W-'Trirv -wt crv9rm w-"r ? -rrt y f r - '- t J L Cel,-io7.S.C.S. Vcl:s lila Mr.:rs!:!p : ' -Tol lrs. A. D. Cay At flcccr.l f ueling : ' ' The Calypso Woman's Society of . ' Christian Service met in the Meth- odlst church Tuesday night Sept. ;-a.'lX.Mw. J. D. O. Sutton .and Mrs. ; ' Adrian Davis were hostesses. The ' '"presidenj, Mrs. Owen Sutton, calU , " ed the meeting to order, opening with prayer toy Mrs. H. A. Horton. Mrs. a: B. Guy was in charge of 1 the worship program, using "Faith" ' as her, topic" Mrs.' Albert Price gave a jprayer.::'.; ;.''''' tf" During business Mrs.' A. B. Guy '"Vas nominated fof a life member- Mrs. A. L. Chaplin gave the pro- gram, "Health Through A Brother hood of Nations", She gave the theme for the year and closed with the song for the year. :; The. meeting was adjourned with the hostesses . serving , ice cream, cookies and salted nuts to the fol lowing ladles: Mesdames I. B. Her ring, Owen Sutton, Albert William son, j Raymond,. Cashwell, Hettie Powell, Jim Herring,, M. R. Ben nett, Br., M. R. Bennett, Jr., A. L. Chaplin, -, H. r A. , Horfon, N Albert Price; Misses Una Brogden, Lynn Herring; and Mrs. A. B. Guy, J tJL. KORTH CAROUIIA r 1 - t . TfiU OF TS3 BLOODT 1AKSSCUB 1. I- COOKING SCHOOL t . ? ,,,, v : The Faison Sesame Club is spon soring a Tide Water Power Cooking School at - the school auditorium, Oct 4 at 2 pjn. A Hot Point Elec tric Range will be given away free as will, several amall electrical Item and food. The admission .will be fifty centii each person. : V SESAME CLUB 7 The. Sesame dub held Its first to lead their families in prayer daily on behalf of the success of the United Nations in winning the war in Korea. The" Sesame Club urges the churches of our own com munity to join with our women In this prayer pact, that right will prevail and lasting peace come to a troubled world. ENTERTAINED Mr; and Mrs. C. A. Decker re- meellng of the fall Wednesday with' turned to their home Jn Jackson- , MNrW. JL CUfton presiding. Re- vine, jria. Saturday. Mrs. j. v, eii ports from department chairmen accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. showed" much enthusiasm in plans ' Decker were honored Wednesday ' for the -winter's work. by Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McColman ' Mix.' A.' A.' Banadyga was wel- at dinner. Thursday Mrs. N.;K. ' corned il l member of the club. I Oates entertained the Deckers.' On 'The General Federation of Wo- men's Clubs, of which the Sesame Club Is a branch, asks the Women n , , . . . ' . n. II Aniltw Mima imf, iff HtmtkmttitotffmnfmoRcg 1 .U), I 4 X,4i Urn mmtm. n-UrtUmj ml LmnTo Ltr4 Ntfm set 9 MM C 9Mi 5 Friday Mrs. I; R. Faison and Mrs. J. E. Faison were hostesses at Grif fins in Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Raven Lewis honored them at sup per Friday evening. Mrs. C. D. Lee entertained, her "Chatter Club" on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Decker. CLASS PARTY " ' Mrs. I.. R. Faison entertained her Sunday School Class of the Presbyterian Church Saturday af ternoon in her garden. The girls wore Gypsy costumes. Fortune telling, gypsy singing and dancing were, enjoyed around the fire. -"WOMEN OF THE CHURCH n ; The Women of the Presbyterian Church met Monday at the home of MrjAv R. Hicks Jr with Mrs. J. C. Bell and Mrs. N. K. Oates as sisting hostesses. Mrs. D, Newton presided. The devotional was -led by .Mrs. A. H. Witherlngton and the His nam doesn't matter so much. Let's call him Rant Goad. Hla murder ' remains unsolved by authorities after sixty years. And yet there are those Actually Ltook him to. a doctor but the pny- stin living who know who hla mur derer is or was. In fact there was more than one m - tna mumer tang, tf you oaa call it that For Ezra waa the worst kind of a bul ly. :. ' -'-o ' .', .y : - He lived to Wilson County m 1890. It was September B of that year. The story could start earlier, however. You could tell of all the fights diat Sara would pick with people. Of bow he treated hla fam ily and of bow big a bully be was. Then came September 6. It was the first day of the Wilson tobao eo market which was to become the world's largest bright leaf mart and which was to sell to baccojiveraging 55 to 60 cents for ihe whole market in 1850 Anyway Ezra decided to come to town on opening day. He and his good wife also decided to take aloag a oig dlshpan of ' barbecue to sen on the market. ' - rhey started out As they rode down the dusty lane tat their borse & awn carriage toward Wilson nei-,-nei talked much. They had fought the nghi oef ore. . Suddenly shots rang out along the road - First one shotgun blast and- then ' another Ezra fell .dead "nost Instantly over the dlshpan of oaroeeusu! . t s u.Hts wifw whipped up the ,borset and ! swiftly came on t& vnuoa Ezra M dead on -arrival. Thej dclan could do no sood. There Wtira. sad to relate. Dlentj of people happy hi Wilson count) Mini iimnit .. CM. WWW M f. no i more. . . - . f. The story though, goes a ums further. It seems that four- men decided that Ezra had done enough bullying and . damage " to the Inhabitants of the county so they decided ta ambush him on the way to town and do away with him. .. ..'! They atrung themselves-, out be- i bind trees along tne lane oe was to pass so that if one missed, the others would surely get him.. They did. . - r-- .. . - Some of them are living toda That's the truth. But that's,; all that Is known. No one knows, real ly, who they are. , : No one reallr cares. acoordmg to those who ten the s t oryj- Eaw was such "a bully. And there's a sequel ,. to an of this. . l After Jim's wife bad taken her husband to a doctor ah went on and sold the barbecue, blood-' stained witb her husband's blood. There never was any about tne barbecue pnmptzany PERSONALS v Mrs. Gray 'Hume returned to Richmond Thumday. - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowden are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Beals Bowden in Jacksonville, N. C. , , JUrs. Joe Pridgea of Greenville visited Mr., and Mrs. P. G. Adams this week. ' Carol James left this week for A C, Wilson. He is a senior, .; Mr. and Mrs. H. KJ. Thornley re turned Friday from visiting their daughter in Maryland. . Mrs. Sam Lewis-Jind children visited Mr. and Mrs. Colin Lewis the past week. Mr. Lewis joined them, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bowden and program was presented by Mrs. ' daughters spent Sunday with Miss Oates. W M S MEETS " The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met Friday with Mrs. Mary Clifton. Mrs. R. D. Clifton presided and conducted the devotional, Mrs. L. D. Groome and Mrs. Mary Clifton presented the program "Can .You Read?-" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf tiliE A YEAR TO PAY V1'' v.O s AFTER flRAmiATION fmOLLNOWv;; PAY AFTER GRADUATION V, . JvVe are offering a limited number of students this ex ceptianal;pjan.' Enroll.now . . i Be a graduate in just 6 months ,vThen pay your tuition in easy installments . . . Call, write or visit us for full information . ni,..l Ca.-J, : COLD WAVES ... 2.95 up : LUmJIj JLCUaiJ . OTHER WAVES. price 'All Work by students . under professional supervision 28 No. 2nd Str-WUinineton. N. CX Phone 2-1750 W. P. Troutmanr Ownec , -. David L. Trontman, Instructor ooocoooooooooooooooooooo Alice Morton In Beaufort. Mrs. W. M. Baugnam and daygh ter ,spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrsy Beals Bowden in Jacksonville. , Dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Faison were Addison' Hawley of Goldsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Hawley, Jr. of Calif. Mrs. J. M. Smith and son spent several days last week at Lumber Bridge with Mr. and Mrs. Willifwd. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fouts, Jerry Pouts, Curtiss and Brooks Gates attended the Carolina-State game in Chapel Hill Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cates and Tad spent Sunday in Mebane. HOMECOMING AT BOONE SATURDAY Boone, N. C. The annual home coming celebration will be held at Appalachian State Teachers Col lege on Saturday, Sept. 30, with a large crowd of alumni ; from all over North Carolina expected to be in attendance. - The day's festivities will begin with open' house in all women's dormitories from 10:30 t6 8:30. Teas for alumni will be given from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. by the social studies department in room 20 of the administration building, the Home Economics department in the home management house, .the wo men's physical education depart ment in the women's gym, and the busings education department in ro6m 14 1-2 of the administration building. The annual homecoming football game will be played against Elon college at 7:00. p.m. After the game the regular homecoming " dance, from 9:30 to 12:00 midnight. Ad mission will be $1.00 per person. Appalachian State Teachers col lege has graduates teaching all over North Carolina, and the col lege administration hopes that re presentatives from each of the 100 counties can be present for, this homecomings celebration. ANNOUNCE EXAMS HIGHWAY PATROL -! 'Raleigh, - Col. James R. Smith, ebmimmding'wHicer of the. North Carolina Highway State-Patrol, to days-announced1' that a training sehool for Highway 1 Patrol recruits will he held October 30 through December to J fill approximately 25 vaeanoi I Xh Patrol. Appli cations of eandtdates will be ac cepted? through Ootober 10. F. F. KENNEDY DIES Frank F. Kennedy, 70, prominent farmer of the Nobles crossroads section of Lenoir County died sud denly of a heart attack at his home about 9:30 p.m. Friday of last week. He is survived by his wife, Fanny Harper Kennedy; one son, Carl Kennedy of Deep Run; one daugh ter, Mrs. Floyd Barnes of Kenans-ville;-one niece, whom he raised, Mrs. Marvin. Houston of Leaksville; eight grandchildren; three brothers Paul of Beulavllle, Steven of Pol locksvllle and Owen of Norfolk, Va. and 'several, nieces and nephews. Funeral servicer were conducted from the Home at 2 p.m. Sunday by Rev. Stephen A. Smith, Free Will Baptist minister of Beulavllle. " i- VflTH TH2 i r ?IKSHTOCUC2 -.FOREIGN:! -), BeikrtaM f roat CharlMion. W. Vs. "Gaietto" MEREDITH ENROLLS . 612 FOR 1950-51 The official enrollment for Mere dith College for the 1930-51 se mester Is 612, including regular and special students, according to Mrs. Vera Tart, College Registrar. Th?3 is an increase of 66 over last year's enrollment of 550 students. The following students are from Duplin County: Sue Carol Oswald, Trudy Williams, Asha Farrior, and" Mary Evelyn Brown of Wallace; Mary Evelyn Barden, Anita Fussell, and Emma Grey Teachey of Rose Hill; Kathleen McGowan, Faison; and Estelle Waller, Mt. Olive. The student body represents 74 North Carolina counties, 13 other States and the District of Col umbia, ; and six foreign countries ' and territories outside the contK iieiHal United States including Chi na, Cuba, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Puer--lico, and Palestine. MRS. NANCY SIIOLAR Mrs. Naiu'y L. Sholar, 63, died at the home of her Son-in-law, Carl Ravnur uf Chjr.quapin, "Rt. 1, Saturday morning at 3 o'clock. Fu neral sc.-Wi.ei were held at 3 o' clock Sunday afternoon from the residence with the Rev. King D. Brown of Burgaw in charge. Burial was in the Sholar Cemetery. Sur viving are her husband, A. J. Sho lar; two sons, Bennie and Timothy; two daughters, Mrs. Carroll Raynor and Mrs. A. L. Lanier; three grand children, all of the home community. Classified Ads. CUtSSiniCD BATES Twe eeata per wore nnxiiuuiu eatarfe of SOe. Unless you ba?e an aecooat with aa pleaw seo4 noaey, stamp, money ardei ar check with ada. Farmera: oaa the Times Classified ads. If yeej have auythlng to aeil ar snrtiange, or wast to buy. ra win accept produce for payment PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL COMPANY, INC RALEIGH, N. C. FARM LOANS Federal Land Bank Long Terms, Low Interest, are available through the Clinton National Farm Loan Association. See or write DEWITTCARR, Seety. Treaa. at CLINTON, N. C. - A man may1 have authority over others, but he can-never have their heart, except by giving his own, "' ' W. Wilson Prices Up - Sell For Cash v;;:::-Acr.;cuLTunAL.vos,i::c. SOUTH JOHN STREET,' GOLDSBORO, N. C. ' m) 1 ' ALLKKDS irr .And . -Am., X. 11113 j VHIiY PROMPT SHU VICE DOB Dog Intettttqe;'; - By: TOM FAM-EV canine - tntellr thr subject of and mlsunder- tesu - of ' dogsi T E L E 1 H O N E' 2 5 i 2 mi 1 Ktiiee has Detsti uiiusb xaKKeration tiahrtlna- ScleDliflc In laboratories have the dtsadvan uk Of subjecting te animal to nltuailoim nut comparable, to any IhiiiK in their everyday lives And observation fay owners and dot fanciers am- liable to emotional and diKiojied rt-ports. Vet. every person ho is " nose aasociation wicn dog fwi that pertain reasoning power iiuhi b present to account for luany im-is. , - Thrii Is lh slory. foi instance. l,t a Orost IHiii nsibed Nero wha vidtfiiily nkMtb way hla master liraW mi lbs sofa at night: Oae cteiuim ihe dot derided to copy hi niBir Wht-u the ownar re turned home he found bis pet spread -mst full Ifrigth In hla loungt ma t lace.' "Oel down off that sofa biii! never lef xee you on It sxaln." ba shouted The dog slunk off Nest evvntiuj. ihe pet bad fig ured out a solution. He realised his place was on the floor. When the master eame home he found Nero comfortably stretched - ever lhre sofa pillows that he ..had hauled down from the couch.. f ; - . Another case that seems to re flect thinking ability Involves" a wlre-hnlred terrlr ,namp(t "Vitlrn Duo" v !m 1 f !. ! i " f ' wetea ihe-osef' When he tu inert pack, the pat-ksu had diHaiipuuu ti Valentine cheerfully, followed bun about the, bous -a tie 'Sesrvhud tor. the jnissuig object But it couldn't be found "Next evuiM the master decided to have loam and tea - Bagerlyi awaiting ' the usuut lid Wis, the .Xo8 .dfmrverea the toast had lost H relish witbuut Its bacon fat ', First Iwiltnig l her master. -sadly .. Valenuu , duxhed down the basement tuii ami i' turned with the package unharmed H-her -mouth -;---. v' . Another- strtkrbg V : a Oeekev .Spauiasl nwnewrJeff". who had alwaya been fed table straps until he was taken Ay hla owners to visit surae frlanas., The trlenda U Cu-lrug of thslr-sagsiKl they used jouly -.caufledi food. So during the tWu weeks Jeff waava guest, be a IV canned tooth AfteD he 'returned home, bis ; mistraas -MavUd' -to scrape the table acra.pa. into hla food dish aa usuar after the first meal.' But as she leaned over, the ,' dog started ' barking. Then he , grabbed thai dhrhi batwssO' his teeth . and tan-with It to the retrbwrator. , L Irt- tha boms- where, ha had visited, . the canned dog tool bad always -come out of the. Ice box. ' ' ' ? - Incidentally, this talk about dog Intf'Si'rrence reminds us of a sage' ,. ., . .ii,,n! eoipx-naj has-made.. It, - i reacon doge . i . 'e ta - s a lu First Class Pit nbing And HEATING All Work Guaranteed GEORGE P, PRIDGEN, Jr. Phone 473 Warsaw, N. C. -FOR SALE- PIANOS We have a complete supply of new and guranteed used pianos. For a saving Just see us before you buy. We seu nothing but pianos. JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY 13 W. NORTH ST. . KINSTON, N. C. JUST RECEIVED 24 x 12 Celotez Ceiling, .WaU Board, Hay Wire, Field Fence, Galv. 5-V, Roll Galv. Roll Tin, Composition Shingles, Brick, Brixment, Doors, Windows. J. C. RCSS, Warsaw, 10-6-4i C FARM FOR RENT 72 ACRES FARM; 40 , ACRES CLEARSD; ZJi ACRES TOBACCO; ALL COTTON WANTED; GOOD CORN LAND; 1 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, PACK HOUSE, BARN AND SHELTER. ALL NECESS ARY EQUIPMENT; ONE PAIR MULES. SEE OR WRITE N. J. CREEL Beautancus, Rt. 2, ' Mt. Olive, N. C. 10-W-4tpd.ir -i ... , , t JUST RECEIVED another 100 rolls seamless tin. The last of my book ings. Get yours now. For Sale: New Remington Pump Gun 20 Ga. $78.00 with one box shells. ' -v J. C. RUSS, Warsaw. 104-21 C --v , MALE HELP WANTED Man with ear wanted for route work. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Steady. Write today, Mr. McVey, Candler Bldg.. Baltimore 2, Md. ' i 10--2tPd. ,y,h best greetings in the THE SOUTH - Hake more money. Sell Embossed Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards, 50 for $1. Make 50o on 21-Card $1 Aasortmentg, IS others include Re ligious, Humorous, Plastics. Bonus. rrr3 Imprint Samples, Assort. i"!fif on arnroval. CHAT.'I, $3$ 'ree N. E Dept. 2C3 Atljr.ta 0000009000e0000000000000 Wail, t i in k LET US FINANCE YOUR PURCHASE A needed truck, another shipment of feed . . . any necessary purchase for your farm, can be financed here in a jiffy, and on low terms. Dank Of Mt. Olive MOUNT OLIVE CALYPSO "MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK" 900000000000000000000000 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FAISON 5&10c STORE A BRAND NEW STORE Next Door To Morton's Drug Store IN FAISON, N. C. ooooooooooooooooooo , .... jzi O " IN STOCK Place-Your Order Today A Complete Line Of FRESH GOLD STRAP FEEDS FOR THE BABY CHICKS . ARGUS FLOUR A Quality Flour At A Reasonable Price BIG DOLLAR FEED STORE (Your Complete Feed Store) DIAL 249-1 . FAISON , a" P .J V,.' i r

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