c e rrtce tmvvtc i The Intermediate Sunday School Class of the Baptist Church met at ' the home ol Miss Jo Anne Brltt ' Monday night Mrs. Ormond Grlce, leader, and Mrs. Robert . Herring, assistant,, presided. Plans for the coming year were discussed. Offi cers for the 19S0-S1 year were el ected aa follows: Pres. Jo Anne Brltt; Vice Pres. Martha Boney; Sec.-Treas. Eloise Dall and Georgia Hopkins, assistant; Friendship Chairman, Peggy Mitchell; Social Chairman, Iris Ezzell; and Pianist, Shirley Blanchard. ;v- -,-. The next meeting will be held Oct. 23 at the home of Mrs. Grlce. WEINER ROAST ' The Pioneer Fellowship' Group of the Presbyterian Church at Bow den held a welner roast Saturday evening at 4 o'clock at the church. Mrs. Archie Williams, adult advisor , was In charge. COURT OF HONOR ; The Boy Scouts of Duplin will hold a Court of Honor on Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Legion Home. All Scouts and those con nected are urged to attend. TEACHERS HONORED Members of the Warsaw School Faculty were honored at a supper Friday night when they were in vited to enjoy "Family Night" with members of the Presbyterian Church. The meal was planned to be held outside but due to the weather It was moved Into the La dies': parlor. A good time was bad by alk -ENTERTAINS Tuesday evening Mrs. Laughton Albertson 'was hostess when she entertained at three tables of bridge at her home. Mixed flowers decorated the game room., Mrs. Robert Lewis received a jumbo set for club high and Miss Mamie Be thea received the same for visitor's high. Traveling, tea towels, went to Mrs. J. W. Straughan. Mrs. Lewis Mullens who Is moving to Topsail Beach, was remembered with, tea towels also-. ; , , i -H'j : During the came the hostess ser ved coca colas and nuts. At con clusion she served strawberry Ice cream, devil's food cake anc cof fee. . . ment time the hostess served stuff ed angel food ake and coffee. WnLATICT.-SS- if. it .t Pi f fcf '- the Philatbea Class of the Bap tist Church met Friday night with 18 present and Mrs. A. L. Humph rey presiding! Mrs. Francis Fussell led the devotional and Mrs. Bill Vann; led prayer. After business at which time several absent men bers were remembered, " social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Revelle led activities. The hostesses, Mrs. W. J. Knowlesf at whose home the meeting was held, and Mrs. .Fred Bevelle, assisting hostess, served pimento sandwiches, olives, cheese, cookies, salted nuts and tea. r; BRIDGE HOSTESS ' 1 7' ' Mrs. Wilbur Garner was bridge hostess on Tuesday evening when she entertained at her home. The game rooms were attractively ar ranged with fall flowers. . For club high Mrs.N. A, Mitch ell received a crockery sugar and cream pitcher. Guest high, a scarf, was won by Mrs. Avon Sharpe. Mrs. L. S. Whittle received a novelty pin cushion for low. Guest! enjoyed drinks and pea nuts during play and at refresh- BIBLE CLASS .. Sallie E. Johnston Bible of the Methodist Church met rritutiv avenlns wttJriMri Bill Ilnhack-Mrs. B. C. BOKIK Pn- slded The first two chapters of the new study dook were taugnt. Mrs) M. A. Smith taught the first ehanter and Mrs. H. R. HlDD the second. At the social hour the hos tess served sandwiches, potato chips, pickles, olives, cream puffs with chocolate syrup ana eonee. ROYAL AMBASSADORS The Junior R. A's met last week at the home of Mrs. Herman Hoi lingsworth. Mrs. George Penny, leader of the group gave a mission study '- program. Lynwood Eneu V f : ' of Sale FUSSELL'S RESTUARANT WARSAW SEE OR CALL FRANCIS FUSSELL? Prop, ?r A.-,"- Just Picture It 'V ' .1 1 : . 0 ' ; !i " HOT POINT MODEL In Your Kjtchen (And At Such A SavinOr Tco!) ' Model RB39 is the budsret model. This range is priced to fit the more conservative purse, yet . w jkl lit has all of the famous Hotpoint features. It offers the same five exact cooking speeds that you get in every fine Hotpoint range. Cook with accuracy on a Hotpoint! Easy Terms and a low , down payment on all Hotpoint appliances. .j, Now, You Can Got r 10 Tredo-In: ... nco.. (For-Your Old Clovo) v ;Li:!i:Ton:l;Pchl:Fci VAPORS CM CPtCQS AT CO CCtCIV ZEtlO KeeP CcM COMTAIMCftS CXOCZO AMP AWAY FGOM . t f I fiC AN O S sui i,; ima of same. . A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. ' Advertised this the 20th day of September, 1950. H. E. Phillips; Commissioner 10-6-2t HEP Subscribe To The Times I. Button - ' . iV, -., ''''" v' 1 Button," - 'V''W,;;; Ambassador-In-Chlef assisted On the program. The group sang 'The King's Business", Mrs. Holllngs- worth served chocolate cake and punch to the six members present. WARSAW P. T, A. TO HOLD TOURNAMENT The Warsaw PTA will soonsor a bridge tournament Friday night in the Grammar School Lunchroom at 8 o'clock. Bring your own game facilities. Admission will be fifty cents. PERSONALS I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker of Oxford spent the week end with Mrs. W. A. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Sharpe and guesta Mv. aw) Mrs. Charles Bark er attended the Carolina-State foot ball game Saturday. . -t Messrs H. F. Lee and Woodrow Blackburn attended - the football game of Carolina-State Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradley of Newburg, N. Y. and Frank Bradley of Brboklyn are visiting Mrs. Emer son Jones.-; : ''';. x"y'": ' Mesdames Kathleen- Snyder,- J. P. Harmon, W. E. Taylor, and Miss es Nora Blackmore, Annie-Margaret Sykes, Mary Lee Sykes Mary Alice Whitfield, and Mrs. Sallie Eva Tyndall and Mrs. Grace Vann attended a B&PW meeting in Beau fort Sunday.. , .; ;'-;.. : Mrl' and Mrs. C. V. .Garner re turned Sunday after a week at Carolina Beach. .; ; t . Mrs. Alton Greenlaw returned Sunday' after a visit at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whittle spent the week end at Carolina Beach Marina Blackmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmore is a patient at Dr. Sldbury's Hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brown spent Sunday with Mrs. Stacy Britt Miss Katherine Steed has enter ed training at Hamlet Hospital Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Humphrey Jr. of Raleigh spent the week end with his "parents. v. Mrs. Bill Jackson of Jacksonville Fla. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker In Bowden. , Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baars spent Sunday in Klnston. Mrs. George Rollins Is ill at her home., n . t. ,- .-; NOTICE OF BE-SALR UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of resale of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made In that Special. Proceedings entitled: "In the mater of Curtis Carroll et als", and being S. P. No. 2408, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of October, 19S0, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door In Kenansvllle, North Carolina, offer for sale to the -highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and be ing in Dulin County; North Caroli na, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the cart road, running South 89 West 68 poles to a stake, J. R. and, T. J. Carr's corner; thence South 30 East 51 poles to a stake; thence East 77 poles to a stake; thence North 41 poles to a stake in the cart road; thence with the cart road South 87 West 22 poles; thence North 77 West 19 poles to- the beginning, containing by estimation 24 acres, more or less. . y .:t And being the same lands as set forht and described In a deed to Mary Carroll as recorded in Book V-' vi. f- v'i . -' . r At Your Call . Sick Room Needs : Here's a handy tip! No matter what you may need for the ' sickroom, yon can -depend. . on ua to k have It In oar 'stock, ' or readily available. CALL S21, WARSAW MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION WARSAW DRUG CO. WARSAW. N. C. McKettrlck take i. the crupest moet a. 't rayon gabardine, : , gives it a trim con vertible collar, , rj , , , ; andThighlighu J ' It witja tortoise ; . shell bnttons on 'the big dispatch r pockets. RnsV green, burterscotch, navy, sand. Sixes 12 to 20, ' . f V-", . 4 I X ' " i " i f b u e . i k i m . LP m A. BHGO Department v Slam WARSAW, N.C.r , ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO( ,t f xM HOW OPEII . GARIIER-DAIL enA!:i CO; ' Fcr .1 WWE JSUY AND SELL ALL JONDS OF GRAIN "' ? rr.rr; I0IIA PEAS . 1 Ho. 303 can 13 Packer's Label Red Sour Pitted No. 2 can CHERRIES. vBc Comstock Pie ' , - H - ' No. 2 can APPLES" 17c A&P Pineapple 46 oz. can juice- T r 4ic Whitehouse Evaporated 2 tall cans MILK . , 23c MUd American ra ,' T ' -" lb CHEESE - 5c Home Style or Sandwich , r, ,u 1 lfiloaf Marve Bred ( Jcc Jane Parker Rolls - pkg. of 12 c:ov;;i ir s::.ve i Ann Page with pCik & torn, sauce 16 bz. can Ann Pace Prepared r -. . 15 oz. can SPAGIIEni Ann Pae Creamy Smooth pea:;ut lutter 12 oz. jar 5D ! ji Green rnce 11j head 31c c

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