as follows: Warsaw, Graham 239, Smith, 554; Falson, Graham 105, Smith 222; Calypso, Graham 108, Smith 78; Wolfescrape, Graham 187, Smith 248; Glisson, Graham 79, Smith 180; Albertson, Graham 215, Smith 95; Smith, Graham 75, Smith 87; Cabin, Graham 143, Smith 68; Beu iaville, Graham 403, Smith 235; Hallsville, Graham 146, Smith 65; Cedar Fork, Graham 109, Smith 58; Cypress Creek, Graham 141, Smith 163; Chinquapin, Graham 99, Smith 122; Locklin, Graham 16, Smith 65. Charity, Graham 58, Smith 76; Wallace, Graham 350, Smith 296; Rockfish, Graham 92, Smith 73; Rose Hill, Graham 101, Smith 262; Magnolia, Graham 131, Smith 147; ' Kenansville, Graham 388, Smith 167. more about the Duplin Story. It is our intention to write each one of them a personal letter, but we cannot unless someone furnishes us with proper addresses. It will be appreciated if you will furnish the name and ad dress of all people who hnv left your community and ore now living out of Duplin Coun ty. There are some whose pa rents were from Duplin Coun ty. These parents may be dead. In that case, we would Ilka to have the names and addresses of the children. This should reamlre very little of your time, but It will be a big help tn advertising the Duplin Starr, Please let us hear from yon within the next few days. Writing several thousand let ters will be a big job, bat we want all interested friends of Duplin to know about the Mid-Century Production. Thanking you, I am Cordially yours, O. P. Johnson, President Duplin County Histori ical Association. What Happens m nt'-mic explosions. The damage nisnd by the atomic bomb in Ja vi n is examined with estimates of "ic pr.b.ible effects on American ties. The types of buildings which he. -t withstand the shock and the lia.'z-ds of various radiations are described and illustrated The brink was prepared by the Atomic Fnerpy Commission from non-confidentia! scientific and tech nical in a.m.V n. It is the most informative ai (I nulhoritative book osi atomic wi'".ponc which can be made public and is the most signi ficant document to he published since the Smythe Report. coMKnir- f EVERY DAY LIFE By: Mrs. Howard Joiner An elderly man was feeling his age when he made a visit to his young grandson. The young man advised him to try the well adver tised vitamin tonic that claimed to rejuvenate even the real old. The old gentleman seemed unimpressed until his grandson went so far as to bet him $75 that if he'd try it he'd be made a young man again. After purchasing several bottles of the vitamin tonic,- he departed for his home in the country. Sever al weeks passed, and again the old gentleman came into town to see his grandson. Without a word of greeting he walked up to his grandson and counted him out $100. His grandson exclaimed, "Hey Granddad, we only bet $75." The old gentleman grinned, "You see, Grandma sent twenty-five." MR. W. U. BREMER SPEAKS TO VETERANS Mr. W. U. Bremer, Assistant Sales Manager of Swift and Cr Plant Food Division. Wilmington N. C, spoke to combined Veteran-1 Classes of Deep Run School n Fertiliser and Selected Chemtc?! Weed Control Wednediv nieh. Juno 21. Mr. Frank Milette. Agri culture teacher, arranged the mov ing through Jack MePhaul who ) Swift and Co. Field Representative for this territory. , ' T , V o

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