TI1D- DUPLIN TIMES FRIDAY, JUNE 30th, 1950 a cv: CLCIA . L News : :. V J ill CAKE-CUTTING t , "V Immediately following the re hearsal of the Lancaster-Thomas wedding on Thursday evening, Mes damea O. S. Best, L. H. Brown, Purcell Jones and Miss Rebecca Best entertained at a cake-cutting at the home of Mrs'Best Mesdamea Best and Brown greeted guests at 'T anH rail -lurnatlnna and Dink can dles In crystal candelabra decorated the mantle nd cdffee table. Guests were invited Into the din ing room where Miss Betty Best of Goldsboro, Miss Rachel Hall of Wil mington and Miss Rebecca Best of Warsaw served cake, mints and nuts. Mrs. D. E. Best of Goldsboro . jTpreslded at the punch bowl which cornered one end of the dining ta ble. At the other end was placed af three-tiered wedding cake. Crys- tal Candelabra holding pink tapers centered the table. The buffet also held pink-tapers In candelabra. Pe tunias and verbena were used else where in the room. ' Around thirty guests composed of the wedding party and out of town people attended. GARDEN CLUB Mrs. Hector McNeil entertained members of the Warsaw Garden Club, -their husbands and invited guests at a picnic supper in the Legion Home Thursday evening. rn to weather conditions the nic- ale could not be -held on the Mc- ell lawn as planned. Garden hate and baskets filled With daisies decorated the Home. The supper was served buffet style. John Steed won first prize and . Alfred West won 2nd and 3rd prt tes in the bird house contest, spon sored among the 'Boy Scouts of Troop 20. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, and Mrs. ' led. Other invi'ted guests were Mrs. " J. W. Qulnn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leinbeck, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Mrs. Rivers Johnson, Rivers John son, Jr., John Fonville and Lee Brown. BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. Joyce Burton was hostess to her club Wednesday night at two tables of bridge. White gladioli, gardenias and hydrangeas decorat- Center Tlisatre MOUNT OLIVE EASTERN CAROLINA'S u FINEST THEATRE Frli Sat June 30, July 1st SIERRA '''',-. With ANDY MURPHY And WANDA HENDRIX. Sun. . Mon. July . 2-3 , MY FRIEND ERMA - rw niiEs west Tues. Wed.. July 3-4 . r PEGGY With DIANA LYNN, CHARLES COB URN, CHARLOTTE GREEN. WOOD, BARBARA LAWRENCE. Than. Frl. July 6-7 ; ' THE SKIPPER n SURPRISED HIS WIFE vY's:..".-'-'-' . .- ' ." ' . With ROBERT WALKER And JOAN LESLIE. " Saturday, July 8 SIDE STREET "Here Tenptatlon Lurks" With FARLEY GRANGER ' And CATHY ODONNELL. t, 'fiPJIiPJIir3!' J 'SUN. MONi July 2-3 rPeggy" . TECHNICOLOR) v With Diana Lynn '. And Charles Coburn. TUESDAY, July 4 Jli-IifAdTheCify With Richard Widnrk, And Gene Tierney,' . . ; WEDNESDAY, July S L 1 LI id ed the home. Mrs.: Robert Frederick won a Revlon Matchmaker Set for high score.; Traveling . prize, pill box, went to Mrs. Ralph Best, Jr. Mrs. Caswell Moore, recent bride, re ceived a blue hobnail vase. During the game coca colas and cornets, were served and at the conclusion the hostess served con gealed fruit salad and sandwiches to Mesdames Best, Frederick, Mo pre, Mitchell Britt, R. W. Riggs, Eleanor MoColman and Maurice Jordan. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS On Friday evening Mrs. Al Bana dyga entertained her bridge club at her home. For high score among members Mrs. George Hopkins won plastic sifters. Visitor's high, also sifters, went to Mrs. Albert New kirk. Mrs. Newkirk also received a batter bowl for traveling. During progressions Mrs. Bana dyga served tidbits and drinks, and at the conclusion she served chiffon cake and ice cream. Guests included Mesdames New kirk, Hopkins, Arthur Cooke, Lau ghton Albertson, E. W. Whltaker, Belton Minshew, and Irene Martin. BIBLE -CLASSJVIEETS The SaHie E. Johnstone Bible Class met Monday night with Mrs. B. C. Surratt. There were 13 mem bers and one visitor present. Mrs. Surratt presided. Little Miss Mary Elizabeth Thornton of Metoane gave the devotional. She closed with a prayer. Mrs. H. R. Hipp presented the study. The hostess served grape juice sundae, cookies and mints. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Miss Georgia Anne Hopkins en tertained at a party Tuesday night celebrating her 15th birthday. About 30 young people gathered to dance and play games. Cake, ice cream, punch and potato cnips were served from a table holding a white birthday cake, decorated in pink and green and bearing 15 pink candles. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Miss Connie Frederick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frederick celebrated her 6th birthday on Thursday afternoon. A chocolate birthday cake holding 6 blue can dles centered the dining table, from which Mrs. Frederick, assisted by Miss Carol Baars served cake, ice cream and lemonade. There were 18 present Connie received many attractive gifts. Favors consisted' of whistles for the boys and barrettes for the girls. Charles West son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton West celebrated his 4th birthday Saturday afternoon with a party at his home. A birthday cake in pink, green and white, sur rounded with summer greenery, was served from the porch. With the cake was ice cream and lemon ade. Favors were novelty baloons. Miss Anne West assisted Mrs. West in serving. Those present were Dwight Smith, Allen Lloyd Smith, Charles Stevens, Buzzy Banadyga and Lee West. COMPLIMENTED Mies Marwrv Thomas was comDli minted Tuesday nleht when Miss Mae Brock entertained at a "come and sit tea" in her honor at the Brock residence on Hill Street. The hnnnree was met at the door by Miss Brock who presented her with a corsage of gardenias, xne living room mantle was decorated with dementis, interspersed with gardenias. The console neia aai- sies and dementis and tne coffee table feverfew. in the dininff room Mrs. J. C. Brock, mother of the hostess', ser ved nunch from a bowl surrounded by dementis and gardenias which appointed tne dining laaie. i,ana elabra, ornamented with dementis and green ribbon held burning tapers. - ; v.;'"':" - Miss Brock served cneese ow ,.. mnVici mints and nuts to 22 guests. "Helpful Hints" in- WARSAV,N.C THURS. - FBI. July S-7 :: . . Ho Man Of Her Own With Barbara Stanwyck And John Lund. ' Cartoon - SATURDAY, Jury 8 '...'I.''" " ' DOUBLE FEATURE Bells G; Ccroncdo With Roy Rogers. r MRS. E. P. RIVENBARK, prior to her marriage Satur day, at Westminister Presby terian Church in Raleigh, was Miss Evelyn James ol Raleigh, daughter of Mrs. C. E. James of Warsaw and the late Mr. James. Mr. Rivenbark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Riv enbark, also of Warsaw. scribed by callers were presented the bride. Miss Thomas received crystal In her chosen pattern. Mrs. Caswell Moore Jr. recent bride, was presented an ash tray. ENTERTAINED Thursday evening of last week Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Best of Golds boro entertained the Lancaster Thomas wedding party and friends at a barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Best. Barbecued chicken and pork with iced drinks were served to approximately 40 guests. COCA COLA PARTY FOR MISS THOMAS Mrs. C. A. Womack and Miss Le- nora Womack entertained at their home on Pine Crest Drive Wednes day afternoon of last week with a coca cola party for Miss Margery Thomas, bride-elect of June 23rd. The honoree was presented with a corsage of white carnations and a I piece of china in her chosen pat i tern. Approximately 20 guests call ed during the time. Mrs. A. L. Hum phrey assisted in serving refresh ments of coca -eolas, sandwiches, cheese biscuits and pecan rolls. kenansvilTe bride-elect given party Mm Belton Minshew entertained Wednesday night of last week at her home with a bridge and rummy party for Miss Hilda Gray Brinson of Kenansville, bride-elect of June 24th. Mixed summer flowers were used for decorations throughout the home and each guest received individual flower favors. The hon oree was presented a corsage of white carnations and a white crys tal lamp. Guests with the honoree were Mesdames Albert Banadyga, Mar cel Rocque, Billy Whitfield, George Hopkins, Forrest Martin, Moman Baar, William Leimbach of Warsaw; Thurman Brown, Morris Brinson, Thelma Stroud, Ellis Vestal, C. B. Guthrie, and Misses Cornelia Quinn and Dora Cameron of Kenansville. Mrs. Thurman Brown won rum my high prize, and Mrs. Albert Ban adyga won bridge high and travel ing prize. Refreshments were serv ed in traditional bridal colors. PERSONALS David Hocutt of Long Island, N. Y. spent Thursday with Mrs. David Chambers. Mrs. Lambert Turner of Wilmlng ton spent Friday with Mrs. David Chambers. George Best Jr. counselor at Cas well, Ft. Fisher, spent the week end at home. :,. .Mrs. Ed Strickland of Dunn was a. visitor here Monday. Visitors in the home of Mrs. B. C. Surratt and Mrs; Lela Middleton during the week were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thornton and Mary Elizabeth and James of Mebane; Mr. andMrji. G. .L. Sewell of Kinston and Mrs. Clara Middleton of Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Frazell of Raleigh. Miss Mary Elizabeth Thornton will remain for several weeks-. , Miss Barbara Jean PinyteUo is visiting Miss Georgia Ann Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. K.-Hall Jr. and children of Belmont and Miss Elsie MoGowan of Rocky Mount spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Best Mrs. Best enter tained her houseguests at a picnic supper at White Lake Thursday.. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Best spent Sunday at Wrlghtsville Beach. I - Mr. and Mrs. R. Li West spent the week end in Kinston. Mrs. W. D. Pollock returned to her home In Kinston after spending several days with her daughter Mrs, West here. ..'"'.'''"s':' J - .!.!'' Mrs. Daisy Smith and Mrs, John H. Land of Chadbourn spent Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Paul Potter.- ;:, ' "' AT NATIONAL FCOUT r.MXY ' the National Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa. Approximately 47,000 scouts from all over . the world will attend June 30 through July 6. ' , , RECEPTION HELD FOR WEDDING PARTY ' Immediately following the wed ding of Miss Margery Lee Thomas of Warsaw and Laurie McRay Lan caster of New Bern, on Friday af ternoon, June 23rd, a reception was held In the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Thomas, Sr. Upon arrival the guests were greeted at the door by Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Best of Goldsboro and introduced to the receiving line by Mrs. G. S. Best of Warsaw. The living room mantle was beautifully decorated with pink gladioli, lark spur and dementis. Dr. and Mrs, D. E. Best of Goldsboro invited guests into the dining room. A centerpiece of white gladioli and larkspur, flanked by white tapers in silver candleholders appointed the dining table which was covered with linen cutwork. Magnolias graced the dining console. Gladioli, dementis and daisies were used on the mantle. Bridal ices, cakes and mints in green and white were served. Those serving were: Miss Frances Gard ner, Pikeville; Mrs. Clifton Moore, Wilson; Mrs. George Wynne, Aulan der; Miss Betty Best, Goldsboro; Miss Rebecca Best, Warsaw; Mrs. Mac Penny, Raleigh; Mrs. Charles Whitley, Erwin; Mrs. Robert Ker kas, Wilmington. Those assisting were: Mrs. L. H. Brown Warsaw; Mrs. B. W. Worley, Wilmington; and Misses Sadie and Mary Ella Bennett, Warsaw. Mrs. Allan Draughan of Warsaw directed the guests ito the bride's book where Miss Annie Rose Sou- therland of Raleigh presided. Mr.'j and Mrs. McRay Lancaster of New , Bern directed callers to the gift room where Mr. and Mrs. Clay . Secor of Chicago attended. About 100 attended. , OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS I Among the out-of-town people ! attending the Lancaster-Thomas 1 wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. McRay , Lancaster, Mrs. Ethel Lancaster, and Mrs. Isa Pitman of New Bern; Mrs. Virginia Witherington, Mrs. Herman King and Miss Rosemary King of Kinston; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whltehurst, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Erie, and Miss Annie Rose Southerland of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Best of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Perry of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quinerly of Ayden; Mrs. Claire Sterling, Mrs. Wilton Hollowell, Mrs. Paul Grantham Mrs. L. C. Bruner, Miss Louise Medlln, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Best Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Best and Miss Betty Best bf Goldsboro; Mrs. Ar thur J. Kennedy, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. B. W. Worley, Miss Rachel Hall and Mrs. Robert Kerkas of Wilmington; Miss Ruby Nicholson, Richmond; Miss Frances Gardner, Pikeville; Mrs. Clifton Moore, Wil son; Mrs. George Wynne, Auland er; Mrs. Charles Whitley, Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Clay Secor, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Thomas Jr., Thomasvllle: Mrs. Clarence Mangum, Williamston; and Graham Best, Goldsboro. CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyette, Jr. of Warsaw, celebrated Father's Day and mother's birthday June 18. All of the family were present, William, Rachel and Elvin Boyette of the home, and Mrs. Rena Rouse of Seven Springs. A most bountiful and delicious dinner was served. Father and Mother both received a nice assortment of gifts. , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyette, Jr. spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rouse of near Seven Springs. ' . F MOVIES ARE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY and TUESDAY ;.JXhallenge To lassie Starring Donald Crisp And Geraldine Brooks. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY The Damned Don't Cry. Starring Joan Crawford And David Brian. FRIDAY and SATURDAY The BI-J3 Srr'-- J i T' -aions And DonalJ Houston. Lancaster - Thomas Vows Spoken On June 23rd in the Warsaw Baptist Church at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Margery Lee Tho mas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Jennings Thomas, Sr., became the bride of Laurie McRay Lancaster of Durham, son of Mrs. Ethel Lancaster of New Bern. The Rev. A. W. Greenlaw, pastor of the bride, Officiated, using the double ring ceremony. ' Mrs. Glenn Brown, organist, and Mrs. Clarence Mangum .soloist, of Williamston rendered a program of nuptial music prior to the cere mony. Mrs. Mangum sang "I Love Thee" and "The Sweetest Story Ever Told". 'To A Wild Rose" was played softly during the ceremony and the traditional wedding march es were used. The bride's only attendant, Mrs. Franklin Thomas, Jr., of Thomas- MOTOR PARK Drive In Theatre PINK HILL, N. C. 'Where The Whole Family Goees" Sunday, July 2nd Chain Lightning With HUMPHREY BOGART And ELEANOR PARKER. Also Color Cartoon MON. & TUES. Lady Takes A Sailor With DENNIS MORGAN And JANE WYMAN. Also Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY only Gung Ho with RANDOLPH SCOTT j And ROBERT MICHUM. Also Serial 1 THURS. & FRI. In The Good Old Summertime With VAN JOHNSON And JUDY GARLAND. Also Color Cartoon SATURDAY only DOUBLE FEATURE Spotlight Scandals With BONNIE BAKER. ALSO Satan's Cradle With THE CISCO KID. "Get The Motor Park Habit" c Tobacco Factory Open To Visitors For the first time since the war, the plant of Liggett & Myers To bacco is open to visitors. Guided tours are conducted Monday thru Friday 8-11:45 and 1:30-3:30. 'A i H is 3 BETTER THAN EVER JULY 3rd cch ville, wore an afternoon dress of pink organdy over satin, fashioned with a peter pan collar, short-cuffed sleeves and a full skirt. Her match ing hat was of organdy and lace. She carried a nosegay of mixed summer flowers. The bride, wearing a white after noon dress of nylon organdy trim med in Chantilly lace, entered the church with her father, Franklin J. Thomas, who gave her in mar riage. Her dress was fashioned with a shirred bodice, peter pan collar, long full sleeves and a full tiered skirt. She carried a bridal bouquet centered with a white or chid and showered with lilies of the valley. McRay Lancaster of New Bern was his brother's best man. Donald Whltehurst of Raleigh, Clay Secor, Jr., of Chicago, Graham Best of Goldsboro and Franklin Thomas, Jr. of Thomasville were the ushers. The bride's mother wore a light blue dress with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The mother of the groom was dressed in navy and wore a corsage of red roses. After the ceremony the parents of the bride entertained relatives and out-of-town guests at a re ception at their home on 410 E. Chelly Street. Immediately following the re ception the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to western North Carolina. For traveling the bride wore a pale blue suit with white accesso ries and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. The bride, a graduate of Warsaw High School and East Carolina Tea chers College has been a member of the Goldsboro School Faculty for the past two years. The bride groom graduated from New Bern High School and East Carolina Teachers College. During World War II he served in the U. S. Navy. The couple will make their home in Durham where Mr. Lancaster is employed by The Burroughs Ad ding Machine Company. Model Theatre Beulaville, N. C. MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER WEEK OF SUNDAY & MONDAY TRfi fliMfttftrate of Uqtis of the L4i S5iviu5!n.S $ I DAN DWUV jagAtt I WILLIAM DEfcUREST MMES LYI0I LA I LLOYDCORRICAI EVEUM VARDEM V 'Jfj TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY William Powell In Dancing A TECHNICOLOR THURSDAY Robert Mitchum, Loretta Young In Rachel And The Stranger There was a man, a married man. Who didn't know the danger. Until one day there came his way A Tall Dark Handsome Stranger ! ! FRIDAY Dont be late Gate, Look who's Roy Acuff In Night Train Also Serial and Cartoon SATURDAY Another Super Western , Joel McCrea In - I Sonih Of St. louis DANCA Theatre WALLACE, N. C. Duplin's Most Popular Theatre Sunday, July 2 CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR Starring RONALD COLMAN. Mon. & Tues. July 3-4 ROCK ISLAND TRAIL Starring FORREST TUCKER And ADFXE MARA. Wednesday, July 5 MEN OF TEXAS ALL STAR CAST. BLACK HAND Starring GENE KELLY. THURS. & FRI. July 6-7 THE OUTRIDERS Starring JOEL McCREA. Saturday, July 8 TRAIL OF THE RUSTLERS Starring CHARLES STARRETTE. CLAY PIDGEON With TOM CONWAY. Owl Show: WAKE ISLAND Starring MACDONALD CAREY. JULY 2nd. XC0M In The Dark 4th OF JULY SPECIAL coming To Memphis

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