zviu .Izt dzlzty Classroom Wlr ' ""Iwtr- An instructor at a Red Cross national aqnatio school teaches fine points in life-saving technique to students preparing themselves for safety leadership in their home communities. About 3,500 stu dents are expected to enroll in the schools this summer. CALYPSO NEWS Church Happenings The Women of the Presbyterian Church held their June meeting in the Sunday School building on Tuesday evening, with Mesdames James Strickland, J. R. Maxwell and J. B. Strickland, Jr. hostesses. - Mrs. Adrian Dail presided and the devotional was led by Mrs. C. L. Sloan. A talk was given by Ms. James Dickson. During the social hour the hostesses served ice cream and cookies. Members of the Youth Fellow ship attending Conference at Flora Macdonald College last week were Jerry Roberts, Ann Barwick, Dell Pigford, Billy Westbrook, Billy Nunn, Roland Smith and Jigger Harris. , Attending Pioneer Conference at Lake Singletary this week are Ann Carroll Broadhurst, Virginia Pig ford and Ed Louis, Jr. Club Meeting The Adelphian Club met in the home of Mrs. James Strickland Thursday afternoon for their June MR. TOBACCO FARMER! Place Your Order Now For The New 1950 Dail Tobacco Curer Featuring the automatic cut-off, manufactured and distributed by the Garner and Dail Grain Co. Place your order at Garner Brothers or at W. A, Javis Milling Co. This curer has proved to be one of the safest curers on the market.' WE HAVE NOT LOST A SINGLE BARN BY FIRE IN THE PAST THREE YEARS Guaranteed For 5 Years Wholesale Prices, Whether You Buy One or a Dozen Curers. We also carry a complete stock of parts for your old curers. Just drop us a card and our salesman will be glad to call, explaining the fea tures of our outstanding curer. Every curer installed by specially trained mechanic. GARNER & DAIL GRAIN COMPANY . MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. i . ZZ3. Patriotism- isn't a profession or a career or a political gesture. Patriotism is a heartfelt love of country to the point of inspiration and sacrifice. Betsy Ross's le,very x stitch was guided by it when she made the first stars and stripes. f '-''-'. BRANCH BANKIIIG&TRUST COMPANY rH i j. c (i) meeting with Mrs. Roy Davis as sistant hostess. President Mrs. W. H. Hurdle presided. During busi ness it was decided to contribute magazines to the school. It was also voted to share with other clubs in the district in helping pay expenses of a polio-patient in Duplin County to attend a summer camp. Dr. P. D. Shakelford, Mt. Olive was principal speaker and made an interesting talk on "Socialized Medicine. The meeting adjourned to meet again in September with Mrs. W. H. Hurdle. The hostesses served ice cream, and pound cake. Outlaw's Bridge 1st Sunday night services at 8 o'clock in school building. The Young People's group are holding regular meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Out law Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Homan of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. I ".Til I iT r i tilll U 1 1 V Joe Ri Parker, Mr. and Mrs. B, P Flowers of Mt Olive were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Packer Friday night . -V Miss Dorothy Outlaw of Golds- boro and Dr. Russell Outlaw ol Morehead spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Out law, t ; . Vv Carl and David, Ulrica of Concord N. H. have arrived for a Visit with friends during the summer. Miss' Wilroa King of Greensboro is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Jones, Mrs. M. D. Outlaw and Cleo Outlaw were recent visitors with Mrs. Em ma Brlnson and family of. Arapa hoe. Mrs. Brlnson returned with them for a visit among relatives. Dr. and Mrs.S. P. Watson of New Bern, Mrs. Lesle Horton of Albertson and Miss Ruth Hlnson of Winston-Salem were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank Outlaw. Mrs. James Parker spent the week end with her mother Mrs. J. W. Cannon, a patient at Duke. Mr. and Mrs, Remus Creel, Re mus, Jr. v and Clayton Max spent Sunday with relatives in Wilming ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bowles of New port News, Va. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Simmons. Several from here attended fu neral services for Mrs. H. H. Grimes Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater ac companied AUW members to In stitute Day held in Chapel Hill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gilbreth and ba by and Miss Peggy Nichols of North Wilkesboro, Mrs. Willie Billings and mother Mrs. Hutchers of Flint, Mich., were guests of Miss Sallie Outlaw Friday night and Saturday. Barning tobacco is the order of the day in this section. Magnolia News Mrs. Mattie Smith of Richmond, Va. spent several days here last week Mrs. M. J. Carlton of Warsaw and daughter Mrs. Estelle West of Thomasville were here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branson of Okla. arrived Saturday to visit xin 1 : "wf25JI , V NATIONAL PRESS SUIIDINO i.; . NWaSWNOTON, 0. C sw" i '? By i For the best buy in corn -on-the-job, look for fresh green husks. The yellow kernels should be shiny and fat with milk. Then hurry this good purchase into your refrigera tor, leaving its husk on until ready for the boiling salted water. With the price of lettuce so high and the product so perishable, a thrifty meal planner won't just tear off the outer leaves to set off m alad. She'll serve the whole head of lettuce cut in wedges and gar nish them with real mayonnaise in which a little pickle relish has been blended. www Hold on to your hat esneclallv that old felt one. Some day when you feel ambitious, cut it up and paste the pieces of felt on the bot tom of heavy lamps, ornaments and Rower pots. This wards off table icratches. If your summer rag rugs are drab and sun-faded, dont put up with them for one minute. Solid colored rag rugs should be reiuve-1 nated with all-purpose dye right in your washing machine and multi- colored ones can be brightened by applying dye dissolved in a cup of water with a small paint brush. A hot tip for cooler ironing do fabrics requiring lower tempera ture first Then work np to the cot-' tons and linens last. Ton can relax in the shade much sooner with this system 'cause an automatic iron heats faster than it cools. Mrs. Hettie Baker. Wilson. Joseph Wilson returned with them. TOm Register and son of Nor. folk are visiting relatives around nere. Week end guests of Mr. andJMrs. Claude Powell were Mr. and Mrs. John Powell of Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin and baby of Raleigh spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Efie Wilson were Mrs. A. C. Ke nan and children of Teachey, Rob ert Wilson "of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Watson and Gale Byrd of Wadesville and Mr. Alva Strick land of Asheboro. 1- ' " " ' l II, ll 'jJ W j iiMiiilliiwwpya "''"'Ktglj t '. ,J 1 1 '; " M" I x ' '-' i r ii- x t found one -lm looking or J. . ' i ii ii w i i r m i i a n r -wny me myimm ms ; Dej.Soto gives you morw VALUE. Compare W; feahire by ftahirt, with any other car at any price., '"": V 'i , .- .... 7 ., ,. t-- - . D Soto glvf you mar PLEASURE. It efi you aVive without shifting. , D Soto glvoi you moro COMFORT. lofs more head r . room ... arm room leg room. ' ' Do Soto gives you moro SAFETY. Safety-Mm Wheels new big 12 Brakotand pkhiro-wlndow vttibillty. DeSoto-Plymovth Dealvi Preient "IT PAYS TO BE IGNORANT Starring Tom Howard. Every Wednesday night over all CBS SfoHom Tinns fit O.. A kin . .U 1 U 71td.. J NATIONAL PRESS IUI10INO , WASHINGTON, 0. C It's positively criminal to stab a good milan straw chapeau with hat pins, particularly, when there's a much less damaging way to keep it on your head. Just stitch on the " inside hat band two combs, teeth ; up. When you don your bonnet, the combs go through your hair and help anchor down the hat . Tossed and green are the best salads these sweltering days and they're more than ever irresistible when you toss in small squares of bread slowly fried till crisp in vi taminized margarine. Add them the very last minute. No matter how unscientific you think you are, here's a tidbit of molecular information you'll want to master. When two glasses, bowls or the like stick together, set the bottom one in warm water and pour cold water in the top. You're thereby expanding the bottom one and contracting the upper, so they'll come apart easily. S . . For a truly expert job on white shoes, don't be satisfied with lust applying white polish. Run a little of the ol' brown shinola on the edge of the sole and under the instep to clean away those inevitable spots of white polish. - r To avoid 8teaming-ttm.,tne bath room and. causing-paint or paper to. peel when you draw your.batn, run cold t water nrstmTbenladdi hot , water to.itiuntmyogLhayeitne ,de sired temperature. Revival at Carroll St, Free Will Baptist church is continuing thru out the third week. Mrs. Ed Evans and daughter of Wilmington spent the week end with J. P. Tucker, Sr. Miss Macy Cox visited Mrs. Thad Jones in Kenansville Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Dail visited her sister, Miss Mary Cooper and Mrs. Davis Far rior. Bruce Wilson preached in the Baptist church at Calypso Sunday. Lindy Powell of Raleigh is visit ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. Claude Powell. Aubry Ritter had the misfortune to lose a finger in an accident at the Warsaw Cabinet and Door Fac- Classified M CLAHSDTKD RATES ' : ; Two cents per tmaWw charge of See. TJaleas yen have an aeoount with please searf , money, stamps, money seder r check with ada. Pamens oae the Times Classified adss If you have anythteg to er exchange, or want -to bv. we wlU mxwI preduee tor payment ' ' : ' t :' V. 8. FIRE LOSSES 1948 SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE MIL LION DOLLARS MORE THAN ANT YEAR IN BISTORT. PRO TECT TOUR PROPERTT WITH a W.BLACKMORE Reliable Insurance Service Since September, 1902. PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A ' DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, . GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOTIR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL COMPANY, INC RALEIGH, N. C. - CAROLINA BEACH COTTAGES FOR RENT S Apartments, S rooms each with gas stove, electric refrigerator, hot water. Front por ches, water front Downstairs apt $35.00; upstairs apt 340.00 (per week LeJane Apartments on Northern extension. Mrs. H. I Potter, telephone 408-6, Carolina Beach, N. C. 6-30-2t Pd. - FRIGID AIRE FOR SALE. 6 foot box In good condition. Good price. See A. W. McNeil at Tide Water Power Co., Warsaw, er telephone 339. It pd. Tobacco Flues, ... . Grate Bars, Flue Eyes, Furnace Doors, Lime, Cement, Mortar, Windows and Doors. J. C. RUSS, Warsaw, N. C. 7-7-4t c Free estimate on remodeling your kitchen; built-in cabinets and rubber linoleum. Asphalt tile laid and guaranteed. Phone 2677, Box 108, Magnolia 7-16-4t c tory last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Home and Miss Louise Croom spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tread well. S. B. Hunter is visiting the Dr. J. F. C. Hunters at Carolina Beach. ives you so much more i ..... so EASY txr-jz TO BUY ' - TOO ! 0SIY Dl SOTO eiVB YC8 VAli3 IK3 fK3l SMrtHrwfliht fls-Tse MrBi tttfl 'MaM mi r will ' ' - rw "r-m- - - rfafbt wmmt,wmH IW ekn am ' K B4bcS tntm First Class Flr-iLL-.' AeJ All Work Guaranteed GEORGE P, PUDGEN Jr. Wumi il3 Varsa vftttrC FARM LOANS Federal Land Bank Leng Term, 4Lew Interest. ' ra available throagh the Clinton National Farm Loan Assoolatien. See r write DB WITT CARK, Seety.Treaa. at CLINTON,; N. C TOBACCO BARN WOOD FOR SALE. I have plenty C head hard weed for tobaooo, barns. One mile north of Chlnvuptn. -Priced to suit you. See or write - wnxnc pooLB " "" . . Chinquapin, N. C. s ; -7-t;pd.k i;-:- 'y-fyi '""i WARSAW ILD.C MEETS ( The Home ' Demonstration' Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. ' " Leon Merrltt with 11 members present The meeting was called to order by Mrs. M. Houston, a form- , er president in the absence of the ' regular president. Project Leaders were Mrs. Clay Scott, who gave an interesting talk on Education; Mrs. Hary Phillips discussed Farm Life; Miss- Hilda Ckmtz, Home Agent, gave an Interesting discuss ion on Frocen Foods. A flower ex hibit was enjoyed. At the- close of the meeting the hostess served pi mento sandwiches, cookies and iced drinks. ' How mild car a cigarette lie? hlORE PEOPLE SIME CEILS than any other cigtrolte! and among tht million mho do.. TT URDPi'rprrr 1 v i mnnuuLni i ft. t PIAZZA Beauty of the opera, Marguerite state. : "My votes 4 ' '-iC, li i. my living. I XT? w- They're cool and v ,t f'Jt with my throat I" epsnerees aW.w.a.'i Tea Will he scrftlnd at hew eacuy 1bU btaenVU mum Pe Bote a ha fmt. 4 ..... SaJ Mi '1 ft . "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" WARSAW, FAISON WALLACE t. . .