E. ...-a i ... at paa U ci -lie .1. ,- Duplin County. . , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o p if 4j- ) Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of Fortln Carr, de ceased, lata of Duplin County. . North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against .. JUa said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 19th day of August, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate : payment This 19th day of August, 1990. Vara Carr, Administratrix v - . Mount Olive North Caro- ' Una, R. F. D. 9-29-4t NBO ..;...':;.:;:, n -a' tJ a-4 i I I ...miiultr 'ilillOlrUIr State of Noi .i Carolina, Countr of Duplin. : The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of A. S. Benton, deceased, late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 18th day of August 1951, or this notice wil be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to tfflT said estate will please. make Im mediate settlement This the 17th day of August 1950. - W. M. Drew, Administra tor of the estate of A . Benton. Latham A. Willson, Attorney 9-29-6t LAW . NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Duplin County. TAKE A LOW-COST TRIP IN COLDEIf AUTUMN I Time to travel - time to sayel Year's greatest selection of trips sod tours over glorious Autumn, nigh wet, including: in ou raiM to aia ivihts Hare more fun on Charter Trips to big tames, fairs, festivals, conventions, reunions . . . IN ROUND TRIM , IVIRTWHiai save aa txtrs 10 or more sue immyj on Round Trips to big cities, small towns, resorts, evervwriere IN I 110 TOURS See more on "Amazing America" Tours, to scenic areas, big cities, historic spots, vacation play grounds all over the country I i KENANSVILLE ! 1 ' - BUS STATION it ; i! in) Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Holmes Edward Wilson and wife, Grace ( Wilson, dated the 15th day of Aug ust 1949, and recorded In Book 453 at page 314 in the offices 01 the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trus tee will offer for sale at pubic auo tlon to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Kenans vflle. North Carolina, at 12:00 o' clock, noon, on the 25th day of September, 1950, the property coo veyed in said deed of trust , the same lying and being in the County of Duplin and State of Norm Carolina, . in Island Creek Town ship, Duplin County, North Caro lina, and in the City of Wallace and more particularly described as follows, vie: Adjoining the lands of D. E. Rivanbark, E. T. Blanton, Cum berland Street and others and be ginning at a stake in the West line of Cumberland St 210 feet South ward from the intersection with the South line of West Cliff St; and running thence parallel to the South line of Cliff St S. 76 degrees W. 215 feet to a stake; thence par allel to the West line of Cumber land St. N. 14 degrees W. 61 feet to a stake in the center of a ditch N. 64 degrees E. approximately 220 feet to a stake in the West Line of Cumberland St, thence with the West line of Cumberland St S. 14 degrees 107 feet to the be ginning, containing 18060 square I feet more or less and being same lands described in deed to Holmes i But this sale will be made sub ject to all 'outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. - This 17th. day of August 1950. " , . Grady Mercer, Trustee. 9-22-4CGM - ' . .' NOTICE OF EXECUTORSHIP . The' undersigned . having quali fied before the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County as Execu tor of the Last Will and Testament of George J, Brock, deceased, this Is to notify all persons who nave calims against said estate to pre sent their claim to the undersign ed Executor, on or before the 2nd day of September 1951, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery; all persons who are in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment Advertised this the 2nd day of septemoex, 1850. ;-' .;,- Paul Ingram, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of George I. Brock. Kenansville. n. C. It E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. . 10-13-6t HEP ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of L.' J, Hunter, deceased, this is to ndtlfy all persons having claims against said estate to present them, to the undersigned duly verified on or before 14th day of September, 19- 51, or this notice will bekplead in bar of their recovery; All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment - - This September 1st 1950. , Nancy Gertrude Hunter, Admrx. of L. J. Hunter, Estate.'- ,- 10-20-6t. RDJ ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS " This winter will be concert time again in Clinton. Residents of Clin ton and nearby communities will again nave the , opportunity to hear outstanding artists like those last year: Abbey Simon,- Dorothy sarnoa, ana Donald Dame. x -DonJBritt. president of the Clin ton Community .Concert Associa tion, announced that the organize. uon or tne Association is complete for the coming year, and that olans are being made for an outstanding season. ti-!i ..'.:; ;m Mrs. Robert C. Wells, new cam paign chairman, has designated the week beginning September 25th as Campaign Week. An opportunity win oe given, to' those who were members i of .the Association last year to Join, after which new mem bers will be welcomed. Volunteer workers will canvas Clinton and nearby communities. Only mem bers of the Association can attend the concerts; no single tickets will be sola. local workers are volunteers, the Association has no overhead ex pense, and all funds are used in the selection of artists. In addition to Don Brltt and Mrs. Wells, other members of the Exe cutive Committee of the associa tion are: Mrs. Jack Poole, lsj vice- president; Mrs. O. L. Parker, 2ad vice-president;' Douglas Richards, 3rdvice-president; Mrs. M. C. Mc Queen, recording secretary: Mrs. Paul - D. Herring, ' corresponding secretary; Joe Boyette, treasurer; the Rev. Addison Hosea, publicity director. Assisting Mrs. Wells as members of the Campaign Committee are Mrs. Jack Poole, Mrs. Isaac Hur wltz, and Mrs. Hal Stewart Membership fees n the associa tion are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for students, tax Included. . from (Of MAXON - r a SC Doalor Adve'rtlsir-; f :rtle la fast 'ffectiTa " 5nc:tlc-1 cr- tailor-mada Tor your specific 2:alir Mt- . ' - ' .". V- ' , . Tou,' too,' can use C3 Cirw -ttt-zertlBing Servic to sat tlaa totfc ' monsy to get better, rt suits. ' ' ''5 '"" " ' ' Write, wire or jboti for eoa- & plete tnfornatton -without any obligation. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Lola Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at BeulaviUe, N. C, on or before the 8the day of September, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded la bar their recovery. ; " ' ? . All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. ; This the 8th day of September. 1950. Grady ; Mercer,, ' Executor of Mrs. Lola Kennedy.. 10-13-6t GM Mrs. Wells pointed out that no applications for membership can be accepted after Campaign Week except from those who were but of town, during the camnalsn. Members of the Association are eligible to attend not only the con cern in Clinton, but also those in such nearby towns as Fayetteville. Lumberton, Smlthfield, Goldsboro andKinston. :, At the conclusion of the cam paign, the executive committee of the association will select the art ists to be heard in Clinton this year. President Brltt said that the selection of artists depend entirely upon the amount of-money -avail able from membership dues. The Community Concert Service has a list of more than 150 attractions from which the selections may be made, including virtually all the major concert singers, instrumen talists, and dancers. Since all the EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County. ooooooooppooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "' . -V F rL wk v J A! V 9 (ft' Cleaners Cheer V U1 SMART school girls need a constant supply of parry sweaters.- And they rely on our cleaning service to pre serve the shape, color and iluffuess of knitwear. Trust ! us with "difficult" apparel.' Our improved equipment and old fashioned skill restore that just-bought look to clothes. ' '- i t 1 Ideal Laundry Dry; Gleaners n Our Trucks Sua All Over Duplia WILMINGTON, N. C. ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - o " o o o o o o o o o o o o o c , o o v X o o o o o o o o o ) Having this day Qualified as exe cutors of the Last Will and Testa ment of H. R. Cates, -deceased, late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, notice is hereby served on: all persons holding claims axainst said estate to pre sent them, duly Itemised and veri fied to the undersigned en or be fore the 15th day of September, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will! please make immediate settlement This 15th " day of September, 1950. - ' ' . Branch Banking & Trust Company and Addis P. : 'Cates, executors of the ' will of H. B. Cates decea- l-20-t &B. State Colfcco Hints To llonie Masters DBowore 7-1065 . Carrying and hanging up the fam ily wash takes time and energy. - The average weekly wash weighs about 30 to 36 pounds dry and al most double that when wet Thus on -washdays the housewife carries and handles 60 or more pounds, , In contrast the woman who has and electric washer and dryer can do the job without carrying heavy Dasxets of wet clothes up or down steps or bother with clothes pins. Some housewives say they-s gain a day a week with a dryer because' they can wash and iron the same day. ... ;,;;;. Most dryers require a 220 volt circuit with an Individual outlet Cancer Clinic On Friday, Sept 15 the Wayne OOOOOOOOOOOOI t Houses ' AND APARTMENTS For. Rent ' Warsaw And - Kenansville ' A.: J. STRICKLAND - PHONE 554 WARSAW.- N. C. County. Cancer Center ' held Its weekly clinic when 15 appeared for examination, 11 white women, 3 white men and 1 colored woman. AIL examinations were completed and 0-patients were referred to their personal physicians for medi cal attention. ;.' Out of town patients came from Faison, Pine Level and Clinton. - The Clinics are held each Friday In the Health Dept with regis tration from 10 to 12 o'clock, and Is free to anyone with a danger signal. : : r Residents of Kenansville and vi cinity are especially Invited to come to this Center and to think of it as their Center; because It is the nearest place where they can get this type of examination and service" "v ' - - I Dr. II. 17. Cc!;vcll OPTOMKTKSHT - . ... .... " .'. .-v. ' Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. .; Next IJoor To Cavcugh ' cnerurtctC -'f - PiSrmaoent an ' WALLACE. N. C. T YND ALL , FUNE3AL HOME ; IN MOUNT OLIVE , " PHONE 230S . 1 Home or 'Wayne-DupUn . ' Burial Association . Funeral Directors - Embalmers Ambulance Service Day or Night THESI FAMOUS SINGERS SMOXI CA&aS CZSAUSI.., hario la::za OUYWOOOSTM iiadi;:e cc::;:Ea : METROfOUTAN 0KM S9PRAM v ' 1 FRAii r.ir:.::i SMGM0 tTM OF KgJCJ) aXCCS oooooonnnoon l-rfn . A -Jk " taCiT ss.ii - i Tiftailf . A U U WW. JL ' V V ' ' -Yes, right now, over 250,000 famine ore two-Ford familial many thousands of them owners of two big 1950 Fords. And the number k growing every dayi These families have found that the second Ford meant a personal c ear for Dad, with o ear at home that's olways "on ealTV for Mom and the rest of the family! They have .found, too, ' ' that Fords are a sound Investment low In first cost, low bt maintenance and high In resale value. They like me conomy of owning two Fords. .a i h !V)X i '' ' Jk v-!4 'V'-.S -'.'''.'f. 'f l-r tv,MB)utnaHk -i v j ... .i., FOCP UMAUH'M, ' -- Vs. ;''4':5'ii' '.'ff;.,'": , y ' ''' ' ' ' ' ri f -r tfmVy ''traveling companions" there's no .i. : combination than a '50 Ford Tudor Sedart and a '50 Ford Fordor Sedan! With "Fashion Car of the Year" styling! With your choice of engines the new 100 h.p. V ' or ! e new 95 h.p. "!x"l V':h 35 easier-acting ( ' B' -.! V'-'i a ti.- ".' ' I T " " r 'i in Fwd's