i V w STORK SHOWER Mrs. Murphy Rhodes was enter talned in the home of Mrs. J. H. Whaley on Saturday, August 19 at 4 pan. .The living and' dining rooms were thrown ensulteand greenery and summer flowers used for decorations. After games were played, a chicken salad plate with BREWER DRUG CO IS Every NSgM mints and coca colas were served to the 40 gUests. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Rhodes announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday. August 17, Mrs. Rhodes is the former Miss Geral dine NorrJs of 9eulavlllen . ', PARTY"-'"' ' '''"" TIL 9 Brewer Drug Co. pink hill REGISTERED PHARMACIST VALUES AND SERVICE Miss Mattie Frances Kennedy was honored-at a surprise farewell oartv Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Sydney Hunter, miss .en- nedv is entering Nurses' Training at James Walker Hospital in Wil mington. Misses Macy Brinson and Dinah Eubanks assistant hostesses, served a salad plate to the guests. Miss Kennedy received many gifts. CIRCLE MEETS IS A A GOOD NAME PJ11CE1 SSION Without the tespoct that OOM rith a good nam no business can long endure. We all know the importance of a good name. In personal life it is the hall-mark of respect In the life of business it is a matter of necessity. ' ' j. ,'- Respect for a good name must be earned. On the business level it means good Jobs and wages for peoples-taxes for the county and state integrity in all bus iness dealings observance of the laws. : The beer industry in North Carolina stands for all these things and-by co operating with the newly organized Malt Beverage Division of the ABC Board is working to see that your beer retailer conducts his business in the best inter ests of the public. , ti , i This industry is constantly .working to , deserve a good name and a respected position in your community. Good citi zenship and tolerance are helping us toward our goal. North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BRIWXRS fOUNDATlOK, INC ' Circle No. 2 of the Women of the Presbyterian Church met Friday evening in the, Home of Mrs. Jim D. San411n. The Bible study was based on Hezekiah's Prayer and was led by Mrs. Robert Matthews. Mrs. York Lanier gave the pro gram. At' the conclusion, the hos tess served ice cream and cake to the 5 members and 2. visitors. PERSONALS . , . - " tt i:n a nit. . . .a ...i. . i Johnson's f ' a vnik. Mrs. Bilbro Eostic and Dot Bos- tic were In Norfolk, Va. last week. Mrs. Harry Jackson has return ed from the hospital greatly lra 'proved. . Mr. and t'Mrs, Norman Williams of Cary visited Mrs.- Lila Lanier last week end. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn of Chapel .Hill spent the week end here. '- f - - " Mr. and ( Mrs. Walter Mercer of Wilmington were in town for the week end. '. ' Mr. and Sirs. Howard Hocutt of .Clayton were week end - guests of Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Sr. - Mrs. Larry Bostlc and children visited her parents in Rose 111 Friday. & Sat. Willie Fedora' of Camp Le- jeune spent the week end with his family. Mesdames. Cecil Miller and W. F. Miller Ihopped in Klnston on Thursday. ? . Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Albertson and son . of Warsaw spent last week here"" visiting relatives. Mr. ana Mrs. unaries raraer and son of jRaleigh spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and.. Mrs. Wilton Thlgpen and children of Fair Bluff spent the week end with Mrs. ; Sadie Thigpen.The children remained for a weeks visit. v; V Miss Mary Jane Gresham spent a few days in New Bern last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Hunter, Mrs. . 1 . M nf .l.A i ,t .j'C little daughter, Bohby; the groom s brother Chester, Mrs. Sharpe ana R. Grady . FnHnwintf the ceremony the cou ple left for a brief honeymoon af ter which they will make "their hnmA in Goldsboro. Mrs. Smith is the- daughter or Mr. and Mrs. ,D, G. Simmons M Albertson and for the past few vears has been employed by the telephone company in Warsaw. The eroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Smith of seven springs and is employed by the Ebasco Service Company of Goldsboro, WANTED: used piano. 2. MATTIE ERAY bvli-.i, ' BEULA VILLEi N. C. It. Recruiting Sergeant Creech Returns To Warsaw Office . . ' MlSgt. John R. Cieech, U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruit ino erffeant for Duplin County has returned to his office In War , if ums .announced today. Sgt. Creech will be making his at t J o on a... in and Chinquapin U,i at 3.00 o'clock on .lsday i . r- noons. For definite app . ent write to: U. S. Army and U. S. Air' Force Recruiting Sgt., Wai aw, N. C. , "- ; . . ? .. .-' .'r ' .". " ft in 1 I i" - '-v( - BLOODSHED EOX3CORE " On N. C EIe!iwaya Killed Aug. 18-21 . Injured same dates Killed thru Aug. 1950 Killed thru Aug. 1949 Injured thru Aug. 1850 IS 203 5G2 505 7,441" World Renowned Road I Record tor Economy and Long Lite C -t Mr. and Mrs." David Powell of Wallace visited Mft and Mrs. Harry Jackson Sunday. .. - Mrs. Caroline Sandlin of Raleigh visited relatives, here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ' Ar3hie Lanier, Sue Lanier,1 Mrs. Russell Lanier and children and Mona Batchelor were at Atlantic Beach Sunday. Mesdames Mattie Bradshaw and Lula Parker visited Mrs. Estelle Cox Worley at Carolina Beach re cently. Mrs. Sudie Brown visited her brother W. M. Wilkson in Eden- tnn Inst week. .:; . Winifred Guy has returned home from a Kinston hospital. Mrs. Pearl Sanderson is visit ing Mrs. Led Sanderson. " Mrs. Vera Bostic and daughter visited relatives in Norfolk last week. , .. " . Mrs. Herman Miller is visiting Miss Jane Smith in Savannah, Ga. W. F. Miller has returned from the tobacco market In ClaxtonGa. . Marion Edwards underwent a tonsilectomy recently at -the VA Hospital In Fayetteville. Mr. and .Mrs. . Gerald Haywood .Williams of Charlotte spent the week end wth Mr. and Mrs. Led Williams. Mrs. John Dale and children of ! Smltbiield spent several days last week with Rev. A. L. Brown. - Mr. t and ' Mrs. Russell Lanier and family of Wake, Forest were in town during the week end. : Mesdames Sydney Hunter Ho sea Hunter, Orlando Albertson, Larry Bostic and Charlton Sandlin returned Tuesday of last week from Savannah, Ga. and other points of Interest including Savan nah Beach and Camp Stewart, Ga. where their husbands, members of the National Guard were in train ing, v V',;- Mrs. Ethel S. Johnson of Rose Hill visited her daughter Mrs. Jim D. Sandlin and family last week and returned home Sunday night. The preceding week end Mr .and Mrs. Sandlin visited Mr. and Mrs. F T. Johnson in Hertford return ing to Beulaville on Sunday with MRS. C C LANGSTON BURIED FRIDAY NEAR BEULAVILLE , Mrs. Bertha Mae Langston, 29, wife ot Clarence C. Langston of Klnston, Rt. 1, died Thursday morning after a lingering illness of several months, , . . : i . i i j funeral pervices were item m the graveside In the Brown family cemetery Hear Beulaville Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by Rev. George V.r Turner of Beu In addition to her husband she is survived by five children, Fran ces, Cecil James, Ernest Ray, Lou Ellen, and, Linda Sue all of the home; three step daughters, Mrs. Paul Ray ..'of ! Fayetteville, Mrs. Charles A. Taylor of Tucson, Ari zona and MCs. W. A. Moore of Kin ston. v . ' . SMITH-HERRING VOWS SAID IN KENANSVILLE ; Mrs. -Audrey , Simmons Herring was married ;to Mt Horace Smith in the-Baptist manse here at 6:30 Friday evening, Sept. 18th. Rev. Lauren Sharpe, pastor of the local and Jones Chapel Baptist churches i- V is. if I t ' 1 " -Mi "Ah don't need no shootin' iron, son. Ah got all my tobacco money in the WaccamaW Bank where it is safe." wmtrfT ran1 7 .'. DHim iUID TRUST CO!. Kenansville , ;;;Rpjcllill t-i ' ' MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ' ? . , rrrrr :) mm tUczci give it plenty of exercipe! ofdera- Weed Ss. '-SsJfcg' All Records For Past Fifty Years Broken By The FAIRMONT TOBACCO MARKET All Grades Of Tobacco Are1 Selling lligher Than Any Tobacco Grower Or Warehousemen Ever Though They Would Sell, Sale Tuesday, August 22nd. Pounds Sold ' 1,488, 720 Pounds ' ..--: .'':..." - . i-.-.' ''..., v . i 1 . i: ?W'i - f .i ; i. - ' V 'f , v.. .- 1 , r- 4 ,ir "f' Money Paid Out $884, 531 .99. AVERAGE $59.45 . When yon take the wheel of new Pontiac roa may be so proud of its beauty that you will be inclined to pamper it a little.' No Pontiac ever needs pampering! Pontiac. is built, through and through, to be a great and dependable performer for a long, long time: Just give Pontiac plenty of exercise and your speedometer will reveal the whole truth of the statement dtlUr Jr dollar ytm can't beat a Pontiacf . . .. -' rm C -"s 7 '. Tobacco Growers Grade And Sell Your Tobacco Now In Fair mont. In Grading Tobacco Make Every Basket Weigh 200 Pounds Or More. ' Fairmont Warehousemen Guarantee Top Market Prices, Court- . eous And Efficient Service. - ... r"1 .' ' ' . . . - O n n ) V n 5' j C. r.TAITCTID, Supervisor 1

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