1 f f ;':: To Boost Advertising of the Soutli Tells Dallas l AdLeague How ! Newspapers Sell i Louisiana senator uuoiey jjecnuit . offered to donate (10,000 ai the first 'contribution to get an Advertise-the-South Campaign rolling; nation I ally. He made the offer in an ad i dress before the Dallas Advertising League, and said "and there's plenty 1 more where that came from." ' The South, said Senator LeBIanc, should m the methods of advertis : ing and promotion he had used as "a country lad" who . parlayed a i (2,600 borrowed shoestring into to day's (7,000,000 Hadacol organiza tion in less than two and a half : years. He disclosed he had turned down a (10,000,000 cash offer a week ago for his Louisiana-made Hadacol ; tonic business. "So you see if one man a coun try lad with only the idea of want ing to get ahead could do that with one item," said LeBIanc, "what couldn't we do if all of us got united In the South t" " ' v "By a concerted effort using adV vertising, the South could induce wAvhAra Mndm to brins? their manufacturing industries into our midst," he aaaea, ; v Senator LeBlane's plan ealled.fpf establishment of "a non-profit tor' iranltiitiAII of lAfflA tVTM . With ' ft hus-e southern advertising "War "Vrt" to come from funds appro- i SENATOR LeBL ANCi Tells 'Ho w to Sell South . ' . . . . ... senator ijemanc spotce oeiore an audience of almost five hundred, one of tthe largest in the Advertising League' history, including special guests from civic groups. -The -Senator reported that ' his 1950 business would be in excess of (20,000,000, and said he would sell (100,000,000 worth of Hadacol in 1951 if materials are available. .. ' '("' ' . v' V ' , priated ' by .various .State Legisla tttrei, plus contributions from pri vate corporations, v rk "I know and feel sure," LeBIanc told his audience of Texas advertis-. jnga'men. "being a- State Senator fciyself , tnat you would have no diffi culty in obtaining an appropriation from all of the various states of the Southland." ; ' l...:iV. y.semri i i. .J i . i - ... .'. Deed by the terms taureof btl. g subject to Foreclosure the 'under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash atthe Courthouse Door in Ke nansville. North Carolina at noon on the 6th day Of, November, 1050, the property conveyed In said Mort gager Deed' the "same lying in the County ' pf Duplin and State , ot Nortlr Carolina, ' Magnolia Town ship' and" more particularly de scribed as follows: . . Land In Duplin County; State of North Carolina near the town of Magnolia and being tracts number four (4) and five (5) on plat of land formerly owned by W. B. New berry ' and known' as the - J. H. Heath land. . " Bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In the line pf the right of way of the A.C.L. Railroad Com pany, 840 feet from where' said right of way intersects Buck Branch and runs with said railroad south 1414 feet east 420 feet to a stake: thence south 78 feet west 2176 i,. -.t I jai'ua e;,nwu,i L.L.. Weaver's bridge on the Nortiic. ,t River and runs with the Miller line North 2Vt deg. West 21 poles to a stake in the old Jack Griffin line;: thence with that old line North 72 degree East 28 poles to a stake,.Elearnor and El wood. Fu tral's Corner; thence as their line South 24 deg, West about 42 poles to" the edge of highway No. 24; thence with the edge of the high way Norths 57 duarees. West 29 poles to the beginning, containing 4 acres, more or less, and further described in Book 423 at page 540. This sale will be made subject to all taxes. A deposit of ten per cent win be required of the highest bidder to show good faith. : : ; . This 21st day of September, 1950. J . Grady Mercer, Trustee. 10-27-4t, GM' Attorney for plaintiff. ll-3-4t. GM v NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. ' , tbiin north Sfl feet east 30 feet JAMES A. VKUJSJLM - - . vs. to a stake, the corner of lots number three (3) and four (4) thence north 76 feet east 1701 feet to the be ginning, containing 19 acres more or less. :''".'.''' f"' ''' ' 4nis saie is maue suoje w --""-".,- , anTl Countv unpaid U'-r?yr'.p?-V'?Z,-rZZt,- North A deposit of ten per cent wlU be LOUISE W. PARKER The. defendant, Louise W. Park er, will take notice that an action entitled aa above nas oeen com' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County. Having this day qualified as exe cutors of the Last Will and Testa ment of H. R. Cates, deceased, late of Duplin County, State ot claims against said -estate to- pre-1 North Carolina,- notice is hereby served - on " all ' persons - holding sent them, duly Itemised and veri fied to the undersigned on or be fore the 15th day of September, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All per Am Indnhted to said estate- will please make immediate settlement This 15th day of September, 1950. ; : .a . Branch Banking & Trust Company and Addis P. Cates, executors ..jot the , ( will of H. R. Cates decea- ' - sed. 10-20-61-B.B. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF , DUPLIN NOTICE JOF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND ; required 'of the purchaser at the time or saie. - - This the 3rd day of October, 1950. Carolina,' by the plaintiff 1 above named against tne deienaant tor an naniutj divorce on the creunds.of two years separation and In which ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havine Qualified as administrator of the eatiita of W: H. L. Pickett. deceased,-late of Duplin.; County, North Carolina, tnis is to nomy au persons having claim! against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beuia- vills, nn nr hofnrn the Rth davof October, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment , k t ' This Ath Hav of October: 195ft. Fred Pickett, Adminlfltrr- . tor ot W. H,' L. Pickett. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law. ' ,. , ll-17-6t GM - V NOTICE OF SALE A Special 'I 'ttlat : Pnnrt of EaDLa ixiu of Criminal-Cases ..a a Grand ffia rnnrthAii!A in KAnnnsviiltv M- C, beginning Monday, November f 13, 1950. m,a iha urn nn nr i lAronni luin A. C. Hall, Chairman Board '. " . of County Commissioners. . 10-20-2t. C , , ' r O CCOOCCCCOO O r Fbt'.S'alci"; Parley Potter, MorUgee. the Jerf Latham A. Wilson, Attorney. 10-27-4t LAW V NOTICE OF SALE TAKE A LOW-COST TRIP IN GOLDEN AUTUMN 1; Time to travel - timt to nvat. Year't greatest (election of crip and touts ovct glorious Autumn high wars, including: in eu trim ft) ! IVINf ; Have more fun on Charter Trips to bif games, fairs, festivals, conventions, reunions .It r IN ROUND TRIM VIKVWMIRI , Save aa xlrs 10 or more uth tMT oa Round TWpi to big dttes, small towns, resorts, everywhen . - T IN IXRINSI-MI T J ' The undersigned, having quali fied as -administrator of the estate of ArthurJones, deceased, late of Duplin : County. State oi worm rnroiina " this is -to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to tne un demisned on or before the 22nd ' day of September,' 1951, or this I notice will be pleaded iff bar of their recovery-.' '" .All persons indebted to the said estate will please .make immediate settlement. J This the 18th day'ot September, 1 1950 ' ; V , 1 William E. Craft, Admini ' strator of Arthur Jones. William E. Craft - - Attorney. 10-27-6t. WEC fOHRf 8e more oa"Anuuing America" Tburs, to scenic areas, big cities, historic spots, racation ptof grotwds all over the countryl KENANSVILLE BUS STATION Dr. H.W. Colwell APTtlMKTIUST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh uncvrolet Company Permanent Off Ice In WALLACE. N. C. Under and bv virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Mrs. Sallie Neely (widow) to E. Walker Stevens, Trustee, dated April l. 1047 and recorded in Book 443, at page, 118, of the Duplin pounty Registry, default having been made in the payment of-the Indebtedness thorphv secured, and the holder of the debt having demanded that the Trustee foreclose ; said 1 Deed oi Trust under, the- powers therein remained, the undersigned Trustee will, on Thursday, October 28, 19- 50, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, at we rnnrt House Door ot Duplin Coun ty, in Kenansvllle, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction ana i sell for cash to the highest bidder, all that cortain lot or parcel or lan J, located in the Town of Faison, Faison Township, Duplin k County, North Carolina, and ; being more particularly "described Jaa' follows: ID-Wit: ......:. ;' Heina i thar certain ioi oi iauu in the Town Of Faison; North Caro lina, and fronting on Virginia Ave nue and First Street; and which said lot fronts fifty (50) feet on Virginia Avenue, and runs back inn feet on First Street, and Is designated and numbered as Lot No. 6 in Block B, according to and arjoearins on that 'certain map made from an. actual Survey of and. recorded iri Book 157,' at pages 586 and 587, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin County, and to which reference Is hereby made for a more complete description of the same, i This the 25th day of September, 1950. ' . . . E. Walker Stevens, Trustee By: Woodrow H. Peterson, Atty. ! Clinton, North Carolina ' ... 1 0-20-4 1. whp ; " ' NORTH CAROLINA. ntTPI.TN rOTTNTY. TTnder and bv virtue of the DOW- er of sale contained in a deed of trust executed - by Elmer Smith, dated Jan. 10. 1947. and recorded In Book. 441 at page 170 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin ; County, North Carolina, default havina been made in the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured and sua aeea ox trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the . undersigned trustee will offer for sale at nubile auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Ke nansvllle, N. C. at 12:00 noon, on the 30th day of October, jsso, tne following described piece Of land, Beginning at a stake on the North i which cause of action is set forth in the romDlaint filed In this cause, and that the defendant is a nec- eaarv nartv to thls action: and that the said defendant will further- take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of General County Court of Duplin Pnuntv in KenansvllleV N. C. on the 11th day of November, 1950 and answer or demur to the com niaint filed in this action, which has been duly filed In said office, or on or before the 1st day 01 Dec ember 1950. or the -plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. ! This 11th day of October, 19,50, 1TOTMS-.W ATvin BY VIRTUE" OF AUTHORITY as the Administratrix of the estate of David Qulnn, de oaaaed!' the nnHpmlened.'wlll offer for sale for cash,-at the residence of t-he- late nav d Qulnn. deceasea. in Maffnoiia Townshin. on Saturday; the 28th. day of October,; 1950, at the hour of 10:00 A. -M. the follow ing articles of personal property, to wit: . v- - All household and kitchen fur niture belonging to David Qulnn at tUA tlma r9 hid Heath 1.116 uiiih .am .vw. - : All farming implements of every tvne - , A , Any other personal property on hand belonging to the estate of Da vid Qulnn, deceased. Advertised this the 7tn aay oi October, 1950.' ' Lela Qulnn Potter, Admlni . stratrix of the estate of Da . vid Qulnn,, Deceased. ' ! H. E. Phillips, Attorney 10-27-2t. HEP SASH, DOOSS,' SIIEET- . ROCK, ROCK LAtll, ROCK WOOL,, PLASTE3, . LIME, CEMENT. LTACIZ, mortar; rArrra, tzs. RA-GOTTA DAEI TILE, WHITE SIDING, ACrHALT shingles;: all kinds sTlsUi ll II I y IMHIVIrUI ' CRIMP TIN FOOFINO . BRICK SIDING f' IJ-CAUTEilGSOII WALLACE, NT C JAMES W.BIZZELLRI. D.i. ANNOUNCES THE OPENINCkOF OFFICE VoR , THE PRACTICE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY ' 8 - THIRD FLOOR, BORDEN BUILDING. ' GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA .v OFFICE HOURS 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. - TELEPHONE V AND BY APPOINTMENT f WILLIAMS VUNEKAL HOME Billy Tyndail Undertakers ' Embalmers -, Ambulance Service Home of Mt. Olive Burial "As so. Phone 2265 - Mt. Olive, N, C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND ' UNDER MORTGAGE j State of Nortlt Carolina, ; Ponrttv of Dunlin. : ' ' ; Under and by virture of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Luther Stanley and his wife Effie Kn. Stanley, dated November 15th, 1940 and recorded jn Book 402 at page 421 of the Duplin County w f j j. , V m i i isassssssNrri ' I 1 ; , ; - f j . ! . i f ! if r i . " ' - ' Jl is ' S s jud LjuJ u J L ..... These days you, ccsnV tell from the . .. price tag how much' quality a car . holds. Ford, for, example, Is still .,, 'priced with the. lowest. . . yet k J I other. respects it's In the fine earv 1 class. Take Its styling, for example; . for two years in a row Ford has - been the recognized fashion leader. - , , - ej . . r i r I U I jr mi U O W J W,IWJlwJ kit. p; ,- ry r Like America's ftoesl cars Ford offers you a V-S (i ehghe. No other tow-priced car does. Nor does any . ' other car at any price offer you a choice of V-8 or SU '-. engines. And remember. Ford's V-8 costs hunjeds ' ' . less than most sixes Ford's Six costs even less. ! I ' ' - ocTcrn jf-rt .- , i NATIONAL AUTCV-C "" - Coat In smi "GW la Know Y rt ,W Hw." .. ."".'. M in shew yoy mm f i - " vy. j. v- 1 Co770 infer i,j;.'.'ph saving story en . .

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