4fc V 'V U. D.iC. TO MEET s- The James Kenan Chapter Uni te Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C B. 'Best with Mesdames Kenneth Brock', C. F. Carroll and G. P. Pridgeh, Joint hostesses. Mrs. Bay H. Merrelhof Swansboro, 3rd vice president of the N. C. Division will be, chapter guest and will speak "on why we need , an auxiliary In this chapter., BRIDGE CLUB MEETS I II . A ;, Mrs. Eleanor ' McColman was hostess on Tuesday evening at her home in Newton Grove when she ntertalned her bridge club. Mem- ers attending from Warsaw were: Mesdames Robert Frederick, Joyce Burton, : Mitchell, Brltt,, Jimmie Kitchin, and ; Bet ; C. ' Frederick. Mrs. Kitchin won' paper handker chiefs for traveling. .The hostess served an ice cream course, .. -W.M. U.TO MEET .. The WMU of. the Baptist Church Will meet at 3:30 Monday evening a ft the church. An interesting speak er will deliver, the; message This ' Is the day of prayer, set aside for state missions. Following the pro gram season of prayer for state , missions will be held agd. ajn pffer , lng will be taken. - ; - BRIDGE HOSTESS ' ; w ,' Mrs. Fred Baars was hostess on s Friday evening vwhen she enter- talned at . three tables . of bridge, The living room console held an J arranemeni, , . dining room an assortment of fresh . i '"'T u fruit made the centerpiece for the buffet The dining table was cen tered with miniature marigolds, Mret Q. J. Sutton received a bone dish for club high and Mrs. Ralph Best Jr. won visitor's high which was an antique Gutter dish. Mrs. B. C. Frederick of Lexington, Ky. also received a' similar butter dish, for guest remembrance. During progressions the hostess ' served pineapple fizz,, cock tails, and chee-wees. At Conclusion she served rum cake and ke cream, Players included Mesdames Sut ton, Best Frederick, Daulton West Milton West, Graham Phillips, R. , L. West J. P. Harmon, ector Mc ' Neil, Edgar Pollock, Sterling Mar rlner and Robert. Frederick. 7 HONORED Mesdames Floyd Strickland and - James F. , Strickland entertained Friday night when they were hos- tesses at a shower complimenting Mrs: Kennetbi Brock. Guests, inclu ded intimate friends of Mrs. Brock from Warsaw and Mrs. J. W. Kel- Ipv and Mrs. Bill Jeannette of rf Calypso, -v Mrs. Lacy Jackson of r. A , m v.. T i . n,.n- mu. ni.nnh. T.l. n jruison. , v,:, r-." U ' The dining table was centered wit ha miniature plastic tree, hoi- ding miniature water .bottles, milk bottles and nipples, surrounded with sweet peas and fern A Var ious assortment of lovely gifts lay . around the centerpiece. ' Miss Mae Brock gav ea rating entitled " Talk With. Baby". The hostesses served open-faced jand ' wiches, waffle rosettes with pink " and green icing and lime punch. CIRCLES' MEET, BAPTIST The George Rollins' Circle -met Monday afternoon with. Mrs J A E.' House. Mrs. W. A. Carter presided. Mrs, J R. Barden gave the devo tional. Mrs. Frank Thomas gave the program. Mrs. Carter gave .a reading. The hostess jerved chif fon cake and ice cream, r The Rosa Powell, Circle met on Monday afternoon with "Mrs. Clar- r ? IS i YOU CAN USE IT WHEN YOU NEED IT. ! HAVE YOUR FAVORITE "RED "ASH" COAL era presided over the six members present Mrs. Paul - Potter gave the nroeram. Mrs. .Chambers" led the devotional. - 4 ' . The Annie Kate Powell. Circle met with Mrs, E. E. Jones Monday night with 11 present. Mrs. Thomas Rogers was co-hostess, Mrs; Fran cis Fussell led the devotional and Mrs. Moman Baar gave; the pro gram. The hostesses served straw berry shortcake. ' The Katie Murray Circle met Monday night at the home of Mrs." Arthur Cooke. Mrs! J. F. Strick land presided. Mrs. George Parke and Mrs. Graham Phillips .gave the! ; program. Mrs. Bill Vann le3 thei devotional. Six members were pre sent. Hhe hostess served peach , The Ruby Daniels, Circle met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Ellen Draughan with 10 members pres ent. Mrs! J. W. Straughan led the devotional and Miss Betty. Lof tin taught the study book. Mrs. L. O. Williams presided. The hostess served banana sundaes. . METHODIST v Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. H. B Hlpp Monday afternoon with 10 present ,One new member was en rolled, Mrs. James Elixson. Mrs. D. J. Middleton presided, Mrs. S. J. Powell gave the program. A so cial hour was enjoyed... Circle No. 2 met with Mrs. Irene Martin with Mrs. Ralph Lanier as co-hostess Monday night ' at the Martin home. Nine .were present.' Mrs. Hopton Smith presided. Mrs, Q. J. Sutton led the devotional Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Bill Leln- back gave' the program. A rhyme contest was led by Mrs. Sterling Marrlner during the social, hour. Circle No. 3 met Monday night wUh Joe SunM wlth n M . r itt.a Bunt Mm T T Pmpmn ljkjt VA devotlona ;d rs. M. A. Smith led the program. During the social hour Mrs. Smith won the contest. ANNOUNCE BIRTH 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Herring of Warsaw announce the birth ai a .son, Oscar Melvin, Jr., September 1, 1050. Mrs. Herring is the former WOma Grey ' Martiri. LANEFIELD H. D. C. .;,f . s x'H' ; The Lanefield H. D. Club picnic supper .was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Cloy Scott with Mrs J. D. West co-hostess: About 40 attended and enjoyed the supper and games. PERSONALS . Misses Daisy, Annie, Cora, and Lucy Wells .of near Kenansville visited in Warsaw Monday. , - Mrs. David Chambers visited :Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Hocutt and Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Blanchard in Ash ton Tuesday. ; ; VQslting ' Mr. ' and Mrs. David (-namoeni ounnj me wees were Mr. J. D. Hocutt of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loftln also of Rich mond, Hamp Kornegay and Miss Frances. Kornegay of Mt Olive. Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Womack and B.i Y, Jr.,1 Of Winston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Womack of Wilson spent the week end with Mrs. C. A. Womack. Mrs. William Sangston of Hope weft, -N., J. are visiting Mr. and Mrs, . Alvis Powell and Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers. Floyd Jones,- son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson. Jones is 111 at home with the fid. " Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell spent Friday at White Lake.l J Mi. nd,Mrs.Jt,. W. Kirk of Nor folk are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Strickland. -They will attend "The Duplin Story". . Mrs. Alton Greenlaw is conval escing at Carolina Beach this week, Her : mother Mrs. " McCrosky ac companied her, Mrs. W. D. Pollock, Mrs. Pran- LIKE ces, Grady, ot -KlMton, .Mr. .and Mrs." W. - W i Kimball of , Wilson iwlU be Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R L. West and will attend .the-Duplin Story. " i ; Friends of Mrs. Millard WMJams of Wilmington will? be 'isorry to bear that she underwent a serious operation on Saturday. Her condi tion is ; satisfactory.! - M s --.; Jane Blackmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmore return ed Sunday after; beinga patient at Dr. Sldbury'a Hospital at Wright- vlUe. , i,: -;; '' - Mr. and"Mrs. L. C. Williams at- tended the JMtjJ celebration of Mr. ana iars. j auuau in s Sunday. . " " ' V ' ' - 1 ' The following left hls week to attend ECTC in Greenville. Misses Laura West, Mary Lee Jones, Ann West,' Mary f -Lou t Phillips, i Sue shine and Evelyn Jean Davis." V Mr. and Mrs. N. A. MitcheU and family spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Pollock of Augusta, Ga. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Pollock. ; , i ; Hi ' Magnolia I!cvs i',, -'-.'"'"" ' " s 1 : .': - Mrs; Robert L. Branson has gone to Charlotte with her husband who is in the Army Reserve v ' - . Miss Jeanette ' Hamlrlton and Victor Tucker left Monday to en ter ECTC.V', " . Mr. sand Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and children ' of . Washington are visiting Mrs? Leffel Turner. Mrs. J. N. Home spent a week twlth Jierf son Norwood in New Our Methodist ladies Invited Bruce Wilson to teach a Study course in the church last week and IwAH WAU nlaafloil rltn hi tAHPn 1 n O land he was well pleased with their (cooperation Atlas Baker and family of Nor folk spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Baker. Mrs. Baker is critically-ill at this writing. '- Mrs. Ruth Brock of Selma, Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Pope of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. W.,; F. Calloway of Clinton visited their' mother Mrs. J. H. Rouse at the home of Mrs. J. A. Smith Saturday. .; -Leaving for school in J the next few days are Bunkey Evans to Loulsburg, Afton Qulnn to Wake Forest Bruce Wilson left Saturday to enter Southern Baptist Theolo gical Seminary for his first year, j Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carr and son of Dunn spent the 'week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A Smith and Mrs. J. H.. Rouse. ' . t Miss Minnie Joyner has returned from visiting' in "Poplar Grove . . (Intended For Last Week) " v" ' Mrs. - L. D. D'ail and dafighter, Miss - Martha are spending the week t Carolina Beach. Miss Minne joyner is visiung in Popular Grove. I Victor Tucker Is home from Campbell College. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Massenglll and baby of Bea Marsh spent Sunday with Mr and ,MrS. B...B. Wilson.. , J Week end guests of Mrs. Sallie Tucker were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin and daughter. They all vis ited Harrell's Store Sunday. v; ' O. D. Drew moved his faimly Into their new home on the War saw highway Saturday. ;Miss Helen Hunt will move In to the apartment recently vacated by the O. D. Drews. Claude Evans is improving-from his recent operation. ' Mrs. Nellie Baker is still very ill ' .":-,'-... The revival at the First Free Will Baptist Church closed Friday nighti Mi t - J i " i Afton Quirin' supplied for Rev. J". P. Royal at New Hope'Baptlst Dup!:iiTi:3 KENANSVILLE N. i watches cloces watch bands rings on obdex , Repairing Watohee, Clocks, Jewelry PRESTON HCLT ir. "oTLIN MESCANTILS CZ -y n:.;ht. . nes Malpass' preacl. ..I at c. i.. 1 St 'Free .Will Baptist Church Sunday. ' :. Guests Sunday night of Miss. Louise Cropm were Mr, and Mrs. V.- O. Turner and son, and Miss Willie Stockton of Kernersvllle. Mrs- Sallie Tucker spent Mon day, morning in Wallace. i. The- Womans Missionary Society observed - their 49th anniversary Sunday night at the Baptist church. The history of the society was giv en and constitution read by Miss Macv Cox. - ' - ' ' ; Mrs. H. G. Culbreth was given a surprise birthday dinner Sunday by her daughter, Mrs. John Snipes of Gofdsboro. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Snipes, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey J. Culbreth of Norfolk; and Goldsboro. Mrs. Frances Casteen was hon ored Sunday with a birthday din ner at the home of her son Mel vln Casteen. Her daughter, .Mrs. Dick Kissner. :..-.,.' vsi Mrs. John Clark of Wilmington is visiting her mother Mrs. Alice Gaylor. , ... -;..-,. ; Quite a number from here atten ded Camp Meeting Sunday , at Watha. Mrs. James Brown of Rose Hill visited Mrs. Ellen Chestnutt Sun day. . - "V-V k Mrs. J. ; A. Smith is happy . to have her mother with lier. . ' Mesdames Bertice Qulnn, Hubert Tucker and M. T. Tucker, enter tained Saturday evening with a miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs. Paul Tucker, bride of August 5, at the home ot Mrs. Qulnn. The hostesses presented the- honoree with a corsage of asters, Mrs.' Mc Donald Carr, a recent bride, was also presented asters Mrs. Carr received a gift of crystal. Cake, ice cream and salted nuts were served. Attend Marriage. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker atten ded the marriage of their daughter Miss Clara Mae Baker, to Mr. William Albert McGrath on Satur day, August 26th at 8:30 p.m. at the Westmoreland Congregational Chiirch, . Washington, D. C. Her father gave her away in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Baker left here Thursday nieht and returned on Sunday at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Baker also attended the wed ding from here. The bride has held a high posi tion in Washington for several years. North Carolina Shuts Down One-Man Schools Number of. Little Red School houses Cut 60 Since' 1920 ' ' 1 North Carolina's Little Red Schoolhouses, although not yet ex- v Gossard Foundation Garments ..it. Refuse Role Of by SCOTT SUMMERS -Raleigh, N. C, August 31. The state's school teachers have ; re fused -- up to now -- to be used as a political football In the bonus pay row. . . , , When the State ended the last fiscal year with $13,000,000 in the cash -box, the teachers asked for a pay raise auohtrlzed by the last General Assembly "if there was a surplus". Teachers claimed tha 13 million was" surplus, the governor end Advisory Budget Commission said K wasn't - that the money was needed for this year's operations. The teachers asked the Gover nor to reconsider, and asked him to submit the question to Attorney General Harry McMullan for an opinion. , Meantime, the question had evolved into an administration vs anti-administration fight The "an tls" usually conservative as a Scotsman with a mortgage hol lered to pay the $6,000,000 now and some urged to teachers to tinct 'are dwindling steadily. Almost 60 per cent of the exist ing one-teacher schools have been replaced since 1020 through sub stantial school construction and modernization programs reports-R. H. Jacobs, director of the school division of Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company. His report was based on an analysis of a study by the U. S. Office of Education. Although educators regard this as a significant index of state wide advancement there are some 595 one-teacher schools remaining in the state that continue to be an important means of providing the rudiments of education. North Carolina educators, how ever, apparently are keenly aware of the physical advantages of lar ger schools. In a recent survey, a majority stated the "ideal element ary school" should contain 14 class rooms, and 69 per cent of those replying said they would specify individual room thermostats for control of heating and ventilating equipment. Southern schools have a singular problem In providing correct class room atmosphere, since cooling, rather than heating, is necessary most of the year. Just the Right Style Georgiana, Trudy Hall, Carole King and- Betty Hartford Dresses. : ........... , Chatmer & Whitley Tailleurs Suits & Coats Gotham Gold Stripe Hose Stetson Gloves. ' Jolene & Star Brand Shoes Rhoads Millinery f. . Colony Club Slips Cinderella Frocks For Girls - "Pclilical Folball" sue,'? ."But" one teachers' spokesman said, "we know they are not usu ally on the teachers' side. They wanted to get the money paid out In the hope that this, would cause a deficit A deficit would have a two-fold aim discrediting the ad' ministration and making the tea chers the goat so that it would be almost impossible for us to get anything done for the teachers In the future. A deficit would cause a state-wide salary cut for all state employees, and the teachers -- naturally -- would be blamed. "So, although we still feel that we are entitled to payment of the pay , raise now, we are not going to push Sot it" The question submitted by the teachers for an opinion by the at torhew general was the tlpoff. It wa sexpected that the question would be "is there a surplus now", and a report had circulated in Raleigh that McMullan was ready to answer yes. But the teachers asked, instead, "can the pay raise be retroactive to July 1, 1949" and McMullan answered yes. i McMullan's ' opinion merely carbon-cepied the action of the governor t and Advisory Budgen! Commission. The last two para graphs of the statement issued when they refused a teacher pay .brook Murphy of Asheville, Bea ralse now pledged that the pay- mon Murphy of Durham and Char ments would be retroactive at the -les Murphy of Washington, D. C. STORE CLOSED TUESDAY, SEPT. 12 JEWISH RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY a. brats WARSAW, N. C. RR IN WARSAW Just The Right Price Griffon "Dobbs & r I ;iiv.; - , , Tom Sawyer Clothes For Boys end of the foiennium for the full two years. ;; Use Care In Lifting Says County Agent 'Correct lifting should be prac ticed until It becomes a habit," commented L. F. Weeks, today. Each year thousands are victims of sprains, strains, hernias and other injuries caused by improper lifting. The most common causes of lifting injuries are lifting and low ering with the back muscles In stead of the leg muscles; Insecure grip or footing and unsafe placing of hands or feet; using quick, jerk ing, twisting or awkward move ments of the body; obstructed vis ion, unstable loads or inadequate control; insufficient help or fail ure to use mechanical aids. Nature intended each bone joint and muscle for a specific purpose. When overloaded or used improp erly, injuries are invited. MRS TATE MURPHY FUNERAL ROCKFISH Mrs. Tate Westbrook Murphy of Wallace, wife of the late W. F. Murphy, died at the home of her son, Beamon Murphy of Durham. Monday at 1 o'clock. Funeral ser vices were held at Rockfish Ceme tery Wednesday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Murphy is survived by one daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Cook of Cleve land, Ohio; three sons, Dr. West- u il & Clipper Craft Suits Stetson Hats Florsheim & Jarman Shoes Arrow & Manhattan Shirts Interwoven Socks Manhattan Underwear Botaqy & Cohama Ties McGregor Sportswear FOI IMJIEDIATE DELIVERY. III WARSAW VISIT;

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