1 j Friday, june 30th, 1950 board of Review t.'!' H 1 'I " "' 1 III- , i.j, S,.- .- The regular monthly Board of Review of the KenansviUe Inter mediate Girl" Scouts was held in the home of 'Frances -and Linda Sitterson on June 27, The meeting .was called to order by Lola Caison f in .the absence of the regular Patrol , Leader,: .Tlhe .promise and laws .were; repeated in unison after which the roll was called with 14 present, Including two visitors. The minutes were read and 'Corrected after which our lake trip and birth day party : were discussed. ; Dues and registration fees were col lected. We were taught a game by Anne Marie Futrell. Our hostess -Unserved delicious refreshments of cookies and cokes. : Adults attend- Ing our 'meeting were Leaders, Mrs! N. B. Boney and Mrs. A. T. Outlaw and Miss Dollle Garrison of Greenville, S. C. s i . '' ' Sarah Outlaw,' Scribe. WEDDING RECEPTION Immediately after the Brinson wedglng a reception: was held at .the Woman's Club Mr. and Mrs. Falson McGowen greeted guests at the door and Introduced them to the receiving line composed Of the wedding party and mothers of the bridal couple. Mrs. Ellis Vestal di rected the guests to the beautifully appointed bride's table on which arrangements of White snapdrag ons, gypsophelia and fern formed the centerpiece, flanked on either side by silver candelabra holding J burning white tapers. Mrs. waiter Stroud served dainty bridal cakes, with Mrs. James Booth, sister of the groom, pouring punch. Hon orary bridesmaids served nuts and mints carrying out the traditional colors of green ; and "white. Mrs. John Stalllngs, aunt of the bride, directed guests to the register over which Mr. and Mrs. Colon Holland presided. Goodbyes were said to Mrs. Grace Sellars. ' The building was beautifully dec orated with pines, gladioli and smilax. Miss Betty Whitfield, t the piano, . played favorite music of the bride and groom throughout the evening. , CAKE CUTTING ' Following the wedding rehearsal on Friday evening of Miss Hilda Gray Brinson and Mr. Wiley Both, Mrs. Morris Brinson and Mrs. Grace 4 " ANNOUNCEMENT WARSAW .SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY IS NOW UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Mrs. Lillie D. Herring NEW OWNER - OPERATOR .i. SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRY V LAUNDRY FINISHING x CURTAIN STRETCHING :r 1 OPEN EVERY DAY . ;: PHONE 590 YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED , tL'r. W ? V ty 0!IE STATUE ti' 3 Hi SoUx $. Itnow, ho community him ver yet reoied'a elaiae to the ' nan who. In every sense, if the backbott of hia community the business man. Whatever bis business, .the good business man is among our finest citizens. Day in, day out he conducts '., his" business in an orderly, law-abiding fashion. He builds for himself a place as a respectable citizen in the life, of hi community. He pays his taxes and meets his obligations. He upholds the .time-tested standards of integrity and fair-dealing that are basic to-business success. 1 J " Part of the business life of your community ie the beer industry i:. .a legal, self -regulated business dedi cated to good citizenship. To help keep dealings with the public beyond reproach this industry works lOOwUh tha. Malt Beverage Division of the State ABC Board . , supporting its program of rigid con trol and supervision of all retail beer Outlets. . .. -i. v - ,. . . j ..... ........ . This program is adding to the stature of the ego beer industry in your community. That is why self f regulation is so Important to us.,, as good citizens and business men of your communitjd' ' St $ rr ,,ivm t,...:..,-,,.:.':-..4 i.- r'.'tt'iatl'i-i ' ' fyrthlCatoitoa Division iw J ' 1 ' UNTED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, 0& v.VV' JT Wis. ft.iiiK ' i Sellars of Wallace entertained the wedding party at a cake cutting at the Community Building.. Burning white tapers, pines, tall baskets of gladioli, daisies and fev erfew formed a lovely background tor the bride's table, which was overlaid with a, handmade heirloom cloth. A three-tiered wedding cake was served from one end of the ta ble by Mrs. Booth, mother of the groom, with Mrs. Brinson pouring punch from the opposite end of the table. Three branched candelabra holding tapers were used through out the room. Nadine Brinson and Shirley Sellars passed nuts and mints. CIRCLE MEETS - The Women of the Grove Pres byterian Church met Monday af ternoon In the home of Mrs. Clar ence Murphy. In absence of tne president and vice president Mrs. T. Southerland nresided. Mr. J. T. Hayter had charge of the program. Topic, "How Our Organization -an Help Make A Christian Commun ity." A goodly number attended. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brock, Jr. of Bailey announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Marcla on Satur day, June, 24th. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Taylor and son of Lillington spent the week end here with friends. Mr. W.- E. (Billie) Lewis under went an appendectomy at Parrots Hospital in Kinston Monday. He is getting along nicely. Mrs. R. M. Robinson and dau ghteer Bobby Bowman of Louis ville, Tenn. Miss Doris Gene Bow man of Durham spent Friday and EXTRA SPECIALS AT Neil Joseph's $10.75 Bathing Suits - at 5.95 OVER 100 HATS to close out at 50c and 1.00 COOL WASHABLE Cotton Dresses 6.95 & 8.95 WHEN IN GOLDSBORO DON'T MISS THESE VALUES NEIL JOSEPH'S f .1 ...... ts" Nfc,l"A mm ll any more W cooese hot i ivewvoo'RB 1 : I ( W66E6TIOkl5)MRT SMOOW4 TO KNOW THAT I ZSst&msOr-r-- UN UK l.Il B Saturday with the E. V..Vesli4 ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B; Stroud and family, Mrs. Ben Stroud and Mrs, W. M. Brinson visited Mrs;' S.;t Pi Bostlc at Memorial General Hosp-, ltal in Kinston Monday. " 1 :t Mrs. H. S. Matthews and children of Beulaville spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Hollingswortb. Mrs. Harold Slvertson of OJn-, ton spent the past week-end with Mr. Coy Kennedy. ; J Mrs. J. A. Hines of Highlands is with her sister Miss Lula Hinsoq who remains quite ill at her hojne. Mesdames G. V. Gooding, N4 Bi Boney, E. A. Newton and E.; C. Tyndall visited the OES meeting in Ms. Olive Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney Jr.jOf Chapel Hill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N. -B. Boney Sr. Mesdames G. V. Gooding and Ashe Miller accompanied Steve and Bobby to Goldsboro Monday where they left by train for Valley Forger n- . - .11 1 11 f. 1 ff Tnm " ra., io aiienu me scuui iamf "' boree. , Mr. and Mrs. Hezeklah Dobson of Chapel Hill spent the week endjt with Mr. Hez Dobson. , , ' Miss Eleanor Southerland of Clinton spent the week end with her mother Mrs. L. Southerland. Mr. Lawrence Southerland laft Sunday nlgt to enter summer school in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Vance Gavin attended the Quinn-Humphrey wedding In Jack sonville Saturday. Miss Sarah West Outlaw Is back' home after visiting relatives In S. C. She was accompanied home by her cousin Dorothy Garrison. , Angela and Ventress Daughtry left with relatives Tuesday for, a two months vacation in California. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Reynolds and daughters spent Sunday in Tren ton with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Gooding and family spent the past week end with the McNairy's at Morehead. Mrs. Stanley Noland of Apex spent the past two weeks with Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. Miss Dixon Daughtry of Clinton1 spent the week end with Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. Miss Carolyn Williams of Wil mington and Miss Gene Tyndall of Raleigh spent the week, end with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Tyndall. Mesdames J. R. Grady and Bill Browder shopped in Goldlboro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Pridgen of Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady and family spent Sunday at Wrights ville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. William McPhail have moved into the Strickland home. Mr. McPhail will teach ag riculture in the KenansviUe School. Jimmle Jackson underwent a tonsllectomy at Memorial General Hospital in Kinston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jackson, Jim mie and Emory Sadler spent Sun day at the beach.. K Mrs. Pete Quinn entered Duke Hospital Monday for observation and treatment. ,ynr. ' . ....' - - . llaw Diild can a cigarette be? r.;onE people SP!(E CAMELS . than any other cigarette! and among the millions who do... MARGUERITE PIAZZA Beauty of the opera, Marguerite states : "My voice is my living. I smoke Camels! They're cool and mild they agree with my throat!" I ... NOTICE , In The Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. MRS ELLA RICH VS F. F. OAKLEY days after the 29 day of June 1950, or the Plaintiff will, apply to the Court for tne relief demanded in said Complaint. ' This June 28, 1950. ; R. V, Wells, Clerk Superior Court, Duplin County, N. C. 7-21-4t EWS r The defendant F. F. Oakley will take 'notice that an action entitled as bove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, to recover damages for personal injuries and to personal property, of the Plaintiff, by reas on of the careless and negligence of Defendant in causing the wreck on U. S. 117 on Aug. 5, 1949 and injuring Plaintiff; And the said Defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Su perior Court of Duplin County in the courthouse at KenansviUe, N. C, on the 28 day of July, 1950, and answer or demur to the Com plaint in said action within twenty Sunday School The young people of the Faison Presbyterian Church who attend ed the Youth Fellowship Confer ence at Flora Macdonald College last week had charge of the open ing exercises in Sunday School last Sunday. They told of their exper ience and topics studied. For the next. few weeks the col lege age group taught by Gene Bowman, will have charge of the opening exercises each Sunday morning. The committee in charge of program arrangements are Betty Ray, Alice Hicks and Graham Newton. A & P STORES will be closed TiicaHav JULY 4th i ANN PAGE Creamy Smooth Peanut Butter ANN PAGE SALAD Dressing HOME STYLE or SANDWICH 1 Vi ft loaf lib jar 39c pt. jar 27c Marvel Bread 18c Pick O' Carolina Sween Mixed 16 ioz. bot. Pickles 17c COLD STREAM PINK No. 1 tall can Salmon 39c WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED tall can Milk HI-C Orangeade NECTAR Tea 46 oz. can 11c i 30c V4 ft pkg. 25c IONA or TWIN OAKS No. 2 can 2 for Tomatoes FRESH LIMA Beans SWEET Potatoes FRESH Carrots Bananas Lettuce 25c No. 2 can 10c 3 ft 25c 2 bunches 17c 'l3c size 4 head 10c CLOSE 12:00 NOON WEDNESDAY You con get even greater economy. up to 15 with Ford Overdrive has been winning more and more new friends every day. For Ford owners have found that this automatic fourth gear offers more savings . '. .js worthits cost in driving ease alone. LISS GAS You mux iqy to 15. in gas . . . 15c ouUil eoayMu dollar of highway driving with Ford AutomaaciQpcr drivi. Ford alone in to field offers you tftisinoney saving feature. LISS WIAtt Ford Automatic Overdrive cuts engine revolution 30. Your engine loafs along at 35 m.pA. ujften your Ford is doing 50t That means less wear oivyour engine . . , even smoother comfort for you. MORI FLIXItiLITY Ford Automatic Overdrive offers the greater flexible operation of an auto matic fourth gear, For extra passing power,- just press down on the gas pedal. . lufomaffc 5r (iiS jfPn,!77 ml vr Sir i ,.! iinrniTiirmM wmmmw ' ,mmMim&m'!$i o n f ' mm r it A "Test Drive" and you'll hear the quiet ' i.. you'll feel the getaway power of Ford'a i V-8 engine (the only "eight" in the low price field) or its companion in quality, the advanced 95-h.p, Six. And you'll learn firsthand the ..relaxing "hush" of Ford's "sound-conditioned" Lifeguard Body . . you'll feel the comfort of Ford'a "Mid Ship" Ride . . . and you'll learn the safety you get with Ford'a 36 easier-acting King Sue Brakes. - OMnlriMayMMMl .1- t h "0 n'H'S S L M ai ssst Hk 4 tk If1