lix- r ST. LOUIS, MO. HU face adorned with adhesive tape, Kendall.: ,' Iforria U shovm after be waa trussed up and delivered to St Louis ' police by his intended victim. Morris, wearing the rubber mask (right held up James Greig, Washington University football star, and Craig's girl friend, Miss Charlotte Obst, on a lonely road outside St Louis and -- '' announced he was kidnaping them. Greig defied Morns' gun, tackled aim, overpowered him, tied him up and took him to the law in the trunk ef his car. . . . . : ' " :own Tor A Loss. 5 V i 1 llylon Slips. .jwith nylon net , pri.'te white' SWSfo $7.95 i uc i iivrs Dr. Il. ' '.(Special to the Times) 'The WardReunlon met at Frank lin School, Kerr, N. C. Sept 10 Cor the regular yearly meeting. The Camily and friends began to gather Labout 11 o'clock and the usual mencuy greetings sua expressions of good will were very evident as they met and visited together. , At 1 o'clock dinner was announ ced and Blllie Sail returned thanks to God for the bountiful dinner nd lovely spirit, ef the. essaslon. The diner was served In the school cafeteria but the, food at brought from home. I was, a delightful meal . . ' v ;,';--' ' . At 2 o'clock 4h business session wa4pened by-thfr presidents Rob ert Zi Wasd, JTivi inj the, spacious audi toriunvot the- sobooL He called upon Judge AviW. Wilson for the Invocation which was followed by singing "America ta Beautiful" by the group accompanied at the piano by Miss Peggy Ward. Mrs. S. V. Wilkins sang "My Task" in an Im pressive manner. x:,':'---'::.-?t -. The Program Committee was called upon which was composed of Herman Taylor, Misses Virginia Ward and Mary Lou WilkW Miss Ward Introduced Dr. Rubin Hill of the University of North Carolina for a talk on "The Family". Dr. Hill said that families go through phases of realization of strong family ties and othed phases of loose ties. During some phases of history it was necessary to consult the heads of families before the government could take any impor tant steps or make any changes in their policy. - . There were times when families engaged in feuds due to family loy alty. ' -..i- : K ; - In recent years family ties are weaker due to social or economic status. Some members of the fam ily do not attain the same amount of material wealth and therefore are unable to live and move In the same circle as other members. Fam ily ties also break on account of romantic love which causes them to live long distances apart Birth Control hat been respon sible for breaking strong family ties. Small families do not have the strong tie because there Is not the necessity for them to cooperate and work together. 4 . , Dr. Hill Bays It Is ImMrtant for us to decide whether or Lfc family ties are worthwhile. He thinks It is Important for children to know who they are ami to know that they belong to a large group than their Immediate family. Family reunions help develop this realization and helps them to have a feeling of be longing in the world. He . suggested that the Wards have something specific In .mind that we want to accomplish, posP lbly some social work. It Is Impor tant that we stand together for some purpose, t: : , . The' Chairman then, called on Horace Ward who Introduced Mr. Sam Byrd.; He said that Mr. Byrd is a lamous. actor ana tumor ana mentioned that he has played In several plays on Broadway inclu ding "Tobacco Road", also wrote "Small Town South". But best of all he is "folks". He loves people and mixes well with them. He also wrote and directed . '.The Duplin Story", a pageant shown In Kenans ville, N. C. Sam Byrd then told about page ants and the places they are taking in our country today. He spoke of Paul Greerrr ""Lost Colony" and "Faith of Our Fathers". Historical ly, America Is entering into a sys- Ltem of centennials and celebrating luklu wiui yaacg'W.' - The reason for pageant boom is that they do not require trained people, and they are good enter tainment Pageant is the oldest forms of telling a story, v , The Duplin Story Is history. It has told a story In 4 very enter taining way. Mr. Byrd says that the spirit of the people of Duplin as they cooperated in putting on the pageant is outstanding. ,. The President called for the min MRS Mv M. TlHGPEN Beolavtlle, Jf.,C. Bepresentattv For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WARSAW. N. C Mrs. S. . ... , 1. ..i t i ii the absence of 1 .s. E. P. L.uiicli- ard. Secretary. Mrs. Wilkins also reported that Mr. E. P. Blanchardl is improving in Washington where he went for treatment. . A motion was made and carried that a note be sent to Mr, and Mrs. Blanchard. ' We then heard the report of the Nominating Committee read by Sal ly B, Wilkins, for President Ellen Mae Johnson Van Sant; Vice Pres ident Oscar Blanchard, Secretary- Treasurer, Sally W. Blanchard; Acting Secretary, Lillle Belle Brum mitt The report was accepted and passed as read. A motion was made and carried that a copy of the pro gram of The Duplin Story be in corporated In the minutes' as - so many of the family were taking part in the production. The following people from a dis tance were recognized: Preston Ward And family, and Dan Ward of Pine Park, Ga., Cllngman Wil kins and daughter Sarah of Wyth ville, Va., Judge A. M, Wilson and Mrs. Wilson of Durham and Pat Boiam of Charleston, S. C Report of Alfred Ward, Historian told of many prominent persons in England and this country by the name of Ward and said he was trying to trace the connection of otner lamuies by the same name. He mentioned that the cross on the Ward Coat of Anns was won by service in me war of the Crusades. Mrs. S. V. Wilkins passed out I.. -it LAMPS fT" 3- ! : - l 'W 't . ! - - - , - ;f -S- 1 ' ! : ' JL"': ' mdels FLOOR STYLE LAMP ' with brass base v . $19.95 ..J. Hie Presiaut reyuw.. J a lciier of thanks be sent to (Mr. I Walker Principal -of Franklin School for use of the building. A collection of $38.00 was taken to defray the expenses of the meet ing. It was reported that there are still copies of the Ward History on hand for sale, see E. P. Blanchard. Robert Ward expressed thanks for having had the honor of serving as' President the past year and the meeting was adjourned. BETHEL NEWS Rev. W. C. Wilson filled his ap pointment at Be.thel Sunday. , The relatives of Mrs. Nannie Grady were called to her bedside Sunday after she was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage. At present she is In a serious condition. Several from the community at tended .'Homecoming - at Rones Chapel Sunday. ' ' Mrs. W. T. Byrd and son spent the week end at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alphin and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Alphin and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Alphin in Goldsboro. Miss Merle Summerlin spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Summerlin. 1 ' Mrs.-: Ben Grady, Eva, and Mrs. Garland Alphin - attended a' mis cellaneous shower at Mrs. Carrie Bennett's rlday night honoring Dining Room Suites To , MODERN 9-PIECE ' " SUITE. '"" " " ' , LARGE OPEN STOCK IN SOLID MAHOGANY AND VENEERS. , -WIDE PRICE RANGE. . r ' ' ',; -' ' V : M . . ' S' ' Beautiful Chairs ; v BROADCLOTH UPHOLSTERED . . BARREL CHAIR ' - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OC ' CASIONAL AND EASY CHAIRS. . : ,.f - r r..t . . $12.50 up - Axmiriister Rues - all wool face solid or with designs j - 9X12 ft. $59.50 - BROADLOOM CARPET $4.95 Sq. Yd. 9 X 12 and 15 Ft. Widths from (6.50 to $16.50 Sq. Yd. 1 "9 C0::;;LETE DEDP.COM SUITES; 3-riECE JIAPLE BEDROOM SUITE , AS CIIOWN . - WIDE SELECTION OF MODERN AND MAHOGANY SUITES ALce Kornegay. Tiie hmire : ceived many nice and useful gli.s. Mr. and Mrs. BoyAlpnin visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Sullivan Satur day night.. v'.--. r- Friends will regret to learn of the telegram ' which Mrs. Lillle Price of Clinton, formerly of this 12 u L JUST ARRIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF DITCH AND STUMPING DYNAMITE , 1. i KENANSVILLE STAR Suit Your Taste WALNUT DINING ' . RUGS Imp - ' if: 4t missing in action in Korea for 11 days. He is the brother of Gurney Price and Mrs. Harvey Arnett of this community. . ; Sannle Dail of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Sullivan.'''.'"'' ' " ' i. t. v V" Buy Now r - ' V y . "$iS.C3 j -'i . ' y1 , f f : with nylon lace . ? J edging. T'2 p'r? Per Ecrt Prices eJ Ccn- 7 Fnmifurc Of Ojcliiy . .. 's.r r