j.:,. J - LuliUlJ 1 lA'v.r.LiU U ACCIDENT i f II 1949 Mercury owned and op erated by Woodrow Smith 01 Pink Hill was damaged into the hund reds of dollars when it overturned on a curve on the Kington high way Friday night A son was with Mr. Smith in the car but neither . were injured. PRESBYTERIAN " .WOMEN MEET - i - Mrs. J. A. Worley was hostess to a meeting of the Presbyterian Wo men of the Church Tuesday night Mrs. E. M. Sills presidedThe pro " v ; gram was presented by Mrs. Wor- . t ley. : The i hostess , served ; refresJi ments 'to the group. : ) ' . ;;. -'. ? . ; , v I, !'"'; " ", ; FI 'INITIATI0N'''v4 The Pink v Hill chapter . Future I" Farmery oi America held its an j nual initiation," service 7 Thursday r night of last week 'in the gym. A weiner roast was in joyed outside " fl prior to the business session. After the Ineetlng J. E: Johnson,. FF A' ad7 , ; viser, showed piotures ' of work j done, by the chapter during the -Usummer. 'Around 50 boys attended. CLASS OFFICERS The Senior. Class of Pink Hill High School met recently and elect ed officers for 1950-51 as follows: Bobby Hicks, Pres.; Sally Howard, Vice Pres.; Ercell Sanderson, Sec; Dorothy Taylor, Treas.; and George Howard, Reporter. Several plans for the year's work were made and committees were appointed. PERSONALS I Mrs. Leighton Turner was re cently named-. House Furnishings Leader at a county council of Home Demonstration Clubs meeting held In Klnston. ., - Mr. and Mrs. Lylton Maxwell and son of Winston-Salem, Miss Sarah ' Ann Maxwell . of Raleigh, Miss Emilelgh Maxwell and Mr. Harold : Latham of Norfolk were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell. Mrs. E. M. Sills attended an exe cutive meeting of the Presbyterian Women at the home of Mrs. Ashe Miller near Beulavllle Thursday, She was accompanied by Mrs. Zoa Turner. ..':' . v Mr. Jim Player who was Injured in an auto accident near Fayette ville recently is now' recuperating Fcr Ft:t WH&T sum at the home of Mr, and, Mrs. Seth Kina. He expects to return to his home in Lancaster, S. C., during" the week end. - ;T Emmett Watson and Joe Hay worth left for the Army Monday. Mesdames Ada Turner and Fred Lawton and children, and. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Turner were guests' of Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Turner of Jack sonville at Topsail Berth over the week end..'1 -ki Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Turner spent the week end at Topsail Beach. : " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolan and children of Newport News were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis during the week end. ::;? Mr. Wallace Kmg of Newport News, Va. spent the week end with his parents,, here, ,- J A Mr: .and Mrs:. Johnnie Holden and sons of Greensboro were over night guests of Mr. nd Mrs, J. M. Jones. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. James: Miles and family end Mr.' and Mrs. L. C. Turner and sons. Hunter Wells has entered Cataw ba Collage, Salisbury, Miss Marearet Smith of the B. Grady. School faculty spent the week end with relatives at- Page land. S. C. . . Kenneth Maxwell has 'reentered UNC for his second year.. ' Mrs; Melvin Carter, was an oper ative patient in a Kinston hospital fur few dava recently. - Miss Lillie Smith recently visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Kornegay bn Albertsori Rfe 1. ". ! : ' Harper - ScuShnrkrid Community llevs Mrs. Willie R. Harper, Correspondent : 1 i . r "nS 1 MA , I 1 II II 1 I i. . 1, titr siioom IhtnH no 9S rifle like RemlnflteM Try the smooth working, hard-hitting slide action Tieldmaster," the modem man-sized bolt ktctioa Spottmfter tubular magazine re peater, or the "Scoremastei" bolt action box . . magazine repeater. -- x ' All these rifles have adjustable sights, inooth actions and barrels rifled to Reming- ' ton accuracy standards that mean bull's eyes : on target or game. . tbm kt our ifort. - ( N - ' ' wi -niMiMriw" (lid JUtlM M Iffle' ' a. MoM S11 'ScartMitor" Salt AtUtm (b aucoilM) 22 SIS . .. S, Mod S1J "SpwtMitar" U Aoton 22 II Rstrnngteiii. mm "If K$ Remington Iti Rithit Ipoitaadw, Scivlw oirf rMdncHtor r N, U. S. M. Of, ' f'.' ... : k)r ImImiw Anas Ctapaqr, iMt a - .: D. V; Dkon & Sons J : , i. - KINSTON, N. C. , t-; - - . '.. .,.:,..".' il:o hind oJploviV : : i , ycoTO clivaus ivxinfca -4 The Harper-Southerland Church held Its Dedication Service Sunday. A large crowd attended. Dr. Good win Wilson of Nashville, Tenn. was guest speaker. District Chairman of the Wilmington Presbytery, Mrs. Ashe Miller of Beulavllle and Pres byterial President Mrs. Julia Wor th Sprunt of Wilmington both gave interesting talks. Mrs. Nick Smith, Historian gave the history of the church from the time it was orga nized, until it was completed. Mr. J. B. Southerland, building chair man, gave a statement of the ex penses. Rev. N. P. Farrior introdu ced the speaker; After the Dedi cation service the crowd gathered around a table spread with a boun tiful picnic dinner. Every one en Joyed a lovely day. Sunday guests of Mr." and Mrs. Charles Brewer were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee and Mrs. Fannie Smith oi tunnoii. : ; S I Mrs. William Sutton and Lynn I spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Jim Potter In Kinston. . " Mrs. , Fletcher Stanley and Mrs. Norman Stanley of Raleigh were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stanley. ' Mrs. Telford Potter has been vis iting in Washington for the past week. - ' . :-..lt : ': ' Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Powell of Mt Olive spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Harper. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold JOavis of Kinston spent the week end with Mrs. Sadie Guy. -a' . - Miss Maxine Qulnn of Seven Springs was a Weekend guest of Catheryn Guy. Mrs, Lizzie, Chambers of Seven Springs was guest, of Mrs. Sarah Lee last week. ' ' Miss Maggie Stroud of Raleigh spent the week end with her mother Mrs. DeUir Stroud. - Mrs: Gertie Smith and Mrs. Coy Smfth shopped inTinston Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberdo of Baltimore, Md. were week end guests ; of Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Harper. v 1 y. . Mia Mary Sue Yarbrough of Ke nansville, RFD spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Howell Souther land.' ;', - : Mesdames Mattle Brewer, Kit tle Sutton and Wm. Sutton were Kinston shoppers Wednesday. The Dancing Group in the Sa recta scene of the Duplin Story was honored at a fish fry Saturday night sponsored by Messrs Paul Grady, John Ivey Smith, Coy Smith and Faison Smith. An old fashioned dance was enjoyed afterwards, y ' ' .Mr. and Mrs. James Southerland, and children were guests of Mrs. Carl Iyey and Mrs. R. L. Surhmer lin of Mt. Olive Thursday night 'Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Potter, Mr. ana Mrs. j. rotter ana Mr. Ther undersigned, having quali and Mrs.. Franklin TyndaU enjoyed fled -afe administrator of the estate K U 1 JH I . n . . .. uai ucwuc ouFpci aim uaure av . oi j-auence ti. Sutton, deceased sons -Visited in Warsaw Sunday. : Mrl Ann Smith and Mrs. Jose-phine-'Stroud spent Sunday with Miss' Lillie Smith in Pink Hill. ffif? and "Mrs. WilUe J. Smith anft Vhildren visited in Moss Hill Sukiffijiy; v . '- flf. and Mrs. Herman Page spent Sonday with Mr, and Mrs.-J. H. Sanderson. . ; Mr'., and ' Mrsi Clayton Stroud afadj daughter visited Mrs. Bertha Maldass Sunday. ; '. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Powell vis ited Mrs. Lizzie Smith Sunday. The B. F, Grady Seniors is spon soring a dance each Wednesday nlgHtf-'at the gym. Sob G arris will furnish the music. A small admiss ion Vjtll. be charged. ' Mrt. Robert Howard is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheppard. Mriind Mrs. Llnwood Smith of Gerjnsny announce the birth of a daugfer recently. Mr. Smith is the sop of Mrs. Chancey Smith. Mfis Wilma Gray Smith spent the jeejc end with Miss Opal Out law recently. Mrs. Aubrey Smith and Miss Pennie" Smith visited Mrs. Fred Sacktt Sunday. Air,ana Mrs. Johnnie Smith and Nell'ylsited Mrs. Lizzie Smith on Sunday. " NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION WilUam G. Sutton, Admini-f hotA, nf t.A ..1.4. n D own w. ...v. csww w& . a- - tience E. Sutton, deceased, Rt. 1, Seven Springs, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansvillef N. C. 11-3-61. HEP A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their heart, except by giving his own. , W. Wilson REMEMBER TODAli " TOMORROW WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOITN1 OLIVE Phones 217-J or 230 PH010GKI"H A SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL 1 For All Popular Magazines, New or Renewal, See - Mrs. Floyd Heath . PINK HILL Tele. 217-8 FLOWERS FOR All Occasions At Dudley's IN KINSTON Call Our Representati . Mrs. T. J. Turner Agent In Pink Hill. Tel 285-1 the Jay Cee Building in Kinston Saturday night. ; Mr, and Mrs. Bianchard Souther land and Mr. and Mrs. James Sou therland spent Wednesday at Caro lina Beach, fishing. , Miss Mary Sue Yarbrough was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willie R. Harper. ; , SMITH TOWNSHIP HEWS -:!'. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and c late -of Duplin County, this is to notifyvall persons having claims against' said estate to present them o tha-undersigned on or before the 21st day of September, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the 21st day of September, 1950, Office Supplies AND EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, HINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX John H.Carter Company KINSTON, N C jjMMMMSMMaSMa AOflZIUO h$& C7FE3 k l Most -Complete Toy Display IN EASTERN CAROLINA USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN JAY-DEE'S "For Things That Please" N. Queen St. . Kinston 3 war'-' ! a-c r.2'c:niD cisc. plow-fob ma U- D TnACTOR w j AMA4V.lnrt In Maf. nlnw deailfn. ' -" " xiem ib Buiucwii'a - w - w i . Overhead beam gives you much greater trash "far; nee - mean clean plowing in heavy con ot cotton. stalks. Notice the hitch point - ahead of the rear tree-. torvheels. This plow will make a furrow as straight as you can drive, or give you true trailing on curve ;, "contours. Low drift line assures smooth plowing. - even In hard eoiL ' v -, ' .f ' . , Flncer-tio hydrnuUc control at the tractor steering . whel reguLtes depth of the discs, lilta the entire plow - for turning and transport. . . . T Disc blades have sealed lubrication good lor -.. : Isflfli r wheel rolls over rocks or root ! without affecting the discs. (Subsoiler optional.) t 1 J r Ak s for a (Juiiionstraffo Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY a KALL 1INDS OF INSURANCE v L. C TURNER. J. , T. J. TURNER rink Hill's Oldest Insurance Agener : PINK HILL. N. C. , , . IN STOCK NOW v - . Pasture Seed & Pasture Fertilizer CRIMSON CLOVER, LADINO CLOVER, FESCUE, ORCHARD GRASS, RYE GRASS, WHEAT, 1,1 -OATS, RYE, and BARLEY. : . ' 2-12-12 FERTILIZER, 0-14-14 FERTILIZER : SUPERPHOSPHATE and LIME. , Cring UsYoW PilA Purcliase Orders SEVEti spr.;::3s si'rriY c'iY ... .'. 1.' . - v' " ...- ; " iiumii " i. i Mm) a f f "' 1 " " " j J t t t WITH ANY NEW automatic "oil heater or floor furnace SELLING FOR OVER $59.95 fAMOUS GUAR ANTEEPTO GIVE YOU MORE FOR YC JR MONEY raiS7?"FUEL.$AVER" HEATERS MOM IEAUTT GUAR AMTKM Only automstic SUPERFLAME gives you that beautiful styling that adds to the appearance and blends attractively with modern day house furnishings. Trimmed in har monizing polished copper . . . durably finished in luxurious two ton Hammettoa finish which is baked-oo, chip-resistant, smooth as glass, easy-to-keep-clean. mOttl1 COMFORT ClIARAHTtEDJ Automatic SUPERFLAME units offer you "no work" heat. Advanced design increases circulation, distributes warm air evenly throughout entire house from ceiling to floor level. No fire tending, no dust, no ashes. Lightens house work by reducing laundry and cleaning bills. Just light your SUPERFLAME i the fall for ALL WINTER COMFORT! WM KAT gUARAHTEEM AMAIW6 FUti SAVINGS! Only auto. (Hint ' matic -SUPERFLAMfi has the super-efhdent "FUEL- SAVER. Tbia amazing new adyaocement in on ' heating aWracM radiating surface 100, Jtcrtatts chimney loss 40 . . . gives you mon btfrm tvtry rfrsf) bwMmlUJ Saves up to yjoa fuel cost... HMtfe m$rl Buy SUFERfLAMjB soo you tmy mtJirnfimutc iffieitHtjt ACT N(iW I ! (I i i irS YOUR BONUS j GIFIIOR i BUYING EARLY L -T-Vy i I u, j THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER GIVES YOU A FORCED AIR HEATINO SYSTEM .... NO CHARGE Fits tmitr hntcr. Gives fob fORCED AIR WARMTH durina winter. Increase! warm air cirat latioB nunr timet . . . w ap to 25oafud biUa. eSetuadoeal "Smptr" It port. able, operates in a potitioo, hu dozens of net. Keeps J COOLER r anewerf America't most versa. dlaairdicalator. COMPltTt tAFITV AISUUIDI , No dengeroaa faa blades to nip (inters or . lemr dottuna. SSI US TODAY WYCM1,D IAV1 UP TO a cyyMtr ; y9 oh rum EASY TfUMS J Appliance Dept. 'More Than 79 Years Of Bringing You The Finest In Merchandise" : KINSTON, N.C. ,' '

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