& mm III U lOuwlJU Li LI Li LjL3nV iujl, i i a ii i. ANNOUNCE. WEDDING 4 Friends here have received an- - nouncement of the marriage of Mist Irene Davis of Nashville to Mr. Thomas Arthur Thurmond of Rocky Mount, which took place in the Christian Church in Wilson Friday, June 30, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs Thurmond taught the third grade in the local school for a few years prior to going to-the Mt. Olive city school. . . ' ;v::,;;'1",:!;'-''.-;! The couple are making their HOME FROH HOSPITAL : Mr. Pinkney Aldrldge who has been hospitalized in Fay etteville for sometime, has returned home. PERSONALS '' Mr. Lylton Maxwell has return ed to his home in Winston-Salem after a week end with his parents. Mrs. H. E. Maxwell, Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Maxwell,' Misses Sarah Ann and Emileigh Maxwell visited home at 207 Tillery St. Rocky Mt. . at Nags Head and Manteo last week Turner & Turner v INSURANCE AGENCY -ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE L. C. TURNER. J. T. J. TURNER Pink Bill's Oldest Insurance Agency i r-J. 'PINK' HILL. N..C . . APPLIANCES WE INVITE YOU TO SEE IIEVCROSLEYLIUE... Refrigerators... $189.95 up .. 189.95 up .. 79.95up Low Down Payments Easy Terms 10 DAY FREE TRIAL ON ANY REFRIGERATOR Seven Springs Supply Co. SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. where they witnessed The Lost Col ony. ,Capt. Rommle Holt of Atlanta arrived for a short visit with rela tives enroute for a two week per iod of training in the reserve offl cers corps. He was accompanied to Lejeune Monday toy Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Maxwell and his sister, Mrs. Leo Watlington, who also visited in Wilmington later in the day. Bobby Holt Is visiting an aunt, Mrs. A. C. Walters at LaGrange this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Duguld Richardson and daughter Mary Holt of Stan hope visited here Sunday. Mr.' Leo Watlington and daugh ter of Reidsville are visiting rela tives here . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt atten ded the funeral of her uncle Mr. Charles Dudley near Ayden on Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Williams and Mrs. Charles Parrish were visitors at ECTC Friday. They were accompa nied home by Miss Gray Worley, following the close of the-summer session. Miss Bessie Koraegay has re turned from ECTC where she had been attending summer school. -Mrs. Kate Ejnelty and Mr. and Mrs. Barfield of Mt Olive attend ed funeral services for Mr.' M. F. Westbrook at Hebron Church on Thursday. . . v Mrs. W. H. Jones and daughters Lula Mae and Billy and Mary Ann Jones of Moss Hill left Friday for a trip to western N. C. They-were Joined by. Mr. Nell Jones who has been attending summer school. The party expects to see "Unto These Hills" at the Cherokee Indian Res ervation. Rev. N. P. Farrior and Mr. H. M. Wells attended the Presbytery held In Beulaville recently. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Smith, teach ers at B. F. Grady School, are at Appalachaln State Teachers Col lege at Boone for a two-week training -course. ""' Mrs. Dewey Leffler and son left Monday for Schenectedy, N. Y. to join Mr. Leffler, an engineer who has been transferred there from St. Louis, Mo. At Topsail Beach for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tur ner and family, Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Ruffin and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Jones spent the week end at Morehead. Mrs. Fred Lawton and two child ren are expected soon from Califor nia to visit relatives here. Lt. Law- ton has gone to Japan where he has received a permanent assign- Harper - Southerland Community Hews Church services will be held on Sunday July 23 at 11 o'clock. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of men in the Marines.' Leaving during the week end for Statesville, Ga. to be on the tob acco market included Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Turner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and Lou Ann, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Turner, Mr. Frank Mincey and Durwood Min cey. Mrs. Bessie W. Williams left on Monday for her home in Roxboro after visiting her sister Mrs. Lela Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis and children of Oakboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. King. Mr. R. L. King is recovering from a serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith of Smith township were called to Wa shington' last week because of the death of her father, who died sud denly of a heart attack at his home there. Mrs. Hattie Davis, Mrs. W. G. Kinston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith and Miss Irah Smith of Deep-Run were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Southerland Sunday. Mrs. Willie Harper and Ruthie Ann spent the week end with he parents near Kenansville. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Southerland visited Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Aldridge Sunday. Johnnie F. Tyndall of Wake For est College spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Rodney Harp er. Mrs. Lucy C. Southerland spent Tuesday with her son Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Southerland. State College Hints To Home Makers Sunshine is one of the best and safest bleaches for white clothes after laundering. Likewise, lt of- Kornegay and Miss Bessie Kor-j ten fades colors. It may have Just ucgay visiieu in i,aiypsu mm uuiib me opposite eitect on some com boro Sunday. mon stains; so be cautious. The Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davif. Mrs. heat of strong summer sun may Laura Davis, Mrs. T. A. Turner set and darken stains, such as those and Miss Connor Jones were din- fr0m cherries, peaches, pears, her guests of the Ed Jones family plums, soft drinks or the mustard at Jone's Fork Sunday. served on hot dogs. Sylvia Howard of the Method-, First aid should be given imme ist Orphanage in Raleigh has been! diately by sponging with cold wa spending her vacation with rela- ter tfhile they are fresh and moist, tives here and in Kinston. if any trace remain, treat by rub- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith and : bing glycerine or soapless shampoo son of Kinston visited relatives! into the stain, then sponge in cool here Sunday. water. Sometimes it helps to apply Mr. and Mrs. Billy tomitn nave i a few drops of vinegar to the stain rented the R. J. Smith home on the Kenansville road and will move there at the beginning of the next school term. Miss Bessie Kornegay left Mon day to enter-ihe second term of summer school at ECTC. WINS COOKER CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY As of the Close of Biasness June 30, 1950 RESOURCES PINK HILL, N. C. Cash in Vaults and Due from Banks $ 26,559,544.04 U;; S. Government Securities $32,752,913.55 4, ; irect and fully guaranteed) ' Federal Housing Authority Obli- - gations, Federal Intermediate - Credit Banks and Federal Home Loan Bank Debentures 1,324,526.72 - State :Bonds 9,436,945.83 -Municipal Bonds 13,163,145.63 Federal Land Bank Bonds and Other Marketable Securities 6,256,358.85 Aorrupd ' Interest - '. ' Loans and Discounts Less Reserve 40,443,948.03 ' " Banking Hduses, Furniture And Fixtures and. Building Sites,Less Depreciation Commercial Building Corporation Stock -.. , (Cost $105,000.00) 62,933,892.58 366,540.65 825,089.11 1.00 Mrs. F. D. Burrough of Char lotte, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Williams here, was the winner of first prize at the draw ing held at Brewer Drug Store in Pink Hill on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Others winning prizes included Mrs. Jones Smith, Mrs. Helen Tur ner, Mrs. Floyd Betz, Graham Tur ner and Mrs. Robert Holt. The occasion was the formal op ening of the drug store, SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HAS ROAST The Adult Sunday School Class of the Pink HiU Methodist Church and their families enjoyed a weiner roast at Maxwell's Mill Sunday af ternoon. after the glycerine or shampoo treatment, rinsing thoroughly after ward with cool water. Never use soap or heat until the stain has disappeared. TYNDAll FUNERAL HOME D MOUNT oixv Room of Wr--vii. PIMM M Burial AuMK'latlop fHfil Director. t.Biim' Ambulant Rervt. day or akrM FLOWERS FOR All Occasions At Dudley's IN KINSTON Call Our Representative Mrs. T. J. Turner In Pink Hill. Tel. 285-1 Other Assets i f.ij f f ;6 parcels of ' Real siuteiAppralsed Value $16,500.00) 4 ' Customer's Liability AC Letters of Credit .. 6.00 3,600.00 $131,132,621.41 :'V - LIABILITIES Capital Stock . Preferred $200,000.00 Common ' huu.uuu.uu 1,000,000.00 Surplus '. .......v.:..; 5,000,000.00 Undivided Profits '. 899,112.68 Reserve AC Preferred Stock Retirement Fund ........ ' ... 200,000.00 Reserve AC Accrued and Unearned Interest, Taxes, Insurance and Other Reserves ,-. 4,783,681.69 Letters of Credit Outstanding ' '3,600.00 DEPOSITS - 119,246,227.04- $131,132,621.41 EVERY COURTESY,' ATTENTION AND SERVICE CONSISTENT ' , WITH GOOD BANKING ARE THE FACILITIES , . '! . , OFrEIiED BY THIS INSTITUTION . i ' ' " MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Office Supplies AND EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX John H. Carter Company KINSTON. N. C " ' - U-ilJ . r.'- ' W "' Xhtttuslnes3 la k'eeptog your machinery on ' tbejob, especially wnen you neea u most. It.fkat rfiaulres after-hours service, we'll 'ikive It gladly. If you can't reach us at our 4 "business phone, please call us at home. ( I V WAW 10 AVOW flELD NUT J l, 1 1, lubricate machtntry. en regular diecMtf. 1 AJLTIflhleri loose bolt! and repair worn pert prempjfy , 9: Use enry of nulne X-C parte on all Allls-Chol- " mors" mach(ne. ' Apftf'jqt Inspection service well ahead of ruih featone. . ' - jtfrVr'lmm'mm ' . V! HP IIIYKI y .. r t jpr n rr '--;y victor Mature AS Samson ! ' ! S" ' "-iXi' , : , 3 VJtf " ' 1 j 75- J-iH ; ! " o It came as a surprise to almost no one when producer-director Cecil B. DeMille chose Victor Mature to portray Samson in the Technicolor epic, "Samson and Delilah," a Paramount picture that opens next Sundar at the Model Theatre, Beulaville. There simply was no other actor anywhere who fitted the qualifications for the part better than the rafted, handsome ex-Kentuckian. Six feet-three Inches tall and weighing some 200 pounds, Mature'! physical resemblance to the biblical strong man is all that any pro ducer could reasonably ask for. Talent-wise, he had proved his ability as a fine actor in such pictures as "Kiss of Death," "My Darllnc Clementine" and "Fury at Furnace Creek." Despite Mature's reputation as something of an Individualist, even by . Bollywood standards, and DeMille'i "business" approach to picture making-, the two got along famously even when the incorrigble atar lapped the venerable producer on the boulder and enthused, "SUck With me, kid, and youH be wearing diamonds."