i s i . i i ii .sS ...;,, w vy : v..- vr . r-N.-. VOL. 17, : x;:ni!:n Wc;!: Fcr Trahcrs CI Lplin ! And Adj:i j Counties Da Given Here i-.:v'-, f;:--.---, "! ' " ; ??, .'. Mrs. William R. Teachey, Super-' ed: English 222 - Enflish Grammar, visor of Duplin County Elementary an undergraduate level course; and Schools, made a business trip to" Mental Hyg ea la the School -East Carolina Teachers College on S70G. This last course is open to Friday, November 10 and comple-; graduates, seniors, or holders of ted plans for extension work to be . "A" certificates. - 5 -offered at Kenansvllle during the' Both courses will begin on Thurs- winter quarter. This extension j day, November 30. ;, The classes, quests made by teachers, last year. I ville High School building, will be Superintendent O. P. Johnson gin at 4:13. The Instructors for States that this is a means of in-1 these courses are Dr. Powell for service training for teachers that Mental Hygiene ' In - the 'School lie hopes the white teachers of Du-) and Dr. Simonlnl for the English - plln County will take advantage of. ! course. " There will be two courses offer-' , Ciiinese Communists Force Duplin Missionary To Flee; I'ov On Vsy Home Communist control of China has forced Miss Katie Murray of Rose Hill to leave her work as a mission ary. ,.t fe She Is now on the way to the States and la. scheduled to arrive in San Francisco ; next Tuesday. Several Southern Baptist missionaries who -were co-workers of Miss Murray's are with her aboard the President - Wilson. The ship sailed -from Hong Kong on November 3. . Miss Murray has been a mission ary in China for 29 years. She ex pects to spend some time in Rose Wcllcce Voman ' ; J Mn. Laura Alderman Sloan of driving too close to a school bus jo siop. in case wjn --emergency. -: ' J'- u.lli tk.t ir . Sloan was following SA.Faison Ne-j about $50 worth" and the Sloan . gra school bus Tuesday morning car damages -approximated 400 to about fl:15 Just south of the Calyp-j $500 acceordlng to Brooks. Mrs. , so overhead bridge when the Sloan Sloan Is under bond pending trial. csr crashed into the rear. of thai - '., , V T. B. Christinas Seals To 66 On Ssle ' The TB Christmas Seaf will again go on sale in Duplin November 20. Thousanigi of letters containing C.rlstmas Seals will be in this peek's mall, " and 'many' persons will toe contacted personally W sol ic' funds to continue the drive to eradicate tuberculosis; - Dr. H. V. ColdweJC Fund Chalrl : man is being assisted in this fund -drive by interested ; persons and . various civic clubs in the county. . Dr. A. W.""i GreenlaW, i Baptist m... later of Warsaw has been ap- t0 your Christmas mail will carry pointed church committee chair-' an lma2ing amount of Christmas ; man, and is asking every minister ; cheer $irect to the people you love . - In the county to help promote this j mogt ,nd far more important the earrpaign by announcing from tte money gpent for them wiU come pulpit the importance- of a TB'back t0 you m helping keep you cunuoi prvierani un luom w " - i At i recent meeting, the- asso ciation's financial needa were esti mated to.be $5000. However, more funds could be put to good use as ' 121 rjTTEIl, the gentleman with the hat on, and a few of his hundreds of admirers who' went to Tiotor Park Theatre in Pink Hill November 7th to see him i i pcrsci. IT:t3 the expression in the "-""? cf f-o li-'i It wr rrcf ' ' r7 t'r. i f;t Vt.'S my of them ever . ... -t - ' -v v.-"i c-.i C"t KLIJANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Hill. - Two years ago advance of Cim munist armies forced Miss Murray and other missionaries to flee from Cheng Chow. At that time she bur ied, her possessions in a cave In a mountain. She returned later and found the articles she buried Intact ' After she was forced, from Cheng j Chow she went to South China and began work thereThis was in a section where she had to learn a, hew dialect. Now the missionaries have been forced to give up work in South China. k Injured And Indicted bm. The bus was loadtd with chii- ; juries. Mrs. Sloan suffered a badly. Druisea xnee. ana a onusea- ner i 1 J I Jk the expansion of the program de pends, upon the amount , of funds raised.. ,:-,,,,..,,K.,,.::, . - The Duplin 'TB Association, In offering Christmas Seals for sale joins the State and National TB Association in their 44th annual Christmas Seal Sale, and la offer ing to the public one of the best bargains that can be found in highly competitive economy. For the low price of $1.00 any one can buy one hundred Christmas Seals. ! Thoo rnlnrfnl ! whitn uttiiphpd 'and your family safe from TB. In the 44 years that Christmas Seals have been, offered for sale the death rate from the White i Plague lias declined about 80. Mortgage -Papers ii r' The flaming papers in the hand of Past Commander Charlie Thompson of the Sinimons-Mewborn-Turner Post 379 of the American Legion at Maxwell's Mill are the mortgage papers. Andthe young arsonist In this Instance was five-year-old Andrea Mewhirn, held In the arms of Commander Durham Grady at right. On the mantel of the fireplace at rear can be seen the picture of Andrea's father, Tyson Mewborn, one of the three men who gave their lives in World War II and for whom the post was named. At left is Louis Outlaw,, another of the organisers of the community post, who had a part in the formal Armistice Day program on Saturday. Whitaker-Leffew JTioto) WARSAW BEAUTY QUEENS If Warsaw Beauty Queens and runners-up-at-the an nual Armistice Day ball in Warsaw last Saturday night. Reading left to rieht are: Miss Kate M. Boggs of Beula ville, runner-up for the queen's title; Miss Cynthia Tay- i t T- tt r.. lDRnniKutn loi ViD.c. iaujr, iw. 4iM, - ( ville, 1949 queen who crowned the 1950 winner, Miss; Belle Lee of Faison, third Daniel W, Lanier of Beulaville). v ; The queen's ball and dance concluded the 1950 Armistice celebration. i"::"-?:- That its a pretty fine record for something as small as the Christ mas Seal. They are truly a great buy. - i K ! ..v -4I y i Paid And Burned mmmmm m r m i mi inn iiii - Miccsna i .amor nr i-ipiiia- place winner. ' , (Photo by i Give Talks Fire Warden Ralph Miller was mipcf enpnkr at a meeting of the Rose Hill Veterans Class Tuesday night. Mr. Miller talked on fire j prevention. Also with him to ad dress the meeting were Forester Green of Whiteville and Farm For ester. Tom Ryan of Fayettevllle. Careless Farmer Gels Nine Months A Duplin farmer this week was given nine ' months on the roads because of a little carelessness and because" it was too much trouble to get a burner's permit; Frank Warren, Negro of Rockfish Township,-was sentenced to 9 months on the roads by Judge Henry Stevens,- and the. sentence was not suspended, after.Warren had fought his case., through Justice of the peace court, county court, and on final appeal to superior court' be wound up on the roads when prose cutors said !e could have gotten off probably with a fine If he had stopped with the justice of the peace's judgment. ' ' The case has been in court for nearly two years. According to the evidence he started a fire .burning grass an1' -V,s without a permit. 'jI hv "i e he let t'e fire ' : I w,--r ' i to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1950 uplin Celebrates Armistice Day Warsanflnd Final Audit Shows Duplin Story Netted $1500; Paid Out A final audit report of the 1950 production of "The Duplin Story" shows a net profit of $1500 which, after having been paid out, leaves a balance in the treasure of The Duplin County Historical Associa tion of $157.70. Treasurer Faison McGowen has mailed checks in the amount of $100 each to the fol lowing sponsoring groups: Warsaw Junior Chamber of Commerce, Fai son High SChdel Calypso High School, B. F. GradyHigh School, Beulaville Lions Club, Chinquapin High School, Wallace High School, Rose Hill Woman's Club, Magnolia Civics Club, Kenansvllle High School, Kenan Memorial Auditor-, ium, Duplin Story Choir, Duplin County Historical Association, Inc. and two shares each to Duplin County Negro Teachers Associa tion.. . A total of $5,850.00 was advan ced by various persons and busi ness houses to underwrite the pro duction and all of this amount has been refunded. The play took In from advance sales of tickets $3,345.00 and from box -office sales the following amounts: first performance $708. 25; second performance $1,709.50; third performance $3,057.50; fourth performance $2,524.00; fifth per formance $1,155.75; sixth perfor mance $619.50; seventh perform- mance $l,9n:50. . .ISt-igrand total Pfrom sale-f -ticket f $10,371.00. Sam Byrd ,was paid, a total of $3,2T6,00; Oorwin Rife a total of rT A Tm. y'MV Alumni Plan djng travel; Wm. Walker, $240.00, and Miss Norma Mazo, $77.88 in cluding travel and.' meals. The State and. Federal governments re ceived a total of $3,109.17 In taxes. Th ebalance of $157.70 left in the treasury will be held to cover any bills that might have been overlooked or not received. After a reasonable length of time this will be divided between the 15 sponsors. HERBERT LANIER NOW AT GREAT LAKES, ILL. Herbert A. Lanier, seaman ret, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Admah Lanier of Magnolia is undergoing at worlds largest Naval Trainlng Center Great Lakes, in. ; upon completion oi training jvir. Lanier will be assigned either to a unit of the Fleet or to a service school for specialized training. EDITH DICKERSON TO GIVE CONCERT Edith Hinnant Dickerson, Negro soprano who made such a hit in 2TheDuplln Story" will give a vo cal concert in the Douglas High School in Warsaw. at 8:00 P. M. nn Monday, - November . 27th. A I gman admission, charge will be made. The public la cordially in- vlted. A State VFW beaut queen Eleanor Gay Herring of Albertson places the Miss Harvest Festival tiara on the head of pretty, Betty Gaye of Walstonburg, 17-year-old queen sponsored by Walstonburg Men's Club,, 4a the clirrtax of Saturday nlght'sJJarvest Festival beautypageant and dance in Klnston.' Looking on are Lou Ella Smith of Seven ' -!'" s, r '"'e 1, and Jeano Dodd Jackson of Kinston, Route 1, the runners-up. . .:' Maxwell's Mill Play Hosts B. F. Grady Girl Crowned Queen By MRS GRAHAM PHILLIPS Activities of the 31st annual Warsaw Armistice Day observance closed with the selection of "Miss Duplin County" Saturday night. Cynthia Taylor of B. F. Grady School was selected from a group of nine contestants. She was crown ed by Sue Lanier of Beulaville, last year's winner. Chosen as sec ond and third place winners were Kate Boggs of Beulaville and Belle Lee of Fa.sjn. Although most of the Armistice Day activities took place in a cold rain, approximately 4,000 people turned out to witness the five-block parade of men and women Marines, a Marine Corps Band, National Guard Units, Gold Star Mothers and many floats from throughout the county. The Warsaw Jaycees took first place in the float contest followed by the Rose Hill American Legion and Calypso Lions Club. J. T. Gresham, attorney of War saw and Jacksonville, delivered the principal address on the steps of the Legion Home. Commander Ralph J. Jones, Robert L. West and District representative J. C. Page all brought messages of welcome. Misses Joyce Ann Jones, Mary Elizabeth Packer, Betty Phillips, and Helen Brown rendered a vocal seection. In the afternoon a football game between Warsaw and Faison High Schools took place with Warsaw winning 6-0. A military band play- ed for the dance tha evening in tne School Gymnasium. Organization Here To Meet Dec. 28 Prof. Z. W. Frazzelle of the Ke nansvllle high school has issued an invitation to all graduates and for mer students of East Carolina Tea chers College to meet in Kenans ville, at the school auditorium, at 7:30 p.m. on December 28th for the purpose of organizing a Duplin County Chapter of the Alumni As sociation of E. C. T. C. At that time Mrs. Clem Garner of Greenville, alumni secretary, and Mrs. Hazel Kimrey Way of Wilmington, vice president of the Southeastern Dis trict, will be present. All ECTC graduates and former students, re gardless of the years they attended are urged to attend this meeting. The Duplin Story Field Cleared Off The Duplin Story amphitheatre field has been cleaned off. The pine shrubs have been taken down and burned. This work was done by Mr.- McPhail, Kenansvllle agricul tural teacher and his classes. Queen Crowns A Queen lip 1 - ( . ! . , ' W',' No. 46 Alberlson Post Burns Mortgages By FRED WHITAKER The celebration of the 32nd an niversary of Armistice Day, the end of hostilities in World Wjir I, was marked by the Simmons- Mewborn Turner Post 379 of the American Legion at Maxwell's Mill on Sat- urday with comradeship, reverence, fine fo:J and fire. There was a roaring biaze in the fireplace of the Legion Hut to ward against the chill of the overcast day for the comfort of the 100-odd persons gathered, but the fire that was most important was a small one set by five-year-old Andrea Mewborn, daughter of Tyson Mew born, one of the three men of the Community who died in World War II. and for whom the post is named. The fire she set with a match, with the assistance of Commander Durham Grady consumed the mort gage and other debt papers, now completely paid, which were held for her by Past Commander Charlie Thompson. The building, moved as surplus from Bogue Field in May, 1948, held the first meeting of the Maxwell Mill post in September of that year. It was estimated that something more than $6,000 has been spent on the attractive Legion home in the moss-draped oak grove over-looking the mlllpond, but its value is above $10,000 when the actual physical value, with the do nated labor and materials is con sidered. Principan speaker was I. T. Val- ; entine, well known Nashville at-, CONTINUED T BACK ' Annual Meeting Tuscarora Council Goldsboro Dec. 6 The annual meeting for Tuscaro ra Council will be held at the Hotel Goldsboro on Wednesday, Decem ber 6, 1950, announced William P. Kemp, Council President This is to be a dinner meeting starting at T P. M. All Scouters and their wives and interested parents of Scouts, and Cubs are invited to attend this meeting. Chancellor R. B. House of UNC will be speaker of the ev-? ening. Arrangement Committee ts composed of Powell Bland, Dr. , Howard Baucom, C. L. Derr, Evan ' Hendrickson, and Frank Great house. Mr. Derr is in charge of ticket sales and all reservations for , the dinner should be made through him. The deadline is December 1. Assurance has been given that W. A, Dobson, Regional Scout Exe cutive; Herbert Stuckey, Deputy Regional Executive; and W. D. Campbell, Sectional Chairman, will attend the meeting. At this meeting new Council Officers for 1951 will be elected. A number of awards are also to be made for outstanding services to Scouting. This promises to be an outstanding meeting and one that merits the attendance of everyone . interested in the boyhood of the Tuscarora Council.