CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to express our sincere epreclation to all of our friends and neighbors for the many expressions of kindness shown, us during the sickness and death of our husband ana rawer. ; '"''.i The family ox w, a, Houston. MUSIC CLUB MEETS . ne warsaw junior music uuo , Wednesday afternoon.. The program consisted of piano and vocal num bers by Judy Bollins, Jimmy West, Cebram Fussell, Larry McCullen, Drew Grice, Lynn s Veach, Joyce Whittle, Betty Phillips, Annette Boyette, Boss Garner, and Mary Elizabeth Packer. . . Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Jr. leader, reminded the club of its purpose: To bring together young musicians 'for regular group-study; for per formance before others and social ' enjoyment; : to train future - club . leaders; to cultivate a courteous and appreciative audience; to pro vide high standards of performan ce .through festival events; and to broaden vision and the ability of ( member - through - understanding or ana cooperation witn state ana National goals. , ' ' The' group enjoyed the story "the Haunted House on Melody HU1." Delightful refreshments were served on the lawn. Bridge club Mrs. Forest Martin was hostess MWt. T STU fstmc, mm am lamas ft 1 1 Early June V Hi C ' r.dSourPittK T;nbs iSf'A Canny field Self-Rising Whitehouse-C- 1411 Lv;p.hiilr:; Mild America?. Home Styl w-Sandwich Iona Sliced er glaives i .rcen or Red . , , V " 4 I 1 ' ' rIV I I A A SINGER,. YA i isr I SMOKE CAMUS. 1 s HMM i .:? ti-LlAIMUlllirUFM ;: Jl 1 V TEST PROVED CAMELS I ! AGREE WITH My J III - ;e, Lemon, or Citron 7 k V ' Thursday evening when she enter tained her bridge club at her home. Fall flower decorated the living room where two tables were in play. Mrs. Billy Whitfield won plas tic dessert dishes for high score, Mrs. Carl Winders received a cup and saucer set for low and traveling also a -cup and saucer set went to Mrs. Belton Mlnshew. : At the end of the second progres sion the hostess served drinks and potato chips. At conclusion she ser ved strawberry shortcake. "BOSSES NIGHT" O. P. Johnson, Superintendent of Public Schools for Duplin Coun- ... n.n.nntnJ , IntArAfttlnff Allf) All tertainlng speech at "Bosses Night" entertainment Monday evening at . the regular dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Woman's Club of Duplin County at Mltche- ners Dining itoom. oupu juuimun charmed his audience with good natured jokes and cracks of wit di rected at members of the audience. In a serious manner he brought out the theme of Business Woman's Week. He brought out what Chris tianity means to women and how it can help community spirit and aid the Public Schools. He compar ed the schools of today with those of years gone by. He expressed confidence in our young people of today and complimented Tour schools and teachers. , Dr. Alton W. Greenlaw, pastor of the Baptist Church, expressed thanks. The Welcome of the even ing was brought by ' Mrs. Grace Vann, Chairman of Public Affairs. . P YES, CAMELS ARE SO MILD that la ctwt-co-tDMt tat of hundred! of mem and womea who smoked Camels-and oolf Camels -for 30 dan. acted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, r V i irrfcildi. due fo smoking CAMELS A&P PRICES REDUCED Mild & Mellow . 8 O'CLOCK 1 lb bag- Rich & full Bodied J 1 lb bag ' . RED CIRCLE ' 79p Vigoroui & Winey 1 lb bag BOKAR 81c : No.3Q3caa 13c 46 oz. can 35c No. 2 can 23c 101b bag. 81c 2 tall cans 23c lb 45c 1 lb loaf 12c No. 2 can 22c lib 75c lib 65c lib 45c 10 lb bag 35c lib 07c Miss Helen Brown was in charge of recreation. A dance number was presented by Miss Ross Garner, accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Gar ner at the piano. Mr Johnson was Introduced' by Mrs. Kathleen Sny der, Chairman of the International Relations Committee. Closing re marks were brought by Mrs. Robert L, West. There were 54 present PERSONALS Mariana Blackmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmore, continues seriously 111 at Dr. Sid bury'a Hospital. She was visited last week by Miss Mary Alice Black more, Dr. and Mrs. Alton Greenlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Milton West attena- ed the Duke-State game In Raleigh oamruay. - Miss Mae Brock, WCUNC, spent the week end at home. Miss Jean Miller, Campbell, col lege, visited her parents over the week end. "' . F. J. Strickland is confined to his home because of illness. Mrs. Edgar Pollock and Mrs. Fred Baars spent Wednesday in Clinton. -'"i '!; '"-J :- : Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and family spent the week end In Ral eigh. . ;- " . , Miss Becky Mullens, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mullens, Is a patient at Sidbury's Hospital with virus Infection. Mr.- and Mrs. H. V. Lanier and children of Leonardtown, Md. and Mrs. Graham Wells Sr. of Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rollins Sunday. . - , J Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton of Foun tain spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.. Al vis Powell. Mrs. Emma Chambers, Mrs. Lela Middleton and Alvis Powell attend ed the(farierHif Mrs ft C, Moore fn" -Boekf Wi Wedneaay. i Mrs, Carrie Peele returned from Roxabel Wednesday after visiting relatives there. Messrs Graham Phillips, Ed Strickland and R. L. West attend ed the Duke-State game Saturday. Mesdames Lewis Mullens and Edgar Pollock visited Miss Becky Mullens at Dr. Sidbury's Hospital Thursday.' PT A MEETS! The 2nd meeting of the PTA was held Tuesday night with ap proximately 300 in attendance. Mrs; J. W, Farrior was in charge of the program which Was present ed by the Music Committee. Piano selections were presented by Lynn Veach -and Joyce Whittle. Miss Mary Elizabeth Packer rendered a vocal ole "My Hero'Vaocompanled by Mrs. W, J. Middleton. Miss Hel en Brown conducted a "Communi ty Sing", leading familiar songs that the audience took part in. Mrs. Lena Carlton's 2nd grade won $5 for the attendance record. Mi WiUlamTeadiey, supervis or, presented a movie, 'The Sixth Chair" adding helpful comments. Mrs. H. R. Hipp presided over the meeting. The .treasurer announ ced that the organization had-$68.H in the tMSsttryr it was WMnMBeett thai fib HaTMween rnMl-weatd be held this year. The PTA will have a food booth in the school lunch room. The following commit tees were announced: Barbecue, Mesdames Fred Baars and Gorge Penny; Ticket making, Mrs. Allen All Crystali2:d Fruits Fcrfi:.6ie8: Red Cherries Green Cfcerrier -Red Pinozpb llalurd Pineapple Died Friril Cc!:e Mix DiccJCiircn Ditd C:::;r ; l's,""HI"'"1 l I . . JUNIOR W " ( P- . . . , y- T. young Ai "suiter" IT r v ' l As Sets la Vv CHA,", I I HANDSOME SUITER, a figure-whittling two-piece HANDSOME SUITER, a figure-whittling two-piece rayon that's wise to the ways of flattery! Cropped-short jacket and slender skirt both button down the front Junior sixes 7 to 15 10 ( ( Other CaroU King Junior from MM A. BROOKS. Warsaw's Leading Dept. Store m ai.. Draughan, Jr; TiclKtsates7lTOeof the grammar gradgmothers and dames Robt Frederick? J. C. Page" Mrs. E. C. Thompson high sohool and Lena Carlton; Pies and cakes,' grademothers, held a short meeting Mesdames Momoh Barr, Sanford following the general meeting Mrs. Packer,, Hopton Smith, Eugene, G. S. Best led an inspiring devot- carlton, R. W. Riggs, and Miss Nell Bowden; Chicken salad, Mev dames J. W. Straftffhen. Graham Phillips, Li S. Whittle, RObt. Smith; 1 Drinks, Mesdames J. P. Harmon,1 Myrtle Swlnson, and Edgar Pol lock; Serving Mesdames Stacy Britt, Thomas Rogers, Fred Reverie. .Emerson JdhesJ and . Miss Editk TrueblbSdi Supply, M&Ktam Ed na MoLamb, and Misses Lenora Womack and Nora Blackmore. ' The new meeting hour is 7:30 and will be on the third Tuesday in each month. Mrs. Walker Stevens, Chairman ) ) . ionai. GARDEN CLUB TW' Warsaw Garden Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. D. Johnson and observed the first anniversary ef the club. AiTUWatf ftoiaflg one candle waiVul aiAtoeTVeawtth'ice cream, nuts and demml tasse. Other birth days remembered were Mesdames Earl Wall, Clarence Brown and Hector McNeil. They received an assortment of plants and bulbs. ' The home was beautifully deco rated and Mrs. George Bennett re ceived a prize for the best arrange ment Mrs. McNeil presided. Mrs. Walker Stevens gave' the program and Mrs. Johnson was appointed to serve on the bird sanctuary com mittee,' Six members signed res ervations to attend Camellia Day Jn Raleigh Oct. 26. On Nov 2nd the -district meeting will be held In Goldsboro and 14 reservations have been made to attend. It was voted that a fine be placed on each c 3 'MUMS MY thryir..hmums ARE IN FULL BLOOM GET YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE p vi rm :jj FRIDAY, member for absence except for sickness, ' , On Dec. 14 the one home In War saw will be selected and decorated for Christmas and the . home will be open to the public. A small ad mission will be charged. NYBRANCII HDC ; .Mesdames David Carlton, Wade Carlton and Raeford Bostic were hostesses Wednesday afternoon when the Penny Branch HDC met Mrs. Ellen Chestnutt has returned from visiting in Wilmington. Her daughter Mrs. W. H. Merritt return ed with her to recuperate from a recent illness. Miss Hilda Merritt visited them during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James Matthis of Franklin; Va. spent the week end with Lester Matthis. Mr .and Mrs. Donald Dewey and children returned to Union City, N. J. Friday after visiting relatives here and in Faison and Wilming- i torn Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Home and sons of Kinston spent Sunday with Mrs. Florence Home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Home of Goldsboro were also visitors. The revival in the Baptist Church began Sunday night with Rev. G. N. Ashley of Salemburg as guest min ister. Mrs. L. D. Dail and Miss Macy Cox spent Tuesday afternoon in Rose Hill. Rev. J. P. Royall attended con ference in Warsaw Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul .Tucker at tended the Baptist association meet in Elizabeth church Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns have returned to their home in N. J. Mrs. Thora Strickland has re turned to her home in Tarboro after visiting relatives here for several weeks. Mrs .Mary Merritt is still very ill in James Walker Hospital. Mr. Frank Jacobs, formerly of New York, was in town Wednesday. Two years ago he wanted to lo cate a dress factory in Magnolia but could find no building suitable. The factory was located in Youngs ville 4 miles from Wake Forest. Mr. Jacobs sayes "we are crazy about North Carolina." Norwood Baker and two friends of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Baker. Mrs. Audrey Joyner, who has Magnolia News NEW HOPE of NEW VITALITY for 151 The diet of older people is often deficient in B- Vitamins and Iron. Al a result, they may suffer from excessive weakness and fatigue, constipation, backaches, nerv ousness, too-frequent stomach upsets. Bcv.1 Special Formula has helped many I siK'li p-iiple ... it may bring you blessed reiief, too! Try it . . . starting today. Take "Now that I'm tak ing Bexel Special Formuhvl do aU the things I used to pass up because I didn't have the energy. Bexel Is wonderful 1" UUiZ.BHimJi.Y. MeKEStON'S MUM SPECIAL FpRMULA At Uoding draa a)ar i TO lira R 1 t'4 y i WARSAW DRUG COMPANY - WARSAW, N. C. GENTLEMEN: " PLEASE MAlL ME BOTTLES BEXEL. I ENCLOSED OR SHIP CO J). AND I'LL PAT POSTMAN ON ARRIVAL. Print name plainly 1 Signed ........ ADDRESS Get, Your Warsaw! OCTOSEi: 22ih, 1SS3 at the club house. Miss Alta Law son gave the demonstration. Mrs. Henry Askew spoke on chili de velopment. Recipes of food preser vation were given by Mrs. Bob. Blanchard. Mrs. Bill Vann -gave an article on Music in Education. During the social hour Mrs. As kew received a prize in a contest led by Mr. Moseley Phillips. The hostesses served congealed salad, ritz, assorted candies and coffee to 13 present been a hospital patient la now able to be out and la much Improved. Hubert Howard was brought home from the Navy hospital at Camp Lejeune Monday with a bro ken leg. Complete recovery is very doubtful. The WMS met Monday afternoon Mrs. Paul Bass had charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kissner spent Tuesday in Wilmington. Mrs. Nancy Kissner and Mrs. Ben Jenkins went to Warsaw on Tuesday. Duplin Scout Troop Organized The Mormon church in Albert son, has organized a Boy Scout troop for that section, according to an announcement from the Tusca rora Council office. Scoutmaster is Alvis E. Deaver. Members of the troop are Ver non Harper, Albert Hill, Leland Harper, Jasper Harper, Henry Clay Hill, Cameron Deaver, Bryce Har dison, Lynn Harper, Pete Graham Deaver, and Kenneth W. Harper. Members of the troop committee are B. Melvin Potter, chairman, R. D. Harper, Thurman E. Harper and W. C. Byrd. T YND ALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLIVE PHONE 2303 Home og Wayne-Duplin Burial Association Funeral Directors - Embalmera Ambulance Service Day e Night who may suffer from WEAKNESS FATIGUE ACHES "NERVES" V undervveiglTt due to B-vitamln deficiencies & Iron just one capsule a day . . . and you may be on your way to new energy, new hap pinea, new teH for tijd MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you don't agree that Bexel Special Formula helps you feel really better, your money will be refunded in full. "Bexel Special For mula is all it was recommended to me. 1 am 70 years old and I advise anyone In a run-down condition to take them." Walter C. ilurpky Columbia, 0a. ainar iri-rAlflltl mt'i ntvi vimiviiii ui. now added fo r ' BEXEL MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES I Meg. Vitamin t li ptr captul ... as low as 7'At per day. I mm BEXEL At Drug Co. - 51b WARSAW. N. C. 1W TFnHTPT ATTENTION C'irON TO LTT