TO CEEBtTO3 . i i 7 t'.us day qualified as Ad ' . n,..i. ix lit Fnrtin Carr, de . f ce !, late of. Duplin . County. " Noi.i Carolina, this is -to notify 11 p....j having claims' against . blf said estate to present them to .-. ' the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 10th day of August, r ""1B51, or this notice-will be pleaded ;s-l In t r cf recovery:'-, ' c ; AU persons indebted to said es- tate ; wHl please -make Immediate payment. , ; x This 19th day of August, 1950 ;i ' 1 Vara Carr, Administratrix r Mount Olive North Caro- 'i lln R. d., oooooooooooo Far Sale SASft, DOORS, VSHET- ROCK, ROCKlUTIf, ROCK WOOL,, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT- BRICK, M02TAR, PAINTS, TER- EA-GOTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, , ASPH ! .T SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V CRIMP TIN FOOFifKJ BRICK SIDING pjlj 'u, I Hi Yifepl m m . I a f I . .1 . Mil fr ''"IP s. .s fiui-"- r ,'1 '.i I.LiA'k j ft If ri. tt i.lx.9 AMUM nmt mixta tut kwvm unmet. y br evet r1 nowuts-sovT in m smM ISCAH M-UM WHTHCK..,9MX . MdttM m m SfUMt. tftOM MS- tinTuaaormtmitim mm. turn mmaMii 4M0H4 HI UmttHT UHit mmsionu$jmtB MHMlMmiWM . NOTICE OF EXECUTORSHIP- I. Z.J. CARTERS SOU ": WALLACE, N. C. COOOOOOOOC The undersigned having quali fied before the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County as Execu tor of the Last Will and Testament of George I. Brock, deceased, this is to notify all persons who have calims against said Estate to pre sent their claim to the underslgn- edJCxecutor. on or before the 2nd day of September 1931, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery ; all persons who are in debted, to said estate will please make immediate payment. . Advertised this the 2nd day of September, 1950. .-.-v. . Paul Ingram, Executor of VM. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance ; Kenansville, II. C. irKcnansioIIe's Only Insurance Agency the Last Will and Testa ment of George, L Brock. Kenansviue, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney - -Kenansville, N. C. 10-13-8t. HEP ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of L. J. Hunter, deceased, this if to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly verified , on or before 14th day of September,' 19- 51, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This September 1st, 1950; . Nancy Gertrude Hunter, Admrx. of L. J. Hunter, Estate. 10-2(MJt. RDJ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Lola Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persogs having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit' them to; the undersigned at Beulavtlle, N. on or before the 8the day of September, 151, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ..their recovery, ; . . )3: v. ' AU persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment ' . - This the 8th day of September, 1950. Grady Mercer, Executor of Mrs. Lola Kennedy. .- 10-13-6t. GM NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION SUte of North Carolina, ' Countr of Duplin. - ' The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of A. S. Benton, deceased, late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all per son having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 18th day of August 1951, or this notice wil be flleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate settlement This the 17th day of August, 1950. - W. M. Drew, Administra tor of the estate of A .S. Benton. "J ' Latham A. Willson, Attorney 9-29-et LAW uJUU ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin Connty. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTx" OF DUPLIN kmi Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER " 7, y. PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS " 5 - Nt Door to AP) u , Bou Wboleuie and Bataii : Know Your Fish t Know Your Fishman miujIrartlett ' FREB nw e-l WE i RESSINQ . WARSAW, N. C - ; DELIVER Having this day qualified as exe cotors of the Last Will and Testa ment of H. R. Cates, deceased, late of Dnplin County; State of North CiroIina.jDotice Is hereby served m all ? persons . holding claims against said estate to pre sent them, duly Itemised and veri fied to the undersigned on or be fore the 15th day of September, 1951, or tills notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate win please make Immediate settlement This 15th day of September, 1950.. . - . ...... Branch Banking A Trust Company and Addis P. Cates, executors of the .-Will of H. R Cates decea- lO-Zv-et BJB. I. 'J, iU'L U U u J lite a bis' car aH The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Arthur Jones, deceased,, late of Dublin County, SUte of North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the-22nd day o ' September, 1951,' or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . v ' '! f -All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement 1 s.;.i This the 18th day of September, 1950. ft William E. Craft Admlni- strator of Arthur Jones. William E. Craft , Attorney.. I .. ; 10-27-flt WEC THESAFEST PERSON The safest person in the United States has moved back to Connec- tlcutt r , .. ". ..It's. still that little girl -- the National Safety 'Council's peren nial nominee-.' for jthe mythical safety title. - She lived in Connec tlcutt for many years, but moved to New Jersey when that state re corded the lowest accident fatality rate in 1048. v ? Connecticut! again came out on top In 1949. So the litle gal's moved again... . :..;'.' The Council figures the safest person must be a little girl, be- As It Relates to Eligibility for --Benefits And Law and Regn latlons Relating to Fraud . - Raleigh, N. C. In order lo be eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits, from the Unemployment Compensation Fund of the Employment Security Com mission," an Individual must meet the- several qualifying conditions imposed by State Uw. First, he must have earned at least $200 in the base period, the calendar year immediately preced ing, or the year before that, de pending on the date he files a claim for benefits, In work , for an em ployer covered by the Act. He must register for work at his 'nearest Employment Security Office. He must file an initial claim, certify ing that he is unemployed, and must Continue to file a claim each week (no benefits are payable for the first week, during' which every effort Is made to find employment . L-1 . . .1. 1- 1 . 1 wr uiui, L-eruiying mat ne nas naa no. earnings, or certifying the am ount he has had, for each week. He must certify that he .is able to work, available for work and willing to take any suitable job offered him or to which he is re ferred. He must show eaclTtime he files his claim that he is actively seeking work by making applica tions to employers who might em ploy him. If he refuses to accept suitable work, he is disqualified and penalized for not accepting a job referral or offer of suitable work. He is also disqualified from receiving benefits if he quits a job voluntarily, without good cause on the part of his employer, or is fired for misconduct connected with his work. His penalties range from 4 to 12 weeks, for which periods he receives no benefits and the amount he would have received, the amount of his weekly benefit amount )$6 to $25) times the number of weeks of the penalty, is charged against him and he is never elgible for this amount. No unemployed claim ant may receive benefits for more than 20 weeks during a 52-week period. " When a claimant files a new in itial claim, his last employer and all employers for whom he worked during the base period (the calen dar year used as a basis for figur ing his weekly benefit amount) are notified on, special forms that he, by name and Social Security ac count number, has filed a claim, and the amount of his weekly bene fit, based on his earnings in the base period. If one of his former employers offers him a suitable CociQ t o r 1 o B I a n c S ays South Joj Groat Industrial Futuro Now b the Tfm to Start Getting - -' Somewhere, Says HADACOL Owner ; Lafayette, La. (Sp.yrSnator Dudley J. LeBlanc, colorful owner ox uauauuij, wants the South to aeu its advantages to the nation Just at be it selling HADACOL so D9 rat or ine country, The Senator spoke to about 800,000 people on his recent half millioni dollar good-will tour of iu soutnern states. His theme was the fallacy of the South producing raw products, shipping them north for processing and then paying freight to bring the fin ished product back home. The Senator pulled his hand kerchief out of his pocket waving it to crowds that ranged from 25,000 to 60,000. "This handker chief was made from cotton grown In the South," he said. 'The cotton was shipped to Massachusetts and made into this finished product. Then we in the South paid the freight on it back home where we grew the cotton. "That mill in Massachusetts furnished employment to folks up there and paid taxes that created schools and improved their econ omy. Why couldn't those northern folks move factories down here and give employments to our folks? I tell you, they would if we sell tnem tne wonderful ad- V Senator Dudley J. LeBlanc "I feel that when a firm has become as large as HADACOL that it owes it to Its people to do more than sell just itself," said Senator LeBlanc. Senator LeBlanc presented vantages of the South just as we: Mirkey Rooney, Burns and Allen, are selling HADACOL to the resl ' Carmen Mirandi, Connee Boswell, of the nation." Roy Acuff, Ernest Tubb, Minnie Senator LeBlanc is spending a, Heari, bharHey and His Dixieland great deal oi money on colored sound pictures of the HADACOL Good Will Show to display the Band, Frakson the Magician, and Marie Germain LeBlanc. HADACOL is now selline at the vantages of southern industry, rate of more than $2,000,000 per olans to snow these In then-1 month and the Senator is Dlan- He is also pr-pnring , n ! nirg to increase sales to $50,000.- nte booklet to distribute 000 if he can obtain enoueh raw e thmuUiout the north. I materials. party and conducts a recorded hear ing, and, if the evidence is suffi cient, the claimant is disqualified and penalized, as the law requires; otherwise, no disqualification and penalty is inflicted. Any interest ed party has the right of appeal to the Commission and to the State courts. When it is found that a claimant has worked and falsely certified the amount of his earnings during the week for which he files a claim, a warrant is sworn out by the ESC claims deputy and the case is heard in the local courts. The judgment, if the claimant is found guilty, usu ally includes an order to repay the Commission all amounts received illegally, a fine, a jail sentence, or u u re .ua nmn..n. ; 1 1 ,w. -1 1 , , M Job, through the nearest ESC off-, , "" """" ice, (time, place, pay. conditions ' lve? can"otube rfcoedfronl tlon of suitability of work) he must be any question as to his eligibility for benefits received, and he is ask ed to check the weekly wage rec ords of such employees and make a report to the Commission. If it is found that the claimant has re ceived benefits during any week, and has knowingly falsified his earnings, a warrant is issued and the claimant brought to court. It is possible for claimants to secure benefits to which they are not entitled, just as it is possible for people to steal, kill, or violate other laws, but it is rare that claim ants get away with violations per manently, just as few lawbreakers avoid paying penalties for their violations. accept such job. If he refuses such a job, he is disqualified for bene fits and penalized, as the law re quires. If it appears that any of these disqualifying conditions exist, the ESC claims taker refers the case to an ESC claims deputy, who gives written notice to each interested cause the safest age group was the 5-14 bracket and for some reason little - girls have fewer accidents than boys. v ) any amount to which he may be come eligible later, and collected if he ever again files an eligible claim. In addition, the Central office of the Commission checks the quart erly records of wages paid by em ployers against benefits paid to 1 their former employees for the same quarter. If it is found that wages were paid to an employee during the quarter in which he received benefits, a transcript of benefits paid by weeks is sent to the employer, if there appears to SCOOTERS KILL Motor Scooter accidents in cities killed about 65 persons and injured 5,000 in 1948. That is an estimate based on a sample of 78 cities of more than 10,000 population. More than half the injured riders were 15 to 19 years of age, and only 5 per cent were women. President Truman has proclaim ed Oct. 8-14 as National Fire Pre vention Week. The popularity of peppers in the U. S. has increased greatly. Don't Do VC5hiae ES IT F0SS1BL E TO mm TIE raSE OF YOUR SICKNESS Forcfi Sofo-WW Mod (offr and rimulder roan fci ford's youl a da "Why pay Mr for roomhsa and comfort whan Ford offers so much for to BtHaF T -; . ' -r .':.' .... n 1 lifceabig car WM iMmff Hrm ami wh-l -klm tlnm option et r. -VI Take "Tool DrW In a rord and rout . dbeovar Ae Una ear "foal" of can that sari bwidradi of dofcan Mora. Yovl have la ma rMthdfea yoaraalf lhat Mi b a tew. i prfeod ear yovTa driving. it Y S 0 r ford brings big-car V-8 power to lha low price fUld, too. Yet, with all Ri blatar foolurot. Ford b tow h flnl coat, low h op. kMP, Mah M ratal vahn, - FAS. Neuritis Pains, Stomach Disturbances, Indigestion, Gas, Constipation Certain Nervous Disorders and a General Run-down Condition terrain nervous When due to lack of Vitamins B B,, Iron and Niacin in your system! 'C , Read How Th Polk Benefited Who Hpd Such Deficiencies Mr, AnthamatUM, 4731 South 32nd Wmtt Arm Tulta 7, OUl homo,- suffered from stomach distress for quite soma time. Ha had spent much money trying everything possible for relief and was in bad health ; when he started taking HADA COU He says, "After taking three bottles of the $3.50 size. I've gained 27 pounds and now eat anything I desire and posi tively have no trouble." (HAD- : ACOL gives such wonderful results because it actually re lieves the saw cross of stomach distress gas pains, heartburn, indigestion after eating due to such deficien cies. And continued use of this t great HADACOL helps prevent such distress from returning.) Mr. Mabel Kitchen, 1650 Am tfrdam, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Be fore I started taking HADA COL I had aches and pains of neuritis m my shoulders, my back and arms. I could hardly move without having those terrible pains. Then I heard about HADACOL. After the second bottle the pains and aches were about gone. Ira now starting my fourth Pjottle and am on top of the world. X eat -veil and. best of all. the aches and pains are complete ly gone." (Mrs. Kitchen Is a: very smart wom&n because she relieves the bsal causs of her neuritis pains due to such de ficiencies. HADACOL ' often brings a wonderful Improve ment within a few days' time.) ' J 11 , r 1..: Mr$. J. Scienuukt, S14 Kruger, Ottumma, Iowa, wrllesi , "My daughter, Marilyn Sue, is 5 years old and for some time lacked pep, had a poor appetite, was generally run-down. Since giving her HADACOL, we have noticed wonderful results . . . she has a much better appe tite, eats everything on the table and doesn't seem tired like she used to. Incidentally, she likes to take HADACOL, too." (HADACOL Is Sgreat 'builder-upper for sick, nerv ous, puny kids whose systems lack precious Vitamins Bi, B:, Iron and Niacin. A big im- rovement in their well-being i often noticed within a few days' time after taking the great new HADACOL.) : .;, ,; ,,' Mr. Hnnrr Anaet. RD No. Sortm field. Ohio. "I used I. to f Why dont vov get thar wonderful HADACOL feeling everyone is talking -about? In this modern age, wise folks are no loniwr "-d with sympto- w It's piwttile to r-1'"-" i csvsb of sucn . ' ""-'SOf .-II IT'l RiifT(r ereat Dain from neu ritis aches in all parts of my body, especially in my legs, arms and shoulders. I never got any real relief until I tried HADACOL, After taking sev eral bottles, my pain Is all gone. And I'm working every day." (Now there's a smart matt! Mr. Angel took HADA COL and relieved the rem. causs of his neuritis pains because they were due to such deficiencies. HADACOL is helping thousands upon thousands of grateful men and women troubled this way. Why don't you, give HADA COL a chance to help youf Start taking It today!) Vitamins B B Iron and Niacin but also helpful amount of precious Calcium. Phosphorus and Manganese vital elements every human being ntlv8 to maintain good health. You owe it to yourselfto give HADACOL a fair trial. Mony doctors recommend this Pt now KADAOOli. It's s "'1 on a strict money-back guarantee. Trial sise, ls. I8e family o?klse,3. i q 1,50, tw LoBIm craoruo '

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