1 '.' J Il:rc3 DHplin Teachers Initiated Info ' : i Farewell Sermon . Ddfa Kama Gamma Natl Honor Society Woodland Church " List Saturday the .21 October 1050 three Duplin County ieachen , were initiated into the Delta Kap- pa Gamma, National Honor Society Jior women teachers. The ceremony v.wat held in the Goldsboro Hotel. a nincneon xor me memners iov-lowed.- x Th . TnltlntAi were Mra. Falcon . McGowerr,Engusil and French tea , - cber at JtenanSvllle Hlgbr School; ,. ' Mrs. Susie S. Teachey, DupUn - County elementary supervisor; and . ".Mrs. Etnelene Parker Cupp, first , , grade teacher at theBeulaville ' - ' school. " ' i ': " -i: i N , . lira. McGowen is the former Miss A w Pearl Canady of Hope MilL;N; p. XiT1 She was valedletorian of her class 14.-' at Gray Creek Hfgh School. During MwVsdltk CoHe V . m-iMti ' "'!! ' " -!'. . ' '" " ... . . u iMclvod ..er A, B. deiee from MeredltH ' College. ,-:,.: v .'' . During lira. McGowtn's first Ive years In the teaching profess C:;.!!.i Fr:nC::::::i Briv& - FcrC:!;;7T:i1CC3duoia $ i The Duplin County Farm Bureau quota, has reached Jess than the one-third mark according to town ship reports made Wednesday night by members of the Farm' Bureau Membership Commlttet, . The quota for Duplin County is 1000. As of last night with all but three townships reporting, 408 had joined the Farm Bureau. The report for each township was GlisaontT4; Limestone, 164; Anertson, ' 63! Smith, 11; KenansvlUe, 14; Cypress Creek, 7; Wolfscrape, 42; Faison, 5; Warsaw, 1; and Island Creek; 27. The drive la alated to end Kov. ' 1st. The members of the committee. art anxious that the farmers of the area support the bureau and join d-nlng the week. Unless Duplin "ta the quota aet the advantages -ined-by the organization will, be lost to the county. 3 4 ' " District heads-and their assist ants are soliciting members throu ghout the county. District chairman i nil Duplin Drdf ' .The first DupUn -County ' induc tion call since reactlvitatlon of the j irth Carolina Draft -Boards will l.e effective November 13 with an induction call for 47 men; from the county. '". '.,7.... Those effected by the call will report to the local board in Kenans vlUe to be sent to Ft; Bragg. As of il a 72 Duplin men have; be"en called for pre-inductlon'" physical ex'.ma. - ..,., ..w.-,, .-.i .V...-.W , B. A. Farrlor, Secretary Duplin County Selective Service, joined the dAft board. In August,, 1848 "i resigned, ahortly' -before the I ,ri!s were disbanded InrAugust i ; j; X Ve returned to his position t i tue Duplin Board when the c "i boards were reactivated in -t of 1S50 to meet the Korean I jcretary Farrlor announced on T "ay that a pre-lnductlon phy s 1 call had been received for 43 men mainly affecting those in f t 22 year age groi'p. - ; L J MRS. Wo. K. TEACHET . ion, one of her most outstanding achievements was the' coaching of a winning basketball team. Her Linden High School girls team was undefeated in county and state dis trict tournaments for three 'sue-, cessive years.,. Throughout her tea ching career she has taught Eng-! Ugs or a combination of English and othet subjects. She has been especially Interested in dramatics and journalism. Some of her stu dents have, written and produced three act plays. Each year she as sists her students In publishing an annual or high school papers Debating la another. 01 her chief interests; Mrs. McGwen's students have- lor several years entered the State Debating Contest 'sponsored by the University of Neiifh fbroU- "tMvse&&lMMmnV : awe n ''istrlct winners; two of Ik.v, teams . uaveone to theeemWiiwlain the j state-Mrs. McGowen takes in ac-' tive part i. community andi civic f - CONTINUED OV, BACaf .. are J. R. Zlbilin, Warsaw; John Warren, Faison; Leroy Simmons, Albertson; M. M. Thigpefl, Beula-, vuiei ana a. v. vestal, &enans- vuie. . ,; -x,-p .: f Those interested in Joining may . contact any of the above chairmen : or their assistants. Membership may also De oouinea irom Mrs. Dort Betty Bell, Sec.-Treas. of 'the Duplin Farm Bureau, at the gri .culture Buiding.j -; .'l";"'" . Annual dues for membershlp'in the Farm. Bureau are $3 per family which include subscriptions, to The Nations Agriculture, and the North Carolina Farm Bureau News both " monthly - publications. The membership fee .is divided aa fol lows: f 1. remains in the County, 50 cents to the American Farm Bu reau, and $1.30 for operation of the State (Office, including publish ing of the North Carolina Farm Bureau, News , Diliii'lniifeKilli Ilospilal AlknJisif ,y. i:..7i.:-r:.-. .'."- "' '5, ""Robert Clark, - Negro attendant at the State Hospital for Negroes, in Goldsboro war. killed by "John H. Thompson,' an Inmate from Du plin County, lata last Friday. Clark was slain with an, iron bar as he Ind Thompson 'were at a .building carrying out "trash. Thompson was suffering from an; advanced! form of Insanity and probably will not be prosecuted for the act, it was L::nC!:i:rdi?:-1; ' ' , V paMwt, aM f.M"t " r i f The 5th Sunday nlj' t .' '"per of ' i will i - will i - &' MRS. ETHELINE P. CUPP Rev. Thomas Ulortter will, de liver his farewell sermon at Wood land Church.- near" B;; F. Grady on Sunday, October 29th at 11 a.m. Everyone is Invited to attend. Soil FuinigslioiT7 A special soil fumigation demon stration will be held at L. F. Jones, 3 miles north of B. F, Grady school Friday morning Oct 27 at 10 .m. Kemetodes (big roots) la causing heavy losses in tobacco in the coun ty. This demonstration will show a method of controllng big root on highly infested soil.' The public la inivted to attend this field meeting. Crccll)ovn On Delinquents Clerk if Court R. V; Wells went tor work ' this ' week 'calling in all county court delinquents who are delinquent in payment of fines and court costs. About 125 tenons were listed to'pay np or ba ctmmlt ted to the roads. Mr. Walls said, these cases have been accumulat ing over a period of three years and court officials Including Judge .West, Solicitor .Grady Mercer and Clerk Wells decided several weeks ago it was time to do something about lU' Solicitor Mercer aaUd they decided .t9 .wait until crops were mostly m-wnen touts wouia have money so they could pay off. Monday Judge West ordered Mr. Wells: to begin Issuing capiases ,t6, those, who- did not show up to seme tneir accounts, snerax Jones deputies were kept, busy all day Monday -serving capiases and the clerk's office was kept busy taking In money. Mr. Wells said, the pro cedure would continue until every last case was cleaned up. Three or four chose to accept their road sen tences rather .than pay up and were Immediately committed to Jail. - - It's better late than never, they say. Many are predicting that In coming Judge Phillips will not al low eases to pile up in this manner. Judge Phillips is not the "stern old judge" type who feels nq mercy .bur he. is business-like enough to believe in keeping bills paid-up his friends say. This might serve serve as a warning to those who In the future anticipate meeting with tbi court to have their pocket book ready. Such is the belief of many friends of ' Judge Phillips.. . And, Solicitor Mercer-says that the long er na server as solicitor tne hotter qualified h becomes in prosecu ting, and warns those exnectini to-come -up not to expect the court to handle them too lightly. ; HALLOWEEN TIME U IN DUPLIN - ' It's Halloween Time in. Duplin and witches and goblins are on the run. Young and old alike will ba enjoying themselvea at halloween carnivals. Tonight (Thursday) Ke nansville folk will frolic at the an nual party at the school house, which will be highlighted by an r'ectlon of a beauty qwn from t e local school. Friday Ici 1 iville and Grady comm??1 wiU '-".a their carnival at t "r r 1ve achn'-'s. ' t ; . Bn Cmirt teise Wed. IMolst. Hundreds of Duplin Democrats are expected to converge on Kc nansville next Wednesday evening at 7:30 when Hon. William B. Urn stead of Durham will address a county-wide Democratic Rally in' the courthouse here. District and -County candidates for office' In the coming election will be pre.: ent and introduced tothe gathering. Svery democrat, especially ladies is Invited and urged to attend this meeting. It will be the final Duplin Rally by Democrats before the general election to be held on the. first Tuesday in November, the seventh. Rose Hill Baptists To Dedicate Church The Baptists of Rose Hill will dedicate a $90,000 debt-free edifice Sunday. October 29th with the Rev. J. Clyde Turner of Raleigh deliv ering the dedicatory sermon." The new church, planned for several years, was begun in the fall of 19 47. Sunday will also be Homecom ing for the church that was organiz ed in 1900. Rev. J. V. Case Is pas- ton .1- ' 4 I. , - ? ;' JUDGE JEFF D. JOHNSON of Clinton who last Saturday was nominated for member of the North Carolina Supremo Court bench, Judge Johnson will be elected in the general election on November 7th. Read Capital Reporter on edi torial page for details surrounding the naming of Judge Johnson as the Democratic candidate. Duplin County endorsed - Judge Johnson. Revival Service Here llext Sunday Revival services planned for Grove Presbyterian Church in Ke nansvlUe Jiave been changed. The services will be held this coming week, beginning Monday nJight, October SO and continuing throueh Sunday night, November 5. ; Ser vices will begin at 7:30 each even-! ing except Sunday at which time' they, will begin at 8:30. - The Rev. M. C MieQueen. cas tor of Graves Memorial Presbyter- ian Church, Clinton, as previously announced, will be the guest min- isieiv iiiut u an opportunity iu hear a good preacher that none should: miss. All are invited. - I ll!3;vc:n Carnival C:aliyi!5 Tonight " The BeulaviUe PTA is sponsor ing 'a Halloween Carnival Friday night, . October 27 at the school. . Beginning at 8 p.m. a barbecue supper will be served in the lunch room;; also hot dogs and drinks. In the lunch room will be a fish pond, , ghost, house, 'and ' fortune telling.:. -! . --.:.,:.-, : Ine the lobbY of the audifSorkm will be a "grab bag". At 8:00 o'clock the program -will begin. A Baby Contest will be held and a prixe awarded the winner. Popularity Contest and crowning of the Queen, Tal" t Contest, Fashion r':my, f iiin 7 program from '"s whii'i v "1 I fiOWfT DEATH CAR: Above is the 1936 Packard in which Dennis Byrd was killed "at Bear Marsh church last Saturday night. A coroner's jury ruled the accident unavoidable. It is speculated that had the auto in spection law not been killed by the last legislature this and many other such wrecks would not have occurred during the past year and a. half. This car was examined and found, to have had a bad steering geer..v (Photo by Vaden Brock). "Among 152 students .awarded B. S. degree: by .The School f Business Administration of the University of North Carolina was William E. Brewer- of Pink Hill. Annual Masonic Sermon Sunday - The annual Masonic sermon will be delivered to Kenansville and visiting Masons and friends in the Kenansville Baptist church Sunday morning, October 28th at 11 o'clock. Rev. Lloyd Vernon of Mt. Olive will preach. There will be a spec ial communication of the St. John's Lodge at the Lodge Building it 10:30. The public is invited to the worship. Cotton Ginners Directors Oppose Export Curbs The Board of Directors of the National Cotton .Ginners Associa tion in Memphis, Tenn., Saturday, Oct 14 went on record as opposing the recent curb on exports as an nounced by the Secretary of Agri culture. It was their' opinion that the curbs will greatly, damage the foreign market for American cotton, and has seriously, damaged the in come from the present cotton crop because of the recent . decline in the cotton market: The National Association adopted a resolution asking that the cotton supply sit uation be reviewed Immediately and that full explanation be pre sented to the cotton farmers of America. j,:W--- ,,5 The National Association is made up of the several State Ginners Associations. ..'., 'j'-r.l rs". 5 lb SWEET, POTATO Stephen Batchelor of near Mag nolia brought to the .Times Office at $5,000. Contributions may be Monday . af ternoon a porta rico ' given to Harry Kramer or Roy Car sweet potato weighing 54 pounds. ter. Although a solicitation corn- It was a solid, perfect potato. Remittee has been appointed, they aid It. was grown by Sam Holmes in Albertson township. TV N?w Homes In Kenansville .: Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Wdod expect to move into their "Hew "home In Kenansville before much longer. Carpenters are on . the finishing end of the house and painters are at work. The new home is located between the Cooper house and the Faison McGowen home. Work is movln; along on the L. F. Weeks horn? being constructed r-Pxt to t!.e t Outlaw home. . ' ' r"-r I Accidental Wreck Takes Life Of Young Duplin Man At Bear Marsh Church A deliberate violation of the law, to wit: driving an auto without dri ver's license, resulted in the death of a friend. If driver had not been driving the accident would not have occurred. Last Saturday night three young men, Dennis E. Byrd, age 16, Rob ert Eugene Hargrove, age 18, and a third boy whose name we were not able to secure of near Faison, were riding' east along iie road at Bear Marsh church. Young "Har grove was under the steering wheel of a 1U36 Packard. According to Lester Southerland, who testified at the Coroner's hearing, the boys were not speeding. He said they passed him at the top of the hill near the church and he was going 35 miles per hour. He stated that in his opinion they were not going over 40. After passing his car the Packard left the road on the right and then swerved back to the left, overturning. Byrd was thrown from the car and it fell over on him. He Kenansville Lions Plan Annual Turkey Shoot Here Saturday, November 18 The Kenansville Lions Club in regular semi-monthly meeting .here Wednesday night decided to stage another turkey shoot in Ke nansville on Saturday, November ly;n. A committee was appointed to work out details and see that plenty of turkeys are available for all who wish to take part. The turkey shoot was started by the Lions here two years ago and has proven a popular shooting match each fall. The contestants not only enjoy the fun but goes home with a nice turkey for Thanksgiving Duplin Jews Join United Jewish Appeal; Drive For Developing Funds Now On The annual United Jewish Ap peal drive for. funds to carry on the work of developing the Jewish national home in Palestine got un derway this week. County chairman for the drive is E. R. Ackerman of Wallace. . Roy Carter has again accepted the post of Christian chairman, Mr. Ackerman said, and Harry Kra mer will assist the chairman dur ing the drive. The Duplin quota has been set . will not find time to see everybody personally, Mr. Ackerman said, and the committee will depend largely upon the generosity of unsolicited donors. '-;' -" '.. j;y In , announcing the drive, Mr. Kramer said: "There are thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe who are still homeless, and who desire to go to the state of Israel. It costs about $1,000 for each person for transportation and rehabilitation. "Your donation not only serves ' a great charitable purpose, but in ' giving you aid in fulfilling , the : Scriptures in bringing this- land back to milk anl hon'-t. - died two hours later in a Goldsboro hospital. The other two occupants were unhurt. Hargrave was exonerated from all blame by a jury in Kenansville Wednesday afternoon, ruling that 1 the accident was unavoidable. Some I one told Coroner Sitterson that he ' examined the old car and found the 1 stpprtnc whppl wnlild make A half turn before th "geak-'ntacted. This was believi-3 to Wave caused the wreck. ' " - After the coroner's hearing Cor oner C. B. Sitterson had a long talk with young Hargrove telling him he was morally if not legally respon sible for Byrd's death because he was driving without a driver's lic ense in violation of the law. A little over 18 months ago, on March 15th, 1949, O. E. Hargrove, an elderly man and uncle' of Eu gene Hargrove was killed In- an auto accident at the overhead bridge at Calypso In which wreck Dennis Byrd's father was driving. .dinner. Next week's Times will give details of the plans. I The Lions also decided, to do something this year in the way of placing an attractive Christmas dis play on the courthouse lawn. A committee composed of Colon Hol land, Oliver Stokes, Roy Sitterson and Halley Daughtry were named to begin work on plans. Guests of the club and it is hoped future members were Jessr Brown of Maxwell and Wilbert Jones of Sarecta. Jesus, Paul, and all the prophets of the Bible. "This drive has the backing of all active Christian leaders." Quad-County Teachers Meet In Richlands The Home Economics teachers of ' Duplin, Onslow, Pender, and Samp son counties met in Richlands re- -. cently and discussed the work of - the FHA ;:;;v::;' '''V'v' ':'v4:':'' ' Mrs.-Clara Reid, FHA Advisor, teacher of Home Eo at Richlands, ft ' was hostess and speaker to - the ; group. Mrs. Reid gave many helrfe' ", FHA. . - .1 After the business session Mr. t. ' Reid served refreshments, using : the -Halloween theme.' ;. ; ' The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 15 in Clinton, Mrs. Chris- ' tine Waters, hostess. The i"""