dupliU 5incs FRIDAY, SEPTIT.ICES Sih., II Stat t r ?T County of 3. vThe undersigned, having, quall- fied as executrix of the estate 01 J. L. Raynor,.deceasel, Jate et Du plin County, this is to notify all , persons having claims against said nutate to nresent them to the un dersigned on or before the third . day of .August, 1951, or this notice wtU be pleaded M bar Of their re covery. All persons Indebted to . said estate will please make imme diate payment to the unaersignea. This the second day of August, Mrs. Nancy Brlnkley Raynor " Executrix of J. L, Baynor es- tate. Wallace, North Carolina v:' Latham A. Wilson Attorney , 8-15-et. LAW - '' NOTICE- OF SALE f UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF TE SUPERIOR COURT of Duplin-County, made In the special proceedings entitled: "In ' the matter of Curtis Carroll et sis", and being S. P. No: 2408, t the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th day of September, 19- 8-15-4t. HEP w, at twiiive l . - , ft 1 courthouse .i i.i - -ii North Carolina, act iur bale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land lying and being in Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the cart road, running South 89 West 88 poles to a stake, J. H. and T. J. Carr's corner; thence South 80 East 51 poles to a stake; thence East 77 poles to a stake; thence North 41 poles' to a stake in the cart road; thence with the cart road South 87 West 22 poles; thence North 77 West 19 poles to the be ginning; containing by estimation 24 acres, more or less. - i And being the same lands as set forth and described in a deed to Mary Carroll as recorded in Book 127, page 336, of the Duplin Coun ty Registry, reference being had for a more complete and accurate description of same. : A temper cent deposit will be required of the -successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 14th day of August 1950. H. E. Phillips, Commissioner Having this day . 1 as Ad ministratrix of Fortin Carr, de ceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against his said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 119th day of August, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. : . All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. -, - This 19th day of August, 185U, Vara Carr, Administratrix Mount Olive North Caro lina, R. F. D. , . t 9-29-6t. VBG ' ' " . v aia Week Eeglitnlng Sunday, August 27, 1950 V DOS mAlMS andling An Injured Dog, . f By TOM FARLEY' VUJ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION SUte of North Carolina, County of Duplin. ,LC3L l3flAC3-C0.1GE CASTEEH CO's FLOOD COVERING DEPT. ' Com to I .J" for : iStute in Carpet I 1 i - 1 XT CnOADLOO;.! CARrET for Wall-to-Wall or Room Six ' Full Rolls in Stock . .' . 9-12-15 Ft. Widths r I.":.:"C1ATE DELIVERY 0.-3 cf Ec:f :rn CsrcHza's Finest , Sowings cfFLOOI. coveri;.c3 r ir Inlaid Linoleum if Asphalt Tils if Rubber TiU if Inlaid Linoleum Til in a Vary fine selection t of patterns and colors in v stock for immediate Installation all FLCon covz:::::3 i:::talled 3Y EXFZRT?'FAOTQYTRilir."ZD Kill FREE ESTIMATE . . ; Just call 1499, Goldsboro , or write to . . . , , rr ti,l Eastern Carolina's . Finest Furniture Store ca nt awniBonn tresi w ctmn sisht The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of A. S. Benton, deceased, late of Duplin County, State of 'North Carolina, this is to notify all .per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the. 18th day" of August 1951, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate settlement ''-''.'v: -! ' ' , This the, 17th day of August, 1950. -....;v.;':r; t W. M. Drew, Administra tor of the estate of ; ; 1 .. A .S. Benton. . ? Latham . A. Willson, Attorney 9-29-flt. LAW . i NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Duplin County. ' Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Holmes Edward Wilson and vwife, Grace Wilson, dated the, 15th day of Augr ust, 1949, and : recorded in Book 453 at page 314 in the offices of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina,1- default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby" se cured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trus tee will offer for sale at pubic auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenans- ville, North Carolina, at 12:00 o' clock, noon,' on the 25th day of September, 1950, the property con veyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being In the County of Duplin - and .State of North Carolina, In Island Creek Town ship, Duplin County, North Caro lina, .and. In the City of Wallace and more particularly described as follows, vis: '.-Mi- ; . Adjoining the lands of D. E. Rivanbark, E. T. Blanton, Cum berland Street and others and be ginning at a stake In the West line of Cumberland St. 210 feet South ward from the intersection with the South Jine of West Cliff St; and running thence parallel to the South line of Cliff St. S. 76 degrees W. 215 feet to a stake; thence par allel to the West line of Cumber land St. N. 14 degrees W. 61 feet 000000060000 For Sale SASH, DOORS, SHEET. ROCR ROCK LATH, ROCK WOOL,, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT. BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER-RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS , SIDING, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V CRIMP TIN FOOFING vl BRICK SIDING Z.J. CARTERS SO!l WALLACE. N. C HOOOOOOOOOOO HUH I N lJ SdCE-IIXTRV to S It hT YOOB CAB, 'J ADVS6 TAKING I , J I 2 .-Ml ' HMM-M IT E6MS TO U II . M . . T (.000 6JM' I , IVswioorHuY. - J irN- ? J4l ,ylL brakes (omrr fl P-T-V.a JJff V.V T h THAT DIDN'T Jl ASK rrrtOTJOH It i not the pet owner's 1 Jtnsual experience," tfte occasion arises from time to time when he will And it useful to know how to nanaie an injured or highly excited cog. naturally dogs in such clrcunv stances mint be handled with the greatest of care for the gentlest dog may snip or- bite when badly frightened. The first effort In catch ing sucn a dog should be to quiet it by soothlnr words If nonnlhle. Then you can grab the dog by the nape of the neck and control the neaa so the animal cannot bite. This method, however, takes a cer tain amount of exoerlence. Usually to reduce the possibility of being bitten, It Is wise to start with a. .muzzle If you have no one 10 neip you it is possible to hold the dog's head between your legs while the muzzle Is being applied but It is easier It you have some One to hold the doc for von. The muzzle itself can be a strip of four inca gauze oaneage. This can be tied about the it s muzzle with a knot beneath tks -ver jaw and the iwo enos tied b -v .. head so as to keep the banuui.t ,n slipping forward over the note. It the dog Is large and partlcu- - larly excited, a stall snare may be used In making the capture. These are four or five-foot Iron or alumi num rods or a heavy oak shovel handle with a heavy cord mounted -en the end. A rabid dog should be approached. only with such a snare. A dog running at large can some times be a problem. You should first walk In the same direction as the animai ana speak to it In a calm ing voice. It It is a small, good natured dog simply running away for fun, you can when you over- lane mm lean over, place your right hand beneath the chest and the left hand on the left side of the neckband gently lift him off tne ground. With his hips beneath your arm, and most of the weight supported by your right hand, he can do comiortabiy carried for an indefinite distance. But if a dog of any size is run ning in great excitement, von mav nave 10 use a leatner lasso to catch him. This has a seven-foot long handle made of copper wire cov ered with leather. Through' the urao ring auacnea to, the end of the lasso you can dron iru. running ljpp of cord. The dog will not .usually struggle once the noose Is around his neck. But if he doea he can be controlled without Injury because the noose automatically loosens when he is quiet. Don't use a wire snare; this can cut into the flesh. If you have to carry a la-. heavy dog that Is too badly Injured to walk or for Instance. If he sets grass burrs in his feet; you should stoop down and grasp the front legs and the thigh portions of the rear legs, then standing up let the dog'e buttocks rest on one of vour foi-earms and his chest on the other. tn .(-! - ju me center of a ditch N. 64 degrees E. approximately 220 feet to a stake In the West Line of Cumberland St., thence with the West line of Cumberland St. S.14 degrees 107 feet to the be ginning, containing 18060 square feet more or less and being same lands described in deed to Holmes E. Wilson recorded in Book 440 at page 63 of Public Registry of Duplin County. Bat this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. This 17th. day of August, 1950. ''' Grady Mercer, Trustee. 9-22-4t. GM Letters From Our Readers Aug. 22, 1950 Hello Bob, Enclosed to keep your fine paper The Duplin Times, coming our way for six or seven more months; the reason! say seven is because I don't think our subscription was started until Sept, while I was in Kenansvllle for the Duplin Sto ry. I expect to-renew again as your paper is like a letter from my dear home town and neighbor ing communities and since dear Uilas passing, the best way to keep in touch with the dear friends in and aroun Kenansvllle. I've an old copy of the song "The Old North State", just the words in leaflet form, used when a group of us young folks would gather 'round an old organ, played by Miss Annie Kenan, and sung it each Old Soldiers' Reunion Day. We always had the-same spot near the old courthouse and, in front of us, stretched the long tables which, fairly groaned with the weight of the goodies spread for the dear old veterans' lunch. At sometime during each gathering of this large crowd of tried and true fighters they would give out with the spine-tingling rebel yell. My! How our young hearts would leap with excitement! What a scene for the Duplin Story! ' Best of everything to you and yours, the old town,' and all' its -good - citizens!" Sincerely. ' Clara H. Jussley. Meredith College Opens Sept. 13fh. A record enrollment of well over 600 students is expected to begin arriving at Meredith College Sep tember 13 for the 1050 school term, college authorities announce. Reservations for all available dor mitory space , were closed during me summer months, since the campus facilities will accomodate only 500 students. However, appli cations lor enrollment of non resident students are still being accepted. Freshmen and uppper class new students will begin arriving on Wednesday, Sept. 13 to begin their Orientation program at 10 a.m. Thursday.. Returning students will' register, Tuesday, Sept. 19. and classes will convene at 8:30 a.m Wednesday, Sept. 30. The expected enrollment of over 600. includes 237 new students. The entire student body will repre sent at least 75 North Carolina counties, 14 other states, and six foreign countries, including Costa Rica, China, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Hawaii. At least 10 Du plin County, students are among the number expected. T T.N D ALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLIVE PHONE 2303 Home or Wayne-Duplin Burial Association Funeral Directors Embalmers Ambulance Service Day or Night WILLIAMS YtfNEXAL HOME Billy Tyadan - Undertakers Embalmers . Ambulance Service Home of ML Olive Burial Asso. Phone 2265 , - Mt Olive, N. C. REMEMBER TODAl TOMORROW" WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUN1 OLIVE Phone 217-J or 23e PH010GK4PHI . 81'ECiai.TY COMMERCIAL For Best Prices and Cor plete Job on MonumenU, See or Write Rev. H. J. Whaley KBlJLAVILU? M.F.ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency mmmmtm Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS ANI MAINTAINERS OF LOWER I KS ON QUALITY SEA FOODS Nest Door to AJtP) Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your .' "..sh or Know Your Fishman vwu.lo HARTLETT JKKSMNo '3lt I WK DELIVER sr WITH OIL FILTER, OIL-BATH AIR CLEANER No other full-size Pickup truck in America has a lower suggested list price than the 6rCytlnder Ford M Pickup shown here. This Ford price Includes oil filter, Air Wing ventilators, oil-bath air cleaner and many features available only at extra cost h other trucks. Local taxes, freight end handling charges extra. .. a doz::j Reasons why Ar.imcA's r:o. 1 thuce: value will do r.cis f: dollar! mirrr vwtr. siktunmi insim for all around performance in the 4,700 lb; G.V.W. class. 100-h.pj V-8 available at slight extra cost. lOADOsUTK wmnoN saves spark advance for changes and speed. ItlGHTUCHf rtSTONS save olL Cam-ground aluminum alloy for true fit and better oil control. UUm BOOT with spadoos 4) cut fa of loadspacaj , ITMAUlK MAKB with .true and easy stop Dins: action. MlnenffSefoaf OtsUOHTMU SMU MOMS simplify ssahv wiancvj Arum mmi um uvugut nphimhi .- for replacement, . , , t . una sjsoiiat, alrplane-trpe, ataodard front and tear. . . . . : . ' ( aHUHMI DOUAI CAS with door-glass Air Wiog ventilators and Level Action suspension; . i- i :t 1 -r;.-" 1 " ' ' . sVIKHIO-SIUliT nANSsllSSIOH for easy, quick - and quiet shifdng; . i VviO-lir ClHTCH for better clamping actkm. j i i . . k , j , i . HTHMD UAI A III with' integral type houa- ing. Shafts removable from wheel end.' I 'V ' " f SOU ACIHW SmtlSS with needle bearings for easier control. - Jk v. v-l

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