do: $5,325 Landed Last Fiscal Year T' "cl pet turo Audit report on Copnty .1 Funds lor "the fiscal year i June 30, 1950, discloses the ing Receipts - Current Ex . Fund: Vocational Agricul 22,294.96; Home Economics 10,7. 0.64; Jeans Fund 100.00; Vet erans Farmer Training 270,964.94; Child j Feeding ; Program 643.46; Fines I and Forfeitures 26,273.90; Poll Tax 9,066.28; Ad Valorem Tax 23,641.15; Intangible Tax 734.74; Rent 783.50; Donations; Lights 1, 58134; Diplomas 188.75; Refunds 19934; Refunds on Insurance 391. 05; Sale of Sewing Machine 90.00; Tonsil Clinic 3,703.98; Repairs 2.30; total 367,412.83. , , Capital Outlay Fund: Ad . Val- f orem tax 38,874.99; IntangibleTax ! 955.16; Transfer from Capital Re- serve fund 10J188.00; Sale of Pro perty 105.25; Donations: Kenan Me mortal ' Auditorium- ' 20,26.B6 "Sales I and Rentals of Textbooks 12,240.89; total 82391.25. ". . Debt Service Fund: Ad Valorem taxes 32,458. 48; Intangible Tax 1,102.10; Interest 108.00; total 33,668.58; Grand total AU Funds 483.472.66. "'. ' ' Disbursements - Current Expnse Fund: General Control - Salary of Clerical Assistants 1,775.00; office expense 103.63; County Board of Education . 200.00; 8 Supervisors Travel 1,770.00; Audit 300.00; to tal 4,148.63. Instructional Service Jeans Fund 100.00; Vocational Education: Agriculture Salaries 33,450.74; Travel 1,986.67; Home Economics Salaries 16,041.50; Travel 542.50; Trades Industries ' Salary 450.00; Veterans Farmer Training 258,479.81; Expenses: Principals 100.00; Commencement 188,75; total 311,339.97. Operation of Plant - Fuel 255.98; Water, light and power 1,963.96; Telephones ,""-o422.50; total 2,242.44; Maintenance Grounds 28,023.03; Repairs and Re placements:'Furniture and Instruc tional Apparatus 10,601.97; Repairs and Replacements: Heat,, light and plumbing 5,788.39; total 44,413.39. Fixed Charges Insurance: Build ings and Equipment 2,687.37; Re tirement Fund 1,704.99; total 4, 392.36. Auxiliary Agencies - Lunch Rooms 643.46; Health Clinic 1,- 054.19; total 1,697.65; Total Current Expense Fund 368,234.44. Capital JFRIUAY, NOVEMBER 3rd. 1850 L'lal For Christmas DIAMONDS ; - WATPtTES"1 M CLOCKS ' i JEWELRY ' ' Lay Away Plan V1 V I Watch and Clock REPAIR SERVICE . BAKER JEWEL: SHOP ginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 1949, was as foUows: Current Ex-: pense-Fund 35,463.87; Capital Out lay .Fund 30,692.29; Debt Service Fund ' 17,753.44; Capital Reserve Fund 10,188.00; District Funds 55.49.-' . - .:- i The balance on hand at the end of the fiscal year June 30, 1950, was as follows: 'Current Expense Fund 34,642.26; Capital OuUay Outlay Fund: New Buildings and1 P?bL , ."d The Audit shows the yalue of ', LAWTON BAKES,. Prev. Y t ; Located In thi; .r Furniture' Co." Bid. WARSAW " " ' Grounds - Faison Colored School Site 1,643.00; Charity , Colored School-Site 2,500.00; Kenan Memo rial. Auditorium 69,845.13; total 73,988.13 .Old Buildings and Grounds: Alterations and Additions Equipment: Furniture and Instr. Apparatus ' 2,957.97; Equipment: land, school buildings, equipment, and busses to" be 1.711,723.001 School buildings and equipment are insured in the amount of 1,253, 301.69. I ... Notes payable loathe State of Heat, light arid plumbing 3,000.00; , North . Carolina V amounted to 3. total 5,957.97; Library 505.58; 450.00; Bonded Indebtedness '307, Transportation: Trucks ' (original) 000.00. O-'w i' 11,200.00; Garage Building and The comparison of estimated and Equipment 134.63; Sales and Ren- actual revenue exhibit shows! 40, tals of Textbooks 12,240.89; Total 124.95 more revenue (including the Capital Outlay 104,02720. & ' balance at the beginning of the Debt Service .1 Fund: ,. Literary year,) received during the "fiscal Fund Principal 1,850.00; Interest year than had been estimated for Warsaw 12,688.75; Bank Charges 53.61; to tal 34,742.36; Treasurer's Commis sion (to General County Fund) ' 259.00; total Debt Service 37,063 .36; Total all funds 509,325.00. B The balance on hand at the be- 4 : "'t- 9 AJjCTIOll SALE STCCK YARD EVERY" FRIDAY AT 2:00 P. M. I HIGHWAY, 55 -? ML E. SEVEN SPRINGS ;-f . PLBNT-GOOD WELL BROKE MULES l , puentt Binrnts:'' v'x-;.' " i ' ALL SALES GUARANTEED : 0000000000000000000000 V:ur Money Buys More At Erskines i t7'. faHa dates' ! all three school funds. The Exhibit Comparing the Bud get with Expenditures shows a bud get excess of 9,889.62, over actual expenditures for the three funds. The most of this excess was for Vocational teachers that were not approved by the State Department; therefore, the teachers 'were not employed. r V ' ' ' The Schedule on Average Dally Vttendance ""shows Average Daily Vttendance for the school year 1949 50 as follows: White chiolS; Elej mentary 4,539;fligchoori,35t' Negro Schools: Elementary 3,015; High School 695; Totals - Element ary 7,554; High School 2,049., This was an increase of 110 in the Ele mentary schools, and 221 in High Schools." 14:-Wii'i . ' ! i . The Dickson Charity Fund has Assets of 5,694.86,1 consisting of Deposits in bank of 1369.86; Notes Receivable, of 3,850.00; and Post al Savings Certificates of JJeposlt 6t 475.00. i Jl ov ?; ' " Scope of Audit All recorded re ceipts were checked in detail, and were, found properly credited. All disbursements were made by vou chers properly drawn and signed. which were checked against the records and found in order Bank Accounts - were reconciled and found' In. agreement with the records of the County Treasurer. This Annual Audit was made by F. W., McGowen, County Account ant. ' ; " " N0VEMBEI 5 j I TDK otitn Minirt f K 1 struck tool mint. , f nown ( (irtMoy ef Smm, to4- 5 a of thi titwiku- k C MONTH . .... ' i 7 GmwoI tlKtiM mf. C S jjA S MmiFom odmlltW I C j tSt. Unit hcwpMfM, K ( II i Coigrui cftoNmisilM 9 1 OdrSANTHIMUM eofpl77$ X J Ift-AniiliWm Daw; Wok- C C iiratM aimltui to 3 X Unie. 18S9. C game shootingjto teach a man'hdw to hit game. Cla? target shooting will ' teach familiarity with gun handling and that is about all. - So if you want to become good at field shooting the answer ia to practice on live game. Work on crows, Shoot -coots. Maybe when you can kill five coots in a row you can hit a mallard passing by. All the really good duck hunters I know come up behind, their game pass the target and pull the trigger as they swing' on by. Some cover the target for a split second, then whip the gun ahead and pull the trigger. None stop the gun as they pull. If you stop the gun you miss. That's because the speed of your swing helps' take eare of the lead. When you stop as you pull, the duck flies out of danger. Many men have trouble with birds flying directly overhead. A bird : in such flight always looks higher, than he really is. It is a comparatively sure and easy shot once you have mastered the tech nique. Shoot him directly overhead if you think he is over 35 yards high, Bring your gun up from be hind him and just as he is directly above you, blot out the bird and whip the gun ahead as- you pull the trigger. tlce won't make you perfect How ever, there is no substitute for Cancer Clinic On Thursday, Oct. 26, the enoir Cancer Clinic examined 21 persons 13 white women, 4 white men and four colored women of which 11 were referred to their personal physicians for medical attention. Persons attending came from Havelock, Winterville, Cove City, Alliance, Ernul, Albertson, Grants- boro, Pink Hill, Newton Grove, Stonewall, Beulaville and Grifton. The Clinic is held each Thurs day with registration beginning at 1030 A. M. Examinations are free to all with a "danger signal". Per sons living outside Kinston should write for appointment to Cancer Center Clerk, P. O. Box 49, Kins ton, N. C. farmers to enjoy some measure'' of prosperity, -smokers in Nortb Caro Una last year paid the federal gov ernment more than $31 million In cigarette taxes, according to F. M. Parkinson of Richmond, Va., Executive Director of the National Tax Research Council. There is a movement on foot to assess a state tax on cigarettes in North Carolina at the forth-. coming session of legislature and thus Increase the costs of cigarettes 3 cents per package. This tax, if enacted, will saddle North Carolina smokers with another $12 million tax bill, making a total of $43 mil lion annually for the privilege of enjoying one of nature's most bene ficent products, Parkison said. The welfare of North Carolina tobacco farmers Is at stake in this mad desire to saddle tobacco with disproportionate taxes. The inevi table result of endlessly taxing to bacco is consumer resistance and subsequent diminishing consump tion, resulting in irreparable eco nomic damage to the tobacco far mers, he stated. Subscribe To The Time HOT, FIERY GAS Stomach Like A Furnace A Kenansvllle man said recently that his stomach used to burn like a "gas factory!" That is, when he ate a meal it seemed to turn right into hot gas. He was always bloat ed, had gas pains daily. But now this man says he is FREE of STO MACH GAS and he says the chan ge is due to taking CERTA-VIN. His meals agree with him. CERTA-VIN is a new formula. Taken before meals It works with your food, expels gas, and thus you get the fullest good out of your meals. It contains Ten Great Herbs, plus vitamin B and Iron. Besides relieving gas it also enrich es the blood (with iron) and makes stronger nerves (with vitamin B). Miserable people soon feel better all over. So don't go on suffering! Get CERTA-VIN. KENANSVILLE DRUG CO. (Advertisement) N. C. SMOKERS PAY $31 MILLION For the privilege of enjoying their smoking pleasure and making it possible for thousands of tobacco Kim-' m if- J' - 3 EULOVA t Smart Band 29" r$taVg-3flY V '. f , ELGIN "' v ' 17.JEWEl$ y ' j4750 . - . BULOVA SNAKE BAND $2975 :'; HJ0DOWN ttjewnar 50 ) CRUIN ve"i-th:m $1.00 DOWN $149WtiKlY VER AN INTEREST OR CARRYINGCIIARGE DM M. F.ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, tl. G. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency 4. I SINGING BAND LEADER a J a . My voice is my livinq. So it's only natural that I smoke the cigarette that agrees with my tnroat CAMEL! 3 CAMELS ARI SO MILD thai in a coast-to-coast test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels and only Camels for 30 days, noted throat specialists, mak ing weekly examinations, reported Not orw single cose of throat irritation due to smoking CAMELS Rough & Dressed Lumber WINDOWS & DOORS GINN LUMBER COMPANY MT. OLIVE, N. C. SPORTS AFIELD By TED RESTING No man ever gets so good he can't miss an easy shot. Even prac- - .---7 . 1 L Lr.Jjfc V . I r"1"? ii I a rapi not Dr.H.W; Colwell :.!iv orroMwnMST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugb !; 1 cnevrolet Company , . "I'rmanenl if fire In-. . -.O WAI.LACR. N C o O ' fl For Sale : SASH, DOORS, SHEET , ROCK, ROCK LATH, ROCK WOOL,, PLASTER, LIME, -CEMENT- BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER-RA-GOTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SroiNG, ASPHALT .SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V CRIMP TIN FOOMW BRICK SIDING GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! "iTL: FORD r-y jfpyjij DEALER'S AMD caczi i:j o:j tiis used car and - STAriDALTDS OF USED TRUCE! VALUES CI3VJ AVAELADLE AT YCU3 TCL1D DHALCH'S Hm print ar tmwmimM law. Ttwy") fct to fctlf hMM9 w Imw to lwp) UM I mi wnI Iwcfcs Msvtof to rmIm mm mw 150 hrM PitoiMHy Pnl Itootoj'fc , Wa'va fol Hi Ueavst ttertimnt In only after having bam chwkad tnd m4 MarJunlfl . Ul ,J. J -J, 1 n nuiipv imivia ana uii'in jvm wai an TO OMIa MCONDfTIOMD Ford A-l used can tnd trutla art sow a) voa Kka tno racnacaM from bumpar to bump. Thtrre ttiwouht font ovar by our own Ford-traMM i tht best mechsnki In town I No mttttr what Dm nwkt, noAH tf ytar of Inn A-l atad cif or truck von buy. voufcaR bo turo ot tattKif on A-l Vduo aH akxtt th way kl apanuouity, NnllN ana apoaarmoa. rr-FesMJUia Our A-l ued an and tracks haw what RtakM to " v ti milai and nUai of carrtrao opar- i.i , s -t tnd economy. Ami oufreou (i ii i t .n tvwy on w tell ' pnnmlf daaj far for dollar, you B fat tha bast al In an A-l aMd car or truck. ,,1-4 tria-lna. a terms. Com k and kwk ovsif our w !a teiscUoo.

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