it, I ;: 4 - 1 i r . a; rit'i' '' V 4 i i ! '- t i i i I i i. . , . , .11 r X2 1 - j v.: I 7, : l. tl- IV Si VOL. 17, , , No.39 v The quota for Uie North Carolina Farm Bureau In Duplin County has been let at 1600. It will be nec essary for the county tp reach this quota in order to jetaln R. Flake Shaw as a represents tire. , Mr. Shaw is an Ex-SecreUry of the North Carolina Farm Bureau and Is a member of the National Board of Directors. The North Carolina Farm Bureau Ms important to the farmer aa 'i strong organization to aid in the solving of agricultural problems. Much more can be obtained for the farmer through fan organization : than individually, , ' The purpose of the Farm Bureau Is, to work for a fair share of the National' Income for all farmers, sharecroppers, tenants and land owners alike.. The .Farm Bureau operates In 45 states, binding more than 1,409,000 farm families. The. Farm Bureau over the years has consistently supported the price support program based upon the parity concept The Bureau has perfected a Master Livestock Industry -for use in: the various counties of the state. Also ithas initiated action whereby the poul try Industry could develop a long range program. . Increased - prices have been obtained1 for peanut producers. . cr-'-.:..:- 't'V' r-:,-.' t" The Bureau has set up and maln xtalned a tobacco program which has stabilized the price and has been of tremendous value. It spon sored the flue-cured Tobacco Stabi lisation Corporation. . -j The organization has been active -in sponsoring and supporting legis lation eliminating the sales tax on fuel for farms, the reduction of in surance on tobacco in pack barns 50. a bill to provide rural tels ffcone service; andavoredrqhal and adequate education . tor all children. ,. !, . , v The annual dues are $3.00 per family which includes subscriptions to The Nation's 'Agriculture and the North Carolina Farm Bureau News, both monthly publications. The $3.00 membership fee Is divi ded as follows: $1.00 remains In . the county, 50 cents to the Ameri can Farm Bureau, and $1.50 for . the operation Of the State Office, Including the publishing of North Carolina Farm Bureau News. The accounts of the North Caro ; Una Farm Bureau are audited each : year by a Certified Public Accoun- tent Ceteris Sponsored h CliiiJoa Apii;; The i Clinton Community Con certs, sponsors of high class con certs last fall and winter will again sponsor Columbia Concert artists. A banquet of officers, directors and workers in the association was held In the Hotel Rufus King in Clinton Monday night Mrs. Robert "C. Wells, formerly of Kenansvllle, Is spiking the drive for members '. this season. No tickets are sold for the concerts. One may be admitted by membership only. Last year the organization r sponsored r Donald Dane and two other such outstand ing artists. This year more expen sive artists will appear. The Clin ton Association is open to all from Duplin who are interested. The membership drive is-going on this " week and will close Saturday night : Workers' in Kenansvllle are Mrs. J. R. Grady and Mrs. Louise Mtch ell; in Warsaw, Mrs. Paul Potter, Mrs. Robert L. West, Miss Helen - Brown and some others. They have membership cards. Fees are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children ' for ' the. season. , The . Community Concerts operate on a reciprocal basis. Members of the Clinton As sociation may attend concerts free of charge in other towns sponsor ing the Columbia artiste. Among these in this section are Kinston, JoIdJboro, - Wilson, - Greenville, Emlthfleldr and others. Anyone wishing to Join should see one of the above named persons before tomorrow nljlit . r: rT, cttc clu: I. . : . v ."y c Cl.i r t 1 y r," .t, ix f . . : t. : . A. L. i. s ff - V ( t , A. C. i : :a Farm Ouroau Eitz For Jb County lO United Nations Flogs HI-. - A Made By Home Demonstration Clubs United Nations flags to be flown United Nation's Day October 24th are to be made in this County by the women of the Home Demon stration Clubs. Flags are available to any merchant, organization or interested persons. Orders may be sent to Miss Hilda Clontz, Home Demonstration Agent, "Agriculture Building, Kenansvilte. .:. e:i- - " the material. JEach flag will sell This is part of a nation-wide for $3.00. v ' project to stimulate Interest and As a part of the project the bettes understanding of the United . Home Demonstration Clubs plan Nations as an instrument through to present a flag free to each schoof which free people may Jointly ex- In, Duplin County. ' v -press flieir determination- to re- v . , Burning Permits Cduhty Warden Raloh MUler stated that as of October 1st and until November 30th, Inclusive, it will be necessary for all people burning any brush to first obtain from him or a duly authorized agent a Burning Permit to start or cause to be started any fire in Duplin County. - - ' The law reads as follows: "It shall; be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to start or cause to be started any fire Or ig nite any material in any of the areas of woodlands under the pro tection of the State Forest Service or within 500 feet of any such pro tected areas between the first day of October and the 30th day of - November, Inclusive, or between the first day of February and the first day of June, inclusive, in any year, without first obtaining from the State Forester or one of his duly authorized agents a permit to set out fire or ignite any material In such above mentioned protected- areas; no charge shall be madeTTor the granting of said permits. " ' , . '. This section shall not apply to any fires started or caused to be started within 500 feet of a dwell ing house. - - Any person, firm or corporation violating this Act shall be guilty of a -misdemeanor, and upon con viction shall be fined not more than $50.00 or Imprisoned for a period of not more than 30 days. (Chapter 14-139, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended by Chapter 120 of Public Laws of 10 39 session.) . ,:,;:-vi, Burning permits can be obtained from the following permit Issuing agents: G. R. Cowan, Beulaville, RFD; B. F. Maready, Chinquapin Fire Tower; Edgar English, Wallace RFD; A. C. Hall Hardware Store, Wallace; Leland Sheffield, Rose KPNANSVILLEr NORTH CAROLINA, main free. The United Nation's flag is a symbol of peace. The-flag has as Its emblem a globe of the world surrounded by olive branches in white against a blue-background. The flags made by the clubs will be of blue Indian Head material and charge will be made only for Hill Fire Tower; B. V. Byrd, Rose Hill, RFD; Farmers- Hardware Store, Warsaw,; H, A. Parker, Bow denryann;1 H. Wkters,- Mt Olive, RFD; Pink' Ml' FJfre Tower; C. E. Stephens Hardware Store, Kenans vllle; Faison Hardware Store, Fair oa; Walter Hinson Store, Mt. 1 Olive, RFD. Depositors Nov hscnfd To $10,000 . Deposits in the Branch Banking and Trust Company in Warsaw, Wallace and Faison are now lnsur-. ed up to $10,000 for each deposit or. This will mean increased pro tection for depositors, 'i ! ; . v- The niaxlmum amount previously covered:1 by this insurance was $5,000. This increase in coverage 4snade possible largely by the ex cellent safety record of banks since the Federal Deposit Insur ance: Corporation was formed in 1933. -V.iy C:- . The 'Federal Deposit Insurance is an extra measure of protection to depositors of the Branch Bank ing and Trust Company. To qualify for this insurance, the bank must meet ' rigid .standards which , are checked regularly through bank ex aminations' .?:; ( ''; '. v,. i-. .. . ". Banks pay for Federal Deposit Insurance in the form of "insur ance premiums" from assessments on deposits. R:v. Morrison -To Pi czch Sunday - Rev. J. G.- Morrison, former pas tor of the Grove and Hallsville Presbyterian churches will preach In the Hallsville "church Sunday morning, October l,'aTll:00 A. M. All his friends are cordially Invi ted to attend this service. - 4-H Club Officers Are Eelecfed In Duplin The 4-H Club officers elected for the year 1950-51 were, announ ced by the Duplin County Agricul ture : Department this week. , ... .. Senior officers for the Kenans vllle School are: John Gilbert Al pbln, President; Hazel Parker, Vice President; Sarah Brown, Secretary; Mary Lee Rouse, Song Leader; and Mary Beth Southerland, "Reporter. . The Junior officers are:- Emer son Prldgen, President; ' Francis Carolyn Rivenbark, Vice President; John Heath, Secretary; and Caro lyn Faye Burgess, Song Leader.'.1 The Warsaw High School elected as. Senior officers: 'Gene Holland, President;' Stella Herring, Vice President; "Vann Bostic, Secretary; and Billy Houston, Reporter., The Warsaw-Junior officers are Major ie Davis, President; Shelby- Jones, Vice President; Bobby Lanier, Sec retary; Doris Blanchard and Joyce Whittle, Song Leaders. .4, The Warsaw School Junior offi cers are: Lillie Mae Phillips, Pres ident; Lynn Veach, Vice President; and Judy Standi, Secretary. . -The 4-H Club Senior officers of B. F. Grady School are: Sarah Waters, President; Annie 'Lois Grady, Vice President; Gaston F. Grady, Secretary; and Settle Smith, Song Leader. The- Junior officers aref Jeanne tte Kelly, President; Charlotte Outlaw, Vice-President; and Lewis Westbrook, Secretary. The Chinquapin School Senior officers are Ellen' Ann Dail, Pres ident; Joan Maready, Vice Presi dent; and Milton pixon, Secretary. The Junior officers are Delmaphine Brown, President Flora Lee La nier, Vice President; and Norwood Dail, Secretary . V -v..- ' ' -.-- - .kj-H. 7' ;' '"v . The Senior officers of the Caly pso School are-Jean Swinsonl Pres ident; Billy, Nunn, Vice President; and Edna Jean1 Lewis, 'Secretary. The Junior officers ' are Rachel Davis, s President; Ed Lewis, Jr., Vice President; ; and Betty Jean Kin$: Secretary, j;'.; :-'; . The 4-H Club Senior officers of the Wallace School are Betty Shef field, President; Carolyn Williams, Vice President; and Dick Cording, Secretary. The Junior officers are Gloria Rivenbark, President; Bill Rivenhai; Vice President; and Emily Grey Boone, Secretary. ' Officers of the Beulaville 4-H Club are Charles Miller, President; Mona Jean Brinson, Vice President; and Jerry Sandlln, Secretary. The Faison School officers are Mary Lou JHill,. President; Nancy Lois ByrdTVlce President; and Clara Lane, Secretary. The officers elected for the year at the Rose Hill School are Elwood Murray, President; Horace Fussell, Jr., Vice. President; .and Peggy Chestnutt, Secretary. The Junior officers of the 4-H Club at Outlaw's Bridge School are Janet Hardison, President; Cur tis Simmons, Vice President; and Carolyn Stroud, Secretary. . MRS. BROWN JOINS PATSY'S BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Hubert Brown of Kenans vllle has recently become an op erator .for Patsy's Beauty Shop in Kenansvllle " Mrs. . Brown was formerly with the Vanity Beauty Shop. Id Warsaw. She is a graduate of the Carolina Beauty School Jn Raleigh. She has had extensive experience In hair styling and is a specialist In hair dyes....,;: ';;,;? -J., : Mrs. Brown wishes to extend a cordial invitation, tq, all her former patrons of Warsaw and Kenansvllle to visit her at Patsy's Beauty Shop. Congre This 1 by ' e C.h Prostitution Case Filed Here s -. ; ; tu -.. .. Thursday night Dr. O. V. Good ing, Duplin County Health Officer, filed charges against, Lola Hall and Maggie Hatcher of Island Creek Township for operating a house for Immoral purposes and having Venereal Diseases which they did not report to the Health Authorities. They were also charg ed with leaving children under 12 years of age alone with no. onet to care tor them. Further charges' were made against the pair for gessi0n on the subject "Planning running around the community schools for National Defense." with various men for Immoral pur- D. Hiden Ramsey, Vice-President poses and becoming public unian- Xne Asheville Citizen-Times Com-ces- -i 1 pany, and Vice-Chairman of the Lola Hall was bound over to the County Court under a. $300 bond and . Maggie Hatcher , was bound over to the County Court under a $200 bond. Sheriff Tries Flying Attorney Early Sanderson had a big fish fry for the sheriff and his deputies at his island five miles south of Carolina Beach. The only part that was unplanned as far as Sheriff Ralph Jones is concerned was that he was to fly down with Early- in his aluminum air cub. - Before going to the plane Early and Sheriff Jones stopped by Ear ly's home in Wallace to pick up his mascot, the dog. - Just for good luck. As an extra measure of pre - caution and assurance to Sheriff Jones' nerves every instrument on the dash board pf the plane was carefully checked. There was plen ty of gas and the pressure was good. - Everything was set for the take off except Sheriff Jones. As the plane ascended the 'sheriff held on tighter and tighter to the dog sit-1 ting at his feet a matter of fact to nard he almost choked him. After he was In the air and con vinced that 8200 feet was a safe flying height Sheriff Jones began Public Relations for the NCEA, to. enjoy the trip. --i I w111 speak to the Division of Prin- ' They flew over Angola Bay and 1 cipals. Dale K. Spencer, Wilming Sherlff Jones said it was a beautiful , ton, will preside, view, saw the ships dock at Wilr Mr. Ramsey will also speak at a mington, and landed at the Wll- Joint luncheon meeting of super- mington Airport -for a Coca Cola. Flight was resumed and the plane landed in a pasture on Sanderson's island amid 45 head of goats. . Sheriff Jones is back in his of fice, incidentally he drove back; says he enjoyed it but wouldn't do it again. , ! .- MARRIAGE LICENSES - Marriage licenses have been is sued recently by the Register of Deedsto the following: Thomas Whitley and Carrie Mae Williams of Duplin (colored). Rudolph Halwell, Wayne Co. and Winnie Eleanor, Herring,' Duplin Co. (white). , ; Delmarr Warren King and Mary Edna Kornegay of Duplin (white). James Montgomery and Cather ine Boone of Duplin (colored). Hoover Pickett, Duplin and Odell London, Pender (colored). Wilton Casteen and Marie Brad ley of Duplin (white). William Allen Stallings and Mar garet Jones of Duplin (white). ' . . Charles Banks McNalry III, Way he Co. and Ella Theresa Gooding, Duplin Co. (white). W. H. Kornegay and Kittle Mil ler of Duplin (white). Douglas "Smith - and Sara Mae Kornegay of Duplin (colored). Highway 11 An automobile and oil truck ac cident on Highway 117 Thursday night resulted in the death of Jim Stokes of Wallace Rt 3, and In juries to several others., A: 1948 v Mercury, - operated by Robert Lee Russell of Wallace, Rt. 3, was headed North on Highway 117. about 1 mile South of Rose Hill, was hit In the rear by an oil tanker headed North which wreck ed both vehicles. John Stokes, ri ding in the Mercury, was killed, and the driver, Robert Lee Russell was injured. The unidentified op erator of the oil tanker was . also injured, v -,;; '(' v.v-" ' - ' . j. - Bootleg whiskey was found In the automobile. Charges nave not been filed. r . .j ; , ' A winter cover crop is good Investment i for Southern' '; gard ners and fruit fow i. 1 ' , r -we f-l r !? -It tree's art " ' ' - t in I ' T'.i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 195tt Supt. Johnson On N.C.E.A. Program At Fayetleville Meet October 5 An outstanding trainer of teachers and a school-minded editor will be the two main speakers when teach ers of the Southeastern District of the North Carolina Education As sociation gather at Fayetteville High School, October 5, for their twenty-eighth' annual convention. Guy B. Phillips, Dean of the School of Education, University of ( Nortn Capoljna,; Chapel Hill, will AATm the ten o'clock eeneral pany, State state Board of Education, will speak at the afternoon general session. Editor Ramsey's topic will be "Cul Bono." E. C. Sipe, Clinton City Schools, President of the Southeastern Dis trict, will preside at the general sessions. Other officers of the dis trict are M. G. Isley, Whiteville Schools, Vice-President; and Mat tie Belle Rogers, Fayetteville, Sec retary. ..The Southeastern District inclu des the following thirteen counties: Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, Hoke, Jones, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland. Divisional meetings will be held following the first general session. Dr. James Miller, Executive Sec retary of the Good Citizenship ! Foundation, Portland, Oregon, will speak at a luncheon meeting of the 1 Classroom Teachers. Mrs. Sally Allen, Fayetteville, will preside. Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, State Super intendent of Public Instruction; Wade M. Jenkins, Division of Text books; Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, Division of Instructional Service; Walter R. Dudley, Red Springs; and O. P. Johnson Dtgiyt County, will appear in the pSoggam of the Division of Superintendents. L. A. Bruton, Whiteville, will preside. Henry C. McFadyen, Director of . M . . II KanlfOrC DairfilVA Aui3ln Hi Va DlllllVCIj IYvLvIYC MYVQIU At A.B.A. Convention For Agri. Work The outstanding service by North Carolina banks to the agriculture of 'the state was recognized at the closing general session of the Dia mond Anniversary Convention of the American Bankers Association, when the Norht Carolina Bankers Association was presented with a 1000-point rating award of the A. B. A. Agricultural Commission. The award was presented in re cognition of the high quality of regular banking services provided to farmers of the state as well as for special activities conducted by the Association's member banks in the agricultural field during the past year. This is the 6th consecu tive year that the North Carolina The N. C. B. A. also sponsored a banks have received this award. public speaking contest for both Points toward the award are giv- white and negro high school stu en by the Agricultural Commission dents, using the subject, "Social for such activities as promotion of t Aspects of Soil Wastage", and con soil conservation and land manage- ducted an Agricultural Division of ment; encouragement of farmers , its regular educational program to cooperate with the extension held at the University of N. C. Response To T. B. Says Dr. H. W. Dr. H. W. Colwell, chairman for the T. B. Fund Drive now on, re ports that the response to his ap peal letters for funds to promote TB Control in Duplin is very good at this time. The lirst day's mail brought donations from the following: i From .Warsaw - G. D Bennett, $10; Dr. Otto Matthis, $10; J. C. Russ, $10; A. Brooks, $5;' Ralph Applewhite,! $5; Gordon Korne gay, $5. , From .Wallace -,L. R. Brown,$5; Rev. Wv B. Hood, $3; J. J. Deifel, $4; G. " A. Pope, $2; Mrs; Henry Zberlin,$l; A. W. Rivenbark, $1; Mr. Ginsberg, $2; E. C. Sanderson, $1; Dr. D. Hundley, $10; Mrs. Hen ry Best, $3.' From Beulaville Grady Mercer, $1; Marion Quinn,$l;, R. V "Wil liams, $1. ' -.?!;!--' :V .),:'' t :f .- -f From Mt. Olive Joel Jones, $1. " From Chinquapin R. V; .South erland. $1. '"':"') '" From Teachey Mrs; E. G. Far- low, $1. .,tA E. C. SIPE intendents and principals. Sixteen Departmental Meetings round out the program for the day. These meetings begin at 4:15 and last one hour. They are as follows: Agriculture, W. C. Blackmore, Burgaw. presiding; Art, Mrs. Helen Howard; Salemburg, presiding; Bible, Elizabeth McMurray, White ville, presiding; Business Educa tion, Louise G. Wright, Raeford, presiding; Council for Social Stu dies, Mrs. Maurice Durham, Wil mington, presiding. District Principals, W. H. Lath am, Clarkton, presiding; Element ary Education, Mrs. Margaret Wil lis, Fayetteville, presiding; English, Louise Black, Fayetteville, presi ding; Foreign Language, Mary La throp, Wilmington, presiding; Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Robert Shuford, Wil mington, presiding; Hoie Ecane mics, Mrs. WilnukiBaker,-. iliyi, siding; Mathematics Texys iflprros,' Wilmington, presiding. Music, Mrs. A. D. Wood, Kenans ville, presiding; School Librarians, Mrs. Jean Davis, Lumberton, pre siding; Science, Robert J. Chinnis, Fayetteville, presiding; Vocational Guidance, J. B. Chase, Wilmington, presiding. service of their state agricultural college; sponsorship of 4-H Club, F. F. A., and other farm-youth group activities; and special acti vities such as farm credit schools, educational projects, and tours. In addition, prime importance is pla- ced upon the appointment of bank ers in each county to represent the state bankers association in ag ricultural matters, and cooperation with the Agricultural Commission in providing data for its various studies and surveys. Among the outstanding agricul tural projects carried on by the state's banks during the past year were six banker-farmer meetings. Appeal Splendid Colwell, Chairman mons, $2. From Calypso - David Grice, $1. From Rose Hill - E. G. Murray, $2; Mrs. Ethel Johnson, $1. From Kenansville - Z. W. Fraz zelle, $5; O. P. Johnson, $2; Rev. Sam Hayter, $5; Mitchell Allen, $2. Many more have evpressed an Interest in the Drive and Intends to donate. ' v Mistake . . Not Hurt Word was out last week that Sgt. Jpsse L. Tillman, 22, now stationed in England and a veteran of three years was. hurt This was a mistake. Sgt, Tillman is the foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tiylor, Rt 2, Kenansvllle,' and we have heard from him and proud to say he's well and O. .K.'.t.i';,,;: . Mr. and Mrs. Frshcis Taylor. From Seven f rrins - R. D. Sim

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